Ch:5 [Nightmare Trauma]

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Yn's Pov

Sunlight hit my face as I woke up from the sleep.

“Good morning world.” I said to myself and went to the bathroom and did my daily routine.

Time skips, I just finished making breakfast and lunch for Jungkook and he came downstairs.

“Jungkook you dressed up differently? I am sorry for invading your privacy. Sorry, you don't need to tell.” I apologize as soon as I remembered his words that I can't invade his privacy.

“Well even if you didn't ask then also I was going to say that don't make food for me today night. I am going to party with my hyungs. So I will be late.” Surprisingly he said to me.

“Oh then don't drive after drinking.  And be safe. Okay now bye.” I went out of the house after saying this.

Jungkook's Pov

Why do you care about me this much? Why do you make me feel that I am doing sin by distancing you? Please don't care about me. Don't make me weak.

I thought in mind then went behind her. I never get the reason why she care about me this much where I never show affection towards her. Always hurt her feelings. But... She is different.

Time skips to night...

Yn's Pov

I lay on the bed and tried to sleep.

“No Yn Jungkook is not at home today. Just sleep in the room.” I was trying to keep my mind calm by saying this.

After some time I fell asleep.

“No no. Please let me go. I won't do it again. Please let me go I beg you please.” I was screaming suddenly I shot opened her eyes and started breathing heavily. Sweat formed in her forehead. Again that nightmare. I think I would never get peaceful sleep in my entire life.

I ran out of the room and went to poolside. There sitting on a chair I started thinking about my fate and while thinking I fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Jungkook just came back from the party. He drank but it's too little that he didn't get drunk even a little bit.

While entering the room something caught his eye. Someone was sitting on the pool chair.

Jungkook's Pov

In my 18 years of life, this never happened. I can't see any ghosts. I am not drunk. God I am going to turn 19 in some days. What will people think about me? No way I have to see who it is? Thinking that I started walking towards the pool slowly.

When I reached there I frowned.
Why she is sleeping here? Am I this much drunk? No way.

I sat beside her but seeing her peaceful sleeping face I didn't dare to wake her up. Maybe I  also fell asleep beside her.

“No no please please I won't do it again please let me go. Please ...”

I suddenly woke up hearing a scream. And yeah Yn was screaming.

“Yn..Yn wake up wake up. It's just a dream. Nothing happened. Wake up.” I said while shaking her trembling figure.

“J-Jungkook...” She hugged me tightly while trembling badly. I hugged her back. At this moment I both forget about our rules and regulations and everything.

“Shhh... Nothing happened. No one will harm you. Never. Calm down.” I stroked your hair gently, tried to calm her down and she slept while hugging me like that. Such a baby.

“Do you have a terrible past? Am I missing something?” I thought while stroking her hair. I didn't move her from me and let her stay like this.

Yn's Pov

In the morning I woke up and saw myself in Jungkook's embrace. I quickly get up. I don't know how I got there and how he came here. But suddenly I remembered. And during this process, Jungkook woke up.

“Are you alright?” Jungkook asked me with concern.

“It's nothing Jungkook. You don't have to worry. Go fresh up I will make breakfast.” I ran from there after notifying him. He sat there dumbfounded. Then slowly he went to the room.

Time skips...

Jungkook came downstairs and sat on the dining table. He saw the hangover soup.

“Thanks.” He uttered.

“For what?” I smiled while asking.

“This soup. I was really having a bad headache.” He said and started digging in.

After breakfast, ee both got ready to go to college.

“Let's go I will drop you.” First time he offered. But my bad I can't go with him.

“Have you gone mad Jungkook? The day when you set the bench for me the girls were already killing me with their eyes and now if I go with you then they will rip me off. So I am better like this. Drive safely bye.” I said and went out.

Jungkook's Pov

I stared at her until she completely vanished from my eyesight.

“Aren't you the top billionaire's daughter? Then how? How are you adjusting like this? I am doing nothing wrong right? I won't regret it later right?” I was blabbering myself.

Time skips at college...

As soon as I entered the college I saw a boy approaching her. I stood there to see everything.

Yn's Pov

“Y-Yn...” I turned around as soon as I heard someone is calling my name.

“Yeah, you want something?” I asked politely.

“Ummm... yeah. Actually, after so many days, I got the courage to tell this. So please don't say anything harshly 'cause it's my first time.” He explained.

“Huh!?” I frowned.

“Yn I like you. It doesn't matter from which status you belong, poor or rich I will love you unconditionally.” He said in one go while closing his eyes tightly.

After getting no response he opened his eyes and saw me smiling. So he also smiled.

“I appreciate your thoughts. Thank you so much for liking me. Don't get offended but I am already someone else's. Hope you understood.” I said with a smile on her face.

“You're taken?” He said in a very low voice.

“Yes. Don't be sad. Believe me, you will get a better person than me. If you want you can be my friend but... I am sorry. I am not a good person.” I said.

“Okay, we can be friends. Then slowly we will be best friends. But hey you're good. You're polite to everyone.” He said while giving me a cute smile.

“Thank you so much for thinking about me like that. Otherwise, everyone thinks of me as a burden who just spoils their life.” I said with a lot of emotion. And didn't notice that I uttered those words which were buried in me for a long time.

An pov: On the other hand, Jungkook was listening to everything. When Yn rejected that boy he felt a relief don't know why but he felt it. But when she said that “Burden” word he felt a pang in his heart. Maybe somewhere he is also the reason behind those words.

“Who thinks like that?” The boy asked. Just then Jungkook and Yn came out of their thinking world.

Yn's Pov

“Huh!? Oh that I assumed. Leave it. Let's go to our class.” I said and both started walking and the boy wasn't satisfied with the answer but didn't force me.

“By the way I am Riv.” He said his name. And like this, we chit-chatted till the class.

An's POV:

Jungkook came to the classroom a little late but saw that Riv was sitting with Yn. His blood boiled for an unknown reason.

He came towards the bench.

“You forget that no boy is allowed to sit here?” Jungkook asked him furiously.

“I allowed him to sit here.” She said to him.

“Do you think of me as a bench setter? I set it only for you. Not for him. So if you want to sit with him. Then allow everyone to sit on this bench.” He told her.

She turned to Riv “I am so sorry Riv. But can you...?” She asked and before completing her words he answered “It's okay Ynaaah. You don't have to be. I understand. We will talk later” Then he went to another place.

Then Jungkook also went to his bench which was before her. She looked at him till he laid his head on the bench. Then she took out a book and started reading.

Time skips at night...

Jungkook was laying on the bed but didn't get any sleep. Suddenly he heard footsteps. For one moment he got scared thinking about thief but suddenly remembered that it could be Yn. To confirm he went out of the room. And saw that Yn was going terece.

He went behind her and then sat beside her.

“You don't wanna sleep?” Jungkook asked her.

“Umm... I will sleep a little later.” She answered.

“Why?” He asked.

“I ...”

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