Night talks !!

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In singhania Mansion,

Arjun pov 

So finally I  met Pooja today , she was beautiful , intelligent and witty too . She is not that bad i guess i mean i  could live my entire life with her i guess she is good for mee . As i entered in my house my parents bombed so many questions on me i chuckled 

" How is she ?" , asked maa

" Do you like her?" , asked paapa

" Is she polite to you ?" , asked maa

" Were you polite to her ?", asked papa 

And i burst into pearls of laughter and my parents looked at me with shock because it is very rare when i laugh my heart out 

" she is amazing girl and i am ready for this marriage " , i said and my parents were overwhelmed by the fact they were surprised too because i agreed easily . If they are happy to see my get marrying to her ok I'll marry her 

" You are a very good son  " , said maa and i hugged me but then reality hit me hard  because  i said yess to this marriage because of business deal and smile on my face disappeared 

" We will tomorrow visit their house and fixed your marriage with pooja " , said papa and i hugged both of them 


In Malhotra Mansion , 

Pooja pov 

' Arjun Singhania ' a great business tycoon is now going to be my husband i sighed . He is not bad i mean he is cute also and deviously handsome . I entered in my house  maa and papa come towards me

" Soo Pooja tomorrow your in laws are coming and we are going to fix your marriage " , said papa with a smile because finally he got arjun as his son in law 

" Pooja do you like arjun " , asked maa

" Yess he is nice " , i said with a smile 

" That's great , i know my choice can never be wrong  " , said papa with proud 

i came inside my room and scanned it i have so many good memories with this room , i touched my belongings and smiled . I will miss this room 

" Pooja ", said my mother while entering inside my room 

" Yeah mom " , i said 

" Tomorrow aashtha is coming and she will help you in shopping " , said mom 

" Whatt aashthaa is coming " i exclaimed with excitement 

" Do you liked arjun?  say truth pooja ?" , asked maa 

" Maa a single meet can not decide that how is he but yeah he is a gentleman " , i said and mother smiled 

" Are you happy for this marriage ?" asked maa and i nod positively but with half heart 

" Ok take rest " , said maa and left 

At 12:00

i was sleeping suddenly my phone rang aloud i woked up with thud i rubbed my eyes and thought who will be calling at this time ? i took my phone and unknown no. was written i answered it 

" Hello who is speaking ?" , i asked while yawning 

" Its me arjun " , said arjun and i was shockedd now why the hell he is calling me at this time . 

" What happen arjun ? is everything is fine ?" , i asked out of concern 

" yeah yeah everything is fine i hope i didn't disturbed your sleep " , he said but he has already disturbed my sleep 

" No no not at all " , i said unknowingly a smile spread across my lips 

" Uhm I don't but how to say this , I have actually said yes to this marriage proposal . I don't know what will be your answer but I'm curious " he said and i don't know why my heart skipped a beat because how could i answer this like obviously i have to say yes but I don't know why i felt a tinge of shyness 

" Arjun I'll say yes only because its not in my hand " , i said and there was now an awkward silence 

" Okk umm pooja are you nervous ? i mean we are going to marry soon " , he said i chuckled at his cuteness he is such a big business tycoon still doesn't know how to change topic 

" Even i am also feeling the same arjun " , i said genuinely 

We talked for 1 hour and we talked about our likes and dislikes and one thing i have noticed is that he is really opposite to me 

" So should i hang up the call " , he asked 

" yeah " , i said while yawing and he chuckled 

" Pooja lets spend time together like , i want to know you better " he said and i agreed 

He hunged up the call , i lay my head on my pillow and a smile was plastered on my face , he is cute though . He is trying to initiate the things i guess i should also do some efforts for him . 

I don't know why I had sudden urge to google him because i never googled him before , I saw his pictures no doubt he is really hot . He is 6'2 i guess and has broad chest , black hair , heart shaped lips , perfect nose . Everything is so perfect about him seriously . 

I have seen these guys in books i never expected this type of guy in real life . But I'm not worthy for him i guess because he is just too perfect and I'm just an average girl . He must like those girls who have good dressing sense and all who maintained themselves and who just show off their richness . I'm not his type i guess 


how was the chapter guys 

next update after 11 votes 

precap- marriage fixed 

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