Death Eaters at the Cafe and Grimmauld Place

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They hurry on, glancing over their shoulders at the dark shapes that move within the crowd behind them, strangers bumping by, faces passing in a paranoiac blur: a drunken man, a cackling woman with blood-red lipstick...

"This way!" said Hermione

All of them slipped into an alleyway.

As they take refuge in the shadows, Hermione begins to rummage through her tiny beaded purse.

"We need to change." Declared Mione'

Ron,you and Harry look at each other's dresses. From the purse, Hermione extracts -- in quick succession – three pairs of jeans, T-shirts, and a pair of light overcoats.

"How the ruddy –" asked Ron

"Undetectable Extension Charm?" you questioned Hermione. She nodded

"You're amazing, you are." Said Ron

"Always the tone of surprise." She says

As she gives the bag a shake, there is loud echoing of heavy objects, as if something has fallen.

"That'll be the books." She said


All of you shabby, greasy and empty. The quartet slid into a booth.

"Do you reckon everyone's alright at the wedding? Maybe we should –" Harry asked guiltily

"They were after you, mate. We'd just put everyone in danger going back." Ron answered

"Ron's right. Cappuccino, please." Hermione said

A gum-chewing WAITRESS stands behind Harry. Ron, clueless when it comes to cappuccinos, nods to Hermione.

"What she said".

"(Your favorite coffee drink), please." You ordered

"Same." Harry piped in

"Wicked scar." The waitress said to Harry looking at his scar

As the waitress exited "So where do we go from here? The Leaky Cauldron? Asked Ron

"Too dangerous. If Voldemort's taken over the Ministry, none of the old places are safe." You answered

The front door SQUEALS and TWO WORKMEN enter, glance idly at the quartet and step to the counter.

"My rucksack. With all my things .I left it back at the Burrow –"Harry said

Hermione shook her head. Harry eyes the beaded purse

"You're joking." Harry whispered amused

"I've had the essentials packed for days. Just in case." She answered

"By the way -- these jeans? Not my favorite. Bit tight." Ron said

Hermione gives him a withering glance. You chuckled. Harry couldn't help but smile. Then your eyes shift to the small security mirror near the ceiling, see the two workmen turning. Your eyes widened in realization.

"DOWN!" You shouted alerting them. The tile explodes on the wall where Ron's head had been only seconds before. A rope of green light singes Hermione's hair.

"STUPEFY!" The jet of red light hits the biggest Death Eater straight in the face and he crumples instantly.

"Expulsio!" the death eater said"

The table behind Harry explodes and the spell ricochets, shattering the security mirror -- sending shards raining everywhere, including one that laces Hermione's cheek --

then striking the cappuccino machine, which sprays hot liquid all over the Death Eater. He bellows in pain and Hermione and Ron hit him with twin stunning spells. As he spasms on the ground, You add another for good measure:

"Petrifificus Totalus!"

He goes still. The Waitress steps from the backroom. Sees the quartet. The wands. Her gum bubble... POPS.

"Go." Hermione ordered her. She doesn't argue.


"Lock the door, get the lights." Harry said

Hermione throws the bolt. Ron clicks the Deluminator, pitching the cafe into shadow. Harry and you eye the unconscious Death Eaters.

"This one's name is Rowle. He was on the Astronomy Tower the night Snape killed Dumbledore." Harry said recognizing the death eater.

"This is Dolohov. I recognize him from the wanted posters." You said recognizing the other one.

Ron rolls him over with his foot. Dolohov's eyes shift in fear from Harry to You to Hermione, then back to Ron.

"So what do we do with you, huh? Kill us if it was turned round, wouldn't you?" Ron's face is hard. Hermione eyes him uneasily. He notices.

"Suppose it's him that did Mad-Eye. How would you feel then?" questioned Ron

Hermione looks at Dolohov. The moment hangs, then:

"It's better we wipe their memories. We kill them, they'll know we were here." You suggested.

"Hermione?" She turns, looks at him. He reaches out, wipes a trickle of blood from her cheek.

"You're the best with spells." Shakily, she points her wand at Dolohov. Her arm trembles.

"Obliviate!" There is a flash of light.

The quartet move quickly, glancing about, paranoid.

"How is it they knew we were there?" Harry asked.

"Maybe you still have the Trace on you." Hermione suggested.

"Can't be. The Trace breaks at seventeen. It's Wizarding law." Ron said.

You and Hermione both stop. Harry and Ron turn, look back.

"What?" Ron asked

"We didn't celebrate your birthday, Harry. Y/n and I -- we'd prepared a cake. We were going to bring it out at the end of the wedding..." Hermione said sadly

Hermione. I appreciate the thought -- honestly. But given that we were almost killed by a

couple of Death Eaters a few minutes ago...." Said Harry

"Right. Perspective." Hermione nodded

"We've got to get off the streets, get somewhere safe." You said.

"I have an idea." Harry said looking at you.


A door marked by the number 12. Harry taps his wand on the weathered surface and a series of metallic clicks are heard. The door swings open with a creak.

The GAS LAMPS spring to life, illuminating a narrow cobwebbed hallway. The quartet glance about then ,Harry takes a step forward.

"Severus Snape" Mad-eye's hushed voice said

"Mad-Eye...?" Harry questioned.

Just then a great rush of cold air sweeps through the hallway and the quartet's tongues curl back in their mouths. Something shifts in the shadows at the end of the hall,

rising from the carpet -- tall, dust-colored and terrible looking -- then rushes toward them. It's Dumbledore, but a ghostly, worm-eaten Dumbledore, a corpse come to life,

with empty eye sockets and sunken face. It raises its wand and then... EXPLODES in a great cloud of dust, swirling like mist in the corridor, drifting back to the carpet.

"What was that about?" asked Ron breathless

"Mad-eye's doing, I'd guess. In case Snape decided to come snooping." You answered

Just then, a floorboard creaks. The quartet stiffen .Slowly, Hermione draws her wand, peers into the shadows.

"Homenum Revelio!" Hermione whispers.

Nothing. Hermione lowers her wand.

"It's a spell to reveal human presence." She extends her hand, watches the settling dust stream through her fingers.

"We're alone" you whispered.

A/N- Heyo guys!! Just wanted to tell you that, I have summer holidays now, so I will probably update everyday. Stay tuned.

🏆🔥7️⃣📔💍🐍🏰👨‍🏫🪄⚗️ ⚡👓


Please Enjoy!!

Captaingryffindor ♥♥♥

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