Shell Cottage, the Wands and Griphook

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As Bill fills a kettle, Luna taps the wind chime hanging in the window and a ghostly refrain fills the room.

"It's beautiful here." Luna complimented

"It was our Aunt's. We used to come here as kids. The Order uses it now as a safe house -- what's left of us, at least." Bill said. Luna ponders this, then taps the chime again.

"Muggles think these keep evil away. But they're wrong..." Luna said. Bill studies her curiously. Then Harry appears in the doorway with Y/n, Ron and Hermione.

"I need to talk to the goblin." Harry said

A knock sounds. Griphook turns, watches Bill push open the door, step aside for Y/n, Harry, Ron and Hermione. Harry waits for Bill to withdraw. Turns to Griphook.

"How are you?" Y/n asked the goblin

"Alive." He replied

"You probably don't remember –" Harry said.

"-- that I showed you to your vault the first time you visited Gringotts? Even amongst goblins, you are famous, Harry Potter." Griphook said "You buried the elf. I saw you."

"Yes." Harry answered

"And brought me here." Griphook studies him curiously.

"You are a very unusual wizard" Griphook said eyeing Harry.

"Why did you leave Gringotts?" Y/N asked

"Soon the Death Eaters will control it. That was unacceptable to me."

"Then you're on our side." Ron said

"This is a wizard's war. I take no side." Griphook answered

"I need to get inside Gringotts, into one of the vaults." Harry said

"It is impossible." The goblin declined

"Alone, yes. With you, no." Harry said. Griphook stares impassively at him, silent. He glances at the Sword of Gryffindor, which stands in the corner.

"How did you come by this sword?" Griphook asked

"It's complicated. Why did Bellatrix Lestrange think it should be in her vault at Gringotts?" Y/n said

"It's complicated." Harry and the goblin stare at each other, as if testing one another. Finally, Harry speaks:

"The sword presented itself to us in a moment of need. We didn't steal it." Harry answered. Griphook nods, pondering this.

"There is a sword in Madam Lestrange's vault identical to this one, but it is a fake. It was placed there this past summer." Griphook said

"And she never suspected?" Y/n asked

"The replica is very convincing. Only a goblin would recognize that this is the true Sword of Gryffindor." The goblin answered

"Who put it there? The fake." Ron chimed in

"It was not my place to ask, nor did I desire to. There are more than a few curious things in the vaults at Gringotts."

"And in Madam Lestrange's vault as well?" Harry asked.


"I have gold. Lots of it." Harry said.

"I have no interest in gold." Griphook said cooly.

"How 'bout gems and diamonds?" Y/n asked referring to her huge vault.

"I don't like that too." He said annoyed

"Then what?" Y/n and Harry asked in unison.

The goblin twists the curl at his chin... then his eyes drift once again to the sword. Harry starts to respond, but the goblin cuts him off with finality.

"That is my price." He said referring to the sword

"Alright" Harry said.

Y/n, Ron and Hermione look shocked.

"I have your word, Harry Potter, that you will give me the Sword of Gryffindor if I help you?" Griphook extends his hand. Harry reaches out, takes it.

The quartet walk. Hermione whispers.

"Harry, are you thinking there's a Horcrux in Bellatrix's vault?" Hermione asked

"She was terrified when she thought we'd been in there. She kept asking you what else we'd taken. I'd bet anything there's a Horcrux there. If we find it, we can kill it. And if we kill it, we're one step closer to killing him." Harry answered

"And if we find one? How're we supposed to destroy it if we've given Griphook the sword?" Ron asked looking at Y/n.

"I'm still working on that part." Y/n said in deep thought.

Fleur exits the room ahead, a half-empty bowl in hand. Seeing Harry, she stops, effectively barring the door.

Harry stares at her. Resolved. Fleur steps aside. Ollivander rolls his sunken eyes toward the quartet as they enter. Attempts a feeble smile.

"Forgive me if I don't get up." Ollivander apologized

"Mr. Ollivander, I need to ask you a few questions." Harry said

"Anything, m'boy, anything." Ollivander answered

"Can you identify these, sir?" Harry removes two wands. Ollivander takes one in hand.

"Walnut and dragon heartstring. Twelve and three quarter inches. Unyielding. This belongs to Bellatrix Lestrange." He said

"And this?" Harry asked

"Hawthorn. Unicorn hair. Ten inches. Reasonably pliant. This was the wand of Draco Malfoy." Y/n's ears perked up at the name.

"Was? Isn't it still?" Y/n asked

"Perhaps not -- if you won it from him. I sense its allegiance has changed." Ollivander answered the girl

"You talk about wands like they've got feelings. Can think." Y/n said

"The wand chooses the wizard, Mrs.Malfoy That much has always been clear to those of us who have studied wandlore."

Harry nods, pondering the wand that Ollivander returns to him, then speaks:

"What do you know about the Deathly Hallows, sir?" Ollivander eyes Harry with surprise. And a hint of fear.

"There are rumored to be three: The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone and the Invisibility Cloak. It is said that to possess them all is to make oneself the Master of Death. But few truly believe such objects exist –"

"But you, sir? Do you believe they exist?" Y/n piped in.

"I see no reason to put stock in an old wives tale –" Ollivander said

"You're lying. You know one exists and you told him about it. You told him about the Elder Wand and where to go looking for it." Harry accused

"He tortured me! Besides, I conveyed only rumors. There's no guarantee he will find it –" Ollivander tried to defend

"He has found it, sir." Y/n said as a matter of factly. Ollivander blinks. Ashen. Stunned.

"That's all, sir. We'll leave you to get some rest now." Y/n said pulling her three friends after her.

"He's after you, Mr. Potter. If it's true, what you say, that he has the Elder Wand, I'm afraid you really don't stand a chance." Ollivander said

"Then I guess I'll just have to kill him before he finds me, sir."


A fire crackles. Harry toys with the snitch Dumbledore bequeathed him.

"You're sure it's hers? Harry looks up, sees Ron turning a strand of hair in the


"Positive." Hermione answered. Harry turns to the two wands on the table -- the ones he showed Ollivander . He sees Y/n fiddling with Draco's old wand. He then snaps out of his daze-- and extends the longest to Hermione.

"I reckon you should take this then." Harry said

"Can't I use the other?" Hermione said looking at Draco's wand in Y/n's hand.

"You heard Ollivander. It's Harry's now." Ron said

"But I hate that thing -- that's the wand that killed Sirius! How can I hold it and not feel..." Hermione said insecure

"If I can hold it, you can." Hermione looks him in the eye, then takes it.

"How will we know what it is when we get in there? After all, a Horcrux can be anything." Ron asked

"I'll know. I can't explain. It's like...," Harry touched his chest, "they sing to me."

Y/n, Hermione and Ron exchange a troubled glance.

"That's a bit scary." Ron said

"It is, Harry. Did Dumbledore ever say anything to you, something that might explain why –" Y/n said getting cut off by Harry

No. I just know. When one's near." Y/n nods. Hermione and Ron stare at him, silent, when a floorboard squeaks. They turn, watch shadows appear: Bill and

Fleur. Fleur hands Hermione a long black woman's cloak.

"This is the closest I could find to what you described, Hermione." Fleur said

"It's perfect. Thank you, Fleur." Fleur lays the cloak in Hermione's hands, then steps back next to Bill. He studies the quartet.

"You're leaving, aren't you." Bill said

"In the morning." Harry said

"And Griphook?" Bill asked

"He'll be leaving too." Bill nods, staring off briefly.

"Listen, I don't know what you're up to, but I know goblins. If you've struck any kind of bargain with Griphook, you must be exceptionally careful to live up to it. If you don't... he won't be forgiving." Bill said.

The quartet sits in silence. Watches Bill withdraw. Harry glances down at his palm again, at the Snitch.


The ocean crashes. Harry and Y/n crouch by Dobby's fresh grave, which now bears a simple stone: "Here Lies Dobby,A Free Elf." Harry ponders the mirror shard, turning it from sky to sea when they hear a soft voice

"The sky has lost a star." Came a dreamy voice. Luna's image skitters across the mirror's surface and Harry and Y/n look up, finds her standing there clutching a small TRAVELING BAG, staring at Dobby's stone.

"My father used to say that when a child died." Luna said, Y/n smiled at the younger girl

She looks up, smiles. "Funny how Mr. Dobby knew exactly where to find us."

"Yeah. Funny. Listen, Luna, about your father, I- we don't want you to think I –" Harry stuttered

"I know you understand why my father did what he did, Harry. That's why we don't need to talk about it." She continues to smile. Y/n eyes the traveling bag.

"Hogwarts?" Y/n asked. She nods, looks to the sea.

"It's not the place you left, you know. It's not the same." Luna said "Neither am I" She gives a little wave, still bearing the trace of a smile, then disapparates and is gone.

"Always good value. I'll miss her." Ron said. Harry and Y/n turn, see Ron standing nearby. He has brown hair.

"What d'you think?" he asked

"Wouldn't know you if I didn't know you." Y/n said. Ron studies the mirror as Harry turns it over in his palm.

"You want to tell me what that is?" Ron asked

"Sirius gave it to me. He had a matching piece. He said if I ever needed him, all I had to do was look into it."

"You mean he could see you?" Y/n asked

"Something like that. I don't know. He died before I ever got to use it. The thing is..."

"Go on." Y/n encouraged

"You'll think I'm mental, but more than once, when I've looked into it -- I think I've seen Dumbledore." As Ron reacts, Harry's eyes shift. Bellatrix Lestrange and Griphook, clutching the sword, approach from the cottage.

"Bloody hell... that's a sight." Ron said

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