Chapter Five

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— Arrivals: Chapter Five —

"I'LL GO," JAMES VOLUNTEERED, immediately, everyone scoffed.

"Like we would let you use a ruddy time turner after what you did with the other one." Rose harshly mumbled, James bowed his head guiltily.

"Well, I'm already the messenger," Dominique said, causing the attention to shift to her. "I might as well go."

"But you don't know where it is," Tonks noted, "or do you?"

"No, I don't," Sighed the red-haired veela, "but I bet if one of you guys explain to me where it was, I'll be able to find it. I am a Hufflepuff, after all."

"No, we cannot risk you not finding it," Dumbledore told, the room went silent with listening as he spoke. "we'll need one of the next generation to go back, any volunteers?"

"Mine still stands."

"You're not going, James," Rose shouted. She then regained herself, "I'll go."

"No, I'll go," stated Louise, immediately, he got a smack on the back of his head by an angry Dominique. "like hell you're going, you're staying right here—safe and monitored."

"But Dommmmm," Louise whined, his eyes went wide after Dominique sent him a glare; he stopped whining and agreed with his sister.

James gasped, "So you care if he goes but you  don't care if any of us go?"

"Yes," Dominique said, tilting her head at James. "He's my little brother, I'm not letting him risk his life for something you did."

"None of us would die if we went back," Lily started, looking nervously toward Dumbledore, "right?"

"If the time turner is used correctly," Dumbledore began, a twinkle in his eye. "then you'll be fine, Ms. Potter. Whoever goes will just need to make sure they aren't seen or heard by anyone. Especially not themselves."

"I'll go," said Albus, no one heard him as his cousins and siblings continued to volunteer themselves. He bit his lip, looking to Scorpius who seemed to be the only one who heard him, the paint-covered boy wore eyes so wide they resembled an aliens ufo. "I'll go," he repeated, his voice louder and harsher.

Everyone turned to him, James immediately dismissed, "You aren't going."

"I am," Albus said, glaring at his brother with a blush filling his pale-white cheeks from all the attention. "I'm the one who was with Scorp when he kicked it up, I know where it is."

"So do I," Scorpius stated, he sucked in a deep breath, "I'll go with him."

"You absolutely will not," said a voice over the two way-mirror, Scorpius looked over to see his father looking through. "let Potter go, you, Scorp, stay with the others—safe."

"As chivalrous as always," Ron, from the past, mumbled. Draco glared through the mirror.

"Mr. Malfoy," started Dumbledore, looking through the mirror. Draco stiffened, his face hardening.

"I understand your concern for your son, but I believe that he and Mr. Potter should go as they are the ones who found it and know the site in which where it's buried."

"But Professor—"

"Albus," Dumbledore corrected, still looking through the mirror. "call me Albus, Mr. Malfoy, as you are now above age and graduated."

"Sorry Prof—Albus," Draco corrected. "but I will not allow my son to go on such a dangerous mission, I sincerely hope you respect my decision."

Dumbledore nodded and Scorpius scoffed, "Father, you can't make me not go. You're not here, plus, when I do go, and Albus fixes everything, you won't even remember it happened!"

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose, "Fine, j-just be careful, yeah?"

Scorpius nodded enthusiastically, squeezing Albus' arm. After that, the two-way mirror was left alone and the next generation joked and spoke with the past generation. About an hour later, a clatter was heard from the other room, they all rushed out to find a golden time turner. It looked highly similar to the one they accidentally used to travel themselves back in time, except for its shorter and more thicker chain—most likely in case Rose and James fought again.

      Teddy carefully kneeled down and picked it up, dangling it in front of his eyes. Dominique grabbed the two-way mirror and called for someone to reply. Eventually, Hermione came running up to it with her hair disheveled and face pale.

       "Have you gotten it?" Hermione asked, panting as she tried to relieve the nausea she had from apparating such a large distance.

"We have," Dominique confirmed, "how far do we twist the thingy?"

"Knob," corrected Hermione, sitting down at the table as a few more people from the past cluttered around. "who is going back?"

"I am," Albus shouted from the couch, Scorpius also shouted that he was going and Hermione continued to explain.

"As the time turner I've sent you only goes back a few hours," started Hermione, pulling out a decoy time turner, "you will twist this knob," she pointed to a small golden knob poking out from the side, "three hours. That'll give you about an hour to do everything, which should be enough if neither of you run into trouble."

"Sounds easy enough," Scorpius nervously chuckled, Albus wrapped his arm around his boyfriends neck.

Harry, from the future, sighed, "you two will be fine, just make sure to not make much noise. The other . . you's will be playing The Game still."

Albus and Scorpius nodded, Albus took the time turner from Dominique and they continued to say their goodbyes. It seemed to not click in anyone's minds that after the deed was done, no one would remember traveling back in time and meeting their past and future families. Seeing as it would've never happen in the first place, everyone would simply vanish and life would go on.

"Remember, hun," Molly Weasley said, hugging her grandson, "eat. You're thin as a needle, maybe even thinner than your father—teenage father, at least."

"I will, grams," Chuckled Albus, Molly Weasley smiled at the name. "I'll be seeing you soon, in my future time."

"Wonderful," she mumbled, kissing his forehead and allowing him to say goodbye to his siblings.

"Try not to get yourself caught, Alby," Lily murmured, hugging her older brother. "and don't change the future too much, we won't be able to help if you do."

"Who do you think I am?" Albus chuckled, breaking their hug. "James?"

"Hey!" James stated in offense, his face pouting. Fred and Roxanne looked over and snickered before going back to their lovely conversation with their past father and uncle about dungbomb cologne and flying spiders.

"He's right," Lily said, shooting her brother a glare of daggers. "you'll end up forgetting your mission and having a brunch with your second self."

     "I mean, you're not wrong," James said, his face flickering with amusement, "imagine that, two me's sipping tea at the same table."

      "Sounds like a nightmare," Albus said, hugging his brother. James stiffened a bit before he hugged back, James wasn't used to hugs. He was more of an eccentric type, he was either never home or wreaking havoc to the point he was being screamed at and sent to his room. Hugging was almost foreign to him.

      "Sounds like paradise," James whispered dreamily into his brothers shoulder, he then ruffled the boys hair and smiled, "have fun time traveling, dude."

      "I will," Albus smiled, he then looked over to Scorpius to find the boy talking to Sirius Black, who looked to have him cornered.

      "So," Sirius started, his hand on his hip as he analyzed an anxious Scorpius. "you're dating my godsons son. My god-grandson."

      "I-I am," Scorpius stuttered, "Sir."

       "Bloody hell, Padfoot," said Remus, strolling over to his friend with a disappointed look on his face. "you're scaring the boy."

        "Am not," Hissed Sirius, looking to Molly Weasley to make sure she wasn't listening. "I'm just questioning him."

       "Then you wouldn't mind if I stuck around to listen?" Remus asked, his eyebrow raised. He had just finished talking with his son, Teddy, who was now talking with his mum who spoke a mile a minute. Asking him about his life, for which she missed out on.

      "Not at all," Sirius mumbled, he turned back to Scorpius who jumped at his sudden head turn. "How long?"

      "Five months last week," Scorpius answered, "sir."

      "Are you a death eater?"

      "Merlin, no."

     "What're your thoughts on muggleborns?"

      "Should I have any?"

       "What house is superior?"

"They're all equal. Though I prefer Slytherin over any other, as you would for Gryffindor," he cringed, "sir."

       "What're three words to describe a werewolf?"

      "Misunderstood, hairy, and large."

     Remus snorted.

      "Sugar quills or chocolate frogs?"


      "Sugar quills," Sirius sternly repeated, "or chocolate frogs?"

      "Er, sugar quills?"

       "I disapprove of the relationship," Sirius announced.

       Scorpius' eyes went wide and Remus scoffed. "Bloody hell, Sirius, let the boy live."

      "But he chose blasted sugar quills over—"

      "And?" Remus asked, "Not everyone has the same opinion as you."

      "They should," Sirius murmured, "my opinions are always right."

       "And that's your opinion," Remus sighed, he then looked over to see Albus who had just arrived.

       Albus nodded to Remus and then looked to Scorpius, "You ready?"

      "Er, yeah." Scorpius nodded, running past Sirius to his boyfriend. "Let's go."

       "Hold on," Molly Weasley shouted, tearing up, she gave one last bear hug to the boys. "good luck, perhaps my older-self will have cookies waiting."

        Albus smiled and gave one last scan to the room, everyone was crowded around each other. Dominique held the two-way mirror facing the two boys, their older family waving encouragingly. Scorpius, being the taller of the two, wrapped the small chain around himself and Albus. Albus sucked in a deep breath before he twisted the knob three times.

       Nothing happened at first, though, after a few moments, they began to glow a similar color which the broken time turner exploded. Their bodies started to misshapen and then they were gone. After a flicker of blackness, Albus and Scorpius found themselves standing in the Forbidden Forest. It was dark due to the trees blocking the sky, which was clouded from the thunderstorm that was to come. Albus bit his lip anxiously as he looked around, everything looked the same; trees, trees, and some more trees, and, oh, look, a rock sitting in front of a tree!

       "Er—" Scorpius started, wearing the same anxious expression as his boyfriend, "where are we?"

       "Somewhere in the forest," Albus mumbled, without warning, he then continued to walk towards the single rock.

      Scorpius raised an eyebrow, "Where are you going?"

      "East," Albus simply replied.

      "East?" Scorpius laughed, "why East? Can't you be more specific?"

       "Teddy said they found the time turner after being told to go East." Albus explained, he continued walking. "So I'm heading East."

       "He could've been anywhere, Al—"

      "Ha, you're out, Lucy!" They heard a voice shouted after a loud splatter.

      "Oh no," they heard a sarcastic voice whine, Albus smirked towards Scorpius and mouthed; 'Haha, I was right.'

      They climbed through the trees and found Lucy sitting on a log with a book in her hands. No one was with her yet, everywhere else the sounds of splattering paint was heard. Albus looked around for a moment before stepping out. Scorpius panicked and grabbed for him but only managed to get himself pulled out by Albus who snatched his wrist.

     "I'm already out, Al," Lucy said, not looking up from her book.

       Albus flickered his eyes towards her nervously, "I know, I heard."

      She finally looked up, a smirk planted on her lips, "James thinks he's so proud, only if he knew I didn't even try to run."

       "He will," laughed Albus, his eyes went wide before he added, "you'll be bragging it to him by the end of the game, eh?"

      "Subtle," Scorpius teasingly whispered, Albus stomped on his foot.

        "Of course," the girl chuckled. A few moments passed before the two boys started to shift towards the area Scorpius remembered falling at and kicking up the time turner.

       Scorpius casually sat down on the grass, Albus did the same and Lucy eyed them suspiciously. "What're you two doing?"

       "Sitting," Albus simply replied, his voice squeaking. He was never good at lying.

        "Obviously," Lucy said, shutting her book a bit, her finger holding her page in place. "but why? Don't you guys have a game to play—is Scorp out?"

       Scorpius rubbed his red paint spot and nodded while biting his lip. Lucy nodded warily and then looked at Albus, "Why are you here?"

      "T-to keep my boyfriend company?"

      "He's here to make out," Scorpius coughed, "right, honey?"

     "Yes, snookums," Albus joked, Lucy scrunched her nose in disgust as the two boys started kissing and went back to her book with a few whispers of disgust. Albus grabbed at the ground, using his fingers to dig through the muddy dirt. Eventually he clasped something cold and hard, he bit his lip—or Scorpius'—as he pulled it out and quickly hid it under his leg.

      "Okay," Scorpius said, standing up quickly alongside Albus. "W-we're going to go now, can't let Al get caught by anyone."

      "Whatever," Lucy waved them off.

       Albus and Scorpius left and once far enough, they pulled out the time turner. It was golden and shiny, like before, and looked to have no damage on it whatsoever. It's chain was still in tact, as well as it's knob. Albus made sure not to touch the knob as he handed it to Scorpius. "What do we do now?"

      "Hell if I know," Scorpius mumbled, he raised an eyebrow, "do we destroy it?"

       "Do you want to risk it going bonkers again?" Albus asked, unsure.

        "Hm," Scorp mumbled, he then looked over to a tree which had a large hole in it. He smirked. Albus noticed this and also smirked as they placed the time turner inside the tree, deep inside to the point Scorpius felt his hand punch through a spider web.

      "How do we know if it'll work?"

        "I have no bloody i—" everything went black.

Authors Note

Lmaooooooooo, I can't believe I'm still writing this. One chapter left (epilogue) if everything goes to plan then this should all be published by tonight. (May 11, possibly May 12.)

May 11, 2019
2,388 words

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