Chapter 1 - The letter

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"Wake up. Wake up....Wake Up!!." Hermione blared at a sleeping (Y/N), who jolted awake after the last 'wake up'. Hermione laughed at her best friend.

(Y/N) groaned. "Well, if it isn't Hermy, the alarm clock." she mumbled as she laid back down. 

"Get up! we've got classes. Else I've got to use Aguamenti" 'Mione chuckled. 

"I'm up! I'm up." exclaimed (Y/n), she remembered the last time Hermione used Aguamenti, she practically choked. 

🏰👨‍🏫⚗️🐍 Time skip to Great Hall 🏰👨‍🏫🪄⚗️🐍

The girls went to the Great Hall. They both saw Harry and Ron chatting at the Gryffindor table. (Y/n) sat beside Harry opposite Ron while, Hermione sat next to Ron.

Just than a owl flew through the hall, dropping a letter in (Y/N)'s lap.

"Ooh, a letter from your mum? What'd you do to disappoint her this time?" Ron asked in between bites of his eggs at the sight of the envolope in your lap.

"Being friends with you, Weasley is enough to disappoint any mother,"(Y/N) teased back despite  anxiety building in her; letters from home were never a good thing.

(Y/n) comes from a line of influential, elitist, purebloods. All Slytherins, of course, and all married for status, never for love. Her parents stood with the Dark Lord in the last war, and stand with him now. When she was sorted into Gryffindor in her first year, she expected to be disowned. Instead, she was just a stain on your family's pristine reputation. She was simply a disappointment, but being that her brother was dead, you were your families' last hope to continue the family line.

Now, she had been friends with Harry, Ron and Hermione since her first year, and the four of them were inseparable. They knew everything about her, from her favorite sweet to the grotesque details of her family's abuse. They cared for her more than anything, as she cared for them.

"Do you want me to read it for you?" Hermione offered, noticing Y/n's hesitation at the sight of the silver envelope.

"No 'Mione, it's okay but thank you," she said and broke the seal. "At least it isn't a howler."

Darling Y/n,

I have incredibly exciting news!

As you know, your Father and I have desperately been trying to salvage your reputation ever since you fell in with that crowd of mudbloods and bloodtraitors. Luckily for you, we have found a way to do so.

Despite your abhorrent behavior at school, Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy have kindly agreed to an arranged marriage between you and their son Draco Malfoy whom you should know from school. He is a proper pureblood, and from what I have heard, a respectable young man.

Our families' blood status and our standing in the community and with the Dark Lord secured this marriage. Do not ruin it with your childish behavior and silly 'ideals' as you know, they do not stand in our household.

This is your last chance to make things right with us. Neither your Father nor I will hear of any debate on the topic. Do not make the wrong decision; it could be your end.

The wedding shall be this summer after the two of you return from school. I suggest you spend this year getting to know your future husband, not getting into trouble with Harry Potter and his gang. It is time you start taking some responsibility for yourself and your actions Y/n.

We will see you home for Winter Holiday.

Your mother,

Beatrice Blackwood

"What's wrong, love? asked Harry.

"They've put me in an arranged marriage with Malfoy," Y/n whispered, shocked by the words that left her lips.

"You're joking," Ron deadpanned.

"Why in Merlin's name would I joke about something like that, Ronald?" She seethed.

"You're right, I'm sorry," He paused. "What're you gonna do?"

"I don't know," Y/n said and passed the letter to Hermione so that she could read it. "Just, for now, please don't tell anyone, I don't want everyone talking about this."

"Of course," Harry said. "We're here for you, Y/n."

"Thanks, Harry."

🏆🔥7️⃣📔💍🐍🏰👨‍🏫🪄⚗️ ⚡👓


Please Enjoy!!

Captaingryffindor ♥♥♥

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