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25 July 2020

Hey, everyone! How are you all? I hope you're all doing great! Here's the next chapter, I hope you'll all like it! It's suitable for readers of all ages. Lol!

"The ones that love us never really leave us. You can find always find them, in here." - Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Alayna's POV

"Armaan, are you sure you're okay? You don't look okay!" I say, for the fifth time this afternoon. Me and Zayan have gone to Armaan's house, to see how he is. Aliya, Kabir Bhai and Mariyah are there, too. We're all sitting together in Armaan's room. He's lying in bed, and he looks to be in a pretty bad state.

His face is covered with bruises, there's an especially bad one on his left cheek, near his lips. His eye is bruised, too, and there's a cut above his right eyebrow.

It hurts me to see him like this, especially when I know that it was my husband who caused him to get hurt.

Talking about Zayan, he's sitting on the sofa opposite mine, trying to talk to everyone in a civilised manner. I can tell that he's still pissed at Armaan, but he's not showing it.

Armaan chuckles, and then frowns in pain. 'I'm fine, Alayna. I swear. It all just happened so suddenly, those men came from nowhere. When I started to beat them up, they ran away.' Even in a situation like this, Armaan's trying to be funny. He'll never change.

Everyone laughs, as do I. I look towards Zayan, who's sitting on the sofa, his legs crossed. He looks like he's sitting in an important meeting. I frown at him, nodding towards Armaan discreetly.

'Armaan, you should take something for the pain,' Zayan says to him a few seconds later.

Armaan shakes his head. "Thanks, man. I'm fine, though. Thanks for coming."

Zayan's lips twitch, and I throw him the dirtiest glare I can muster. I can't believe him!

He's so infuriating and annoying, but he's so hot. He looks so handsome wearing a white button-up which has the first two buttons undone, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He's paired it with black jeans and black dress shoes. The shirt clings to all his muscles, showing off everything. His forearms are fair but tanned, and they're so muscular. I can see his perfect abs through the shirt as it's fitting him like a second skin.

Those abs. I remember running my hands over them last night.

Last night was... perfect. Blissful. Intense. Passionate. Gentle. Rough. It was everything.

I take my eyes to his face, and my heart stops for a few seconds. He's so perfect. His dark brown hair is tousled, messy. His full, pink lips are pulled up into a smirk, and his dazzling, blue-brown depths are staring intensely at me.


He's staring at me intensely, as if he's undressing me with his eyes. I blush deep scarlet, biting my lip nervously. His gaze falls to my lips, and I blush harder. I have the feeling he's remembering last night, too. It was pretty unforgettable.

A few metres away, Aliya clears her throat, making me jump out of my trance. I look towards her, and she's smirking at me. I shake my head, quickly busying myself by talking to Armaan.

'So, Alayna. First you tell me. What do you want to specialise in?' Armaan asks me thoughtfully. So random!

I smile, thinking. "I haven't decided yet, Armaan. I'm interested in every part of medicine. But I'm especially interested in oncology and gynaecology. So perhaps I will specialise in one of these two fields. But before that, I have to get through my residency. It's tough, at times."

He returns the smile. 'You're an amazing doctor, Alayna. I just know it. You'll be great at whatever you choose to do.'

My heart warms up at his words. I look at Zayan, and he doesn't look very happy. I give him the smallest smile, and thankfully he returns it.

"What about you, Zayan? You're an oncologist, right? Did you always know you wanted to be a cancer doctor?" Armaan asks him, genuinely interested.

Zayan stares at him for a few seconds, before answering. 'Oncology was always one of my main interests. But I had many other interests, too. I liked neurology, and paediatrics. I found oncology the most difficult, and I chose it. I'm glad I did. Choosing to specialise in oncology has shaped me as a person. It's made me who I am today.'

A small smile plays on my lips. I'm so proud of Zayan. So, so proud of him.

Armaan nods. "You're a great doctor, Zayan. Isn't it difficult, though? I mean, you, especially, more than any other doctor, works around death everyday."

Zayan nods. 'It's difficult. I've become used to it now, because it's my job, but it's always going to be difficult. It's difficult when I have to diagnose a patient, tell them they have cancer. When I have to answer them when they ask about life expectancy. When I tell them how advanced the cancer is. When I tell them they'll most likely only have a few months or a few weeks left to live. It's not easy.'

I feel emotion rise to my eyes, and I quickly blink it away. Aliya, Mariyah, Armaan, everyone's listening intently to Zayan's every word. I'd always seen Zayan as one of the best doctors in the country, which he is. I'd always thought that everything was easy for him. But it's not. He's human, too.

He might act cold towards most people, but he has a heart that's bigger than he's trying to let on.

"Wow! I.. I don't know what to say. That's great, dude. If you could change your profession, would you?" Armaan asks him.

Zayan shakes his head straight away. 'Never. Being a doctor is who I am. I'd never change that, for anything. I love being a doctor and helping people. Even with all the ups and downs, it's who I am. It's my identity.' He looks towards me, giving me his handsome smile. It takes my breath away.

"Wow! Zayan, you're... amazing! Honestly!" Mariyah speaks from the other end of the sofa I'm sitting on. I'd almost forgot she was here.

Zayan nods at her, thanking her politely. 'Thank you, Mariyah.'

Aliya coughs, smiling at me and Zayan. "Zayan, tell us something. What do you think of Alayna as a doctor? As her mentor, do you think she's a good doctor?" She asks him, interested. My eyes widen in surprise, and I flush. Why would she randomly ask him that?!

Zayan nods right away. 'Alayna's a very good doctor, and I know that one day, she'll be among the best. Don't look at me like that Alayna, I'm not saying this because I'm your husband, but because I mean it. Every doctor and nurse at the hospital knows that you're a great doctor, who cares deeply for her patients. You always put them first, you always have their best interests at heart.'

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I could never be as good as you, Zayan. You're one of the best doctors in the country. I don't think I'd ever be as.. strong as you."

Zayan smiles softly, sending my heart racing like crazy. 'You're very strong, Alayna. You really are. Over these last few months, I've seen you handle the most difficult cases with a lot of ease. I've even seen some of the other interns come to you for help, and you handle everything like a pro.'

I grin, my cheeks heating up. "Thanks, Zayan," I say quietly.

'You guys! You're too cute sometimes! All the time, actually!' Aliya exclaims, grinning at the both of us.

I smile softly, blushing. Zayan gives her a small smile.

We sit with Aliya and Armaan for an hour or so, talking about work, life and anything and everything. I grin to myself as I see Zayan and Armaan engrossed in a conversation about football. Thankfully, they seem to be getting along.

I grab my purse and stand up. Aliya, Armaan, Mariyah and Kabir Bhai turn to me, all shaking their heads.

'No, you're not going anywhere yet Alayna! You and Zayan must have lunch with us!' Aliya says, grabbing my hand.

Zayan stands, too.

"Aliya's right. You both can't leave without having lunch with us. Zayan, you came here for the first time, you can't leave like this," Armaan says to him, sitting up straighter. He flinches with the pain.

Zayan shakes his head politely. 'Another day, Armaan. Thank you, though. I promised Alayna I'd take her shopping this afternoon.'

"You can go shopping after having lunch with us, Zayan," Kabir Bhai says to him with a smile.

So, we decide to stay for lunch. Zayan sits in Armaan's room with Armaan and Kabir Bhai, while I go downstairs to the kitchen with Aliya and Mariyah. Aunty (Aliya and Armaan's mother) has prepared lunch, and she grins when she sees me.

'I'm so happy that you and Zayan are staying for lunch, dear,' Aunty says with a smile.

I return the smile. "We'd love to, Aunty! Do you need any help?" I ask her.

She shakes her head. 'You girls go and enjoy, lunch will be ready soon,' she says to us happily.

Me, Aliya and Mariyah go into the living room and talk amongst ourselves. Just as I'm about to take a seat on the plush velvet sofa, I groan in pain. I'm feeling the soreness now after last night. It had definitely been intense.

'Are you okay, Alayna?' Mariyah asks me with a small frown. She seems worried.

I nod, my cheeks heating up. "I'm absolutely fine, Mariyah. Thank you."

Aliya looks towards me with a sly grin. My cheeks tint pink, and I shake my head at her. She's always known me so well. She knows everything, without saying a single word. Thankfully, she doesn't ask me what's wrong. I'm sure she understands, as she's married herself too. If it was Hanna, on the other hand, she'd start screaming at me saying that I'm traumatising her, and then she'd ask for every tiny little detail. That crazy girl.

'Alayna, you and Zayan should come over more often! To my home too!' Aliya says, smiling at me.

I nod, returning her adorable smile. "We will, Aliya. I've missed spending time with you," I tell her, yawning.

'Are you tired?' Mariyah asks me, chuckling.

I shake my head, and then shrug. "Not really. I shouldn't be, seeing as I woke up after 11am. I'm just lazy, I guess," I say with a laugh.

She raises an eyebrow, and then chuckles again. Aliya coughs loudly, winking at me. '11am, eh?'

I roll my eyes. "I was exhausted after the wedding last night, Aliya. We got home so late, and then.. there was a case at the hospital that me and Zayan had to help with over the phone. Well, he did most of the helping, but the patient was one of mine."

Aliya looks amused. 'I didn't ask for such a long explanation, I believe you,' she teases.

My cheeks burn bright pink, and I hit her playfully on her arm.

"You tell me, Aliya! Any good news?!" I ask loudly, causing her to blush bright red. I grin when I see the colour of her cheeks. She looks around quickly, shy. Then, she shakes her head.

'No, Alayna. You know I'll tell you when there's good news. You'll probably be the first person I'll tell, even before Kabir!'

I smile. "You should tell Kabir Bhai first. But I can't wait, Aliya! I'm going to be the happiest. You deserve all the happiness in the world," I say truthfully.

Her eyes fill up with tears, and my heart aches for her. She smiles at me, nodding. 'Remember last time when I told you, how exciting would it be if we were both pregnant at the same time?' She says, grinning at me.

I feel my heart rate increase, and the next thing I know, the living room door opens and the guys come in. Zayan's looking right at me, smirking like an idiot. He definitely heard Aliya. I blush furiously, glaring at Aliya who's blushing herself, too. Kabir Bhai helps Armaan to join us all in the living room for lunch, because he didn't want to eat in his room.

Throughout lunch, Zayan teases me with his signature smirks and discreet touches. At one point when I'm talking to Mariyah while drinking water, he places his hand on my lower back, making me jump.

Aliya sees me glaring at Zayan, and she starts teasing us both, making everything worse. My cheeks are as red as a tomato throughout lunch, and I don't eat much.

We leave soon after lunch, and we head straight to the mall. We listen to some soft music on the drive to the mall, enjoying each other's company. However, my mind isn't on the music. My mind is on what Aliya said earlier. About us both being pregnant at the same time. That would be crazy, but great.

I know that we got married only a month ago, but I've always wanted a baby. It's crazy. I've always felt unsure about marriage, but I've always wanted to be a mother. Ideally, I'd like to wait a few months, get my career on the right path, and then think about it, but if it happened soon, I'd be the happiest.

I realise that I've never talked to Zayan about having kids. I wonder how he feels about it. I hope that he wants kids, too. But he's never mentioned it. Not once. Not even last night, after we.. didn't use protection. But it was only the one time we didn't use protection. It was the last thing on our minds at the time.

However, when we went for round two less than half an hour after our craziness in the bathroom, Zayan made sure to use protection. He didn't say anything, and neither did I. I don't know if he wants kids just yet. Maybe he doesn't, as we only got married a month ago and we're still getting to know each other.

As a doctor, I know very well that a girl can only get pregnant when she's ovulating, and I haven't ovulated yet this month. I will in a few days, but I haven't just yet. I always feel when I am. So there's really no, or very little, chance of pregnancy.

Zayan sees that I'm deep in thought, and he clears his throat. 'Penny for your thoughts, wifey?' He asks, his brows furrowed.

I smile at his expression. "It's nothing. Thank you, by the way, for bringing me out for shopping."

'Anytime, Alayna,' he says, grabbing my hand and kissing my knuckles gently. I feel the strongest current travel through my hand, my arm and then through the rest of my body. His mere touch drives me crazy. Last night had me burning up in flames for him, and wanting more.

We reach the mall ten minutes later, and Zayan parks in the private car park at the back. He doesn't let go of my hand for a single second as we walk through the biggest luxury shopping mall of the city.

Zayan buys me two casual dresses, one thick, grey woollen one which will be perfect for winter, and one black and red plaid shirt dress that ends mid-thigh. I tell him that's enough, but he shakes his head and takes me to the next store.

Even after I argue with him telling him not to, he buys me a pair of black Louboutins. I don't talk to him as he pulls me into the next store.


I roll my eyes as he picks out a grey tote bag and a matching wallet. He pays for the items, while I stand outside the store, arms crossed.

He walks out the store a couple minutes later, grinning at me. 'Come on, you like them, right?' He asks, smiling at me.

I shrug. "Why are you hellbent on spending all your money on me?"

He laces his fingers through mine, pulling me to his side. 'Who else would I spend it on, if not on you? I love spending money on you.'

My heart soars, and I elbow his side. "It's my turn. No ifs or buts. I'm buying you something, too. With my own money."

'Alayna, my money is yours. Everything that's mine is now yours.'

"I'm still buying you something, with my own card," I mutter.

He chuckles, and then nods. 'Okay, wifey.'


Two hours later, me and Zayan are sitting in Starbucks, drinking coffee. I smile as the liquid warmth travels through my body. I love coffee. It's my drug.

'You should have let me take you to that other café,' he says, taking a sip of his cappuccino.

I roll my eyes. "I know that other café was an eight star or whatever, but it's definitely not as good as Starbucks. Nothing can beat Starbucks coffee!" I say, frowning at him.

'You haven't tried it,' he tells me.

"Maybe next time, if I'm not craving Starbucks again."

He laughs. 'You and your Starbucks.'

"It's my first love," I say, winking at him.

He raises an eyebrow. 'I'm your first love.'

My heart skips a beat, or a hundred. My cheeks heat up, and I turn bright pink. He's right. He's my first love, my first everything. He's the person who taught me how to love, who taught me the meaning of love. I never knew what it felt like to fall in love with someone, before he saved my life. The night he took a bullet for me. My entire life changed that night.

"You wish," I lie, blushing furiously.

'You can lie all you want, baby. I know I am,' he says, cockily.

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you sleep at night!"

Zayan's eyes darken. 'I don't want to sleep at night.'

My cheeks turn from bright pink to bright red, and my heart starts racing in my chest. "I need all the sleep I can get these days, Zayan!"

He frowns. 'Why?'

"Because I'm working nights from Monday, Dr. Zayan. Have you forgotten?" I ask with a laugh.

His eyes widen in realisation, and his face falls. 'How am I going to sleep without you?'

I smile. "You'll have to. We'll hardly see each other this week," I say, realising. Zayan will be working from 9am to 5pm during the week, while I'll be having my busiest and longest week yet at the hospital, working from 7pm to 7am Monday to Friday. It's going to be an exhausting week, but I'm looking forward to it.

'I'm going to miss you,' he whispers sadly.

"Me too, Zayan. But the week will be over before we know it," I say, beaming at him. I hope so, anyway.


That night, both me and Zayan fall asleep as soon as our heads hit our pillows. We were exhausted after our day at the mall, and after getting such little sleep last night.

I have a good night's sleep, and I'm awake bright and early at 7am the next morning. I sit up in bed and smile, stretching. I glance towards Zayan who's fast asleep next to me, and I grin. He looks so handsome, even when he's asleep. He looks almost innocent. The key word here being innocent. There's no way that Zayan could be innocent, even if he wanted to be.

I get out of bed and grab a pair of fresh clothes from my closet, before I head into the bathroom for a quick shower. I brush my teeth and blow dry my hair, putting on my clothes.

I'm wearing a light blue denim kurta with black leggings and black flats. I've put my hair up into a messy bun, and applied some strawberry lip balm.

I get out the bathroom and shake my head, laughing as I see that Zayan's still fast asleep. I go to him, calling his name softly. He doesn't stir.

'Zayan, wake up,' I say, nudging him gently.

He groans, covering his face with the duvet.

I laugh, pulling the duvet off his face. Then, I sit beside him and kiss his cheek. 'Wake up!' I sing, smiling.

"Alayna, go to sleep," he whispers, not opening his eyes.

I trail my fingers slowly down his chest, down his abdomen, and I feel him tense under my touch. A mischievous smirk makes its way onto my lips.

My hand travels lower, and the next thing I know is that Zayan grabs me by my waist and spins us around so that my head crashes against the soft, plumped pillows and he hovers above me, wide awake. His eyes are sparkling with mischief, and filled with lust.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispers, staring into my eyes with his signature smirk on his lips.

My heart skips a beat. 'Good morning, handsome,' I say, blushing.

He grins, kissing my cheek and then my lips. He kisses me softly, just a small peck. However, it doesn't fail to send the most delicious current down my spine. My blood pounds thick and hot inside my body, my whole body burns with desire for him.

His lips move to tease the side of my neck. My eyes close instinctively, pulling him closer to me. His large, hard form presses against me, and I want him even closer.

'Zayan, w-we need to go downstairs,' I murmur, my voice shaking with want.

He shakes his head, his lips skimming my collarbone now. I stifle a moan as he gives me a hickey. "It's too early, not even 7:30am. We'll go at 9."

I shake my head, pulling him close and then moving him away. I want him, but at the same time, I want to make breakfast for our family with him.

I kiss him, short but hard, and he kisses me back urgently. I can feel his desire for me pressing into my leg.

We break the kiss for air, and Zayan rests his forehead against mine. If we don't get up now, we won't for the next few hours. I know it.

I escape from under him, getting off the bed, giggling. Zayan strides towards me just as I reach the door and unlock it. He traps me in between his arms against the wall, staring intensely at me. I feel a warm heat at the pit of my stomach.

'Zayan, go and change. We're going to make breakfast for our family today,' I say, leaning up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek. Then, I feel the stubble under my fingertips. I love Zayan with facial hair. The light stubble really suits him. And I love how it feels on my skin.

He frowns. "Why do we need to make breakfast?" He asks, kissing the top of my head. Then, he adds, "I want something else."

I blush profusely, biting my lip. 'It'll be fun,' I say.

"Something else will be more fun," he murmurs huskily.

'Maybe later,' I say, winking at him. 'Go and shower! I'll wait for you downstairs!'

Then, I run out the room before he can grab me and get what he wants, what we both want.


I can feel Zayan's eyes on me as I'm frying some eggs and toasting some sourdough bread.

'I can feel your eyes on me, Zayan,' I say with a laugh.

"I was just looking at the kitchen counter," he says slowly.

I frown, looking towards him, and then at the kitchen counter. 'Why?' I ask him, confused.

He smirks, and my cheeks heat up. I throw a spatula at him, and he catches it.

'Zayan! You're so naughty! Please make yourself useful by cutting those apples and pears,' I say, my cheeks bright red.

He grins, his eyes filled with mischief. However, he does as he's told. He expertly and very quickly cuts up the fruit for a fruit salad. He adds strawberries, raspberries, peaches, pineapple and mango, too. Lots of mango, as he knows that strawberries and mangoes are my favourite fruits.

I finish up frying the eggs and toasting the bread, and I place them onto large, white plates. Then, I start to make some pancake batter. Hanna loves pancakes.

Zayan grabs some oranges and starts to juice them. My mouth waters at the sight of his huge biceps straining against his navy t-shirt. He looks like he's in deep concentration.

I make a batch of pancakes, and then start on some omelettes.

Just then, I hear footsteps. And then they pause.

'Alayna? Zayan?! Oh, my! Laiba, Hanna, come in here quickly! Zayan?!' Aunty says, shocked. She's more than shocked to see her son working in the kitchen.

Me and Zayan turn towards Aunty, smiling.

Laiba and Hanna come rushing into the kitchen, and they too, are gobsmacked.

"Mum, Laiba Bhabhi, Hanna, go and sit at the dining table. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes," Zayan says, raising an eyebrow.

'Alayna, do you know how much I love you?' Aunty says, rushing towards me and hugging me before kissing me forehead. I smile, hugging her back.

"I love you too, Aunty," I reply, making Zayan's smile widen.

'Zayan wouldn't pour himself a glass of water, and today he's making breakfast for the whole family?!' She asks, astonished.

"Mum, of course I'd always pour myself a glass of water! It's no big deal," he says, his cheeks tinting pink.

'Aww! Is someone blushing?! I didn't know you had it in you!' I say, teasing Zayan.

His eyes darken. Laiba, Hanna and Aunty start to tease us.

'Everyone, dining room! Breakfast will be served soon!' Zayan says quickly, before they can tease us further.

After a couple minutes more of teasing, they leave and go to the dining room.

Everyone absolutely loves breakfast that morning. Hanna loves the pancakes, Aunty and Uncle love the omelettes and tea, and Laiba loves the toast and fried eggs. Usman Bhai always loves the coffee that I make, as does Zayan. I eat only the fruit salad, and I love it. Because Zayan made it.

Aunty won't let me clear the dishes, so the maid does that. I sit with my family in the living room for an hour or so after breakfast, and we all talk happily. I'm about to head upstairs to my room for a while, when the living room door opens.

Yusuf Bhai.

My face lights up with happiness when I see him. I jump out of my seat and rush towards him, attacking him with a huge bear hug. I've missed him!

'Yusuf Bhai! I missed you! It's about time you come over, you're so busy lately!' I say, hugging him again.

He chuckles deeply, hugging me back and kissing the top of my head.

"I missed my baby sister too," he teases.

I roll my eyes, breaking the hug and glaring at him. 'You should have come earlier and had breakfast with us!'

"Another day, Alayna, I'd love to. How have you been?" He asks me, after greeting everyone.

Right away, I notice that everyone starts talking to Yusuf Bhai excitedly, except for one person. Hanna. She stays silent. When I look over at her playing with Adnan, her cheeks are bright red.

I smile to myself, thoughtfully.

'I've been great, Bhai! How about you? How's work been?' I ask him.

"I'm good too, and work's been the usual. Busy. That's actually why I came over. I needed to have a discussion with Uncle and Usman about one of the new clients."

I nod. 'And here I thought my only brother came to meet me!' I say, dramatically.

He chuckles, nodding. "Of course I came over to see you."

'You came for work!' I tease.

Just then, Hanna stands up from her seat on the sofa and she hands Adnan to Laiba. She leaves the room, her cheeks as red as a tomato. I never knew she had it in her, either, to blush like that.

I frown, and then I look over at Laiba. She's looking back at me, her lips pulled up into a knowing smirk. I share a secretive smile with her, and we both stand up.

I excuse myself, and so does Laiba. It's time we go and have a talk with Hanna.


Hey, guys! How was the chapter? It was a bit shorter, but I've had the worst writer's block lately and I just wanted to post a chapter for you guys. I hope it was okay?

What do you think's up with Hanna?

Alayna will soon be working nights at the hospital, and she'll be away from Zayan for a while. They won't be seeing each other much this next week. What do you think will happen?

What was your favourite part of the chapter? ;)

This book is getting SO many votes and comments, it's getting so much love, it's overwhelming and so amazing! I love you guys to bits. Thank you for all your love and support. Alayna and Zayan love you too!

Question: What's your favourite fruit?

Bye guys! I love you all!

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