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30 July 2019

Hello, everyone! It's me again! How are you guys? Here's the next chapter of 'Arranged or Love?', I hope you all enjoy reading it! Let me know what you think of the chapter, and please, correct any grammatical errors if you see any!

"Of course I love you, Chuck. I have always loved you. I love you more and more every day if it's even possible to love someone that much." - Gossip Girl

Alayna's POV

Work the next day isn't too busy. I see a few patients in the gynaecology and gynaeoncology wards, but I have quite a bit of time for myself. Before lunchtime, I see three patients, and order scans and tests for them.

I have lunch with Hina and Zain that day, as somehow, the three of us are free at the same time. Anum and Hanna are busy, so we eat without them.

After lunch, I check on two of my patients in the gynaecology ward. One is a young female with heavy bleeding, and the other has an ovarian cyst which needs to be surgically removed.

After checking up on these patients, I head upstairs to the residents' office to write up my patient notes and check test results. The residents' office is empty, so I make myself comfortable. I sit at a desk and power on the computer, while taking out a file from my bag.

I look through blood and scan results, and have just started writing up my patient notes from this morning, when the door opens.

Dr. Zayan walks in, looking as good as ever. I'm sure he's been working since early this morning, but not a hair is out of place. He looks super handsome.

'Alayna,' he greets politely.

"Hi, Dr. Zayan. How are you today?" I ask, looking up from the paperwork.

'I'm good, thank you. I just finished conducting a brain surgery. How are your burns?' He sits at a desk near me and also switches on a desktop.

Wow. He's just come out of a brain surgery, and he's looking like that. if only I looked that good while working at the hospital. Or even on a normal day, at home.

"Wow, that's great. And I'm feeling much better, thank you," I say, clearing my throat.

'You're not too busy today?' He asks me, nodding.

I shake my head. "No, not really. I'm surprised, I thought I'd be super busy today. I even keep checking my pager to see if it's off, but it's definitely on. It's just a bit quiet today, for a change."

He nods. 'Don't jinx it by looking at your pager every few seconds. It's bound to go off if you keep looking at it.'

I chuckle. "You're right."

I look over the blood work of a patient from this morning. It's all good.

I'm looking over the numbers of another young patient, when my pager goes off, loud and clear.

"Code Blue. Level 1. Trauma Ward."

"Code Blue. Level 1. Trauma Ward."

I jump up from my seat, my eyes widening. I wasn't expecting that at all, but then again, you never are. A 'code blue' has been called from the trauma ward, and it requires immediate attention. A 'code blue' is the worst code which can be called in a hospital. It's usually called when someone has had a cardiac arrest and stopped breathing, or is having severe difficulty breathing.

'Trauma ward? I'll come with you,' Dr. Zayan says, also jumping up from his seat.

I leave everything as it is and rush out the door with him. We can't waste a single second in a situation like this. As soon as a 'code blue' is called, we doctors go running.

The trauma ward is on the first floor, above the ER. It's a long way away from here, as this is such a huge hospital. We run downstairs as the elevators are all busy, me running after Dr. Zayan.

When we finally reach the trauma ward, we meet with the medical team. There are four nurses, a surgeon, and a junior doctor. The nurses quickly fill me and Dr. Zayan in about what's happened to the patient, and we immediately start working on him, trying to restart his heart.

The patient is a thirty-three year old male, who two days ago was brought in by an ambulance, after getting severely injured in a motorcycle accident. He fractured his skull, two ribs and right leg, and lost a vast amount of blood. His condition stayed critical since the day he was brought in, and now his heart had stopped beating. He had gone into cardiac arrest.

The junior doctor had started compressions, but Dr. Zayan takes over, trying to restart the patient's heart. The odds aren't looking good, as the patient has no pulse. Dr. Zayan orders the nurses to bring over the medical cart to him, so he can have a look at the patient's airway.

Five minutes later, I take over with the compressions, working long and hard. The defibrillator is turned on and attached to the patient, and Dr. Zayan gives him some medications intravenously.

After another half hour, thankfully, we find a pulse. A very faint pulse, but it's there. Just as the entire medical team were getting ready to stop, the patient's pulse is found. We continue giving him CPR in order to restore blood circulation and find a heartbeat. Surely enough, we soon find a heartbeat.

It's a miracle. The odds were looking so poor, we thought we had lost him. But we've found a heartbeat and a pulse, and Dr. Zayan orders the rest of the medical team to continue working on him, to stabilise him as much as possible. When he's happy that the patient's condition is better, he nods to me.

'Good work, Dr. Alayna. Have you done this before?' He asks me as we walk out of the trauma ward.

I nod. "Yes, this was my third 'code blue'. I almost thought we'd lost him."

Dr. Zayan wipes away the sweat from his forehead. 'Me too. But we got him back. He's not stable, his condition is still critical, but he's with us. He needs to be closely monitored.'

"Yes, of course. I'll check on him after I've seen my patients on the ward," I tell him.

'Well, I need to prepare for another surgery, which is in forty-five minutes,' he replies.

I nod. "Is it another brain surgery?"

He shakes his head. 'Not a brain surgery, but it's a lung surgery, to remove a large tumour. It's a dangerous surgery, as the cancer has metastasized so much.'

"Good luck, Dr. Zayan. I'd better get going. Thank you, for helping me with the code." I give him a small smile.

'It's my job, Dr. Alayna. You worked well, though. You're a great doctor, you have a lot of potential,' he tells me.

I beam, proudly. Getting such a compliment about my work from one of the best doctors in the country feels amazing. I feel like I'm actually doing something right for once.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me. Bye, Dr. Zayan," I say, unable to control the grin on my lips.

His expression is passive. 'Bye, Dr. Alayna.'


The week flies by. The rest of the week at the hospital is super busy. I work on different wards every day of the week, including gynaecology, gynaeoncology, rheumatology, neurology and paediatrics. By the time I reach home that Friday evening, I'm absolutely exhausted.

"I can't wait to meet Aliya and her family tomorrow afternoon!" Mum says, grinning at me. I'm sitting in the living room with my family after having dinner.

I smile, yawning. 'I can't wait either, Mum! I've missed her so much. Her wedding preparations will start right away when she arrives, and it's going to be lots of fun,' I say.

I'm so excited for Aliya's wedding! I don't think I'll be this excited for my own wedding, whenever it is. I can't wait to go wedding shopping with Aliya's family and the girls, and to all the salon appointments. I can't wait to see her as a bride. I know I'll cry, loads.

"The original plan was they'll be coming straight here when they reach Birmingham, but the plan's changed. Aliya and her family will be going straight to Hanna's home, as they'll be having the sangeet and mehndi at their mansion. They will start planning tomorrow, at the mansion. Hanna's home is no less than an eight-star wedding venue. It'll look very beautiful when decorated," Mum says, smiling.

'I know. Aliya and Aunty Farah told me that they're planning on doing the sangeet and mehndi at Hanna's home. It's a great idea! And yes, we'll all be meeting there tomorrow afternoon,' I reply.

I feel butterflies erupt in the pit of my stomach. I'll be meeting Aliya and her family tomorrow afternoon. After only one night's sleep. I'll be seeing Armaan tomorrow, after a whole year. I can't help but start to feel nervous. I really wonder what he'll be like now. Will he be the same as before? Will I feel the same way after I see him again tomorrow? Surely I won't be able to ignore his amazingly good looks?

"Earth to Alayna! Where are you lost?" Sara asks me, smirking slightly.

I shake my head. 'I'm just a bit tired, Sara. Work was extremely busy this week. I'm so glad it's finally the weekend. How's university going for you?' I ask in response.

She shrugs. "It's going alright, I guess. I have two assignments due next Friday, and I still need to start them. I've been so busy with making my homework notes."

I give her a small smile. 'I'm sure you'll do great, as always! Get on with them!'

She rolls her eyes. "Your expectations of me are too high!"

I shake my head. 'I know you'll live up to all of them. You always do. I'm proud of you,' I tell her.

She beams. "Thanks, sis! It's not everyday I get to hear compliments from you." She winks.

Yusuf Bhai laughs at the both of us. 'You're both crazy. No one ever asks me how work is!' He says, dramatically.

Me and Sara chuckle. "Yusuf Bhai, we both know you're great at your work," Sara says.

I nod. 'Exactly. You're our older brother, so you should be the one asking us. And Bhai, hurry up, yeah?' I say, winking at him.

He frowns in confusion. "Hurry up with what?"

Our parents are listening to the three of us with smiles on their faces.

'Hurry up and get married, of course! Me and Sara are gonna have so much fun at your wedding!' I laugh.

He laughs, shaking his head. "Alayna, trust me, you'll be getting married before me. That's for sure."

I frown. 'No, I won't. You're older than me, so you're first.'

Sara, Mum and Dad laugh, shaking their heads at us.

"Your brother's right, Alayna. We think you should get married before him," Mum speaks.

I shake my head, glaring at her. 'Why? Just because I'm a girl?'

She nods. "Exactly!" I roll my eyes.

'Yes, Alayna! Your wedding will be lots of fun, too. Even though I'm gonna cry like crazy on your rukhsati,' Sara agrees with Mum and Yusuf Bhai.

"Not again," I mutter, sighing. They've started the topic of my wedding again.

Mum and Sara start excitedly talking about my wedding, and I make an excuse and head to my room right away. I don't want to hear them talking about my wedding again. It's not that I'm against the idea of marriage, because I'm definitely not.

I'd love to get married one day, it's one of my biggest dreams. However, the idea of marrying someone I don't know is scary.

I go to my room and take a long, hot bath. I love the way the hot water relaxes me, making me forget everything. After an hour, I step out of the bath and dry myself with a large, fluffy towel. I then change into my dark blue silk nightgown, and dry my hair. I brush my teeth and wash my face, before getting into bed.

Using a remote control, I turn off the lights and cover myself with my warm duvet. I close my eyes to sleep, but I'm unable to fall asleep. I'm far too excited, and nervous, for tomorrow. For meeting Armaan. The guy I've had a crush on since.. forever.

When I finally fall asleep, it's over 2am.


'Alayna? Are you ready, sweetheart?' Mum's face pops through my bedroom door, and I stand up from my seat on my plush, white leather sofa.

"Yes, Mum. You look lovely," I say, smiling at her. She's wearing a black kurta which is one of her latest designs, and it's really pretty. Simple, yet elegant. I have the same one in my closet.

'Thank you, beautiful. So do you!' She compliments me.

I grin at her, grabbing my Dior purse. I'm wearing a maroon maxi dress, which I've paired with my black Dior purse and black wedges. I've applied my natural, light makeup, and I've hastily styled my hair in a fishtail braid which falls over my right shoulder. I've recently been loving this hairstyle, as it suits my face shape, and it's super quick to make.

I'm wearing my favourite diamond studs which Dad gifted to me on my last birthday, and a thin silver bracelet. My look is simple, but I like it.

Mum tells me that we're all going to Hanna's home, to meet her family and Aliya's family, who will be reaching there soon. I can't wait. I've missed Aliya like crazy. Her parents, too! They've always treated me like their own daughter. And Armaan.. I've missed him too, of course. Maybe as much as I've missed Aliya.

Mum and Dad drive together, while me and Sara drive in Yusuf Bhai's car. We reach Hanna's home at the same time, entering through the huge metal gates, and parking at the back of the mansion, in the car park.

Aunty's ecstatic to see us, and she invites us in happily.

"It's so great to see you all, especially you, Alayna sweetheart! Aliya and her family are already here! They just reached two minutes ago," Aunty says, excitedly. I feel almost nauseous as she says this. Armaan's here. I'll be seeing him, in a minute. I feel nauseous, because of how much I've been stressing about seeing him again. I can't believe I will be seeing him in just one minute.

'T-they're already here?' I ask, my voice a quiet whisper. My heartbeat starts to increase, and my palms start to get sweaty. My heartbeat is so fast right now, I feel like I'm about to go into cardiac arrest.

Deep breath, Alayna. Take a deep breath.

Although, if you do pass out, there are two doctors in this house who will be able to help you. Hanna and Dr. Zayan.

Oh, my god. I'm going crazy.

"Alayna, are you okay sweetie? You look faint!" Aunty says, looking worriedly at me.

'W-what? I'm fine, Aunty. I'm great. Absolutely great,' I mutter, forcing a smile.

My cheeks must be the colour of tomatoes right now. Bright red tomatoes.

Oh, god.

We reach the living room two minutes later. Aunty grins at us and opens the door. As soon as she does so, I'm jumped on and engulfed in a huge bear hug.


I smile, hugging her back tight. 'Alayna! I missed you so much, babe! I missed you!' She squeezes me gently, before breaking the hug and throwing me a beautiful grin. Her deep brown eyes are sparkling with happiness.

"Aliya! I missed you too, so so much! I can't believe that your wedding has finally come! It's just a few weeks away, and I know that these three weeks will fly by! Gosh, I really missed you," I say, hugging her again and kissing her cheek.

She hugs me back, sighing with happiness. 'I know, Alayna, I know! It's come by so fast, hasn't it? We need to go wedding shopping! And we're going to start planning today!'

I break the hug a few seconds later, beaming at my childhood best friend. I've really missed her. It was so amazing when we were always together. But now she works in London, three hours away. We still do see each other, but not nearly as often as we'd like to, as we're both busy with our jobs.

Aunty and Uncle, Aliya's parents, greet me and my family happily. Then, Hanna's family greets us.

After five minutes of greetings, we all sit together in the spacious living room, talking excitedly.

"Alayna, sweetheart? You're so beautiful, even more than before! Me and your Uncle missed you loads, dear!" Aliya's mum says, smiling widely at me.

I return the smile with a polite one of my own. 'Aunty, thank you so much! You look so stunning, too! Blue definitely is your colour, you should wear a blue outfit on Aliya's wedding! I missed you all so much, you have no idea,' I tell her.

'It's been a while, dear. The last time I saw you was three months ago, when you were about to begin your first year at the hospital. You're finally a doctor! We're so proud of you,' Aliya's dad says, grinning at me.

I grin back. "I know, Uncle, it's been a while! I've been meeting Aliya and Aunty, but I haven't seen you in a long time. And yes, I guess I finally am a doctor. After so many years of studying, studying, studying!" I say, laughing slightly.

'You're going to be the best doctor there is, one day,' he says, smiling at me.

I feel my heart soar with happiness. I smile, thanking him. "Wow, that means so much to me, Uncle. Thank you!"

Just then, the living room door opens, and in he walks.


I feel my heart stop for a few seconds when he enters the room. Then, it starts beating loud and fast. I almost place a hand on my chest to calm my thumping heart, I'm sure everyone in the room can hear it right now. My heartbeat is drumming in my ears, and my heart is threatening to escape from my chest.

Oh, my god. He looks better than ever before.

He looks different, that's for sure. He looks different, but better different.

Tall and muscular, he towers above us at nearly six feet tall. He's tall, but I'm betting he's a couple of inches shorter than Dr. Zayan.

His dark brown hair is styled messily, and he runs a hand through it, messing it up even more. My lips twitch, fighting back a smile. He always had the habit of running his fingers through his hair and messing it up. But that's how it's always suited him.

His chocolate brown eyes are sparkling with excitement and mischief, as always. Armaan's always ready for a prank, for a joke. I like that about him. At least he's not always serious and moody, and arrogant.

His full, pink lips are tilted up to form a smirk, which makes me smile.

He's so handsome. There's now some light facial hair on his chin and upper lip, very light stubble. It really suits him. He was always clean shaven, but facial hair definitely looks good on him.

He's dressed casually, wearing a white t-shirt, light blue denim jeans, and white sneakers. He looks good.

Mum and Dad greet him, giving him hugs and welcoming him. Aunty and Uncle do the same, and then, Yusuf Bhai and Usman Bhai.

Then, he turns to me, a wide grin appearing on his hot face.

"Alayna! It's great to see you, how have you been? You look better than ever, beautiful!" He says, winking at me.

My cheeks heat up, and I shake my head, laughing nervously. He's definitely not changed. Not a single bit. He's still the same Armaan.

'Armaan, hey! I've been great, thanks. How are you? And, thank you,' I say, politely, my cheeks reddening further.

"I'm good now that I've seen you," he says, winking at me.

Oh, my god. Did he really just say that in front of everyone? I glare at him, making him chuckle.

Just then, the living room door opens once again, and in walks Dr. Zayan. He looks great, and it's clear that he's just come out of the shower. He's dressed casually in denim jeans and a button-up light blue t-shirt. He looks very nice, indeed.

He greets everyone casually, but he looks slightly annoyed. Why does he look annoyed?

I frown slightly. Is it because we're all meeting at his house? This is his home, after all. Maybe he doesn't like us all being here today.

I don't think that's true, though. I don't know.

"Zayan, how are you, son?" Dad suddenly asks him.

I burst out into a coughing fit, and Hanna slaps me on my back, laughing.

Son? Son?! Why would Dad call Zayan 'son'?

Everyone turns to look at me, and I compose myself.

'I'm good thank you, Uncle. How are you?' He replies, politely.

"I'm good too, thanks. Come, sit down," Dad responds, smiling at him.

They continue to talk, and I stop listening to them. I start talking to Sara, Hanna, Aliya and Laiba, who are all sitting near me. My eyes widen slightly when Armaan sits on the sofa opposite me, directly opposite me.

"Alayna! When did you get so beautiful?" Armaan asks me loudly, making everyone stop talking to focus on him. Mostly everyone in the room laughs at that, including his parents and mine. Well, everyone except for one person. Dr. Zayan. He looks annoyed, even more than before.

'Armaan, shh! Why are you talking so loudly?' I mutter, glaring at him. He's so handsome, I can't stay angry at him. I'd really missed him. It feels so good seeing him again.

I'm so glad I'm somehow not stuttering whilst talking to him. For some reason, I don't feel the need to stutter. Yes, I'm feeling nervous, seeing him after so long, but I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be.

"Oh, sorry. So, you're finally a doctor? I told you I had faith in you! I always told you that you're intelligent, and if you put your heart to something, then you'll never fail. Congratulations! I actually want to see you at work, in full doctor mode," he says, winking at me.

I laugh, shaking my head at him. My cheeks heat up as he winks at me. What's he doing, in front of everyone? He's crazy! 'Thank you, Armaan. It means a lot, coming from you. You're intelligent too, I guess. I still don't understand how you're a lawyer,' I mutter, stifling laughter.

"That hurts, Alayna! Of course I'm intelligent," he says, smirking at me. I missed that smirk.

'Yeah, yeah. Think whatever you want, Armaan,' I joke.

Everyone laughs at us, except Dr. Zayan, of course. He looks very irritated.

Armaan's eyes are sparkling with amusement and excitement, making me smile. I've always loved the chocolate brown shade of his eyes. Today, however, I realise that I have a new favourite eye colour.

Blue-brown. I love blue-brown eyes, the exact shade of Dr. Zayan's eyes.

My thoughts are interrupted by Yusuf Bhai a second later. 'Alayna, here, take my car keys. Can you please grab my phone from my car? I forgot to bring it with me, I've left it in my car,' he says. He's busy talking to Usman Bhai about something.

Hanna winks at me, staring longingly at my brother. I chuckle, shaking my head at her. She's had a crush on Yusuf Bhai for the last two years, and she's made it so obvious in front of me. She hides it from everyone else, but she's always telling me about how she finds my brother hot. Ew.

"Oh, sure. I'll go and get it now, Yusuf Bhai," I say, taking his keys from his hand.

'Where are you going, Alayna?' Aunty asks me, smiling.

"Aunty, Yusuf Bhai's left his phone in his car, so I'm just going to grab that for him," I tell her, returning the smile.

'Zayan, please go with Alayna. The car park is locked,' Aunty says to him, her eyes sparkling.

I turn to Dr. Zayan, shaking my head. He pauses for a second, before standing up. He doesn't look at me as he walks out of the room.

I follow him out and close the door behind me. By the time I've stepped out of the living room, he's on the other end of the hall, taking quick steps to the back of the mansion, where the door to the car park is.

"Thank you, you didn't need to come with me, though," I say, loudly, so that he can hear me.

He stops, turning to face me. He's still annoyed. 'The car park's locked, as Mum said. And you always need my help, Dr. Alayna.'

Wait, what? "What? What do you mean I always need your help? I didn't ask for it," I say, confused.

'Yeah? What was that the other night? You were crying, Alayna. You needed my help then, and you need it now,' he says, smirking slightly.

"I may have been crying, but I didn't ask for you to help me. I can help myself perfectly well, I don't need anyone to help me," I argue.

He continues to walk to the back of the mansion, and I follow him. He takes out a key from one of the large cabinets by the far wall, and we walk to the car park. He unlocks the door.

'Do you want someone else to help you, instead? Perhaps Armaan?' He mutters.

"What? Armaan? I don't need any help, Dr. Zayan. Please, you can go back now. You've unlocked the car park, now you can go. And thank you for your help," I mutter back, annoyed.

He chuckles humourlessly. 'Go, Alayna. Go and get Yusuf's phone.'

I frown at him, before walking to the end of the car park to Yusuf Bhai's Mercedes. I unlock it easily and pick up his phone. It's on the front seat.

I lock his car and walk out the car park, back into the mansion. Dr. Zayan's waiting for me, raising his eyebrow, annoyed.

"How long have you known Aliya for?" He suddenly inquires.

I frown, looking over at him. 'Why do you want to know, Dr. Zayan?'

He smirks. "Tell me."

'We've been best friends since the age of twelve.'

"You've known her family all this time, too?"

I nod. 'Most this time, yes.'

We walk back into the hall, and just then, Armaan exits the living room. He doesn't see us, though.

Dr. Zayan mutters something under his breath, and I turn to him. 'What's the matter? I think it's safe to say that you don't like Armaan. What has he done to you?' I ask, sounding slightly rude, but I don't care.

"Why would I not like him, Alayna? I don't know the guy, and I don't want to know him, either."

'It's clear as day that you don't like him. That he annoys you, for some reason. You both only met today, and I don't think you've talked, either. What's the matter? Armaan's a good guy, he's nice, and funny.'

He glares at me. "It's none of your business, Alayna. I don't want to know the guy."

'No one's telling you to marry him, Dr. Zayan. What's wrong with you today?' I ask, confused as hell.

"Yes, no one's telling me to marry him, Dr. Alayna. I have the feeling he's interested in you."

My cheeks heat up. 'Armaan is not interested in me. And it's none of your business.'

He shrugs. "Just make sure he stays out of my way. And you, too, Alayna."

His words hurt me. 'Dr. Zayan, what have I done to you? I'll definitely stay out of your way, but I don't know what's wrong with you today. Are you on your period?' I blurt. Did I really just ask him that?

He frowns at me, shaking his head. "You've done nothing. And no, Dr. Alayna. I'm not on my period."

My cheeks turn scarlet, and I hide my face from him. I can't believe I just asked him that! He doesn't seem fazed by it, though. I feel mortified.

'I can't believe I just asked you that. I'm sorry. Oh, my god. And don't worry. I'll stay out of your path, I promise. I'm sorry, for whatever I did. Me and my family will leave now. Thank you very much.' My eyes fill with tears, and I turn to go.

"No. Alayna-" he starts, but I shake my head.

'I'm leaving. This isn't only your home, but it's obvious that I'm not welcome here. I'm sorry for coming here. I'll see you at the hospital on Monday, Dr. Zayan,' I mutter, my words breaking. I can't believe I'm getting emotional in front of him now. But why is he annoyed at me? What have I done to him?

I turn to leave again, but he gently grabs my arm, turning me to face towards him. I feel strong sparks travel up my arm as he comes into contact with me, and it's a completely new feeling. The electricity travels throughout my entire body, confusing me for a good few seconds. What's going on? Why am I feeling like this, after his touch?

I glance into his eyes, which are unreadable. His brown-blue eyes surprise me every time I look at him. Whenever I look at him, I find myself getting lost in his eyes for a good moment or two. I've never seen eyes as beautiful as his. Armaan's eyes used to be the most beautiful, but now, his chocolate brown eyes seem just normal. Dr. Zayan's sparkling blue-brown eyes are something else.

This shade of blue and brown is my new favourite colour.


Hey, everyone! How are you all doing? This was a pretty long chapter, 5000 words! What did you all think of it?

There's definitely gonna be some grammatical errors, so please point them out when you see them, and I'll correct them.

We have some new entries in this chapter! Aliya and Armaan. What do you think of them? I'm guessing that Armaan is everyone's new favourite character? ;]

You get to see a different side to Zayan in this chapter, and also a different side of Alayna. What do you think?

Why is Zayan so annoyed in this chapter? His words hurt Alayna, too. And what will he say in the next chapter?

What do you think will happen next, guys? Let me know!

Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed this chapter! Recommend this book to your friends too, if you're liking it so far!

From both my books (this and 'Tangled Hearts'), who's your favourite character?

Question: Where are you all from? I'm from England, if you don't already know.

Bye, guys! x

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