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Name: Arabella/ Amon
Nicknames: Arie, Bell, Bella, Bells, Ara, Ella
Age: looks about 18-20 years old
Gender: Multigender
Pronouns: Her/She/Him/He/Them/They/It
Health problems: a bit of damage to her lungs from the war
Learning disabilities: N/A

Height: 5'8
Eye color: light gray
Hair: Loosely curled, delicate silver hair
Attire: She always wears a black cloak but if she can't wear it, it's always nearby. Her hair is usually down, on rare occasions she will put it up. Her clothes half the time are dark clothes, for example dark gray and black. She tries to keep up with the modern style of clothes. Simple shirt and pants with sneakers. Or a simple black dress. The wedding rings that belonged to her husband and her are attached to a chain that goes around her neck. She always has it on, knowing that she can never find love.

Personality: Ara is known to be a gloomy creature, maybe since she dealt with death everyday since she discovered she was a banshee. Her behavior is quite calm, she's blunt at times not caring for others emotions. She has a stoic expression on her face, it's practically permanent. Ara doesn't quite understand the exchangement of feelings aka flirting, including love. She has never experienced romantic love. She knows when someone happens to be flirting with other people but not with her. She's quite observant in that way. Her eyes see the little details that most people miss. When having conversations with her, don't take it personal when she zones out. She may not be paying attention but her brain is picking up every little word. Thanks to her photographic memory, she can quote anyone. Even when she joined the war, becoming a loyalist, she remained calm and mature in the heat of battle. Everyone admired Amon.

Likes: Her family, loyalty, animals, history, talking about her experiences, Dare, coffee jelly, and various other sweets.
Dislikes: Death, having to deal with consequences of her powers, her small health problems, the sad memories of leaving her late husband, always knowing who's and when someone will die.

Backstory: Ara's backstory is quite the tale. She was born into a known noble family, she was their first child and her mother's only child. Eight years later, Arabella wandered into her parent's room, mindless. Her father awoke when a loud shrieking scream came from the side of his wife's bed. He glanced over to see his little girl screaming at her mother, predicting her death. Her mother awoke and glanced at her husband with concern. The banshee gene had indeed been passed on. Her mother rushed to teach her daughter everything but sadly she died a week later from an unknown attack. Her father kept the girl inside their home in fear she would be killed. He educated her what he knew of banshees, and being a noblewoman. Ara was well protected from then on. Two years later, her father remarried. His new wife gave him various children, three boys and two girls. Ara didn't interact with her siblings that much but they did love her. She just preferred to be alone to not risk their safety. Throughout her childhood, she would mindlessly leave the house to warn of the death of peoples' loved ones. It grew dangerous for her to be out. One night, she met a female named Dare. The two grew close, becoming friends. Years later, they went their separate ways when Ara's father introduced her to a respectful figure. She was forced to marry this man. At the time, Ara was 18. Her husband and her grew closer in their marriage, becoming good friends. She grew to love him as a friend but never fell in love with him. Yet, he adored her, Arabella had meant everything to him. Her husband didn't know of Ara's feelings towards the war happening at the time. He was still debating on what to choose when she faked her death. Angered at this since he thought the Loyalists killed his wife, he became a patriot to seek revenge. Ara didn't know this as she changed her appearance to look like a man and joined the Tories. She believed in their cause. Though two months passed by when the female realized that her stomach was slowly getting round. Not wanting to be figured out, Ara contacted her friend Dare, she sought her friend's help and with that, she hid to have her children in secret. She left them to be raised by Dare for three years, always coming around to visit them, continuing to fight in the war but she was dismissed after three years had passed for a health condition. Damage to her lungs. During battles, Commander Amon constantly had to catch her breath. They dismissed her in fear of Amon getting various soldiers killed. She returned to Dare and her children, keeping them safe and still supporting the war from afar. After many years passed, she faked her death once more and left Dare to roam around the world with her children, eventually settling down in the new colonies once more. Not before going to look for signs of her husband, though what she found had destroyed her. The fact that he had died in the war because of her, crushed Arabella. She took the only thing she could find. His wedding ring. With that, she fled from their old home. Of course, to the outside world, they thought Arabella was a man but inside her home, she was a woman. Years continued to pass and to this day, anywhere that Arabella is, her children are not far behind her. Arabella isn't one to be found, she's the one that finds you. She still seeks vengeance for her husband, her best friend. Vengeance won't be achieved until the day she dies.

Scars: Small scars litter her abdomen and her back from her fighting days
Piercings: N/A
Weapons: ancient dual daggers,
Skills: Knows hand to hand combat, can catch things that are not noticeable to others, sharp eyesight, and knows how to get out of dangerous situations
Strength: 10/10
Pain tolerance: 9/10
Agility: 10/10
Mentality stability: 6/10

About/Her powers: Arabella has lived for quite a long time and during these times, she learned everything she could about banshees. She gained all the possible abilities a banshee could learn.

Divination: It is an ability to gain insight on an event or situation in the past, present, and/or future by using a variety of practices. This is a power that only Banshees seem to possess, as their powers are psychic in nature. Banshees are often mistaken for and compared to psychics, due in part to their ability to use various forms of divination as a tool to gain information about the death and danger they are foretelling. A banshee's power of premonition can advance to the point where they can astral project themselves into their visual premonitions, allowing them to pause and examine the details of the vision as well as interact within it.

The forms of divination used by Banshees include:

Sound Divination: Using their power of clairaudience, some Banshees can divine for information by using sound vibrations to trigger their ability to perceive supernatural energy.

Psychometry: Some Banshees have the ability to discern information about a person's death by making physical contact with a person or with an object belonging to the person in question.

Automatic Writing: Some Banshees are able to gain information by going into a trance-like state and freely writing or typing without conscious thought or awareness.

Harbinger Connection: All Banshees possess an almost psychic or to each other and to , who are also harbingers of death, which they can use to communicate with one another, regardless of how far away they are. However, this is an advanced Banshee power that needs to be consciously activated to use it; it is easier to utilize this ability if the harbingers in question already have an established relationship, such as being friends or allies.

Banshee Connection: The harbinger connection is used to communicate with other banshees when they can't be physically in the same place.

Hellhound Connection: At least some Banshees appear to have a similar connection with , who are also harbingers of death and who share some of the powers that Banshees have, such premonitions and being drawn to recently deceased bodies.

Banshee Scream: A Banshee's most important and valuable power is their voice, which they can use to achieve various effects when wailing or screaming. This is a power that all Banshees possess, though some of the specific aspects and applications of this power often need to be consciously learned before the Banshee can use them effectively.

Death Announcement: When a Banshee has either received a premonition that indicates that someone has died or will die shortly, or when they have just come out of a fugue state to find that they have located a recently deceased body, a Banshee will scream at the top of her voice, both as a sort of lament for the dead as well as an alert to others that a death has occurred. This is almost always an unconscious or instinctual reaction to death and not something that the Banshee can actively control.

Premonition Enhancement: A Banshee's scream can also be used to enhance their power of and by clearing out ambient noises from their ears so that they can focus only on the auditory aspects of the premonition they are receiving.

Concussive Scream: The most powerful use of a Banshee's scream or wail is as an offensive weapon, though this, too, is an advanced Banshee power that often (but not always) requires experience and training to use. When a Banshee's wail is given both focus and direction, it can produce so much power and force that it can shatter bullet proof glass, overload electronics, shatter skulls and eardrums, and even create concussive blasts strong enough to throw grown men across a room.

Supernatural Immunity: Since Banshees are humans who access the supernatural rather than fully supernatural creatures who are ruled by mystical forces, Banshees are immune to the effects of many supernatural phenomena.

Telepathy: It appears that at least some Banshees possess a form of telepathy. It is the supernatural ability to hear or see another's thoughts, essentially "reading" their minds, or to communicate by sending one thought between one person and another.

Banshee Aura: It appears that some Banshees possess the ability to imbue their environment with an aura that allows them to have unprecedented control over it as well as giving them the power to affect other non-Banshees through it.

Hallucination Induction: One aspect of a Banshee aura is the ability to cause non-Banshees (even shapeshifters such as ) to have extremely vivid visual and auditory hallucinations.

Projection: Another aspect of the Banshee aura is the ability to create apparitions.

Psychokinesis: Is the ability to move things solely with the power of the mind. A dangerous power with numerous applications, telekinesis can be used to move both living beings and inanimate objects alike, ranging from simply lifting objects off of the ground to viciously impaling people with weapons.

Supernatural Sensitivity: Banshees, as conduits of supernatural forces, can sense, seek out, and identify its energy, though how they are able to do this varies among individuals. For example, Arabella is able to sense the supernatural identities of the creatures in her vicinity, as she is able to identify every single supernatural creature near her. She is also extremely sensitive to supernatural energy.

Weaknesses: Banshees are still physically , and as a result, they share the same weakness of mortality, making them vulnerable to injury, illness, and death just as any other human. But they live for long periods of time since they're immortal. Because they possess enhanced senses of hearing, they can also be harmed by extremely loud or high-pitched noises. Banshees are also susceptible to the psychological turmoil as a result of the trauma involved with constantly being surrounded by death, whether it is having premonitions of a death or stumbling upon the body of someone who has been brutally murdered. Since the supernatural world is still a secret to the majority of humans, Banshees are typically mistaken for being mentally ill, since they can see and hear things that very few people can and often behave strangely as a result of the passive aspects of their powers; this puts them at risk of being institutionalized by family members.

Themesong: I wouldn't mind by He is We

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