Chapter 47: Tying Hands for Sex

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"Now that your honeymoon is over, how was it? Is he as handsome under all his clothes? Did he make you salivate? Did he make you scream?" Varsha asked excitedly on the phone, her voice screechy like an American blonde girl in a typical chick-flick.

"Scream in horror," Naina said bitterly, recounting the instances from five days ago where his fingers were covered in her blood. "Anyway, Maldives is great! We went to so many secluded islands and the food---"

"Wait, so you didn't have sex just because you're on your period?" Varsha's voice was dripping with barely contained disbelief, almost mocking her.

"What did you want me to do?" Naina snapped, lowering her voice immediately when she noticed Ahanay stir in the bed, his sleeping form as beautifully calm as an idol of a God. "I can't have a bloody war going down there with his sword and my wounds."

"You're in Maldives, you idiot! There's water everywhere! Periods stop in the water!"

"Oh, do they?" The realization slowly crawled upon her like a lazy caterpillar, transmogrifying her face into a vibrant butterfly with a voice that fluttered excitedly. "How stupid I was! Oh my God, we can have such amazing sex on the islands in that crystal-clear water! We can-we could- it's over . . ." Her voice fell as if she slunk back inside the cocoon. "Our honeymoon is over. We're leaving early morning because he has a deal-breaking meeting."

"What a waste." Varsha snickered. "And here I was jealous of you that you got to be in Maldives with the hottest man on earth."

"I'm still here, it's not too late." Naina cut the call in determination, her sole focus was on fucking Ahanay just so she could prove to Varsha. Slipping out of her old Hello Kitty pyjamas picked straight from Hill Road, she wore the sexiest red bikini from a luxury brand whose name would roll smoothly off her tongue, never settling there, never letting her pronounce properly. She hopped on the bed, climbing on top of poor Ahanay so her breasts were hanging like mangoes from a tree right on his handsome face.

"Wake up! Wake up! It's 2 am in the night, the perfect time to have sex on the beach right under the stars."

"What . . ." Ahanay murmured, his eyes still droopy as he seemed to look at her and smile lazily. Then he stretched one hand out and ran it in between the naked skin of her breasts, causing a shiver to titillate down her body. "My dream."

"I'm not! I'm real so you can wake up now and have sex with me."

Ahanay blinked at those words and in an instant, his sleep, his dreams, his decency flew out of his body as he sat up. "Do I have to ask you why at this hour? Because honestly, I don't care."

"Me neither." And he picked her up from the bed, throwing her over his shoulders like the clichéd simile of a sack of potatoes, except her potatoes were barely inside the sack. Naina squealed in excitement as he strode across their room and onto the porch, the cool breeze causing her nipples to harden and stretch the fabric.

"Sir, sir, what are you doing?! I know she's annoying, but she's your wife! You can't kill her!" shouted Manohar, the on-duty staff at the resort.

Placing her down, Ahanay stepped in front of her to cover her nakedness, but the fire in Manohar's eyes was hardly lust, more like spite for her. For Naina had made lewd gestures with breakfast donuts at the common dining hall which had sent the parents of two impressionable kids to report her to the staff. He couldn't fathom why such a successful and attractive man was married to this . . . this vulgar monster.

Ahanay quickly slipped his t-shirt over Naina and commanded, "You can turn now. Speak."

"It's stormy, sir. You can't swim here at this hour. The high tides can kill you."

"Cockblocker," Naina muttered under her breath, shrugging when the men shot her a curious look. Sighing, she hooked her fingers in Ahanay's jeans and said, "We'll go inside . . . Maybe, the shower . . ."

"I-I'll leave then." Manohar's cheeks flushed as he bowed down and promptly left, leaving behind angry, little footsteps on the sand.

As quick as a horse high on steroids in a race, Ahanay carried her to their room and into their bathroom while Naina clawed at his clothes that by the time they were under the shower, Ahanay was butt-naked. Heat rose in her cheeks, keeping her chin up so that she didn't dare to look down at his monstrous size. She knew that one look would make her nervous and instantly back out.

"You look so hot, Naina," he breathed, taking in her appearance in a red bikini. Hooking his finger on her strap, he slowly pushed it down, sending shivers down her spine. "You're my little demon. You're all mine, do you understand?"

"No, I don't," Naina teased, clicking her tongue and grinning.

"I'll make you understand," those words barely left his lips before he grabbed her ass, lifting her up and placing her next to the sink. In a flash, he removed her bikini top, grabbing and squeezing her breasts. Looking straight into her eyes, he took each nipple in his mouth, one by one. "These two, they are mine."

"Mmmm." She held a breath, her knuckles turning white as she gripped the sink when he sucked on her hard nipples. Slowly, he trailed kisses further down till he reached her core. He looked up once for consent and she nodded in a daze.

"Not enough. Say it. Say you want this," he said darkly, his fingers already slipping in her panties.

"I-uh . . ." She felt embarrassed to admit it, but his commanding gaze made her sputter, "I want this." That was all he needed to remove her panties, push apart her thighs, and bury his face in between. Before he could kiss her there, she quickly grabbed his hair, pulling him up. "This feeling is a lot . . ."

"And it will be more," he said dangerously, grabbing her bikini top and tying her hands with it. "I'll make you understand you're mine to take and mine to give pleasure to."

A thrill of nervous excitement ran through her body as she sat there next to the cold sink fully naked with her hands tied and legs pushed apart, a naked Ahanay in between . . .


Double update!

(Tap on the little star if you're liking the story :))

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