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11 September 2020

Hey guys! How are you all? Here's the next chapter, I hope you like it! Read on to find out Zayan's reaction to Alayna's pregnancy!

"A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years and in your heart till the day you die." - Mary Mason

Alayna's POV

I wash my face with warm water and glance into my bathroom mirror. My eyes are rimmed with red, filled with tears. My heart's going crazy in my chest, threatening to escape. My nerves are knotted together tightly, and my head's aching. The light cramping in my lower stomach is back, it feels as though someone's tugging and pulling inside my stomach.

But I've never felt happier than I do at this moment. I've never felt so excited, my heart's never felt so full. I laugh softly, my cheeks tinted light pink.

I run a hand through my unruly hair to set it, and then I place the same hand on my stomach. My heart soars as I feel my flat stomach.

I'm pregnant.

I'm going to have a baby.

A tiny, adorable, perfect little baby.

Zayan's going to become a father.

I laugh louder, a grin making its way onto my face. I can just imagine him as a father. I can imagine him with our son or daughter on his shoulders, or him tickling them and playing with them. He's going to be the best father in the world, that's for sure.

My Zayan.

I can't wait to tell him. I can't wait. I need to tell him.

I know I want to surprise him, but I can't wait too long to tell him. I want to tell him right now. But I'm going to plan a small surprise, record it because hopefully it's going to be one of my best memories, and I'm going to tell him when we're both alone.

I just want to do something small and simple for him, something cute. But I don't know how he's going to react. Will he be happy? He surely will be happy, right?

My heart starts hammering loudly in my chest as I start thinking negative thoughts. I hope Zayan's going to be happy when I tell him.

Did it happen too quickly? We hadn't planned for me to get pregnant.

No, it didn't happen too quickly. We hadn't planned it, but there's nothing more that I want in the world. I want to have a family with Zayan.

I know I'm still in my first year of residency, but I'm happy about getting pregnant so soon. I hope Zayan will be, too.


I change into a simple white top and black leggings, and then I put on a hoodie of Zayan's. It's huge on me, and it reaches mid-thigh. I roll up the sleeves and glance into the mirror. The hoodie is so baggy, so loose for me, but I love it. It's so warm and comfy.

I head downstairs, trying to control the huge grin on my lips. I don't want anyone to get suspicious. Thankfully, I don't have many pregnancy symptoms just yet, so it'll be easier to hide it from everyone. I want to surprise my family and friends, but not yet. I'll only be telling Zayan to start off with.

When I enter the living room, all heads turn to look at me, and when they see me, everyone starts laughing.

'Looking hot, Alayna!' Hanna teases, winking at me.

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, Han."

I can't wait to tell Hanna the big news. She's gonna be so happy, so excited! The thought brings a smile to my lips.

'Well, clearly that's not yours. But you're pulling it off!' I hear Aliya's voice.

I turn around to face her, grinning. "Aliya!" I rush towards her, hugging her tight. Then I hold her at arm's length and look down her body, inspecting. She laughs, shaking her head at me.

"How are you? I didn't know you were coming!" I say, chuckling.

'I'm great! And I didn't know either. But Hanna told me that you fainted at the hospital, and I was so worried. I had to come over to see you. I have to say, though, you look great for a girl who fainted a few hours back!'

I laugh. "I'm all good now."

I greet Kabir Bhai, Armaan, and Aliya's parents. Then, I turn around to greet my parents and siblings.

Mum stands to hug me, and then she looks at me worriedly. 'Alayna, why did you faint?' She asks, frowning.

I sigh. "Low blood pressure. I got my blood reports back, and it's all looking good. I was busy at work in the morning, running around, and I just.. felt dizzy. I promise I'm all good now!"

She shakes her head. 'Alayna, you have to take care of yourself. Zayan's been telling me how you don't have breakfast most mornings.'

I groan. "Mum, I do have breakfast most mornings. And I promise you, I'll be having breakfast every morning from today. I don't want the same thing to happen again."

I hug Dad, Yusuf Bhai and Sara, and sit to talk with them for a short while.

Then, I go and sit with Hanna and Aliya. I hold Aliya's hand, smiling.

'How's my niece or nephew?' I ask her, making her laugh.

"I had an early scan this morning, and it all looks good! The doctor told me I'm five weeks and three days today," she tells me, beaming.

I grin. 'Wow, almost six weeks!' Hanna says, her eyes wide.

Aliya nods. "Six weeks on Friday!"

My mouth falls open in shock. 'W-what?' I mumble, my eyes widening.

Aliya frowns, laughing. "I'm going to be six weeks along on Friday, Alayna. Why do you seem so lost?"

My heart starts thumping loudly in my chest, and I shake my head furiously. This can't be. This can't be possible.

I calculate my dates once, twice, and then three times. No!

My period was due a week and a half ago. On Friday, my period will be two weeks' late. On Friday, according to the dates of my last period, I should be six weeks along.

The same as Aliya!

I burst out laughing, shaking my head.

'Aliya, what's happened to her?' I hear Hanna whisper, looking worriedly at me.

Aliya shrugs. "I have no idea, Hanna."

'That's amazing! Perfect!' I say, giving Aliya a huge hug again. I can't stop laughing. How is this possible?! We're both five and a half weeks along. Me and my best friend.

It would be so crazy if we have the same due date!

Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong, we'll be giving birth around the same time. Oh, my god.

Oh, my god!

I can't wait to tell Aliya, and to see her reaction! But I have to wait. I feel like I'm going to burst, having to keep this news to myself.

I want to surprise everyone, though.

The first person on my list being Zayan.

I look towards him, he's sitting with Yusuf Bhai and Armaan, and they're talking about football. He has no idea what's coming for him. He's in for a big shock!

I ask Aliya about her symptoms, if she has any yet. She nods, her face falling slightly.

'I've been feeling nauseous for the last few days. Especially this morning, before the scan. I was so nervous, that's probably why. I haven't been sick yet, but I've been having nausea,' she says, her cheeks tinting pink.

Oh wow! According to my dates, we're both five weeks and three days today, and Aliya's already feeling nauseous. That probably means my nausea will kick in soon, too. I hope not! That will make it so difficult to hide the pregnancy from everyone.

I want to tell Zayan right now, though. Right now. I feel like I'm going to burst if I don't tell him. I need to know he feels. I need to see his reaction.


That night, I keep tossing and turning, because sleep doesn't come to me easily. I lay in Zayan's arms, his breathing even. He's fast asleep, it's over 1am, and I'm still wide awake.

I touch my stomach gently, a small smile making its way onto my lips. I can't believe it. I'm still in shock. I don't think I'll really believe it until I have my scan on Friday. I hope it goes well.

I place my hand on Zayan's, and I stare up at the ceiling. I have no idea how to surprise him. I have no idea what to do. Knowing me, I'm just going to end up blurting it out to him, so I need to tell him soon.


I can't hide it from him any longer. I need to tell him tomorrow. After work.

I fall asleep around half an hour later, in Zayan's arms, while he's hugging me close. I feel him kiss the top of my head when I fall asleep.


Thankfully, I'm super energetic at work the next day. I'm still having some light cramping, but it's not too much. I feel great, happy, excited! I go to work even after Zayan and Hanna tell me not to, and I'm grinning like an idiot when Zayan gives us all our duties. I'm working in rheumatology this week.

The day flies by. I'm kept so busy through the day, that I don't realise when it's 5pm. I get into my car, driving myself home, but I make a stop on my way.

I go to the local pharmacy and buy a pregnancy test. A digital Clearblue test again. Hopefully, it's not going to be faulty again. I need it to work, for this evening. For Zayan's surprise.

He's been in the oncology clinic all day, and he should be heading home in around half an hour.

I buy the test and drive home. When I reach home, I greet Aunty, Uncle, Laiba and Usman Bhai happily. They're all super worried, because they wanted me to stay home today. They look relieved when they see the huge smile on my face, though.

Aunty hugs me, kissing my cheek. "Oh, thank god! We were so worried about you, Alayna. How have you been today?"

I hug her again. 'Aunty, I've been great! I'm all good now, I promise.'

"Are you hungry, Alayna?" Laiba asks me.

I shake my head. 'Not really. I might make myself a small fruit salad, though. Where's my nephew?' I ask her with a grin.

She smiles. "He's asleep. He just fell asleep right now, after being naughty all day. I'm exhausted after playing peekaboo with him all day!"

'He's adorable! Hasn't Zayan reached home yet?' I ask everyone.

Uncle shakes his head. "Not yet, dear. Go and take some rest, I'll tell the maid to bring you your fruit salad."

'I'll make it myself, Uncle. It's all good,' I say, smiling.

"I'll help you," Laiba says, beaming. She follows me into the kitchen, and we start to make my fruit salad.

I cut up half a mango and a few strawberries, while Laiba cuts up an apple and some cherries. I mix them all together in a bowl, and it's done.

Hanna and Zayan reach home just as we walk out of the kitchen. They both look tired.

I say 'hi' to them both, before heading upstairs to my room. I change into some comfy clothes, a loose cotton kurta and white leggings. Then, I sit in bed, eating my fruit salad and watching some Netflix. I have everything planned for Zayan's surprise, and I'm feeling so nervous.

A few minutes later, Zayan walks in, looking as handsome as ever. He's wearing a white, fitted button-up shirt that clings to all his muscles, black trousers and black dress shoes.

'Hey, handsome,' I tease, as soon as he walks in.

He smiles at me, showing off his perfect pearly whites. "Hey, beautiful."

I get out of bed and go to him, hugging him tight. I love this man so much. More than words could ever explain. He's my whole world. Him, and our baby.

"I missed you," he says, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.

I smile, breathing in his delicious, manly scent. A few seconds later, I lift my head to look up at him. He's so handsome, he takes my breath away whenever I look at him. I can't believe that he's all mine.

'I missed you too, Zayan,' I say, pouting slightly.

He smiles, kissing my lips softly. "You look well today."

I nod. 'I am well! Never been better, actually!'

"I'm glad, Alayna. I was so worried about you yesterday. When I found out you fainted, I hated myself for being so far away from you. I wanted to reach you in less than a second."

I chuckle, blushing. 'I know. A few of the nurses were teasing me, about how worried you were, running through the hospital to get to me.'

He nods. "You're my whole life, Alayna."

My heart.

My bottom lip trembles, and he holds my face in his hands. "Please don't cry," he says, as a tear slips out of my eye and travels down my cheek. He wipes it away, his eyes soft and filled with love.

'Why are you so damn cute? God, I love you so much, Zayan,' I say, laughing, tears filled in my eyes.

His grin makes my heart skip a beat. "You have no idea how much I love it when you say that, Alayna. I love you too, I love you so much."

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him gently, pouring all my love into the kiss. He kisses me back, his arms around my waist.

'Take some rest, Zayan. You must be really tired,' I say after breaking the kiss.

He nods, caressing my face gently. "What are you going to do?"

'I need to pee,' I say, making him laugh.

"You're crazy," he says, amusedly.

'Get changed, and then get into bed. Try to sleep for a bit. Okay?'

He nods. "Okay, wifey."

I grin, going into the bathroom and locking the door. I take out the pregnancy test box from the cabinet, and take a deep breath. I really hope it works. I need it to work, in order for me to surprise Zayan.

I pee on the stick and wait three minutes. I wash my hands and tap my fingers impatiently on the bathroom counter. It's taking forever, it's still loading.

When three minutes pass, I pick up the pregnancy test and a grin makes its way onto my lips.


It's there, super clear. I'm pregnant. I already knew that, but my heart starts to race when I see the positive test.

I'm going to surprise Zayan after dinner, when we're both alone. I'll let him rest yet. I really hope he's going to be as happy as I am.


After dinner, I'm a bundle of nerves. I've never felt so nervous, so afraid, yet so excited. I have everything ready in our room, and I'm just waiting for him to come upstairs. I have a camera set up and hidden on top of my accent cabinet, next to a flower vase. It's tiny, and he won't be able to see it.

Everything's ready, I'm just waiting for him to arrive. When I hear his footsteps outside the door, I run over to the camera and turn it on, starting to record.

The door opens, and Zayan walks in, stretching. 'Why do you look so nervous? You're biting your lip,' he says with a chuckle.

My eyes widen, and I shake my head quickly. "Why would I be nervous? I'm not! Are you tired, Zayan?" I ask him.

His eyes darken. 'Oh, now I get it. No, I'm not tired, baby,' he says, walking towards me.

I chuckle as he grabs my face and is about to kiss me, but I move my face to the side. He kisses my cheek.

'What's wrong?' He asks, confused.

I shake my head. "Nothing! I want to play a game with you."

He frowns. 'A game? What game?'

"I'm going to blindfold you, and.. okay, stop smirking like that. It's a game! I'm going to blindfold you, and I'm going to hand you four different things. Random things. You need to guess what they are. Your go to be blindfolded first, and then it's mine. Whoever gets the most correct, wins. Simple!" I explain, my cheeks flushed. My heart's racing in my chest, it's so loud that surely Zayan must be able to hear it too?

'Okay then, I'm up for it! Where shall I sit? You're about to take advantage of me by blindfolding me.'

Oh, my god. The reason I'm filming this, is because I want to use the video when surprising our families. I'm going to have to cut so much out of the video. He's crazy.

"I don't think anyone would ever be able to take advantage of you, Dr. Zayan. And sit just there, on the sofa."

He does as he's told, still smirking. Oh, that smirk is going to get wiped off his face in just a few short minutes. He has no idea what's coming for him.

I take a blindfold out of the drawer of my bedside table, and I walk towards him. The damn guy looks so amused when he sees the blindfold in my hands.

He coughs loudly, trying not to laugh.

I giggle, shaking my head. 'Ready, Zayan?' I ask, a huge smile on my lips.

"I'm ready whenever you are, Alayna," he says with a smile.

'Okay then!' I lean over him and put the blindfold on him, making sure he can't see a thing.

'You promise you can't see anything?' I ask, holding out my hand. I put up three fingers. 'How many fingers?'

"I promise I can't see, and I have no idea. It better not be two."

I burst out laughing, smacking him hard on his arm. 'You're such an idiot. Stop laughing. And stop smirking, too. Ready for your first object?'

He nods.

I hand him a lipstick. My favourite MAC lipstick, to be exact.

He makes a face. "What on earth is this?" He asks, confused.

'Guess! You have three guesses,' I say, smiling.

He turns the lipstick over in his large hands, coughing. Then, he opens it and he sticks his finger in the lipstick, ruining it. My eyes widen. "Zayan!"

He laughs loudly, waving at me to hand him a tissue. 'I knew it. It's a lipstick.'

I roll my eyes. "You're buying me three new ones for ruining that one. It was my favourite! But you guessed correctly. It is-was my lipstick. Which you just ruined."

I take it from him and hand him a tissue which he uses to wipe his hand.

"Ready for your next object?" I ask him.

He nods. My lips break out into a smirk when I hand him a mango. It's so random, but hilarious.

He holds it in his large hand, and I can just tell that he's frowning under the blindfold. "It's a mango."

'Yes, it is! I have to say, Dr. Zayan, you're doing very well in this game! I have a feeling you might win!'

He laughs.

I take the mango from him and put it to the side. Then, I hand him the next object. It's a small, soft toy of Adnan's. I grin.

He drops the toy, shaking his head. 'It's furry. What on earth is that, Alayna? It's hairy!' It's a toy kitten.

I laugh at the expression on his face as I place it back into his hands. "You tell me, Zayan. What is it?"

'Is that a spider? No. You wouldn't hold a spider. You wouldn't touch a spider. It's not, right?' He asks, his lips curled up in disgust.

"Nope. Two more guesses, doc."

He feels the toy, shaking his head. 'I have no idea what this is. Is it alive?'

I shake with silent laughter. "I'm not telling you anything, you have to guess."

'Is it a.. decoration item or something? I have no clue. I give up.'

"Nope. You give up? Do you want me to tell you what it is?" I ask, amused. My heart rate has picked up, and the fluttering at the pit of my stomach is back. I'm extremely nervous.

He nods.

'It's Adnan's favourite toy! His toy kitten!' I tell him.

"Oh! I should have guessed, I've played with that thing so many times with Adnan."

I smile, taking it out of his hands.

My heart's going crazy in my chest, it feels like it's about to explode.

"There's one more item, right?" He asks me.

I nod. 'Yes, one more. You still can't see, right? Promise?'

"Promise, babygirl."

I walk over to my bed and take out the pregnancy test that I'd hidden in my purse. It's now or never.

I can't believe it's happening. I can't believe I'm about to tell Zayan I'm pregnant. He's about to find out that he's going to become a father. Oh, my god.

My hands are trembling as I walk over to him. I'm biting my lip nervously, and my eyes have filled up with tears. I look over to the camera, it's still on. I run my fingers through my hair, and I swallow hard. I've never felt so nervous in my whole life. My heart feels like it's about to jump out of my chest. I feel like I'm going to be sick with nerves.

"Where are you, Alayna?" Zayan asks me.

'I-I'm right here, Zayan. Ready?' I ask.

"You seem nervous, is everything okay? Yes, I'm ready."

'I'm not nervous, you crazy guy. Here, give me your hand.'

He holds out his hand, and I place the pregnancy test into it.

He feels around for a few seconds. 'Is it a pen?' He asks, confused.

I laugh. "Nope. You have two more guesses."

He feels the lid of the pregnancy test, and then the small screen. He's quiet for a few moments.

'It better not be something naughty.'

I laugh, smacking his arm again. "Zayan!" I nearly blurt out that he needs to stop saying crazy things, because I'm recording all this for our families. "It's nothing naughty. Idiot."

'Oh, thank god. I thought you placed a-'

"Dr. Zayan, if you finish that sentence I'm going to slap you hard. It's nothing naughty. You have two guesses, use them wisely."

He clears his throat. He feels the pregnancy test again. 'Is it a mascara? Are you making me guess all of your makeup items?'

"No, it's not a mascara. You only have one guess left. Is it really so difficult?" I ask, a small smile playing on my lips. My palms are sweaty, and I honestly feel like I'm about to go into cardiac arrest. Is it normal for my heart to be racing so fast? I grin at the confused expression on Zayan's face. He looks like he's in deep thought.

'There's something on here, that's so weird. This part,' he says, holding out the pregnancy test for me to see. He's touching the screen, where it says 'pregnant'. I bite my lip to contain my grin.

"Take a guess, what can it be?" I ask him, my voice strained.

'Are you okay?' He asks me, worriedly.

"I'm fine! Take your last guess," I say, my voice trembling.

He feels the test again in his hands, and then he tenses. I can see the Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. He feels the lid of the pregnancy test, and then the screen again. Then, he looks up at me.

'Alayna, what's this?' He asks me, his voice sounding completely different now. There's no confusion in his low voice. He knows. He just wants to hear it from me.

My heart rate accelerates by a thousand times the normal rate, and I place a hand on my chest to control the pace of my heart. He looks down at the pregnancy test without removing his blindfold, and then back at me. He wets his lips.

"I-I don't know, you tell me," I whisper, my eyes filled with tears to the brim. I'm shaking.

'Please remove my blindfold, Alayna,' he says, his voice cool and calm.

I can't make out how he's feeling right now. I have no idea. He does know what it is, right?

I take a step towards him, leaning over him to remove the blindfold, my fingers trembling. My whole body trembling. I'm about to burst into tears, I just know it.

I throw the blindfold to the side, and he opens his eyes. He looks directly at me, and not at what's in his hands. His eyes are wide, dark, and full of emotion.

My lip trembles.

Zayan swallows, staring at me for a few seconds without speaking a single word. Then, he looks down at the pregnancy test in his hands. He turns it over, so the test screen is showing.

I hold onto the side of the sofa with both hands, I feel like I'm going to fall. My legs are weak.

He looks at it for a few seconds, and then his eyes are back on me. 'Alayna, is this a prank? Are you pranking me?' He asks, his voice uncertain.

I shake my head, wiping my eyes roughly with my hands.

'It says.. who's is this? Is it yours?' He asks, his voice trembling. When I hear his voice tremble like that for the first time in my life, the flood of tears begins.

I nod, crying. "I-I'm pregnant," I whisper, crying my eyes out. It feels more real now after I've said it out loud. After I've told him.

He glances at my stomach, and then back at my face. His eyes are turning red. He stands up, and I can see his legs shaking. 'Alayna, how? Are you for real?'

I nod, looking at the pregnancy test stick that's still in his hand. "We're going to have a baby, Zayan. You're not happy, are you? You're in shock. I was shocked, too. I still am. You're not happy." I cry harder.

He shakes his head quickly, his eyes wide. A tear slips out of his eye, and I cry even harder. He takes a large step towards me so he's standing right in front of me, and he holds my face in both his large hands. 'You're pregnant? We're having a baby?' He's in shock. Utter shock.

I nod again, for the tenth time.

Another tear slips out of his eye, and then he laughs. He laughs loudly, and his laughter sounds like music to my ears. His laughter is magical, it's my favourite sound.

'We're having a baby?!' He asks, grinning at me, crying.

My heart breaks at the sight of him. He's so emotional. And he's.. happy!

"We're having a baby, Zayan. You're going to become a father," I whisper, blushing brightly.

'We're having a baby! Alayna, I love you so much. I love you so damn much, you have no idea! How could you even think that I wouldn't be happy?! I've never felt so happy in my entire life, I feel like I'm dreaming! You've made me the happiest man in the world today,' he says, his voice trembling. Tears are streaming down his face.

I wipe them away, grinning. "You sure you're happy?" I whisper.

'I'm the happiest, Alayna! We're having a baby!' He yells, excitedly.

He kisses me gently, as though I'm going to break. I kiss him back, harder. My tears are mingling with his.

When we break the kiss, he falls to the ground, kneeling before me. He lifts my kurta to expose my stomach, and I blush hard. He feels my stomach, looking up at me.

'Your stomach's hard,' he says, an excited grin on his lips.

"I've been really bloated lately. I can't believe I didn't find out sooner, being a doctor," I speak, chuckling.

'When did you find out?' He asks me, touching my flat but bloated stomach again.

"Last night. When I got my blood report."

'You had an idea that you're pregnant! That's why you didn't want me to see the report! How far along are you, baby?'

I blush harder. "Five weeks and four days today, exactly the same as Aliya."

He laughs, shaking his head. 'No way!'

"I am, it's so crazy! I can't wait to tell her, and Hanna! Oh yes, I have my first ultrasound on Friday. I'm so scared, Zayan. Can you come with me?" I ask slowly, biting my lip.

He looks up at me, his eyes filled with tears. He wipes his face, chuckling. 'Of course, Alayna! I'd love to go with you to the ultrasound. To every ultrasound! To every appointment. You and our baby are my entire life, my whole world. I found out only a few minutes ago, but this baby is already my whole world.'

I cry, smiling. "And this baby already loves you so much," I whisper, touching my stomach gently.

More tears flow out of Zayan's eyes. He leans forward and kisses my stomach gently, making me giggle. I'm very ticklish, especially my stomach.

He kisses it again, and again. 'Hi, baby! I already love you so much! Me and Alayna can't wait to meet you,' he whispers, talking to my non-existent baby bump.

I couldn't love this man more than I already do. My heart feels so full right now, it's crazy. The tears continue to flow down my cheeks like a never-ending waterfall, and the smile doesn't leave my lips.

'I promise to keep you and your mother safe always, even if it means that I have to protect you with my life. I love you more than words can explain,' he whispers, kissing my stomach again.

I smile, pulling Zayan up a few seconds later. His eyes are bloodshot red, and he's looking at me with so much love, so much care, that it makes me cry even more.

'I love you so much, Alayna,' Zayan whispers, wiping away my tears and kissing me softly.

"I love you too, Zayan. So much," I whisper, my voice breaking. I lean up and kiss him harder, pulling him as close as possible.

'Slowly, Alayna,' he murmurs against my lips. 'The baby.'

I smile against his lips. "The baby's well protected, Zayan. Just kiss me."

He holds me in his arms and does as he's told, kissing me gently but deeply, showing me how much he loves me, how much me and our baby mean to him.

He holds me in his arms, bridal style, without breaking the kiss and we get into bed. I groan, holding grabbing the front of his t-shirt to bring him closer.

He chuckles against my lips, breaking the kiss and staring into my eyes. 'We're going to have to control ourselves a little now,' he says with a smile.

I shake my head. "N-no, Zayan. Our baby's safe. You're a doctor, like I am. Nothing will happen to the baby, I need you."

He shakes his head, pecking me on the lips. 'I don't want to take any risks. We have to wait, at least until the ultrasound on Friday.'

I sigh, but nod. "But we can just kiss. Nothing else."

Zayan's eyes darken, and he nods. 'Come over here,' he says, gently pulling me closer into his arms. He kisses me again, gently, softly, deep, teasing.

I can feel exactly how badly he needs me, but he's controlling himself. For the baby. I'm glad that he is. I know sex isn't harmful in pregnancy, but he won't take any risks and neither will I. Our baby is most important to us. We're going to make sure we're in the safe zone, before we think of anything like that. It's going to be difficult to control ourselves, but we're going to have to.

Just because we can't have sex, though, it doesn't mean we can't do anything else.

I grin against his lips, continuing to kiss him.


Hey guys! How was the chapter? It was such a cute one to write! Zayan's found out, what did you think about his reaction?

What will happen next?

Alayna and Aliya are both five weeks and three days at the start of the chapter! The best friends are pregnant together!

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter! I love you all!

Question: What are some good Netflix shows that you recommend?

Bye guys!

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