💍 The Wedding 💍

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The next day, you woke up with Pansy and Astoria shaking you awake.

"Get up Blackwood, your gonna get late." shrieked Pansy.

"Late? For what? you asked still sleepy.

" IT'S WEDDING DAY!!!" both the girls yelled.

Suddenly, the realization hit you. Today was the day you'd be marrying Draco Malfoy. The day everyone expects you to follow the Voldemort. The day you lose your freedom.

"Oh, yeah." you said almost in a whisper.


At the burrow everyone was having their breakfast quietly, no talking or chatting, nor the playful banter was there. Everyone was looking at Harry concerned. Everyone on the table knew Harry had liked or maybe even loved you since first year. Harry just sat there playing with his food.

"Mate, you okay? asked Ron.

"Do you think he is Ronald?! hissed Hermione.

Everyone gave Harry sympathetic smiles.

While with Draco, he was getting ready for his wedding. He was surely happy that he was marrying the girl he loved but, deep down he could feel the guilt of what he was going to put her through from now on. 

" Draco." came the stern voice of his father from behind him. He turned around.

" I expect you and Y/n to conduct yourself well, before the Dark Lord. Make sure she doesn't do anything she will regret."

"Yes father."  Draco nodded.


You were in your room getting ready, you already had the dress on. Ismelda was doing your hair while Astoria was doing your make-up. You felt like a dementor was sucking the life out of you.

Just then a knock on your door interrupted the silence. Pansy opened the door. There stood Narcissa and Beatrice looking at you.

"You look beautiful, darling!" exclaimed Narcissa.

"Thank you, Narcissa." you replied

"How much time will you girls take to get ready?" Beatrice asked coldly.

Just then Bellatrix barged into the room with a evil grin on her face.

"Hope your ready, Y/n/n" she asked cackling. " Hope you won't go with Potter and his munchkins now? Would you? she asked as her wand traced your neck.

"No, ma'am." you replied.

"Very good!" she then burst out laughing.

"Enough, Bella." said Narcissa sternly. She immediately stopped laughing.

Your mother helped you adjust the veil.

 Your father then knocked on the door asking if you were ready. You nodded.

Your father then gripped your hand tightly. You winced. He slowly let go. You locked your arms with your father as, the great door opened. You recognized the wedding was all black. You could recognize many people were death- eaters and pure-bloods who worked with your father at the ministry. There was Fenrir Greyback and Peter Pettigrew too. You wanted to cry, to scream. but if you did Voldemort would kill you all.

You looked towards the altar you saw Professor Snape standing there in between dressed in all black robes.

Then you saw your soon to be husband, Draco Malfoy standing there in an all - black suit, his eyes still cold.

As soon as reached the altar, your father handed you to Draco who helped you up. You handed your bouquet to Pansy who was standing behind you. You placed your hands in Draco's, he held them.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to celebrate union of two faithful souls... Draco Lucius Malfoy and Y/n Everret Blackwood." rang Snape's cold voice.

"Do you Draco Lucius Malfoy, take Y/n Everret Blackwood as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." Draco spat out but not as harsh as he wanted it to be. He put the ring on your finger.

"Do you Y/n Everret Blackwood, take Draco Lucius Malfoy as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." you said almost in a whisper. You put a ring on his finger.

"You may kiss the bride." announced Snape.

Draco pulled you close, he leaned into you and ghosted his lips over yours.

"I promised McGonagall that nothing would hurt you." he whispered. You merely nodded.

The next thing was dance, you both were practically forced into it.

"And now its time for Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy's first dance!" Bellatrix called. The piano started as your mother practically pushed you into Draco. Draco gripped your waist as you rested your hands on his chest. Draco was much taller than you at least half a foot. Your head, if you dared, could rest on his chest and hear his heart beat. Your cheeks heated as his traveled to your back which was backless.

"Do you- do you hate me? you asked

Draco's heart broke, hearing that. "No, I don't hate you. Why would you think that?." 

"After all these years, I thought you hated me with passion." you chuckled, he did too.

"You look...beautiful." he commented. You blushed.

"You- you look Charming." you said. He just smirked.


As the dance was over both of you were called into a isolated, dim-litted room.Draco squeezed your hand reassuringly. You just nodded.

Just then a soft whooshing noise was heard. You quickly got your wand out from your blouse.

"You got a wand?" Draco asked confused. " Safety measures." you shrugged.

Just then a voice was heard

"Ah, Y/n and Draco, what a lovely pair." You knew that voice all too well, from the shadows emerged Lord Voldemort. You looked at him in the eye, the guy who killed the love of your life was standing right in front of you. You wanted to kill him right then and there but you just couldn't. You were snapped out of your thoughts, when Draco gripped your hand, signing you to bow. Your grip on the wand loosened a bit and you bowed down to him.

"Ah, lovely seeing you without Potter." he said, " I hope you have accepted defeat, hope you join us and celebrate victory with us, when Potter's dead." he smirked as he whispered the last part. 

You gripped your wand tightly. Draco looked at you pleadingly.

"Yes. my lord" you answered politely.

"Felicitations on your marriage." Voldemort said as he disappeared.

You didn't realize but you were heaving a bit.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine." you replied. He nodded.


That day you both retreated towards your rooms, but only to see your stuff was not in your room. Just then you heard Draco calling your name, he told you that all your things have been shifted to his room.

Just then Narcissa came, "Well, dearie your things have been shifted to Draco's room, I just did that because it may help you bond together. she said and left. You both were red.

"Blackwood, which side do you want?" Draco asked. You were shocked, your eyes widened.

"C'mon Blackwood fast.." you snapped out of your thoughts

"Left." you said, he nodded.

You both went to sleep as soon as your heads touch the pillows.

A/N - Hey guys! how was the chapter? Let me know

🏆🔥7️⃣📔💍🐍🏰👨‍🏫🪄⚗️ ⚡👓


Please Enjoy!!


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