Ch:1 [First Day Of College]

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“Class, we have a new student today.” the teacher announced while everyone went silent and looked at the door.

“Please come,” the teacher asked that new student to come in. And in the next second someone entered snatching everyone's breath. Every boy's screamed and hooted while some girls cheered and only one in the class rolled her eyes.

“Please introduce yourself Ms.” the teacher requested.

Yn's Pov

As soon as the teacher asked me to introduce myself I greeted everyone.
“Hello, I am Yook Yn.” I bowed and everyone clapped. While the teacher laughed awkwardly at my very very short intro.

“Ok so Ms. Yn please go and sit on any of the seats.” teacher said and I bowed to him then went to a window side seat and sat there.

But everyone gasped while looking at me.  I looked at everyone trying to read their expression but failed miserably. Then I shurrged that awkward feelings.

The teacher didn't pay much attention to these and started the class. After some minutes the door flung open revealing a boy with his messy hair.

“You're 15 minutes late Mr. Jeon Jungkook ” teacher said sternly but he didn't give any damn about it and went towards his seat. But then he halted in front of that bench where I was sitting. He rolled his eyes.

“That's my seat” He asked very rudely. Everyone in the class looked at us as if they were waiting only for this.

Everyone knows who is Jungkook. Everyone says that he is the bad boy of the college. Well, your author is not totally sure about it. But he sternly said no one is allowed to sit in his seat.

Even though he is a bad boy he is hot AF. Every girl in this college drool over him. They don't think about age gaps. Even some female teachers also drool over him.

But wait does he enjoy those things? Well a big NO. And that's why he never wants any girl to sit near his seat. So he took a whole damn seat only for him. And no one is allowed to sit there even if it is a boy.

“I-I am so sorry. I didn't know about seat arrangements and no one told me either. Sorry.” I said to him cause I don't wanna create any trouble on my first day. Then I took my belongings and went to the backbenches as I was sitting in the middle row before.

Jungkook plopped his bag there and then sat there while plugging headphones. He put his head on the bench while facing the window.

“Everyone's attention here. The drama ended.” the teacher said and again started teaching. While I was struggling to see the board as my eyesight was not so well ❤️‍🩹.

I took out my spectacle and put it. Every boy looked at me from time to time, I felt very awkward. Was I looking like a fool on those spectacle? Or was I looking soo cute that they can't remove their eyes from me? Well, I don't know.

I am a silent & introvert girl who doesn't talk with strangers if it's not needed. And here after the end of the class, every boy ran towards me and bombarded me with questions.

The questions.....

“Why did you take admission last year?”

“Which university did you read before?”

“Do you have a boyfriend?”

“What is your Instagram account?”

etc............... etc..........

“Don't any of you have work to do? If yes then go and if not then also go. I don't like bees near my ears. It sucks.” Jungkook shouted and everyone went to their respective seat. Then he again laid his head on the bed.

And like this first day of the university went not so well but good.

Then I came home and went towards my room to freshen up. After some time another person entered the house while I was coming downstairs to make dinner.

“Thank you so much Jungkook for your help today,” I said to him. But in return, he just rolled his eyes and replied in a cold tone “Don't think so high of yourself. I just said cause they were disturbing my sleep. If you were on the other side I would never even think about that”

“Still thanks.” I got hurt but still smiled a little and went to make dinner.

Time skips to dinner time...

I completed making dinner and saw Jungkook was going outside again.

“Jungkook dinner is ready.” I called him but in return she just got hatred.

“I'd rather die than eat those rubbish things. Gross.” He said and unlocked the door.

“But I made it also for you.” I said in calm voice. “Then throw it away.” he went outside. I didn't cry to surprise everyone I smiled, yeah I smiled. Not a weak one but a beautiful one, I guess.

No one knows how many sad and emotional stories are hidden behind this beautiful and nostalgic smile. No one knows how much I was controlling, how much I was surviving just to reply to the whole world that I CAN DO IT. I CAN LIVE. AFTER ALL THOSE THINGS I CAN LIVE MY LIFE. But I don't know what will happen if those things blust one day? I don't know if it would destroy me or I will destroy everything. But one thing for sure the consequences will be not so good.

Then I looked at those foods thinking what to do. As I already lost my appetite. So I packed all those foods and went out of the house.

I went to her most calming place handing those foods to an old lady I went towards those flowers who waited for me every day.

As soon as they saw me they jumped on my lap. I embraced them. It's the most beautiful feeling.

“Noona/Unnie you came. We thought you were not going to come today.” they all said together. They are not my family by blood but the way they welcome me it feels that they are my only family.

“Sorry babies forgive me,” I said and smiled towards them and it was not a painful smile it was a true one. I feel happy whenever I come here and spent hours with those kids who had no parents.

I fed them with my own hand and made them sleep. I kissed each of the kids' foreheads. “You know what you're most happiest person in the world. I know you don't have parents. But believe me, it's better to live like this than having parents.”

It's not a true line but no one can't understand the depth of those words. No one can understand how much I survived that those words came from my mouth.

I wiped my tears which only flow when I am alone. I don't know if my suffering will end one day or not. Suddenly I flinched when someone put a hand on my shoulder.

“Dear, it's late at night. Let me drop you.” An old man at the age of 65-70 said these.

“No no, I can go. You please don't stress out,” I quickly replied.

“Yn...I know that I and your granny are not your family by blood but we are family by heart. So how can I send my granddaughter like this at late night?” the old man said while stroking my hair.

“No, no grandpa don't say like that. You know everything right? And you and Granny are the only people I have as my real family. OK, let's go. Drop me at home.” I smiled and grandpa smiled back and walked me to home.

As soon as I entered the living room I met with furious eyes. “Where were you?” Jungkook asked in his dangerous cold voice.

“Out for walking,” I replied. “With an old man?” Jungkook's voice went too much cold.

“Umm...yeah. He is my grandpa,” she replied.

“For God's sake, Yn don't go out without informing. What if my parents asked me?” He requested me with hatred.

“No no, see you don't need to take stress. Just don't find me if I go out. I will surely come back.” I replied with a warm smile but soon it faded away after hearing his next word.

“Yeah I would love that but you know what my parents imposed a burden on me and told me that it's your responsibility. Then what can I do?” He said more like asked.

“If you knew it was a burden then why did you accept it?” I didn't argue but said in a very very calm voice while chuckling sadly.

“Unfortunately there was no way. Otherwise, I will never...” Before completing his words I said “ Good night Jungkook and am so sorry... this won't happen again.” as I don't wanna get insulted at least today, with that I went towards my room.

Jungkook's Pov

I literally shouted at her how come she can be this calm? Well, none of my business. I shrugged my shoulder and went towards my room.

What is the truth of Yn's life?

What is the relationship between them and Jungkook?

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