Forever Yours!

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Arjun pov 

I was sitting and waiting for my fiancee . And then my little enchantress  made an entry looking breathtaking gorgeous , taking me heart again with her smile . Her eyes met mine and I was looking her so intensely she lowered her eyes .. I was feeling butterflies in my stomach after seeing her . 

I'm the luckiest Man in this entire universe that I got a girl like her . She will be mine soon . She sat beside me she was looking towards and i was still gawking her . She's my goddess .  

We did some rituals and entire time my gaze was only fixed at her 

Our cousins and friends performed on some peppy songs , I and pooja enjoyed so much . Then suddenly anchor made an announcement 

" Ladies and gentleman now our very own bride is going to perform for her to be husband " I felt the entire zoo in my stomach and i blushed like hell 

She performed on some hindi songs , she dance so well . She's more than perfect for sure , she's good at everything . There's nothing that she can't do . She is so elegant , i just can't take my eyes off from her for even a second . And then her performance ended 

" I guess groom can't take his eyes off from his to be wife " anchor giggled making me and pooja turn red 

Our cousins forced us to perform on some romantic song , I was feeling so shy to be honest . Moreover today she's looking more divine , she can kill me with her smile only . She slipped her hand on my shoulder and my hands were wrapped around her waist . We both were just lost in each other's eyes . I just can't see anything except her eyes , the most beautiful pair of eyes I have ever seen which i would love to drown . Her smile , i can kill myself for that smile . My reverie was broken my everyone's applause 

" She'll be my only first and last love " i thought while looking at her 

   I am ecstatic everything seems to be unrealistic but i was loving all this . I am glad that i am going to marry a girl whom i have started loving and adoring . She is the most beautiful girl i have ever seen and there is saying too when you are in love with someone that person looks more beautiful from your eyes and in my eyes pooja is my  goddess . 

Finally me and pooja got some time to interact 

" I love you " , i whispered caressing her cheek 

" I love you more  " , she said too and kissed on my right cheek 

" Then I love you the most " i said like a child and she giggled 

I thought to take off her sandals , i bent down i touched her feet suddenly she flinched 

" Arjun , you shouldn't touch my feet . It's bad " 

" Pooja you're my goddess , and we touch the feet of god and goddesses right " . I took off her sandals her feet must be paining . 

" You always make me speechless Arjun " she said while caressing my face 

" You know i can't wait to you be my wifey " , i confessed and she blushed 

" Even I can't wait to you be my husband " 

" Everything seems to be unrealistic like a kdrama or maybe a romantic novel like hate to love story right " , she said and put her head on my chest and this is the best feeling ever , when someone you love do this 

" Pooja my mom was saying that we can't met until our marriage now " , i said and she smiled 

" Yeah i know its a ritual " , she said and i make a pout and she kissed it 

" But how will i live without seeing my girlfriend " , i said and she laughed 

" I am your girlfriend ? Seriously Arjun we have confessed yesterday only " , she said smiling cheekily 

" So it doesn't make any sense till we are not married , you are my gf only " , i said while making a puppy face . The great Business tycoon behaves like a kid in front of his favorite woman 

" You sound so cringe right now " , she giggled and i chuckled 

I was mesmerized to see her laughing  . i kissed her until we both were breathless 

" You are crazy " she said and i grinned 

" I am crazy for you " , i whispered and she giggled 

" You are so cheesyyy " , she laughed 

" I am cheesy for you " i said and we both laughed 

" I'm everything for you Miss . Which shade you want to see of Arjun singhania " i winked at her  and she hit me with a pillow . We laughed our heart out . 


Haldi ceremony 

Arjun and Pooja were really desperate to see each other but the problem was that their parents have restricted them to meet .. But arjun asked pooja to send her pictures and arjun was again smitten to see her in her outfit she looked gorgeous in yellow ...even pooja was also drooling over her hot husband who looked more hot in his yellow outfit .. 

" You looked gorgeous today " , said arjun and pooja smiled faintly 

" You know arjun you are like my fairytale prince like i have never dreamed of a prince but after meeting you i felt like you are the prince " ,pooja confessed and arjun smiled cheekily 

" So that means i am better than the guys who exist in kdrama's and books right " , said arjun with a smirk and pooja laughed 

" Maybe you are but not better than them " she said and i laughed hard he frowned 

" I am waiting impatiently to have you as my wife " , said arjun 

" What is love according to you ? " she asked 

" Sometimes love is different like gazing the  moon and sometimes it is like counting the stars . But in both the cases I love you " i said 

" I didn't knew you are a poet also " she said while laughing 

" If I'm poet then you're my poetry " I said and i could see on the video call she was blushing really hard . 

" By the way its not an arrange marriage anymore i guess " , said pooja .  

" Yep its arranged  to love marriage " said arjun  

" Yeah its arranged in love " , said pooja smiling widely 

Mehendi ceremony was also done and poojun craved to see each other and they did saw each other and they were ecstatic to see each other ..



Pooja pov 

Finally the day has come now ,  i will be his forever  today  . I felt really different today  i have so many memories from every corner of my house . My father got emotional too at least now he is loving me i had always craved for his love from childhood but i am glad that he is also emotional today . 

.. Now i will be in a totally different house , i will live with different people and i will make different memories and i will try my best to make good ones .. 

Finally i will be someone's wife and i don't know whether i will be a good wife or not but at least i could try to be the best one ...

I was going through whirlpool of emotions suddenly a tears escaped from my eyes while wearing earing my mother noticed that and she asked everyone to go outside of the room .

 She sat in front of me and cupped my face 

" I know baby a lot of emotions are going through inside you right a lot of confusions ", she said with a warm smile and this time more tears cascaded from my eyes . 

" Mumma i don't even know that whether i will be a good wife or not and I'll be in a different house from now onwards  " , i said and she smiled 

" Baby its your choice to be good wife ,  if you will be understanding , caring and compassionate with your husband and with your in laws then definitely you will be a good wife ", my mother said while caressing my hair 

" And what happen if me and arjun got in a fight " , i asked and again she smiled 

" See you have to solve your problems by yourself only ,  if he will be stubborn then you have to be understanding ,  if you are angry then  he has to be calm , that's how a relationship works you both have to understanding .. And i know you will be a great wife at least better than me " , my mother said and tears brimmed from her eyes i hugged her affectionately . I still can't forgive them for this business proposal but I guess unknowingly I met the right guy . Arjun is perfect 

" It hurts that your marriage is a business deal and we didn't even asked a single time that whether  you want this marriage or not  we just forced you in this marriage for our profit " , she said a few tears escaped from her eyes i wiped them off 

" I was hurt  at first but Maa ,  arjun is a really nice he treats me really well. He is really understanding , he is a gentleman and i love him " , i confessed and she looked at me with surprise 

" When did this happen ? " , my mother asked with shock 

" Uhh it just happened we both wanted it to happen and it did . Now help me to fix my makeup " , i said giggling and she smiled 

" I am happy for you now that you are marrying someone you loved now " , she said and i hugged her . No one can love me as much Arjun does , he always made me fall hard for him 

Arjun pov 

I inhaled a sharp breath ,  lying on my bed my hairs were messy and i was half naked  but a smile was crept on my face " Now i will be hers and she will be mine , and i know i will be a good husband and she is already more than  perfect ... Finally . 

She must be really stressed out today every girl she will miss everything when she will come in our house but i will not let her to feel sad i will make her so happy that she will not miss anyone my reverie was broken by my friend . 

" Arjun i know you are lost in the thoughts of your first night i know that " , he said laughing and i i throw a pillow on him 

" No i am not lost in the thoughts of our first night , i am just lost in your bhabhi's thought " , i said absent mindedly and my father entered inside my room . 

" Ahem Ahem sir you have to get ready for your marriage you can't go like this " , my father said laughing and i was embarrassed 

" Uncle ji he was lost in someone's thoughts " , my friend said while laughing  and i threw a pillow on him , then he was called by maa 

" So beta you are getting married now there will be a lot of responsibilities on you from now and now your time is not only yours , you have to give time to your wife too ", he said with a smile i could see his glassy eyes 

" Dad you are a great husband how can i be like you " , i asked and he smiled 

" Its easy just be understanding and always support her in all decisions , always stood by her , always love her , always behave like a gentleman and always say i love you to her everyday . " , he said and i smiled 

" What happen if she got angry with me and we got in some fight " , i asked 

" Just say sorry it doesn't matter if its your fault or hers and never let ego come in your relationship ... And always give your best , and don't forget to gift her something . And yeah never forget dates . It can be really dangerous for you " , he said and i chuckled 

My father embrace me " I know you'll be the best husband beta , you lover her very much . "

" I will be the best husband , I promise I will never let her feel unloved or anything else . I will keep her the happiest , I love her " i said and he passed a smile . 

" Now get ready fast " , he said left 

" I will never let her cry because of me " i whispered 

" She cried enough before meeting me , now she won't even shed a tear " i mumbled to myself . . 


Arjun's pov 

I was already at the venue , i was greeting guests . Then my bride made a grand  entry

 She was looking like a goddess descended for me from heaven  she was looking perfect. Perfect was so understatement to define how much divine she was looking . She looked so gorgeous that my eyes were fixed at her only . I even lost my balanced while ogling her , With passing second when she was coming near my heartbeats were increasing . Then she came and stood beside me , her eyes met mine and  I'm again lost in her majestic eyes . My heart was in my throat .

 Arjun  felt so lucky to have her in his  life  her whereas pooja was lost in her groom who definitely looked like a prince charming and now she wanted to say he is better than the guys existed in books or kdramas .

 By the passing second their heart beats were increasing their hearts were pondering inside their chest wildly ..

 Now they were facing each other and both put garland around their neck .. They shared a deep eyelock and arjun kissed her forehead softly  that  kiss was full of love and compassion ...All rituals were done and now they were officially husband and wife 

" I love you so much " , he whispered

" I love you more " , she said 

" Ofc not more than me "

Arjun cried in happiness everyone were astonished to see a groom crying for the first time but Arjun was feeling so happy that he couldn't control himself . 

" I would love to have everyone's attention " , said arjun 

" So i met her for the first time we got in some argument and i thought that she is really egoistic but then i was shocked to know she was the same girl with whom i am going to get marry i was shocked plus happy at that time because i already felt some attraction with her at that time .

 I started spending time with her and day by day i fell for her even more harder as she is so nice and i just can't believe a person like her is my wife now i got emotional ... I love you pooja " , he said and everyone got melted by hearing this confession even pooja cried in happiness 

" I was the one who confessed first because he is literally the guy that every girl wants in their life . he is handsome , honest , caring , understanding and soo much ... Maybe i am not good at expressing emotions but arjun you stole my words i should say that i am luckiest person to have you in my life .. It was an arrange marriage though but now its a love marriage and i am glad that i am marrying to the person i love and i will always love , you are my true love arjun ... And I love you the most  " , said pooja and they both hugged even their parents were emotional to see this .


Pooja pov 

I was sitting on the bed a lot of questions going inside my head right now like today is our first night and i have never done that before ... I inhaled a sharp breath and arjun entered inside he also looked nervous .. He sit beside me and held my hand i literally got goosebumps .. He kissed me gently it was a really gentle kiss . 

" Whenever you are ready for this we will do that ", he said and kissed my forehead i just can't express how i was feeling right now he is the best for sure 

" Thank you arjun for understanding me " , i whispered and he put his finger on my lips 

" Shhh you are my wife and before doing all this your consent really matters a lot " , he said and i smashed my lips on his 

" I am falling for you more harder day by day " , i said while connecting my forehead with his and we slept peacefully in each others arm

" Pooja I'll love you till my last breath "  whispered arjun " Same arjun" 

After 50 years 

I looked at the most beautiful women beside me , My wife . She is still the prettiest , with these wrinkles on her face . These wrinkles and white hair  are the proof of our lovely 50 years together as a couple . 

" Happy golden jubilee love " i said looking directly in her eyes which are still beautiful like they were 50 years ago . 

" Same to you " she said with a smile , she is still my little enchantress . She gifted me a diamond ring and a diamond bracelet and i gifted her a diamond necklace 

" Can I ? " she nodd 

And I made her wear that necklace which looked the prettiest around her neck . She has some superpowers she can make any ordinary thing special just by wearing this 

" I can't believe 50 years have been passed and we have the cutest family ever ." she said and she got emotional 

" Yes time passed so soon , but you're still gorgeous . You didn't even aged a bit , I look so old when i stand beside you " i said and she laughed 

" Pleaseee , don't lie ok . You're still the most handsome guy ever . Do you know your grand daughter was so surprised to see your early 30s picture .

" Of course Many girls drooled over me at that time but I gave me heart to you " i said with a wink and she blushed 

" We are not newly wedded couple that you are blushing like this " he laughed 

She kept her head on my chest and that's the best feeling . We overcome so many hurdles together . We fought , we laughed , we cried , we have done everything together . And in all this time we were beside each other . 

Then later on  we celebrated our 50th anniversary and our cute grandchildren performed on many songs making us emotional for sure .. We are blessed 

They even played our wedding video , we both we emotional after seeing that 

" Dada ji was so romantic in his time " said Ayaan 

" What do you mean by that , I was romantic . C'mon bro I'm still romantic " i said with a laugh and everyone laughed 

" You both are such an elegant couple " said our daughter 

" yes we are " said pooja with a smile and i smiled looking at her . I still look her the way that my world would crumble if i take off my eyes from her 

After the party I saw my little enchantress gazing the moon and moon light falling on her face making her more exquisite . 

" Do you remember you said once like love is different like gazing the moon and counting the stars and you love me in both the cases " she asked and i instantly remembered that 

" Sometimes love is different like gazing the moon means that love can be sometimes easier like you can sit on a same position and gaze the moon entire night  and sometimes it is  difficult like   counting all the stars in the sky  . But in both the cases I love you  " i said with a smile and she rested her head on my shoulder 

" Even I love you in both the cases Arjun " 

" I wish I could have some super powers to froze the time " i said with a smile 

" Shall we ? " I put on some old songs of our time and she smiled 

We danced like there is no tomorrow , at last we both were tired 

" I have become old now , I don't have much stamina " she said while laughing 

" Yeah , you're right , But I have still more stamina than you . " i said and she hit me playfully 

" Pooja , please never leave me alone . Without you i can't even live a minute " i said 

" I won't , and if I die .. I will come back to take you with me " she said with a smile 

" And Yeah take your medicine , you old woman with low stamina " i said while handing her medicines 

" You better keep you filthy mouth shut " She glared me and i controlled my laugh . She looked like puffer fish when she got angry . I kissed her forehead 

" She is my little enchantress "  i mumbled 


We even went on a trip , Where she saw a old man was bringing flowers to his late wife's  grave 

" Will you also miss me like this , when i will die " she asked 

" Don't expect me to miss you , if you'll die. I'll come next day to you " i said 

" Promise me you won't do like this " she said and i have to agree as she is my lady and i have to listen her but not this thing 

" I can't promise this one " she whined but i can't 


After 2 years 

She is no more , she died 1 week ago . Everything felt so empty without her , I miss her smile , her laugh everything . I felt a part of me has died , i cried day and night . I missed everything , I just kept seeing her pictures . Now she was a memory . I wasn't even taking a proper diet even , because i had lost my appetite to eat  anything .  I drown in a deep slumber 

I closed my eyes and felt something soft beneath my feet , I was at that place which used to be our favorite . Where we used to come often . It was still really beautiful 

And then i saw her coming towards me , i could see the young pooja again . She looked like an angel . Is it a dream or reality 

" I'm here to take you with me and its not a dream . I missed you so much in this week " she said with her enchanting smile and i slipped my hand in hers 

" Lets go together again "  i passed a smile 

" Pooja I kept my promise , I loved you till my last breath " i said 

" Yes you did Arjun , I love you the most " she smiled . And she kept her promise and took me with her again forever ..

How was the update guys literally the longest chapter i have written till now 

So i guess this was the last chapter of the book soon . I hope you enjoyed this small book . 

Damnnn 4111 wordssss 

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