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25 November 2020

Hey guys, I hope you're well. Sorry for the late update, I hope you like it though! Happy reading. :)

"I still haven't figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do." — William C. Hannan

Zayan's POV

The next few days are great, me and Alayna spend lots of time with our families, and with each other. Thankfully, Alayna hasn't started showing many symptoms just yet, so no one's suspicious. We both want to surprise our loved ones, and we're planning how to.

The main symptom Alayna has been getting, though, is fatigue. She's tired for most of the day, but thankfully no one's noticed. If they have, she brushes it off by saying that she's lazy and in the mood for a Netflix marathon. So, she's been spending a lot of time with the girls, binge-watching her favourite shows and movies on Netflix.

Every night, me and Alayna have been watching Harry Potter. As soon as the movie ends each night, she's asleep in my arms within minutes.

Right now, I'm sitting in the living room of the manor, with Kabir, Armaan and Yusuf. We're talking about work, and sports. Alayna's on the other side of the living room, and she's sitting with Laiba Bhabhi, Hanna, Sara and Aliya. They're laughing amongst themselves and teasing each other, as usual.

I smile, looking at her. I shake my head to myself, not believing how my life has changed entirely in such a short space of time. Only a few months ago, I was against the idea of marriage. I didn't believe that marriage was for me. However, when Alayna stepped into my life, she changed my whole life.

I don't know how she did it, but she made me fall completely and utterly in love with her. I can't imagine my life without her anymore. I don't know how I managed to live without her. She's my whole life now. Her, and our baby. I'd do anything for them.

Alayna whispers something to Laiba Bhabhi, and the two of them are in another fit of giggles. It makes me chuckle.

Shaking my head, I distract myself from my beautiful wife, and I turn to the guys. We continue to talk about work, and we plan to go and watch a football game.


Alayna's POV

'Yes, Laiba! You're so right, I can't wait to tease Hanna when she's engaged. It's gonna be the best, it's gonna be so much fun. Revenge will be sweet,' I say, grabbing Laiba's arm and giggling.

Hanna frowns at us, shaking her head. "Well, I'm not getting married anytime soon, so you guys are gonna have to wait a while."

I roll my eyes. 'Yeah, yeah. Let's see!'

Hanna nods. "First I want a niece or nephew, Alayna. And another one from you, Laiba Bhabhi. Only after that will I think about marriage."

'You're crazy! Adnan is only four months' old, and you want another niece or nephew? Alayna, get working on it,' Laiba teases.

My cheeks turn bright red as the girls all start to laugh. It's now my turn to get teased, after Hanna.

"Why don't you girls say that to Zayan? Crazy!"

Hanna laughs, poking me. 'Shall I? Zayan Bhai!' She shouts, her eyes filled with amusement.

"No!" I grab Hanna's arm, shaking my head. My face is burning with embarrassment.

Zayan looks over at us, and he replies. 'What do you want, Hanna?'

"Bhai, come over here for a second. I need you," she says, dramatically.

Zayan stands up, raising an eyebrow. He walks over to us, and I'm hiding my face in my hands. Is this girl being serious?

'What's the matter, Hanna? Alayna, what's wrong?' He asks, looking at me worriedly.

I lift my head to look at him, and I shake my head. "She's being crazy. Please ignore her."

'You know, she has a point though,' Aliya joins in with the teasing.

"I have a feeling where this is going," Zayan says, shaking his head.

Hanna grabs her brother's hand and makes him sit in between us. My legs are pressed together with Zayan's.

She puts her face next to Zayan's ear. I keep giving her death glares, but she winks at me. Idiot.

'Zayan Bhai, these girls were teasing me, saying that I should get married soon,' she says, dramatically.

Zayan's lips curl into a smirk. "They're right."

I laugh loudly, turning to Laiba who's eyes are glittering with mischief. These girls.

'What do you mean they're right?! You too want me to get married, Bhai? You want me to leave you, don't you?' She asks, sadly.

Zayan shakes his head. "I don't want you to leave us, but you will get married one day, Hanna. It's a good idea that you should get married soon. Shall we start looking for someone, or do you have someone in mind?"

Hanna's mouth falls open in shock, as does mine. Did he just ask her that? If she has someone in mind? He's lost it, too.

Hanna's cheeks turn bright pink, and she smacks her brother on his arm. She shakes her head. 'You're not gonna start looking anytime soon, and no, Bhai. I don't have anyone in mind. Unlike you and Alayna, who were up to god knows what at the hospital before your marriage.'

"Hanna! We weren't up to anything, at all!" I say, shaking my head.

'Yeah, yeah. Tell yourselves that. I'm not getting married anytime soon. That's not why I called you here, Bhai,' she says, looking at her brother.

Zayan raises an eyebrow. "What is it then?"

Hanna sighs dramatically. 'What can I say, Bhai? What can I say? It's not like anyone will ever listen to me.' She shakes her head, her eyes glittering. Oh god.

What a drama queen!

I roll my eyes. "Zayan, ignore her," I mutter, holding Zayan's arm. 

'Hanna, when have I ever not listened to what you say?' He asks his sister.

"Then, I'll get married but on one condition."

Zayan's eyes widen with shock. 'What condition?'

Aliya hides her face in her hands, shaking with laughter. Laiba grabs my free hand from beside me, laughing too.

I can't believe Hanna.

"It's a bit crazy, Bhai. I don't think I should say something like this to you," she says, shaking her head.

'What's going on, Hanna? Tell me,' he says, looking confused.

"How can I tell you, Zayan Bhai?"

'I'll tell you, Zayan. I'll tell you what this crazy girl said to me and Laiba just now,' I say, shaking my head with disbelief.

Zayan turns to me, his eyes filled with amusement. He knows.


'She told us that she'll only get married if she has another nephew or niece. Two, actually. One from me, one from Laiba.'

Zayan coughs loudly to control his laughter, and he turns to his sister. "Hanna, I'll just say this. You're crazy."

'See, I told you! No one will ever listen to me!' She says, dramatically.

I blush bright red, hiding my face in Zayan's shoulder.

"Is there anything else you need to say to me, Hanna? Or can I go?" He asks, sighing.


Zayan stands up, holding my hand. 'Can I borrow you for a second, Alayna?'

"Please. I'm all yours. Anything to get away from these crazy girls." I jump up quickly, and Zayan's eyes widen. He frowns, and I blush.

I follow him out the room, and we head upstairs. We're outside our room, when he speaks. 'Don't jump up like that again, Alayna.'

"Okay, okay. I won't," I say, opening the door of our suite.

We walk in, and Zayan closes the door behind me. He turns to face me, and then gently grabs my wrist, pulling me towards himself.

I blush, my body colliding with his.

'Why were you sitting downstairs looking so beautiful?' He murmurs into my ear. It sends a shock through my entire body, and I blush harder.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Zayan, I'm wearing an oversized kurta, my hair's tied up in a simple ponytail, and I'm not wearing any makeup at all. You need to get your eyes checked out."

He shakes his head, a faint smile on his beautiful lips. 'You look even more beautiful like this. You're glowing.'

I laugh, hitting him on the arm. "I'm not glowing, I just look tired all the time. I miss you."

His smile widens. 'You miss me? I'm right here with you, baby.'

I shake my head and hug him, sighing with happiness. I rest my face on his chest, wrapping my arms around him. He rests his cheek on top of my head and holds close, kissing the top of my head. I feel so safe when I'm with him. I can't explain the comfort and the protection I feel when I'm this close to him.

'How are you feeling today?' He whispers, continuing to hold me.

I smile. It's the third time today that he's asked me this. "I'm feeling good, Zayan. Not as tired as I was yesterday, and that weird stretching feeling is still going on in my lower stomach."

'That's normal,' he says. 'It's not painful, is it?'

"It doesn't hurt at all, it just feels weird. Do I still look normal, by the way?" I ask him honestly, breaking the hug and looking into his eyes.

He looks confused, and laughs. 'What do you mean? Of course you still look normal.'

"Yeah, I know I still look like myself. What I mean, though, is.. does my face look bigger? Weaker? Are my legs swollen? Do I look super bloated? Because I feel so bloated."

He shakes his head, holding my hand. 'You look perfect, like my Alayna always does. Your face looks the same, you don't look weak. Your legs aren't swollen, the swelling usually happens in the third trimester. You don't look bloated, you look slim like always. However...' He smirks, and trails off.

I frown. "However, what?"

He coughs, shaking his head. 'Nothing.'

"Spit it out. What's wrong? However what? Am I getting spots on my face? Is my hair falling out?" I go to stand in front of the full-length mirror, looking over my whole body. I look normal, I guess. Even though I don't feel like my normal self at all.

He comes to stand around me, gently wrapping his arms around my waist and resting them lightly on my stomach.

"Tell me," I say, super confused.

I see him smirk in the mirror. 'It's nothing.'

I spin around to face him, frowning. I touch my stomach, it feels bloated but I'm not showing yet. I'm only six and a half weeks.

I touch my face, and then my hair. I touch my whole body, confused as hell. What's not normal?

'It's really nothing, trust me,' Zayan says, his eyes sparkling with amusement.

"You said however."

'I did. But it's nothing bad.'

"So there is something!"

He chuckles. 'Go and change into a kurta your own size.'

"What? Why? Don't you like this one?"

'I like it. Here, I'll pick one out for you.'

He walks over to the closet, and takes out a purple kurta, one of my favourites, and one I know he loves too. He hands it to me.

I shrug, taking off my kurta in front of him. His jaw tenses, and his heated gaze travels over my body. I blush hard.

I put on the kurta he's handed me, and I tug it down.

What the hell?

I walk over to the mirror, and stand in front of it. This kurta, which two weeks ago would have fit me perfectly, is super tight on me now. Not from everywhere, though. Only from.. certain places. How did I not notice that?

My eyes widen, and I jump up with pain. 'Ouch!'

"Are you okay, Alayna?" He's at my side within a second.

I nod. 'Yes, just.. sore. I get what you were saying now.'

He smirks. "I told you it's nothing bad."

I smack him hard on his chest, shaking my head, my cheeks bright scarlet. 'You're crazy. How did you realise that and I didn't? Never mind, I don't wanna know.'

He laughs loudly, pulling me close. I feel the soreness again when my chest presses up against his. It's so weird!

"You're too innocent for your own good," he whispers, kissing my forehead gently.

I roll my eyes. 'I'll show you my innocence soon, as soon as you let me near you. Just wait and watch.'

He smirks. "You are near me."

'Go away. You know that's not what I mean. I'm gonna go take a shower. Can you please put my phone on charge? It's almost dead.'

He nods, and I hand him my phone. His eyes are filled with amusement.

'Don't wait here for me, I'm gonna take my sweet time. Go downstairs and spend time with everyone.'

"I'll go later. Have fun in the shower."

I cough loudly, my eyes widening. His do, too, when he realises what he's just said.

"I will, Dr. Zayan. I will."

His eyes darken, and he opens his mouth to speak but I kiss him gently on the cheek and head into the bathroom.


An hour later, when I step out of the bathroom, showered and changed, I notice right away that something's wrong.

Zayan's sitting at the edge of our bed, and he looks furious.

Oh, no.

What's going on?

I take cautious steps towards him, and I take a seat next to him.

My fingers are trembling when I place my hand on his arm. 'Zayan, what's wrong?' I whisper, my heart rate accelerating. My heart's pounding loudly in my chest, and I just know that something is terribly wrong.


Cold, icy, hard silence.

I swallow the lump in my throat, tugging his arm. He's looking at the floor, and he's angry. Angry isn't the word to describe it, actually. He looks livid.

'Zayan, you're scaring me. Will you please tell me what's going on?' I whisper gently.

When he turns to look at me a minute or two later, his eyes are hard, emotionless. He looks like a completely different person right now. What's going on?

"Alayna, you tell me what's going on. Now." His voice is low, quiet.

I frown, confused. 'Nothing's going on. What are you talking about? Everything was completely fine before I went for my shower. Will you tell me what's happened?'

He grabs my phone from the bedside table and hands it to me. I look down at the screen, and my heart drops. I feel bile rise to my throat.

London won't save you from me. Give Zayan back to me, and you'll live. Otherwise, time's almost up.

I shake my head furiously, deleting the text without giving it a second thought. Zayan grabs my phone from my hand, and somehow retrieves the text.

"What's this, Alayna? Who's this?" He asks me again, his voice as cold as ice.

Tears rise to my eyes, and I quickly blink them away. 'I.. I don't know,' I whisper very quietly, staring down at my hands in my lap. They're shaking.

"You don't know?" He repeats, his dark gaze fixed on me.

I shake my head. 'I.. I wanted to tell you. F-for so long, Zayan...'

There's a pause.

"Since how long has this been going on? Tell me."

'It's been going on for a while now, Zayan. It's been a month and a half.'

Another pause.

"A month and a half?! A month and a half, and you didn't think it was important to tell me? Or is it that you didn't trust me enough?" He raises his voice slightly, making me jump.

I shake my head, grabbing his hand. 'I.. I wanted to tell you, Zayan. At first, I didn't think it was important. I thought it was just someone teasing me, a fangirl of yours. I don't know. I didn't think it was important. I thought it was just a joke.'

"And then?"

'And then it started getting worse. Somehow, this person knows where I am at all times. He or she, most likely she, wants me to leave you. Like hell will I do that.'

Zayan stands up, my hand breaking free from his. He starts pacing, and he's furious.

"You have a stalker, and you didn't tell me about it. Alayna, do you have any idea how serious this is? You're getting death threats!"

I flinch. 'No one can harm me in any way as long as you're with me, Zayan. I'm not scared.'

"You should be scared. What about the times I'm not with you? What about when I'm at work? You're not going to leave the house until I find out who's behind this. And you're getting a personal bodyguard who will be with you, outside your room at all times when I'm not with you."

'I will go to work! And, what?! I'm not getting a damn bodyguard, Zayan, just because of some stupid girl who's jealous of me!'

"Until I find out who's behind this, you're staying indoors if you're not with me. And you're getting a bodyguard. I know a guy-"

'Get me the damn bodyguard now and I'll take him to the bathroom with me, too. Why outside the room? He should stay inside my room if he wants to protect me.' I'm getting riled up.

Zayan's jaw clenches. "No other guy except me will be inside our room."

'But you seem to think it's a good idea for me to get a damn bodyguard. If you want him to keep me safe, he should be right by my side.'

I don't even know what I'm saying right now.

Pregnancy mood swings.

"I don't care what you say, Alayna. You're getting a bodyguard. It's not safe-"

'You're with me, Zayan. Here, in London, you're with me at all times. I'm safe. I don't want the whole world to find out about this damn stalker.'

His jaw tenses. "I'm here with you in London, but when we return home, I will be at work during the days. When we return, you're getting a bodyguard. The first thing, though, is that we will get to the bottom of this in the next few days."

'I'm sorry for not telling you about this, Zayan. I'm sorry,' I say, walking over to him and holding his right hand in both of mine.

He shakes his head. "This is the first time, Alayna, that you've ever hurt me. I'm not angry, I'm hurt. You didn't tell me what was going on, you hid all this from me for so long. I do everything for you, everything I can to make you happy, and you can't even trust me?"

My lip trembles with emotion. 'It's not about trust, Zayan. I trust you more than I trust myself. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to get involved, or hurt in any way. If you ever got hurt again because of me, I'd die.'

He looks everywhere, but at my face. "I need to make some calls. I need to get to the bottom of this. Alayna, go downstairs to the girls. You're well protected here, and I'm going to call all the staff and tell them to do whatever it takes to keep you safe too."

'I want to be with you, not with the girls,' I say, shaking my head. I feel like the worst person in the world right now, for hurting him. When he told me that I hurt him for the first time, it felt like a stab to my heart.

"I need to be alone right now, Alayna. Please."

My heart drops in my chest, and I let go of his hand. 'I-I'm sorry,' I whisper, tears rising to my eyes, threatening to fall.

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek gently, before I rush out of the room.

I go into a spare room down the corridor, where I take some time to compose myself after crying for a good half hour.

I can't believe I hurt the most important person in my life. The person who'd do, and has done, anything and everything for me. I didn't do the right thing by not telling him. He deserved to know about everything from me. He shouldn't have found out this way.


I hardly eat anything at dinner that evening. Aunty and Mum notice, and they ask me if I'm not feeling well. I brush it off, telling them that I ate a large slice of cheesecake with coffee an hour ago, which I didn't.

The last thing I want to do right now is eat. I have a huge headache, and Zayan isn't talking to me properly. He found out about the texts four hours ago, and the last four hours have genuinely been the worst.

After dinner, I spend some time with Aliya in her room. She's not feeling too well, she's just been sick for the second time today, and she has a migraine. Her pregnancy symptoms have hit her hard, like a train. She's exhausted and sick.

I don't know if I should tell her that I want to sleep with her tonight, because Zayan's mad at me. Will he want to be with me tonight? He needs some time alone.

'What's wrong, Alayna?' Aliya whispers, holding my hand. Her eyes are filled with worry for me.

I shake my head, brushing it off. "Nothing, Aliya. Take rest, you'll feel better."

'I've been resting all day and night. Kabir won't let me get up. Tell me, Alayna. I'm your best friend, I know when you're upset. What's going on?'

I shake my head, and then my lip trembles. "I.. I did something wrong, Aliya. I hid something from Zayan, and he found out about it. He's angry, and hurt. More hurt than angry. I hurt him, for the first time."

Tears spill out of my eyes, rolling down my cheeks. They don't stop.

'Oh no, sweetie. Why did you hide something from him? You have the sweetest, most caring husband in the whole world. He'd do anything for you.'

I cry harder. "I know, Aliya, I know. I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want him to get involved." Then, I tell her the whole story, crying at some parts, furious at others.

Aliya's in shock when I'm finished. She sits up and hugs me, kissing the top of my head. 'Oh, my gosh. Alayna, I don't know what to say. I can't believe it! Who's this girl? Who is she, and what does she want with you? Clearly, she's after Zayan, even after knowing that he's happily married. I'm so mad right now! We need to find out who this bitch is. You still have the texts, you should go to the police. This girl's been sending you death threats! It's so serious, sweetie.'

"Zayan's contacting some people, I don't know who. And I don't know why this girl is after me. She's jealous, I know, but to the extent that she'd send me death threats?"

'Does Zayan have any idea of who she might be?' Aliya asks me.

I shake my head, and then shrug. "No. I don't know. We didn't talk that much."

'I think you should go and talk to him, Alayna. Tell him how you're feeling about all this. Apologise again. He didn't eat much either for dinner, I noticed. This is why both of you were silent.'

"He's mad at me, Aliya. He's hurt. I can't look at him after hurting him. I hate myself right now."

I start crying, and Aliya gathers me in her arms so I'm lying in her lap. She wipes away my tears, makes me drink water, and again wipes my tears. I lay in her lap, closing my eyes.

"My head's spinning, Aliya. I don't feel well," I whisper, as the room starts to spin around me. I close my eyes tighter, but the dizziness doesn't stop.

'Because you're stressing so much, Alayna. Please stop worrying, it'll all be fine. Zayan will get to the bottom of this in no time. You'll fall sick if you keep stressing this much. Try to sleep. I'm right here with you.'

I stay silent for a few seconds, trying to get the dizziness to subside. But it doesn't.

Aliya massages my scalp with her fingers, but even that doesn't work. There's only one person who can make me feel better right now, but he doesn't want to talk to me. He probably doesn't even want to look at me.

My heart rate accelerates, and I do some breathing exercises to calm myself. I really don't want to have a panic attack right now.

Although I'm lying down, the dizziness gets worse. I start to sweat, and I throw the blanket off myself.

Aliya starts to get even more worried about me.

'Shall I call Zayan, Alayna?' She whispers, touching my forehead.

I shake my head. "N-no. I don't want to hurt him again," I say, my voice weak and quiet.

'Okay,' she whispers. 'Shall I call Aunty?'

I shake my head. "Don't call anyone, don't tell anyone about anything. Promise me," I say, my voice trembling.

She pauses for one second. 'I promise.'

One second, I'm trying to control my dizziness, and the next second, I get a huge wave of nausea and I jump up, running to Aliya's en-suite bathroom. I reach just on time, and I kneel in front of the toilet bowl, vomiting out what feels like everything inside me.

Aliya's at my side within seconds, holding my hair back and rubbing my back.

Ten minutes later, Aliya helps me up and I rinse my mouth and brush my teeth. After using mouthwash three times, I head back into her room.

She helps me sit on her bed, and she holds my hand, staring worriedly at me.

"Alayna, what's going on?" She whispers, gently.

I shake my head. 'I was stressing too much. I feel a lot better now, and not dizzy at all. I'm so sorry.'

She hugs me gently, rubbing my back. "I told you, you'll fall sick if you continue to stress so much. I've called Zayan, and he's coming."

I shake my head frantically. 'No, no, no. Why did you call him, Aliya? I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine.'

"He's really worried, Alayna. He said he's coming right away."

I shake my head, blinking back the tears that rise to my eyes. "Please don't tell anyone about anything, Aliya. Not about the texts, not that I was sick. I don't want anyone else to worry about me. I shouldn't have told you either, because I know you're worrying a lot too. And you're pregnant."

'You're my best friend, Alayna. I'd be mad at you if you didn't tell me. Me and baby are absolutely fine, and we're both worried about you. I don't want you stressing again, or being sick again. Okay?'

I give her a weak smile. "Okay. I love you, Aliya."

She returns the smile. 'I love you too, Alayna. Always.'

"Your health hasn't been too good lately, Alayna. I'm being serious, I'll be really mad if you don't take care of yourself. Your blood pressure didn't drop again, did it?"

I shake my head. 'Thankfully it hasn't dropped again. That was hell.'

She chuckles. "My bp is low every morning, and then I'm sick."

'You take care of yourself too, Aliya. And take care of my niece or nephew, too.'

She smiles. "Honestly, I'm only six and a half weeks along, but I think I'm getting every pregnancy symptom in the book! It's so crazy."

'Hopefully you'll be feeling a lot better soon, Aliya. I hope your morning sickness starts to subside soon.'

She gives me a soft smile. "Don't get me wrong, being sick multiple times a day is hell. But every time I'm sick, every time I experience the weird pulling sensation in my lower stomach, it gives me a sense of relief, too. It tells me that my baby's all fine."

I hold her hand, nodding. I know exactly what she means. The weird tugging and pulling in my stomach is annoying at times, and it's super weird, but it gives me a sense of relief too, because it tells me that my baby's healthy.

I nod, about to speak, but the door bursts open the next second.

Zayan enters the room, apologising to Aliya, and as soon as I see him, I burst into tears.

'Alayna,' he whispers, rushing over to me.

Aliya kisses my temple, standing up. "I'll go and see what Kabir's up to."

She leaves the room, and I stay seated, staring at the ground.

'Alayna, hey. I'm sorry, please don't cry,' Zayan whispers, holding my hand. I stand up, trembling.

I laugh humourlessly. "Why are you sorry, Zayan? I'm sorry, for everything. I'm the worst wife in the world. You've always done everything for me, and I.. I hurt you." I cry harder.

He gently wipes away my tears with his thumbs. 'Shh, Alayna. You're my entire life. You're the best wife. I'm sorry for getting angry earlier. I'm going to get to the bottom of this very soon, I promise you. And I'll make that person pay. I'm always here with you, always.'

I lift my gaze and I look at his beautiful face. It hurts. Everything hurts. "I love you, Zayan," I whisper, holding his face in my hands ever so gently.

He gives me his handsome smile. 'I love you, Alayna. More than life itself. More than anything in the world. I won't ever let any harm come to you, I promise you. I'll be your personal bodyguard.'

I laugh and cry at the same time, shaking my head. "You crazy guy. How are you mine? Gosh, I love you." I hug him tight, as tight as I possibly can. I want us both to merge into one body, to be one soul. Words can't describe the love I have for Zayan.

"You crazy girl, I love you more," he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

'Don't copy me.'

"I will."





I chuckle, breathing in his delicious, manly scent. I kiss his chest gently, just where I can feel and hear his heartbeat. I rest my cheek on his chest, closing my eyes and getting comforted by the sound of his heart.

"Why were you sick, Alayna?"

'Because I hurt you.'

"I hurt you too, and I feel like hell."

'Do you want a slap, or a kick? You didn't hurt me, Zayan.'

He chuckles loudly. I don't let go of him, and he doesn't let go of me.

"Even receiving a kick from the most beautiful girl makes me feel special," he whispers into my ear, his voice gentle. I know he's smiling right now.

I lift my head from his chest, kick his foot, and then cry. 'You remember that,' I whisper, pouting.

"How can I ever forget that kick you gave me on the stage on our wedding day?"

I laugh, shaking my head. He wipes my tears away. "You said the exact same words. How?"

'I know. I won't ever forget anything of that day, of the best day of my life, when you became mine in front of the whole world.'

"Damn it. Idiot. You're perfect," I say, pulling him close.

He smirks. 'That's you, babygirl. You're my crazy, perfect, at times annoying, beautiful, sexy wife. You're going to be the hottest mama.'

I laugh loudly, shaking my head. "And you're going to be the craziest but coolest father."

He frowns. 'And?'

I pout, thoughtfully. "And the cutest."

I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his lips gently.


"And the most handsome father."

He smirks. 'And?'

I look at his beautiful, perfect face, his dazzling blue-brown eyes, and then I take my gaze lower. He looks so hot wearing a white button-up shirt that clings to his abs and all his muscles. The top two buttons of his shirt are undone, and I gently kiss the skin of his chest.

I swallow, my throat drying up. I slowly take my hand to his shoulders, pressing gently. I feel his biceps, the muscles of his chest as they ripple under my fingertips. Damn it.

"And the hottest," I whisper, biting my lip nervously.

'Damn it, woman. What am I meant to do with you?' He asks in a low whisper.

I shake my head innocently. "Nothing, I'm pregnant."

He smirks. 'Just because we can't have sex, it doesn't mean we can't do anything else.'

Oh damn.


Hey, guys! How are you all? How was the chapter? I hope it was okay!

Please point out any mistakes you find in the chapter, please, because it's unedited!

Favourite part of the chapter?

Zayan has finally found out about the texts. What do you think will happen next?

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked the chapter! It'd mean a lot to me.

Question: What's your favourite game? I'm currently addicted to 'Among Us', and I play it whenever I'm free, haha! Does anyone else play?

Bye guys!

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