Back To Hogwarts...

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3 months later...

On 1, September 1999. Draco and Y/n Malfoy were packing their trunks for their 8th year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They had received their owls just a couple o' weeks back.

"I'll be downstairs, if you need me." Draco told Y/n. She nodded as Draco exited the room. She was rummaging through her closet, when suddenly something fell, it was a photo frame with a photo of Cedric... her Cedric. Her eyes brimmed with tears she quickly wiped them off and shoved that photo in her trunk.

She was done packing and picked up her trunks and her owl, Bamboo's cage and descended the stairs to the Dining Hall. Y/n saw Draco eating a green apple, now she was really starting to ship him with green apples. She chuckled at the thought.

She hugged Narcissa and took a seat beside Draco, had her breakfast.

After having their breakfast, the couple apparated to Kings Cross Station.

"Y/N!!" she heard a familiar voice of Hermione calling for her. The girl whipped her head around to see her friends. She beamed brightly.

Draco then turned to his wife, "I'll go find Blaise and Pansy." He whispered to her. Y/n nodded.

She then ran towards her friends and engulfed all of them in a hug. The friends were happy to have each other back.


The quartet found an empty compartment and settled in. Hermione and Ron sat side by side intertwined their hands. Ron then placed a chaste kiss on Hermione's lips, the brunette eagerly kissed back. Y/n and Harry then made fake gagging noises like children after seeing their parents kiss. The couple gave them cheeky smiles.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" came the familiar voice of the sweet trolley- witch. Y/n immediately grinned.

"A packet of Droobles and a chocolate frog, please." Ron was the first to request.

"A pumpkin pasty, please." Harry said.

"Two licorice wands, please." Hermione piped in.

"And a cauldron cake and 4 chocolate frogs, please." Y/n chimed in.

The witch handed them the desired deserts. Before anyone could take out their galleons, Y/n was quick to pay first for everyone's sweets. They looked at her offended.

"My treat." The H/c haired girl winked.


As the train came to halt, the familiar castle came into view. After the war it was destroyed, now it looked new as before. They got off the train with their trunks. Y/n could see a familiar blonde towering over others, she waved to Draco who waved back. He had a lovesick smile plastered on his face.

Ron pulled her hand leading her to the carriages pulled by now visible Threstrals.

They entered the Great Hall glistening with lights. Now in the chair of Dumbledore sat Professor McGonagall well now; Headmistress Minerva McGonagall. She grinned at Y/n happily, the girl following suit.

They all settled at their respective house tables. After the first years were sorted. The feast begun.

"We need to go." Hermione said pulling Ron up with her.

"Where? To snog?" Harry asked smirking. Y/n burst into laughter. Hermione glared at her friends.

"I mean it's a good idea." Ron countered causing them to burst into another fit of laughter. Hermione hit the redhead on his back of his head. She held Ron by his robes and pulled him. Y/n and Harry were in a conversation about Quidditch. Everyone started to depart to their common rooms. As both stood up to return to their common room. Y/n saw Draco standing by the entrance of the Great Hall.

"You carry on. I'll be back in few." Y/n told Harry, who gave her a questioning look. He then saw Malfoy and nodded.

She then approached Draco and lightly touched his shoulder to catch his attention. He then turned around.

"Looking for me?" Y/n asked teasingly. Draco flushed bright pink. He merely nodded.

"Just wanted to say goodnight." He answered.

"Well, Goodnight Draco." Y/n said softly.

"G'night Y/n/n" Draco said. Y/n then turned back to leave. Draco was at least expecting a kiss on the cheek. He grimaced slightly. Y/n then turned back again and kissed Draco Malfoy on the cheek and winked at him returning to the Gryffindor Common Room. Draco stood there blushing furiously.


The next as usual Hermione woke up Y/n. Both the girls headed to the Great Hall for breakfast. They met Harry and Ron on the way.

Y/n had (insert preferred breakfast) and a glass/cup of (insert preferred drink) for breakfast. Y/n looked at the Slytherin Table, but she couldn't spot Draco, she saw both Blaise and Pansy chatting happily. She stood up and walked towards the Slytherins.

"Hey, Parkinson." Pansy turned to the girl. "Where is Malfoy?" Y/n asked, a frown etched on her forehead. Pansy shrugged.

"He is sleeping in. he was supposed to be here by now..." said Blaise. Just on the moment, Draco burst into the Great Hall. His hair a mess and a half-done tie. He rushed towards the table.

"Good Morning" he greeted the three of them. He then turned towards Y/n, she yanked him by the tie, their lips just centimeters away. All both wanted to do was crash their lips and snog all day.

"Sexual tension..." muttered Blaise. Pansy burst out laughing while, Y/n hit Blaise lightly on the head.

Y/n then proceeded to fix Draco's tie. He just stared at her in awe. "Done." She said.

"Thank you" thanked Draco.

"Have breakfast." Said Y/n sternly. She then walked back to the Gryffindor table back to her friends.

The first class that the Gryffindors and Slytherins had was Herbology with Professor Sprout. In which they had harvested puffapods.

The second class they had was Potions with Professor Slughorn. They had brewed Wolfsbane for the class.

The third class was Charms with Professor Filtwick. In which they had practiced the Ascendio and the Bubble- head Charm.

The fourth and last class was Transfiguration with the one and only Professor McGonagall. Today they were learning about Human Transfigurations.

Toward the end of the class McGonagall announced, "From Gryffindor, I need Blackwood, Granger, Potter, the Weasleys and Longbottom. And from Slytherin, I need Malfoy, Parkinson, Nott, Zabini and Greengrass to meet me in the Great Hall by 8pm." With that she dismissed the class.

"What do you reckon she needs us for?" asked Ron. Hermione and Harry shrugged.

"I think some event maybe." Y/n wondered.

"Event. What for?"


"Hogwarts is proud to present its first Masquerade Ball which will be organized in respect of our deceased loved ones. It will be held on the 1st of October. Now, I need assistance from you lot. Understand?" McGonagall's voice filled the room as she examined the students' faces from the head of the table.

There were the quartet, Ginny and Neville from Gryffindor. Pansy, Blaise, Nott and Draco from Slytherin. From Ravenclaw there were Luna, Padma and Stewart Ackerley. Then there were Rolf Scammander, Justin Finch Fletchley and Trisha Buttermere from Hufflepuff. Then there was a chorus of excited affimations.

"Well that's set." With that McGonagall walked away.

The students then turned to themselves.

"We start working from tomorrow." Y/n declared. Everyone nodded and departed to their own Common rooms.

"That's bloody brilliant! Isn't it?" Ron exclaimed.

"Yes, it is Ronald!" Hermione beamed.

"Yet! I still can't dance." Harry said grimly.

"Finally! You realized that!" Y/n smirked sarcastically. Harry playfully smacked her on the head.

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