Arranged To Be Loved

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6 years later

Finding out you were pregnant was an event. Tests littered the bathroom and you had test results from St Mungo's and muggle doctors that both confirmed that yes, you were pregnant, almost twelve weeks along with a healthy little baby.

You remember running a finger over the sonogram, staring in disbelief at the little dot in the photo. There weren't any major signs; some sickness and nausea but nothing to the extent where you though pregnancy. Draco, as oblivious, didn't even think of pregnancy – putting everything down to a stomach bug.

Telling Draco – that was something:

"Draco, honey?"

"Yes, love?" He answers, looking up from his seat on the couch, placing a bookmark in the book he had been reading.

"There isn't an easier way to say this, I'm just gonna spit it out."

"What? What's wrong?" Draco asks, concern taking over his features.

"Nothing's wrong!" You quickly answer, calming him down.

"What is it?" He presses.

"Draco, I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen; falling to your stomach as if he could see the baby.

"You're pregnant?" He asks, breathless as if the news had winded him. You supposed it had; it had certainly winded you.


"With my child?"

"Yes, with your child. Do you want to see them?"

"You have a picture?"

You nod, reaching for the sonogram you kept in your back pocket, "I went to the muggle doctors, they did a sonogram to tell me how far along I was. I'm almost twelve weeks."

Draco takes the picture from your hands; his hands shaking as he takes in the sight of the baby. "That's our child," He whispers, holding out an arm for you.

You sniffle as you walk into his embrace; his arm wrapping tight around your waist. He buries his face in your hair; hiding the tears that have started to line his eyes, "Can you point them out? I can't find them."

"They're here," You direct, pointing to the little dot on the sonogram, "That's our baby."

Draco turns to you in wonder, a finger running over the sonogram, repeating, "That's our baby."


10 months later....

Draco was going to cry. You were this close to crying. Scorpius was already crying and there lies the issue. It was three in the morning, both you and your husband had to be up in three hours, and no one was getting any kind of sleep. Though, the screaming and crying should have been expected of a baby who was only a few months old.

Sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery, both of you tried in vain to calm your child. His little face was red and he was crying nonstop. Anything you did just seemed to have no effect on him. Draco laid a hand on your shoulder, offering to take Scorpius from you for a while. Handing the baby to him, you got out of the rocker and ran your fingers through your hair. You could feel the tears building in your eyes. You just wanted him to shut up.

"Come on, Scorp, aren't you even a little sleepy?" You muttered.

"WAHHHHHHHHH!!" No. He was not.

"Why don't you go lay down for a while, love," Draco said, nudging you towards the bedroom.

"It's not like I'm gonna get any sleep anyway," You sighed.

Another hour passed and Scorpius had yet to show any signs of stopping. Draco had handed him off to you again as he scrubbed at his face with both hands. You watched him, knowing that he was just as tired as you were. Bouncing the baby lightly, you wandered aimlessly around the nursery. Every step you took, Draco was right at your side. You appreciated that. On a particularly loud cry from Scorpius, Draco began to speak.

"I understand now why you said you didn't want children," Draco said, sheepishly. You glared at him. You hadn't ever cared much for children, but you gave in upon his insistence.

"Do you?" You snapped. Your husband's eyes widened. It was very rare that you snapped at anyone, especially him.

"WAHHHHHHH!!" Scorpius began to shriek louder. Sucking in a deep breath, you forced yourself to calm down. You getting angry wasn't going to solve anything.

"He gets this from you." Draco stared at you, opening his mouth to say something else.

"You bitch and moan just as much as your son, so shut your mouth, Malfoy." He did, in fact, shut his mouth after that. You bounced the baby in your arms for a few more minutes before Draco began to speak again.

"I'm sorry," He said, wrapping his arms around your waist.

You were so fucking tired. Laying your head back onto Draco's shoulder, you looked down into your son's angry little face and a dam broke. Tears spilled over your lashes and cascaded down your cheeks. God, you felt like such a terrible mother. You couldn't make everything okay for you baby and that was all a mother was supposed to do. As soon as Draco noticed, he turned you to look at him. Long, pale fingers wiped away the rivers of tears.

"Don't cry, (Y/N)," He said, quietly. A sob erupted from your mouth.

"I can't help it! I'm frustrated, I'm tired, and I can't make him stop crying! I feel like such a failure of a mother!" You sobbed. Draco's arms slid around you as he pulled you to his chest.

"You aren't a failure of a mother," He whispered, kissing the top of your head.

"B-But..." He stroked the back of your hair, shushing you softly.

"Breathe, darling. You're a wonderful mother," He soothed. You sniffled, forcing in a deep breath.

"Sorry, I'm just.... this is just..." You said. Draco kissed your hair again.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," He said. You stood there for a few moments, just letting him hold you. When you pulled back, Draco gave you a tired smile and you offered a watery one in return. You held Scorpius, who was still crying, up to your face.

"You're a lot of trouble, just like your Dad, you know that?" You said, sniffling slightly. Out of nowhere, Scorpius stopped crying.

"Ahh," He cooed, reaching a tiny hand towards your tear stained face.

"Another thing you do just like your father," You mumbled, letting the baby rub his little hands over your cheeks and slap at them lightly.

"Pardon?" Draco said, indignantly.

"Please, don't act like you never made me cry and then tried to backtrack for your life," You giggled, thinking back to your younger years at Hogwarts.

"Touché," He said. Scorpius grugled softly, tugging your hair lightly before yawning. Finally, you laid him in his crib and went back to your shared room.

Both of you crawled back into bed, snuggling together. Draco held you close to him and you flopped onto his chest. Yes. Sleep. That was all you needed. You tried not to think about the fact that he'd probably have you up again in another hour or so; focusing instead on Draco's hands rubbing your back. Sighing, you nuzzled his chest, placing lazy kisses there.

"It'll get better, you know," He said. You laughed sleepily.

"I fucking hope so because, if he's still doing this at sixteen, you're on your own," You chuckled. You could almost feel Draco roll his eyes.

"I'm sure he won't be," He said.

"As I said earlier, you were." He kicked you softly under the sheets.

"Shut it, Blackwood," He grumbled. You looked up at him, smirking.

"Malfoy, my last name is, Malfoy." His eyes were closed and he pushed your head to this chest, holding you there.

"Not when you're speaking against me," He muttered, mostly asleep. Closing your eyes, you cuddled closer to his warmth. Maybe you weren't getting a lot of sleep, but you were glad that you had your boys, bitching and moaning or not.


3 months later...

Piercing cries filled the Malfoy home as you and Draco slept peacefully together. The loud noises woke you, and you realized that your son, Scorpius, must be upset.

You balled your hands into fists and rubbed the sleep from your eyes. You sighed in exhaust, and lifted yourself out of bed. Draco was still asleep, and his platinum blonde hair fell slightly in his face. His handsome grey eyes were closed, and his pale complexion looked beautiful as moonlight from the window poured into the room, sprawling softly across his sharp features. You didn't have the heart to wake him up.

You smiled to yourself. Your husband sure was a looker, and your son was just like him, too. You didn't know how you came to have such a wonderful and loving family.

So you walked down the hallway in your home, and into the space that served as a nursery for your son. Scorpius continued to whine loudly, unrelenting in his pursuit of company. You stepped lightly over to his crib, and were greeted with the sight of your 4 month old son red-faced and crying. You sighed, and rubbed your eyes again.

"Scorpius," you cooed. "You know mummy loves you, but you make it very hard for me and your daddy sometimes."

You picked Scorpius up gently, and rested him in your arms. He stopped crying almost immediately, but continued sniffling. Your heart throbbed, and you smiled warmly.

"He certainly does do that, doesn't he?" someone spoke from behind you.

You clutched Scorpius closer to your chest, and turned around, terrified. But there stood only Draco, looking very tired and unthreatening.

"Bloody hell, Draco," you sighed.

"Hey, no swearing in front of the baby," he teased, and shuffled sleepily towards you and Scorpius. He yawned widely, and kissed your cheek.

"Coming from you," you rolled your eyes. "Remember only yesterday when you stubbed your toe, and were very ready to scream bad words across the house?"

"Shh," he shushed quietly, wrapping his arms around your torso, his forehead leaning against yours as he stared down at Scorpius. "He's almost asleep."

You looked down, and sure enough, Scorpius' eyes were fluttering open and closed. You grinned down at your tiny baby.

"Why don't you sing him a song, love?" Draco suggested.

"What, you can't?"

"We both know that I don't sing," he justified.

You laughed quietly. "Fair enough."

You moved away from Draco, and closer towards Scorpius' crib, the baby still tucked in your arms, fighting sleep. Draco followed suit, laying a hand on your shoulder gently.

"What should I sing, hm?"

"What about that one you sang him the other day? The sunshine one?"

"You mean the one I used to sing?" you inquired. "Did you not hear the lyrics? It's pretty sad."

"Well, sing it and we'll see, won't we?"

You sighed amusedly at him, and started to sing the first verse.

"You are my sunshine, my only make happy when skies are grey," you sang, your lilting voice filling the room.

Draco smiled, and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck from behind. He wrapped his arms around yours, and Scorpius cooed.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you...please don't take my sunshine away."

"That wasn't too sad," Draco whispered.

"You haven't heard the second verse yet," you smirked.

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping...I dreamed I held you in my arms," you continued, and your soft voice echoed throughout your home. Draco sighed in content.

"When I awoke, dear, I was I hung my head, and cried..."

Draco was silent for a moment as he saw Scorpius was asleep. "Why in Merlin's name would you ever sing that to you?"

"I thought it was pretty," you shrugged, and laid Scorpius down into his crib, pulling his blanket over his bottom half.

"You really were a dark kid, then," he said teasingly.

"Compared to you, I emitted rainbows," you sassed. He only laughed.

Draco said nothing for another moment, and looked between you and Scorpius. He smiled, and kissed you softly.

"You do know that I love you so much, don't you? Because I do. I don't know how I got someone like you, love," Draco gushed.

"That was random, was it not?" you smirked.

"Really? No 'I-Love-You-Too?' Nothing?"

"Shut up, you know I love you more than life itself. I tell you everyday. Do you not know that?"

"Yeah, but it's nice to hear you say it..."

You grinned. "Then I promise I will tell you everyday for as long as I live, the full extent of my love for you. Sound good?"

"Yeah," he smiled, "that sounds great."

And you kept your promise, too.


5 years later...


The winter night was cold. The white snow was faint but still, you could see it gently fall from your bedroom window. Your body was covered up in a thick blanket as you laid there with the love of your life. Your hand over the ever growing baby bump on your stomach.

"Yes, Draco?" You turned your head to him, the peaceful silence broken by his distressed voice. It worried you every time he spoke in the tone.

"Do you think...Do you think they'll like me?" His peircing blue eyes were staring almost frightened at your stomach. You were about 8 months into the pregnancy and kmowing that the human being you has been growing inside you would be out in a few more weeks terrified him.

"Of course, they will."

You gave him a worried glance, placing your hand over his that rested on your belly. It wasm't a surprise to you that he was feeling this way. The war that had happened a few years ago was traumatic for everyone but it seemed he felt worse than the rest.

"They'll love you.".

Draco felt guilty after eveything he had done. Joining in his family's footsteps, unknowing that it led a cruel path. He had no choice in the matter and you were well aware but the blonde still blamed himself over a lot of things.

"How are you so sure?" He questioned, his voice soft and fragile. Enough to break even. "How do you know?"

A small knock came from your bedroom door, it gently swung open to reveal your five year old son, Scorpius. His tiny hand clung to his hippogriff doll and the other rubbing away the tears that fell from his red eyes. He was crying.

"Scorp?" Draco shuffled out of bed, careful not to ruin the blankets on your side and approached your son.

The young boy let his father pick him up and take him to your bed. It wasn't the first time this happened. Nightmares were common for children. You let him slip in between the spot in the middle, wrapping an arm around him.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?"

He sniffled, leaning more into your touch. "I had a nightmare."

"It's alright..." You cooed, kissing the top of the boy's head. You loved your first born as much as you loved Draco. A being you had made together. A beautiful being that brought happiness into both your lives.

Draco painfully watched Scorpius attempting to seize the sniffles and small tears. He didn't like seeing his son this way. He wanted him to be happy.

"Hey." He gently shook his small arm, smiling at him. "Want to see into your mummy's stomach?"

Scorpius nodded, beginning to forget the fear he had just felt moments ago. Excitement replacing it as he watched his father fish through the bedside drawer for his wand.

Looking into your stomach may have sounded odd to other people. How on earth would they do that without medical equipment? Rest assured it didn't mean any sort of cutting or anything that would bring harm to your or the baby.

"Alright." Draco placed his wand into Scorpius' hand. His giant hand completely covering his tiny ones. They both loved it when Draco would do magic with him. He never let him do it on his own, he'd always held the wand in his son's hand every time but it didn't bother the young boy one bit. If anything, he felt ecstatic to do magic with his father.

You assited them by lifting up your sweater to reveal the skin of your belly.


A bright light emitted from the wand, you eyes quickly adjusted. You watched with solemn eyes aa the two loves of your life pointed the want just beside your stomach. It was similar to that of a projector. A silhouette of the baby could be seen through your flesh as the wand illuminated your skin.

"Wow." Scorpius muttered, placing his tiny hand over it. In that moment, the baby decided to kick causing a small giggle to erupt from the young one's mouth.

"Did you feel them kick Scorpius?" You smiled at him, caressing his soft cheek.

"That's your new brother." Draco stated, smiling at the scene before him.

"Or sister." You countered, playfully.

It was no secret that when you had gotten pregnant again that you were rooting for a girl. It was a mother thing.

"Wouldn't hurt to have another boy though, love." The older blonde persuaded only to have a gentle slap to his arm.

You lifted your brows in amusement. "I think it's only fair we'd have a girl."

He placed a hand over yours, playing with your fingers as his eyes glanced from you to your son to your baby.

"Well whatever gender, we'll love them just the same."

A small yawn had then came from your child. He'd forgotten all about his nightmare. He returned his father's wand, letting himself curl up next to you once more. You pulled down your sweater, adjusting your place on the bed before giving a kiss on Scorpius' forehead. You stared at him for a moment, lovingly then turned towards your husband just as he was about to turn off the bedside lamp, you decided to continue what you were about to answer him before.

"Because she does, Draco."

He gave you a look of confusion but soon understood your words.

"I know because she loves you."

You reached for his hand, your fingers coiling with his own as you kissed his knuckles.

"We both do."

His eyes were glassy. With an intake of breath he leaned over, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before kissing the top of Scorpius' head. This was his happiness. His cure of heartache after the war.


19 years later....

Draco paused as him and his family arrived at the entrance to Hogwarts Express. Unfamiliar faces were already jumping through the portal as they stopped there.

Draco stared before feeling a slight tug on his hand. He blinked his way out of his mind and looked down to his right to see Scorpius's little pout.

"Come on, father! We're going to be late!" Scorpius pulled on Draco's arm and tugged him toward the portal. Draco looked back at his wife to see you holding all of Scorpius's bags and their daughter, Lana Nymphadora Remus Malfoy. Lana was exactly a photocopy of you. Y/n gave him a comforting smile on your face.

"Go on! we'll be right behind you two!" Y/N reassured, causing Draco to slightly nod and look back toward the portal.

Draco and Scorpius began a running start, and soon, they had disappeared through the magical wall. Draco heard Scorpius's small gasp as their feet touched Platform 9 ¾. A smile laced Draco's lips as he looked around as all the soon to be wizards and witches.

He was in their same shoes. However, things took a broad turn, and not in the good way.

"Father! Come on, come on!" The slight sparkle in Scorpius's eyes made Draco forget about all his worries, and the pair walked away from the portal and towards the Express.

The train rumbled and roared, getting ready to take all the young first year's to Hogwarts. The sounds warmed Draco's heart. No matter what happened after his fifth year, Draco had always cherished his years at Hogwarts. It was, after all, his second home. And soon it would be Scorpius's too.

"I'm here, I'm here! Now, here are your bags, Scorpius! Remember what I told on the way here! You're going to do great, my boy! I just know it!" Draco watched as you crouched down to cup your son's cheeks, worry lacing the crease between your eyebrows.

Draco knew you were just as nervous as he was, maybe even more, but you were the best at hiding your feelings, and that angered Draco sometimes. He felt weak in some moments, all just because he couldn't hold back his mind.

Scorpius nodded his head at you, biting his lip. Then, as you placed a kiss atop his forehead and stepped away from him, he had looked up at Draco with the same eyes as his Slytherin father. He then proceeded to hug his younger sister. A mix of anxiousness and excitement laced Scorpius's face as he stared up at Draco, who leaned down on one knee to say one last goodbye before Scorpius had walked onto that train.

"Now, my son.. It'll be alright. Remember everything I taught you. Remember that no matter what anybody tells you, you can do anything you wish to. Do not let anything anybody says to you into your mind, because the only one who knows the full truth as to how powerful you are, is you. Show those other houses how Slytherins' should really be.

Prove anyone who stands in your way, that it is always possible to exceed expectations." Draco paused his speech as he saw "And don't be afraid to befriend anyone. Trust me, no one is as bad you think."

You were shocked to hear Draco say this, considering how Draco usually felt about muggle-borns when he was young. Scorpius nodded at Draco, whispering to his father, "Don't worry, daddy. I'll show them who's boss."

A laugh escaped Draco's mouth, his eyes beginning to water. Scorpius frowned, bringing his small, frail hands up to his father's face and wiping the tears away.

"Daddy? It's okay, daddy. Don't cry. I will be okay. We'll all be okay. That's what you told me, isn't it? That's what you promised me." Lana cooed to her father.

Draco nodded, blinking his tears away, and Scorpius was soon grabbing his bags and his owl, and running onto the train before either of you could bid your son an 'I love you.' But before Scorpius could fully hop onto the train, he looked back at you two and bid you both an "I love you." before running back onto the Express. Draco looked over to you with slightly watered eyes, and you sighed, taking his hand in yours. He picked up your 6 year daughter and kissed her head. Lana giggled.

"He'll be alright, Draco." You tried to reassure him, causing him to nod.

Draco looked ahead of him as the Hogwarts Express started to exit the station, and soon you and Draco were jumping through the portal and back to the station.

Draco paused just as you two landed on the ground, causing you to furrow your eyebrows in worry.

"I just don't want his years at that school to end up like mine." He whispered, a tear rolling down his cheek.

You sighed, wiping his tears away and placing a kiss on his lips before whispering, "They won't. His story will be far different from ours, Draco. You'll make sure of that."

Draco agreed, and you two were soon off back to the flat you shared. And Draco promised to himself that he will do everything in his power to make sure their childrens' memories at that school were far different and more enjoyable than his. He would not let his greatest gift live through what he had to go through. He would not be like his father.

All was well jovial now, both of them having their own little family, living in their own little world. This wouldn't be possible if they weren't

'Arranged To Be Loved'


And finally the book is over. Hope you enjoyed. Love you guys!!! thank u for reading. now i am planning to do a harry potter preference book soon or i have 3 other ideas

1. Harry potter (Oc x reader)- The OC can be Hermione's twin brother, Wood's younger sibling, Harry's brother.

2. Avengers preference book

3. a genderbent Harry Potter book.

Stay tuned. Let me know in the comments. or i'll settle on the Harry Potter Male Oc x reader. In the comments there is a Google form, jut fill it to give ur opinion


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