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15 August 2020

Hey, guys! Sorry for the late update, but I have a feeling you'll like this one! Enjoy! :) 

"Take my hand, take my whole life too. For I can't help falling in love with you." - Elvis Presley

Alayna's POV

I gasp in shock, my eyes widening. My favourite kurta has been ripped off my body in one pull. It's thrown onto the floor a few feet away from us, destroyed.

I blush furiously, staring at Zayan. His eyes have darkened, filled with desire. He wants me, right now. 

'Zayan-' I whisper, but my words are lost when he pulls me against his hard, muscular body. He presses himself against me, staring deep into my eyes. His blue-brown eyes are a very dark shade right now, dark like the night ocean. I love the shade, it's my favourite colour. His orbs are sparkling, dazzling, his gaze penetrative. 

I don't even try to hide myself with my arms, as once I look into his eyes, I forget everything. His hands are resting on my hips, pulling me closer. My hands are resting on his chest. He needs to take his shirt off, too. 

Before I can take my fingers to the top button of his shirt, he pulls me flush against himself, kissing me passionately. Kissing me urgently, like we've been apart for years. I kiss him back just as hard, putting all my love and want into the kiss. When he deepens the kiss, I feel my legs weaken. My legs give way, and Zayan holds me upright, his strong arms around me. 

When we break the kiss for air, his lips move right away to my neck. He kisses, nibbles and sucks the skin of the side of my neck, and I'm a writhing mess. 

I arch my head back, giving him more space, wanting more. God, I missed him this last week. It was the longest week of my life. 

I pull at his shirt, making him chuckle. I pull it again, but it doesn't rip off. He's much stronger than me. How he managed to rip my kurta off my body in one pull, I have no idea. 

'Baby, what do you want?' He murmurs into my ear, his lips skimming my earlobe. I tremble in his arms, blushing and glaring at him at the same time. He knows very damn well what I want, and he's teasing me. 

"Nothing," I mutter, frowning. 

He smirks. 'Tell me what you want.'

Oh, really now? He's going to be like this? My cheeks brighten, burning hotter. 

I stare into his eyes, biting my bottom lip softly. I take my hand up to his top button, teasing. Two can play at this game. "I want...." I start, but trail off when he cocks his head to the side, raising an eyebrow. 


My fingers undo the top button of his shirt, before moving onto the next one. I sigh, frowning. "I want... to sleep." 

Zayan chuckles, shaking his head at me. 'You want to sleep?' 

"Yes. I've been working nights, and I'm.. tired!" I fake a yawn. Then, I remember something and I clutch my stomach, dramatically. "Cramps!"

Zayan looks very amused to say the least. He kisses my lips gently and carries me in his arms, bridal style. He takes me over to the bed, before setting me down softly. 'Why don't you tell me what kind of cramps these are, now?' He asks. 

My cheeks brighten. "Zayan! What cramps do you think every girl gets every month? They're.. the work of the devil! Ouch! My stomach hurts!" I say, pouting at him. 

His eyes darken. 'You're trying to say that magically, you started your period today?' 

I cough loudly to hide my laughter at the word 'magically'. 

I nod, my face falling. I should have been an actress, not a doctor. 

'Prove it,' he says, raising an eyebrow. 

I blush furiously, shaking my head. "How on earth am I supposed to prove it to you? It just started, an hour before you returned from work. A week early," I lie. 

He shrugs. 'I'm sure you've taken medicine. Mum or Laiba Bhabhi would have given it to you. And it doesn't matter. You'll be better in a few days' time.' 


"Yes, I'm sure I will be," I say weakly. 

He hovers over me, unbuttoning his shirt and throwing it to the side. My eyes widen. What is he doing now? 

'It doesn't mean we can't do anything else,' he says, smirking to me. His lips find the sensitive spot of my neck again, and he leaves several teasing kisses. He just loves to tease me like this. 

I pull him closer, trailing my hands down his back, digging my nails into his skin when he leaves a hickey. Damn him. 

Fifteen minutes later, I'm a moaning, squirming mess. He's kissed me all over my body, my neck, and my face. He's punishing me, and I know it. 

I can feel how badly he needs me, and I need him just the same. Right now. 

I feel like I'm about to combust with need, when he moves away from me. I shake my head, grabbing onto his hand. No. He's not going anywhere. He's not leaving me like this.

He looks at me questioningly, his signature smirk in place. 

'No, d-don't go,' I say, pulling him back. He's again hovering above me, staring into my eyes. 

"What do you mean? We can't do anything else, of course you know that," he says, his voice filled with amusement. 

'What? Why?!' I almost shout, kissing him hard. 

He kisses me back urgently, before resting his forehead against mine. "In a few days' time. After you're better." 

My face fills with understanding, and I cough. My eyes widen, and I shake my head, blushing. 'Now.' 

He laughs, shaking his head. "Alayna, you know it's not allowed when the girl's-" 

'Now!' I say loudly, wrapping my legs around his waist to keep him in place. He can't leave me like this. 

"Baby, we have to wait-" he starts, but I break him off by kissing him again, hard. 

He returns the kiss, one hand on my face and the other on my bare waist. 

'I'm not on my damn period, Zayan Khan!' I shout, and I'm sure that everyone must be able to hear me from downstairs. 

His body shakes with laughter as he looks deeply into my eyes. He's known it very well all along. He knows that I don't have cramps. He knows I'm perfectly fine. 

'I need you,' I whisper, my voice breaking. Oh, damn. I really am a pro at embarrassing myself, aren't I? 

"You can't lie to me, you know that?" He murmurs, his eyes sparkling. He's staring intensely at me. 

I flush, frowning at him. 'Zayan!' I start, but we're interrupted by a knock at the door. No freaking way!

I stare at Zayan, and we both burst out laughing. He leans down, his body shaking with laughter against mine. 

'This isn't fair!' I say, pouting. 

He kisses me softly, smiling against my lips. "Whoever it is outside right now has the worst timing."

There's another knock. 'Alayna! Can you please, please open the door?' It's Laiba. 

I frown at Zayan. Laiba sounds worried. We both hurry out of bed and dress ourselves. Then, I go to the door. I open it, and Laiba's standing there, with Adnan in her arms. 

I can't help but smile at him, even though I'm flustered right now. Laiba gives me a knowing smirk. 

Zayan joins me at the door, and he frowns at his sister-in-law. 

'Finally! You took your time! Alayna, Zayan, please, please can you take care of this little one for a couple of hours? Aunty and Uncle are going to Uncle's friend's house for a few hours, and me and Usman will go grocery shopping. We were going to take Adnan with us, but he's in the naughtiest mood. Please will you babysit him for me?' She asks, pouting. 

"No-" Zayan, starts, but I place a hand on his arm. 

'Of course, Laiba. We'd love to take care of him tonight. You guys take your time. We'll play with him and take care of him,' I say, grinning excitedly at Adnan. He gives me an adorable grin in return. 

Laiba quickly hands Adnan to me, and she hands me a small bag with some baby essentials. She tells me she's just changed his diaper, and there should be no need to change it before she returns. The bag has some baby wipes, milk, and a few toys of Adnan's. 

Laiba gives me a quick hug, before turning to go. 'Wait, where's Hanna?' I ask her. 

"She wanted to go with Aunty and Uncle," she tells me. 

'Okay, enjoy Laiba!' I say, winking at her. She rolls her eyes at me, laughing. 

"We're only going grocery shopping!"

'Okay, okay. Go! I want to play with my sweet baby.' I say, kissing Adnan's forehead. 


'Do you want to watch something, Adnan?' I ask, sitting in bed with him in my lap. Zayan's sitting next to me, staring at me. 

I turn on my TV and turn on the cartoons. He's probably too young for cartoons yet, being just three months' old, but his gaze falls on the TV screen right away, and a sweet smile makes its way onto his lips. 

Adnan leans into me, and smiles up at me a few seconds later. I feel my heart tug with happiness. He's so precious. 

Me and Zayan play with him for half an hour, before Zayan speaks. 'We need to put him to sleep. He must be tired now.' 

I shake my head, chuckling. "Does he look tired to you? He looks wide awake! Don't you, baby?" I coo, grinning. 

Zayan groans. 'Sing him a lullaby. Turn the lights off,' he tells me. 

"Why do you so badly want Adnan to fall asleep?" I ask, smirking. 

I turn to face Zayan, and see a familiar glint in his eyes. I shake my head, laughing. 'You're incorrigible!' 

He leans closer to me, kissing me softly on the lips. "Make him sleep," he murmurs into my ear, kissing my earlobe gently. 

I shiver, hiding my smile. 'But Adnan doesn't want to sleep! He's having too much fun with us!' Adnan holds onto my finger with his whole hand, and I smile. He's so perfect. I love this little guy to bits. 

I caress his cheek gently, kissing his nose. 'I think it's time for your milk,' I say, telling Zayan to hand me Adnan's milk bottle. 

He does, and I feed him in my arms. I lean against the headboard of the bed, staring down at the tiny little boy in my arms. It's times like this, when I really want a baby of my own. Someone with Zayan's eyes, his lips... 

I'm going crazy. 

After feeding Adnan, I lay down in bed and lay him down on my arm. I whisper sweet words to him, and tell Zayan to sing. 

Zayan lays down on the other side of Adnan, staring at me with so much love that I start to feel emotional. 

Zayan sings a lullaby, kissing Adnan's cheek softly. 

He continues to sing, and I feel my eyes close with tiredness. Soon after, Adnan's asleep on my arm, and I'm fast asleep, too. 


'Okay, Laiba Bhabhi. I'll go and see what the little guy's doing,' I hear a distant voice, but I don't register it. 

There's a soft knock on the door, but I don't wake up. I hear Hanna call out my name, but I'm too tired. I'll talk to her later. 

After she calls my name out a few more times, the door opens. I hear footsteps, and then they stop. 

'Alayna, oh.. oh my god. So perfect,' I hear Hanna's voice say softly a few moments later. 

Groaning, I open my eyes and frown when the brightness in the room hits my eyes. It's too bright. 

I remember where I am, and I blush. I try sitting up, but the heavy weight on my stomach won't let me. I look to the side, and smile when I see Adnan fast asleep on my arm. On the other side of Adnan is Zayan, who's also fast asleep. He's facing towards me and Adnan, his face is very close to Adnan's, and his arm is draped over my stomach. 

My cheeks brighten as I remove Zayan's arm from my stomach and sit up. Embarrassedly, I chuckle at Hanna. She has the biggest smile on her lips, and she shakes her head. 

'You guys are too perfect. Too cute. Look at the way he's asleep in between you! And that tiny smile on his lips. Zayan Bhai must have been exhausted, too,' Hanna says, smiling at me. 

I look down at Adnan, brushing away a strand of hair on his forehead. He looks so innocent, so tiny and beautiful while asleep. 

I look towards Zayan, who's in deep sleep. My heart clenches at the sight of him. He looks so handsome, so sexy. And yes, he must have been absolutely exhausted. 

"Is everyone back home?" I whisper, asking Hanna. 

She nods. 'Yes, and dinner's ready too. I came to see what Adnan's doing, and to call you and Zayan Bhai for dinner.' 

"I'll go downstairs with you. We'll let Adnan and Zayan sleep, they were both tired," I whisper, stepping out of bed. 

Hanna nods. 'I'm sorry for waking you,' she says. 

I shake my head, chuckling. "I've literally slept all day, Han. I'm not tired anymore."

I go downstairs with her, heading to the kitchen. Aunty and Laiba have finished making dinner. They must have returned a while ago. It's over 10pm now. 

'Aunty, Laiba, you should have woken me. Adnan slept on my arm,' I say, smiling. 

Laiba grins. "He's still asleep?" 

I nod. 'Yes, with Zayan.' 

Aunty smiles at me. 'I'm glad you slept, sweetheart. We'll let Adnan and Zayan sleep. Do you want to have dinner now?' She asks me. 

I blush, shaking my head. "No thanks, Aunty. I'll eat with Zayan." 

She kisses my forehead, beaming at me. 'Okay, lovely.' 

I sit in the living room with my family, and we talk for a short while. I'm talking to Usman Bhai, teasing Laiba, who's sitting beside me with bright red cheeks. Usman Bhai's laughing, his eyes filled with amusement. 

Just then, the living room door opens and in walks Zayan, holding baby Adnan in his arms. I smile at the sight of them. They're both perfect. 

'This little guy's awake. He woke up, and he started kicking me and woke me up, too,' Zayan says, proudly. Aww. 

Usman Bhai chuckles. "Did he, now? He always does that. He likes to sleep on my stomach, and then he'll wake up and start kicking me." 

We laugh. 

Zayan hands Usman Bhai his son after kissing him on the forehead. Everyone laughs when Adnan doesn't want to let go of Zayan. He clings to his shirt, but then goes to his father. 

'Zayan, it looks like Adnan loves you more than Usman!' Uncle says, excitedly. 

Zayan nods. "Of course he does. His dad's boring." 

Usman Bhai rolls his eyes. 'You wish.' 

"I think Adnan will be a naughty, jealous guy when I have another grandchild. Zayan, if he sees you playing with another baby, he'll throw a tantrum," Aunty teases. 

I blush beet red, biting my lip nervously. Zayan chuckles, smiling at Adnan. 'Will he?' 

"Don't you agree, Alayna? When he sees you with another baby, he will scream and cry. You're his favourite aunt, and I don't think he'll like it very much when he sees you giving another little one attention," Aunty says with a laugh. 

I burst into a coughing fit. Laiba rubs my back, shaking with laughter. 

My cheeks are bright red, and I can't seem to meet Aunty's eyes. Or Zayan's, for that matter. 

I can feel his intense gaze on me, but I don't look at him. I say something to Aunty, before I start making funny faces at Adnan. 

A few moments later, I peek up at Zayan through my lashes, and he's staring right back at me. His eyes are dark, stormy.

'I.. let's have dinner,' I blurt, standing up. I rush out the room, and everyone follows. 

Throughout dinner, I stay silent, my face bright with embarrassment. Zayan's sitting opposite me, and I'm sitting with Aunty and Hanna.

I've almost finished eating, when I feel Zayan's eyes on me again. He's staring at me shamelessly, in front of our family. 

I stand up, helping Laiba to clear the dishes. I help to wash the dishes, taking my sweet time. I know that Zayan's waiting impatiently for me upstairs. I want nothing more than to go to him right now, right at this instant, but I'm feeling nervous for some reason. Shy, even. 

I wash my hands and wipe them with a hand towel when I'm done, and I grab my phone from the kitchen counter. It vibrates as soon as I grab it. 

I groan when I see that I've received a text from 'No Number' again. I open the text, annoyed. When I read it, the air is sucked out of my lungs. 

I warned you, bitch. Stay away from Zayan. He doesn't love you, he's playing with you. You shouldn't be in the kitchen, or in that home. Go to your parents', because you don't belong with Zayan and his family.

What?! Who the hell is this person? What do they want with me? It clearly seems to be a girl who's obsessed with Zayan, but.. 

How do they know that I'm in the kitchen right now? I tremble, clutching my phone hard in my hands. 

Can they see me right now? They know that I'm in the kitchen. 

I feel goosebumps form on my arms. I try to reply to the text, but again, I'm unable to. 

I look around, shaking my head. It must be a coincidence. Whoever it is texting me, they surely don't know where I am right now. They don't know that I'm in the kitchen. It's just a coincidence. 

I try to remove the thought of a stalker from my mind, and I rush upstairs to my room. I don't want to look worried in front of Zayan. I don't want to worry him. He's had a busy week at work. 

When I walk into my bedroom, every thought in my mind vanishes. Desire rushes through my veins, and my heart starts racing frantically. Zayan's on the other side of the room, wearing just joggers, doing push ups. I stand in the doorway, watching him for a few minutes. I love the way his muscles are flexing with every movement of his body. His biceps look huge. His entire body is covered with sweat, and he's concentrating hard on his workout. 

I close the door quietly, but he hears it. He stops doing push ups, and he stands up, wiping his sweat with a towel. He walks towards me, cocking his head to the side. 

God, if looks could kill, I'd be dead a long time ago. I'd be dead the first time I saw him, at the hospital. 

'I hope I didn't disturb you?' I ask, clearing my throat. 

He smirks, shaking his head. "Of course not. I was done anyway." 

He grabs his water bottle from the table beside us, and he drinks a large sip of water. I can't help but watch his adam's apple bobbing in his throat. Even that looks sexy. 

'Y-you wanna teach me how to do push ups one day? I mean, I work out all the time, but I can't do push ups,' I say, laughing nervously. 

He looks into my eyes and nods. "I can teach you right now if you want."

'Now? Oh, sure. I don't know how to do them, though.' 

"That's why I'll teach you. Now, go and change into a t-shirt. Your leggings are fine."

I nod, heading to my closet. I change in the closet, exchanging my kurta for a plain white t-shirt. I leave the closet and walk out into my room. 

His eyes travel head to toe, he checks me out shamelessly, his eyes dark. He nods, smirking. 'Sexy.' 

I blush hard, shaking my head and giggling. 

He first shows me how to do a push up. Then, he tells me to get into form. 

I do as I'm told, getting into form. I try to do a push up, but I land on my arms. 

Zayan chuckles, coming towards me. He moves my legs slightly, and then places my hands in a different position. Then, he tells me what to do. 

'No, no. Your hands need to be wider than your shoulders,' he murmurs, moving my hands outwards again. 

I nod, trying again. This time, I do it a little better. 

'Lower your body until your chest almost touches the ground,' he orders. 

I do as I'm told, once, twice, three times. 

Then, I sit up, panting. Zayan looks very amused. 

"That's enough for today," I say, out of breath. 

I crawl towards him, who's sitting a few feet away from me on the ground, watching me. I scramble onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his waist. 

"I'm all sweaty," I say, blushing. 

'So am I,' he whispers, staring into my eyes. 

I move to get up, but he tightens his arms around me. I turn to look at him, and I lose myself in his eyes. I pout at him, making him smile. 

"I missed you," I say, hugging him. He's taken by surprise, but he happily wraps his arms tighter around me, kissing the top of my head. 

'I missed you too, babygirl. This last week was hell for me. I couldn't fall asleep at night, without you in my arms,' he says into my hair. 

I smile, hugging him tighter. "I couldn't sleep either." 

I kiss his bare shoulder, smiling. 

We break the hug a few minutes later, and Zayan stares into my eyes. It's crazy. I feel so safe, so comfortable and so protected when I'm with him. I know that no harm can come to me as long as he's with me. I love him so damn much. 

My eyes start to water. Damn. I must be about to get my period early. 

My lips tremble. 

'Hey, hey. Alayna, what's wrong?' He asks worriedly, placing a gentle hand on my cheek.

I shake my head, a tear spilling. He wipes it away, staring into my eyes. "I just.. I missed you. Promise me you'll never leave me?" I ask, my voice breaking. 

He holds my face gently in his hands, so gently. As if it will break. 'Alayna, you really have no idea how much you mean to me, do you?' He asks in response. 

"I do, but please.. promise me." I hold his face in both my hands, just like he's holding mine. I'm still in his lap. 

Zayan sighs, his eyes filled with several emotions. 'Alayna, I could leave everyone, but I couldn't ever leave you. I'd rather die than think of spending my life without you. You're my everything now, you're the crazy girl who has my heart and soul. I'll do everything for your one smile, Alayna. You have no idea how happy it makes me, when I make you smile. I'm always here with you, as long as you'll have me. I love you, wifey, I'll love you for as long as I'll live. You're the girl who taught me how to love. You taught me the meaning and importance of love. I was lost before I met you. You changed me completely, you changed my whole life. I will never leave you. Not even if you tell me to.'

I laugh, crying at the same time. I shake my head furiously. "Why would I ever tell you to leave me? You can't, ever. You're only mine." 

His eyes brighten, and he beams at me. 'That I am, babygirl.' 

I hold his face more gently, gazing into his eyes. "And me?"

He grins. 'You're only mine. Now and forever.' 

I pout. "Why did you come into my life so late? We could have gotten married like.. five years ago." 

He laughs at this. 'Yes, and we'd probably be the parents to four beautiful children by now.' 

I blush, frowning. "Four kids in five years? That's crazy."

He chuckles, kissing my lips gently. 'Yeah, that's a little crazy. Five then.' 

My eyes widen. "Zayan!" I hit him playfully on the chest. 

He's so handsome. His smile tugs at my heart, and I silently stare at him for a few seconds. I take my hands up to his hair, playing with it. 

'Thank you for coming into my life, Alayna. Thank you for changing my entire world, for becoming my entire world,' he whispers, kissing me again. 

My eyes water up again. Damn it. 

"Zayan, you're going to make me cry again," I say, my voice breaking. 

He shakes his head quickly, wiping my eyes with his thumbs. 'I'm sorry, wifey.' 

"And I love that word. Wifey. Why are you so perfect?" I ask, crying. 

He smiles. 'Please don't cry, angel. I can't see tears in your eyes.'

"Put your hand here. Feel my heart," I whisper, placing his large, warm hand above my heart that's racing in my chest. 

He stares into my eyes, feeling my heartbeat. 

"You're here now, forever. You made yourself a space here the first time I saw you. And you started living here, the day you saved my life and took a bullet for me. You'll always be in here, Zayan. In my heart," I say, my voice shaking. 

Zayan swallows, his eyes filling with emotion and with tears. 'Alayna,' he whispers, and that's the first time ever that I hear his voice shake. 

My lip trembles, and I place a finger on his lips to silence him. Now it's my turn to speak. I need to tell him now. It's been long enough. 

"I don't know how you did it, but you stole my heart. Ripped it out of me, and you kept it. It belongs to you now, Zayan. You made yourself a permanent home in my heart, and in my mind. You made me crazy. You made me lose myself in your thoughts, in your dreams," I say, blushing. 

Zayan wipes away my tears, but more flood down his hand on my cheek.

"The day we met, I thought.. damn, this guy's hot. I loved and hated your arrogance, your confidence, your everything. Slowly, slowly, you became more tolerable. I respected you from the beginning, I was always in awe of you. I never ever thought that you'd one day be my husband, because.. I mean, you're Dr. Zayan Khan. One of the best oncologists in the country. I don't know why, I always felt like.. a magnet who was being pulled towards you. No matter how hard I tried to pull myself away, I'd find myself back with you. When I found out that our parents had arranged our marriage years ago, I was so mad. I was mad, but at the same time, I was excited," I say with a laugh. 

Zayan smirks. He opens his mouth again to talk, but I shake my head, placing a finger on his lips to silence him again. 

"I couldn't believe it, Zayan. I felt like I was dreaming, it was too good to be true. Too crazy. I didn't know what to think, because I didn't know how you felt about the arranged marriage. I was happy, but I wasn't showing it. Right from the start, I knew you were the home of my heart, you were the one I was meant to spend my entire life with. I don't know when I started feeling things towards you, but I think I always have. Right from the day we met. The day you saved my life, the day you risked your own life to save mine, I knew it from that day. Everything was clear in my mind. That day, I was going to tell my parents that it was a 'yes' from me." 

Zayan looks surprised. 'You were going to say yes that day?' He asks, his voice breaking once again. 

I nod. "Yes. I was going to tell my parents that I was happy to marry you. But then, everything changed. You got shot, saving me. Then, I told myself that I was wrong for you. That if I said yes and married you, I'd only put your life in danger and never make you happy. I stayed away from you for so long, Zayan, so long. I didn't go to see how you were, even though I desperately wanted to see you. I wanted to see that you were fine, but I couldn't. I cried myself to sleep for a month, I punished myself."

'Alayna, you're crazy. You're the person in my life who makes me the happiest. How can you think that you'd not make me happy?' He asks, sadly.

"You got hurt because of me, Zayan. You could have lost your l-life! Because of me! You have no idea how much you mean to me. You have no idea that you're my everything now. That you're my entire life," I say, emotional. 

Zayan smiles, kissing my forehead. 'Alayna-'

"Shh, let me finish. I've wanted to tell you something, for so long. But I've been.. a coward," I hiccup. 

'What do you need to tell me?' He asks, his voice gentle. 

He stares into my eyes, holding me close in his arms. 

I blush, hiding my face in the crook of his shoulder. I kiss his shoulder gently, not daring to look up at him. "You're an idiot," I murmur into his shoulder. 

He laughs, surprised. 'What?' 

"You're an idiot, Zayan, for saving my life. You're an idiot for marrying me. You're an idiot for loving me. You're an idiot for.. making me fall in love with you," I ramble, lifting my head from his shoulder and gazing deeply into his eyes. 

His mouth falls open with shock. 'What did you just say?' Zayan whispers, not believing it. 

I frown. "That you're an idiot," I say with a laugh. 

He shakes his head. 'No, no. What's the last thing you said?' 

My cheeks burn bright red, and I bite my lip to control the smile that's breaking out on my face. "I don't remember," I lie, blushing harder than ever. 

His face falls. 'You really don't remember?' 

I shake my head. "No, sorry." 

He nods. 'Okay.'

"Oh! I might have said something," I tease, slowly. 

His eyes flicker to mine. 'And what's that?' 

"You're an idiot for marrying me and loving me," I say, grinning. 

He smiles, shaking his head. 'I'm your idiot.' 

My heart skips a beat. My entire body turns bright scarlet as I speak the next words. "You're an idiot for making me fall in love with you, Zayan," I whisper, not taking my eyes off his. 

He stares at me for a few seconds, in shock. I smile shyly. 

"I love you, Zayan. I've loved you for a long time now," I say, kissing his lips gently.

He breaks out of his trance, and he gives me his most handsome grin which takes my breath away. 'Alayna, are you for real?' He whispers, cradling my face in his hands. 

I nod, a tear spilling out of my eye. "I love you, Zayan," I repeat, and then I say it again. "Zayan, I love you!" I scream, and he laughs loudly. 

He gathers me close in his arms, kissing all over my face. He kisses my forehead, when I realise that my hair's wet. 

I move back slightly, frowning at him. His eyes are bloodshot red, and he's crying. "No! Zayan, don't cry. Please, don't cry. It doesn't suit you. Smirk, laugh, be annoying, but never cry. Damn it, I love you," I say, crying harder myself too. 

He puts his arms around me, hugging me close. I hug him tighter, bawling in his arms. 'I love you too, Alayna. I love you so damn much,' he whispers into my ear, kissing the top of my head. 

I sigh with happiness, crying and hugging him. Several minutes later, we break the hug. He gazes into my eyes lovingly, a soft smile playing on his lips. 'You love me?' He whispers, almost innocently. 

I blush. "I do. So, so much." 

He grins. 'I love you more.' 

"Yeah? Then love me, Zayan. Show me how much you love me," I say gently, kissing him deeply and slowly. He returns the kiss, and I melt in his arms. I feel like I'm in heaven. 


Hey, guys! Sorry for the late update, but I hope you guys love it! I loved writing this chapter, even though it took me a while to write it. Alayna finally confesses her love to Zayan! What did you think of the chapter?

What was your favourite part of the chapter? I loved the ending. And the scene with Alayna, Zayan and Adnan! It was a pretty cute chapter, I think!

What will happen next?

And who do you guys think is texting Alayna? 

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter, guys! 

Question: Who are your favourite book characters, and what book are they from? 

Bye guys! I love you all!!

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