Chapter Three

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— Arrivals: Chapter Three —

          "WHO DIES?" SIRIUS ASKED, the room went silent. Even Hugo stopped his chewing of the freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies his young grandmother made for them. Rose looked around unsurely, everyone around her were either looking to the floor or just anywhere away from their 1995 family members.

        "Is it anyone in this room?" Molly Weasley asked with dread in her voice, looking to her family—barely even being able to imagine the pain of losing her children or husband. The arrivals stayed silent, Rose sighed and looked up to her grandmother, opening her mouth to speak. As she was about to say something, there was a thump from another room. Following that, loud curses coming from Walburga Black's portrait. Mad Eye Moody stood up, his wand drawn as he approached the door. He kicked it open and ordered for the newcomer, a boy around twenty with a familiar face, to drop his wand with his hands raised.

      Lily Luna stood up with curiosity running through her veins. Everyone else did the same, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black also had their wands drawn. Tonks stood in front of the arrivals in a protective stance, Rose couldn't help but smile. Lily gasped in delight at the sight of her godbrother, "Teddy!" she cheered, running towards him with open arms.

      She hugged the boy who stood a foot taller than her, he knelt down and hugged her back with relief seeping into his chest. He pushed her off of him a bit so he could ask, "Merlin, Lils, are you okay? Where the bloody hell are we? Is that—"

     "Mad Eye Moody?" Lily asked, amusement drawn on her features. Teddy nodded, staring at the man who now had a lowered wand—a confused expression on his face. "We've got a lot to explain, brother."

       The arrivals were all crowded around the door, wanting to say hi to their brother, cousin, and friend. The older generation were confused, just how did another child time travel to the Grimmauld Place?

       Lily grabbed Teddy's wrist and brought him to the room everyone else was at, "Look guys, Teddy's here!"

       "Merlin, Ted," James joked, "and I thought you were the smart one. How did you get here?"

      "W-Where exactly is here?" He asked, not noticing his mother and father who were both frozen. Didn't Lily say they had a son by the name of Teddy?

      "I think you mean when, Mr. Lupin," boomed a new voice. Teddy turned to see Professor Dumbledore, a kind smile on his face. Teddy was flabbergasted, his jaw hung open in surprise at the person in front of him.

       Tonks, gaining confidence, stepped into view, "Close your mouth lad, don't want to catch any vampyr mosps in your mouth, would ya?" Teddy's stomach lurched at the sight of the woman in front of him—his mother. The woman who was killed in the Battle of Hogwarts when he was only a few weeks old. "So, you're my son?" Tonks asked, delight spread on her features as his shock confirmed the questions she silently asked herself. Teddy looked to his cousins and siblings with an unreadable expression on his face, though he did seem extremely panicked.

       "It's really her, Ted," Lucy innocently smiled, "we may have accidentally time traveled to 1995."

      Teddy shook his head, regaining himself as he looked to his cousin, "I'm sorry, what?! Who bloody did this? I swear to Merlin if it was--"

    "James and Fred?" Lily asked, amusement laced in her voice. "Yep, it was them."

       Teddy turned to James and Fred who sat cheekily beside each other, Fred looked at James, biting his lip before he moved away, "It was James and Rose, not me!"

     "Liar!" Seethed Rose, jumping in front of the boy. "I was trying to get the bloody thing, sorry for my language grandma, away from James and Fred! James broke the chain while I tried taking it away!"

       "To be fair, you both were tugging at it rather harshly." Fred reminded, he got shot a glare from Rose and kept quiet.

       Teddy was shaking, he didn't know what to do in that moment. All of his family seemed calm, used to the fact they were stuck twenty-seven years in the past. Teddy didn't know whether he wanted to scold James and Fred or hug his mother. Should he even meet his parents? They would be leaving, after all, whenever Uncle Harry found a solution for them to come home. If he ever finds one, at least.

       "Rose, you're such a bloody snitch," James said in annoyance. "I'm scratching you off my friend list."

    "Alright, go ahead," Rose snorted, getting smirks from the older Weasley twins. "the only friends you have are your cousins, anyway."

     "She's got you there, mate," Fred said thoughtfully, nudging James in the shoulder.

      "She does not," James said with his nose scrunched, "I have plenty of friends. I just prefer people who don't gawk at how beautiful I am."

      "I gawk at how stupid you are," Rose countered, "how's that?"

      As his godbrother and cousin fought, Teddy scanned the room. There were many people in it, ones including their family—but younger, and many dead beings who . . . weren't dead yet. Seeing his Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny young made his skin crawl, seeing his dead father and mother made it run.

       Remus Lupin stared at his son with wide-eyes, the boy looked exactly as he did during his Hogwarts days. The only difference being the boy had a more filled-out stature, he actually looked like he ate healthy. Unlike Remus whose diet mainly focused around chocolate and steak. His heart was beating fast, Sirius watched him in amusement. Tonks heart pumped a mile a minute, her hands felt like they were vibrating and all she wanted to do was change her hair in an assortment of colors—that normally happened when she was excited. She could tell the boy was nervous, he didn't dare to look at either her or Remus. He got that from Remus who would barely look at Tonks, it annoyed her greatly but all she wanted to do was hug the boy—her son from the future.

        "Teddy," Lily asked, curiosity in her tone. She had to call his name a second time before he broke out of his daze, turned towards his younger sister. "How how did you get here, anyways?"

       "Oh right, that," Teddy said, a blush rising on his cheeks. Tonks smiled as she watched him, her son. "We were all having a search party for you lot in the Forbidden Forest, your mum, dad, Aunt 'Mione, Vic, everybody. Your dad sent Vic, Dom, and I to search the east area after we discovered the area you guys were playing The Game—why did you guys even move? Never mind that, I found something shiny and glowing and being the idiot I am, I went to hold it. Next thing I knew, I was here."

     "Wait a minute," he continued, looking at his family suspiciously. "where did you guys even get the time turner? There hasn't been one since they—"

     "All got destroyed at the ministry?" Rose finished for them, her eyebrow raised. Teddy nodded unsurely and Rose explained, "That's what we thought, too, at least until we stumbled upon the one my mum and Uncle Harry threw into the Forbidden Forest."

   "Blimey," Teddy said in surprise, suddenly forgetting his parents standing around home. "I thought that thing only went back hours?"

       "Apparently not," James snorted, "rain must've whacked it out cause now we're in-"

      "1995," Lily finished for him, rolling her eyes. "We know, James, you're the one who got us here."

      "Oh, not this again—"

      "So, you're a metamorphmagus?" Tonks asked, interrupting the two fighting siblings as she looked at Teddy. Teddy bit his lip and allowed his eyes to trail onto his mother, he nodded. "Merlin!" She said in excitement, her hair changing from pink to yellow and back to pink again. "Could I see?"

      Teddy let out a small nervous laugh as he changed his naturally sandy-blonde hair to a similar pink of his mother's. She smiled and walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek. He almost stepped back but the warmth of her hand felt comforting to him, tears welled up in his eyes as he allowed her to hug him. He hugged her back, tightly. It was like he was seeing her for the first time.

      Remus sucked in a breath as he walked toward, Sirius gave him an encouraging pat on the back as he walked up to his son. "Merlin's beard," he said once up close. Teddy was now wiping his eyes, embarrassed that he had even cried. James, Fred, Rose, Hugo, and Louise took it upon themselves to talk with the older generation to distract them. Lucy was watching Snape, her eyebrows scrunched as the man felt wary at being stared at by a thirteen year old.

       Albus and Scorpius sat beside each other, Albus was talking to Grandma Weasley while Scorpius sat in silence. He had two emotions flowing through him, fear and insecurity. He was insecure about the large red paint-splotch on his face and he was afraid as to why Albus didn't want to share the fact that the two boys were dating. Albus didn't act differently towards him, though, the only thing he said odd was that they were best friends and not boyfriends.

       "Hi," Greeted Teddy shyly, looking at his father. He was much taller than he thought he'd be. Teddy was always told his dad was tall, that he got his height from his dear ol' dad. But Merlin was he tall, Teddy almost felt self-conscious with his six foot one height.

Remus snorted, "It's almost like you've never met us before."

Teddy looked to the ground and Remus' eyes widened, he didn't even know if everyone heard his statement as he immediately went to hug his son who hugged him as tightly back. Tonks, who stood beside them, most definitely heard was silently crying, her hand covering her mouth.

"Merlin's tits," Sirius barked, "I understand why Moony and Tonks are so blubbered, but why are you?" He asked, looking at Teddy's who's cheeks reddened.

"Sirius," sighed Remus, looking at his friend in desperation that he'd shut up.

Sirius scrunched his eyebrows in confusion, "Wha—oh," he said with his eyes widening. "So some of us do die?"

"What?" Harry asked, looking towards Sirius who looked at his friend sadly.

"S-should we say?" Rose asked, looking toward Dumbledore. The white-bearded man shrugged, making Rose scrunch her eyebrows—wow, that really helped.

"We're going to obliviate them all anyways," James said sadly, "why not break the news now?"

Rose nodded, looking towards Teddy hopeful that'd he'd explain everything. Teddy bit his lip, "Well, first, I'll introduce myself, seeing as I'll be the bearer of bad news. My name is Edward Remus Lupin, but everyone calls me Teddy. I am a Hufflepuff," Tonks cheered, her hair turning yellow and black, "as of last month I've officially become an Auror. My girlfriend is Victoire Weasley, Bill and Fleur's firstborn, she's probably panicking so much right now since I've disappeared."

Fred II snorted, "She has the panic system of a hyperactive grandma Weasley," he looked at Molly Weasley with fear, "not that that's bad."

"I guess I should start with who first dies," Teddy said, frowning. "it's 1995 so—first to die is Sirius Black, at the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in the beginning of June of 1996."

"No, not Sirius!" Harry shouted in desperation, looking at his godfather. The arrivals were surprised at the reaction, they never saw Harry so upset. "Sirius can't die! He's—He's Sirius!"

       "Everybody dies at some point, Harry," Sirius said sadly, hugging his godson. "Do I at least die heroically?"

       "You do," Teddy nodded, disbelief coursing through him that he was speaking to the Sirius Black. "died saving Uncle Harry and all his friends from Voldemort's first official attack of the second wizarding war. Bellatrix Lestrange shot you back into a veil, though, killed ya' immediately." He bluntly stated.

       "But don't worry!" Lucy shouted excitedly, looking at Sirius with a bright smile on her face. "Grandma Weasley kills her in the Battle of Hogwarts after she tried to kill Aunt Ginny!"

       "Merlin, mum," Fred mused, "didn't know you had it in you to murder someone." Molly Weasley glared at him, but inside she couldn't help but feel pride. Ginny brought her mum into a side hug, staying there as Teddy told the deaths of the people in that room as if he were reading them off a piece of paper.

     "Next is A-Albus Dumbledore," Teddy stuttered, unsure if he should've called him Professor. There were many gasps in the room, Dumbledore didn't seem surprised. "that was actually the official start of the war. He was killed with the killing curse and shot off the Astronomy Tower. Merlin did the war get bad after that—"

     "Who did it?" Sirius asked, venom in his voice.

      Teddy bit his lip, glancing at Snape before back to Rose who wore the same panicked expression. Rose sighed, "Okay, first, I need all of you to promise not to do anything rash."

"Just tell us who," Ron whined, "it's not like they'd be in this room for us to hound."

"Severus Snape killed Dumbledore," Lily said, ripping off the bandage. Severus went wide eyed and people whipped their heads towards him, some even went for their wands. "take out your wands and I'll take out mine. Snape was a nasty man but he was also a hero. It was planned between him and Dumbledore for him to kill Dumbledore instead of Draco Malfoy committing the act. Snape even lost his life later on for my dad."

"Spoiler alert," James snorted, Lily shot him a glare.

"See that," Severus said, nodding his head towards Lily as he watched Sirius with a smirk—Sirius pointed his wand at his head. "I'm a hero, put your bloody wand down, Black."

"Don't tell me what to do, Snivellus," Sirius hissed, Remus rolled his eyes and snatched Sirius' wand from him. Sirius grumbled and sat back, crossing his arms.

"Alright," Teddy said uncomfortably, "moving on, next to die is Mad Eye Moody." Tonks let out a long-held sob.

       "Wait," Lucy shrieked, "don't forget Hedwig!" Seeing everyone's already distraught expressions about Mad Eye Moody, the girl went wide eyed. "wrong timing."

       "Wait, Hedwig dies?" Harry asked, sadness in his expression and his eyes already puffy from crying about Sirius.

      "Saving you," Albus said, trying to make his past father happier.

      "Merlin," Harry said, looking down to his hands sadly.

      "Mad Eye can't die!" Tonks shrieked, looking towards her previous Auror trainer. "He's bloody Alastor Moody, one of the best dark wizard catchers in the world. Who kills him?"

      "I actually don't know." Teddy stated. "He died during the Battle of the Seven Potters. He was trying to stop Mundungus Fletcher from escaping the battle field when he was shot off his broom. Don't know by who, but he either fell to his death or was killed while or before fell."

      "At least I die in battle," Moody stated, not disturbed by the announcement of his death. "carry on, mate, I don't got all day. I have cases to go over."

       Teddy looked towards his upset mother who nodded through tears, he continued, "next is Ted Tonks, my grandfather. In 1998, after Voldemort had taken over the ministry, muggles and muggleborns were being taken and murdered by people called snatchers. Unfortunately, he was one of the ones killed as he tried to revolt."

       "Not my da," Tonks cried, Remus pulled her into a hug and she sobbed into his shoulder. Teddy stood awkwardly, he had no idea how to comfort his mother.

       "You can continue," Remus reassured as he comforted his future wife.

       Teddy nodded, "After that, Dobby the house elf dies."

       "No!" Harry whined, "why the bloody hell does everyone good die?"

      "Don't worry, dad," Lily said reassuringly, "with all the good guy deaths came the bad ones. We'll tell you guys about them after."

       "After Dobby, oh Merlin," Teddy hesitated, realizing he was on the Battle of Hogwarts topic.

      Rose sighed, placing a hand on her cousins shoulder, "Don't worry, I'll continue, Teddy." She looked around at everyone, she frowned sadly at the dead as she continued, "On May 2, 1998 a battle took place which decided the fate of the war. It was the last battle between Uncle Harry and Voldemort, obviously, Uncle Harry won," She explained, people whooped in cheer. "but fifty people on our side died, and some of them are in this room."

       "Well, get on with it!" Sirius said, sitting up. "The anticipation is killing me."

      "My god," Remus sighed, Tonks managed out a giggle.

      "Snape dies," Rose bluntly stated first, "Voldemort killed him while believing that Snape held the power of the elder wand. Turned out it was actually Scorps dad, funnily enough, not that Snape should've died—oh, I'm bad at this," She looked at Snape, "sorry for your loss, no, sorry that you die?"

      "Please stop talking, Weasley," Snape sighed, Rose nodded before continuing.

      "After that, Teddy's mum and dad dies," Rose announced, looking at Remus and Tonks sadly. Expecting it, they wore sad expressions. People around them cried, mainly Teddy and Sirius. Teddy kept wiping the tears off his face despite them rapidly coming down, eventually he gave up when Lily pulled him in a hug. "Remus is killed by Antonin Dolohov and Tonks is killed by Bellatrix, both by the killing curse."

       "How old were you?" Tonks asked Teddy sadly, her heart slightly lurching at the fact her aunt killed her.

       Teddy frowned. "A few weeks at most." Tonks let out a sob and pulled him in another hug, Remus did the same.

       "A-After that," Rose said, looking towards Fred Weasley II and Roxanne, who seemed to unable to look up. "Uncle Fred dies in an explosion, side by side with Uncle George, Uncle Harry, dad, and Uncle Percy."

       The older twins were silent, both wearing the same surprised expressions. Molly Weasley cried loudly as she clutched onto Fred, wetting his shirt with her tears. Arthur stared at his son in shock, as did Bill for a few moments before running over and hugging his younger brother. Ron didn't know what to do as he also stared at Fred, Ginny silently cried as she hugged Fred.

       "F-Fred dies?" George asked, tears welling into his eyes. Rose bit her lip, tears in her own eyes, she nodded. George turned to his brother who looked at him, they both embraced and George cried in his shoulder.

        "It's not for another three years," Fred tried to reassure, his wavering voice gave away his true feelings. "you still got me for three years." He mumbled into George's shaking shoulder.

       "If this makes you guys feel any better," Lily tried, scrunching her face up as she wasn't good in sad or sentimental moments. "a lot of death eaters died. Voldemort, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Peter Pettigrew included."

       "Thank Merlin," Sirius laughed, breaking the mournful silence. "Pettigrew finally dies, how does it happen? Hopefully painful—"

       "He strangled himself to death with his magical prosthetic hand that Voldemort enchanted after he cut it off to resurrect Voldy," Lily said with glee.

       "I knew he was an idiot but why would he voluntarily strangle himself?" Remus asked, his eyebrow raised.

       "Apparently, Uncle Harry reminded him of a time when Harry saved him and Pettigrew hesitated," Rose explained, "the hand somehow knew, considered it betrayal to his dark lord, and strangled him."


      "H-How," Ginny began through sniffles, "did mum kill Bellatrix?"

       "Well, Bellatrix first tried to kill you," Teddy explained, "she then taunted Uncle Fred's death to Grandma Weasley and she just . . . turned her to dust."

        "Thanos style," Scorpius mumbled, receiving a laugh from Albus. People looked at him in confusion and he shook his head, he was not explaining that difficult subject to everyone.

       "And Voldemort?" Mad Eye asked, "How'd he die?"

       "The magic of Protego," James said, proudness in his tone. "shot a killing curse at dad and dad bounced it off himself back to him."

       "Nice 'arry!" Sirius cheered, ruffling the boys hair.

       "Grindelwald dies too," Lucy added, "Voldemort killed him, if anyone wanted to know."

      "Thank you for telling us, Ms. Weasley," Dumbledore thanked Lucy, a sad smile on his face.

      "Anyone else?"

       "Oh yes—" A loud crash cut off the excited voice of Lily Luna. Someone had arrived, again.

       "Bloody hell, how many of you are there?!" Mad Eye asked, walking to the other room with his wand raised just in case.

        "Woah!" They heard from the other room; Dominique. "Slow down there, old man, I mean no harm."

       "Dom!" Louise excitedly shouted, running to the other room. Bills head perked up, that was one of his future daughters names . . .

        "Louise!" Dominique shouted back, relief flowing through her body as she hugged her younger brother. "Merlin, I thought you were dead!"

      "Nope," Louise said, smiling as he popped the p. "just in 1995."

       "Why does everyone just have to touch the shiny ball of light?" Rose asked in annoyance as Dominique, Louise, and Mad Eye arrived back into the room. "What are we, moths?"

       "Nice to see you too, Rose," Dominique stated, "how was my time travel trip twenty seven-years back into the past? Fine, yours?"

       "Please at least tell us you have a way for us to get back?!" James whined, he got glares from almost everyone else immediately after the question.

      "Well, no," Dominique stated, "after Vic found the glowing time turner, she called for everyone, Aunt 'Mione was able to identify what it was and what was happening. Apparently it's super rare, doesn't even have a name for it. Happens when magical substances seep into the turners magic for too long, it malfunctions and latches onto the memory of its last holder. In this case it was Aunt 'Mione. Why did it go back to 1995? Who knows, but they sent me here with this!" She stated, pulling out a mirror. One that Harry Potter of the future had the equivalent of.

       "A two-way mirror," Sirius gasped, "bloody smart, that is."

        "Woah," Dominique said, turning to Sirius, "hi, my names Dominique Weasley." She introduced, holding her hand out to the raven-haired man.

       "Sirius Black." He stated, shaking her hand in amusement.

      "Double woah!" Dominique excitedly continued. She looked over, spotting her younger father. "dads here too? He doesn't even have the scar!"

       "W-what scar?" Bill asked in surprise at his future daughters enthusiasm.

      "Oh, erm—"

       "Go ahead," Rose sighed, "they'll all be obliviated after anyway."

       "Cool," Dom stated, she turned to her dad. "well, sometime in the future you get attacked by Fenrir Greyback, get a nasty scar going down your face. Don't turn into a werewolf, but you have an awful craving for raw meats, bloody disgusting, I tell you."

       "Every Friday we have steak," Louise added, "mums bound to go nuts soon. If not, me first."

      Fred Weasley I laughed for the first time since hearing his news, "Bill goes the extra step in carnivorism." Fred Weasley II laughed, his twin sister giggled beside him.

       Dominique continued scanning the room, ignoring Teddy's parents on purpose as she didn't know what she'd say to them. Her eyes widened at Dumbledore, "Merlin, is that Dumb—"

        "Hullo?" Called the muffled voice of Harry Potter, future Harry Potter.

         The arrivals gasped, as well as the older generation. Dominique held up the two-way mirror and smiled at the sight of her middle-aged Uncle. "It works!" She cheered, holding up the mirror for everybody to see.

        "Finally," Lily Luna sighed in relief, "now we can find a bloody way home." Her eyes widened as she looked at everyone, "No offense."

      "Non taken."

Authors Note

Wanted to finish this before I became dead tired and welp, it's 3am and I've just finished this 4,000+ word chapter. I guess I'll just read despite barely being able to keep my eyes open.

April 27, 2019
4,060 words

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