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Arrivals: Prologue

          THEY CAREFULLY TIPTOED through the Forbidden Forest, avoiding every tree branch so they didn't accidentally give their positions away. The wind blew through the trees, magical creatures rustled on the branches and watched the newcomers with curiosity. James and Fred stood beside each other, both looking opposite directions to make sure either sides were protected.

In his hand, James Sirius Potter held a steel bucket. Inside were balloons filled with paint, a type of paint ever-so magically tainted to the point that a drop would be permanent for a month. Fred Weasley II, beside him, held a balloon in each hand—looking around the trees. Not paying attention, he stepped on a branch resulting in a loud crack to erupt throughout the area.

James and Fred froze, James looked at the boy with a 'what did you do?' expression, Fred bowed his head, ashamed at himself. Coming from behind a large tree, a balloon came hurtling toward James' face. He ducked, and the balloon splat against the tree behind him, covering the brown surface in green. The Weasley-Potter-Malfoy and previously Lupin clan were playing a game in which they played at least twice a year. They would all meet up in the Forbidden Forest, of course without the Hogwarts professors knowing, and they'd have permanent-paint balloon fights.

James looked up, surprise in his eyes and the feeling of betrayal deep in his stomach as he spotted his younger sister staring at him cynically. Lily Luna Potter, a Slytherin, was holding two green balloons in her heads. She had already taken out three people, her cousin Rose Weasley, the eldest and only daughter of Ron and Hermione—a Gryffindor. Lucy Weasley, the youngest daughter of Percy and Audrey—a Hufflepuff. Then only a few minutes ago, Louise Weasley, the youngest and only son of Bill and Fleur—a Ravenclaw.

"My sweet sister, how could you?" James dramatically asked, placing a hand over his heart. Lily only smirked before she threw another balloon at him, he ducked and threw one of his at her. It missed her merely by a few inches, however. she was going to get him back for that.

A little ways away from his siblings, Albus walked through the dark forest alone. A balloon in each hand as he warily looked at all the trees. He regretted splitting up from his family, he was not ready whatsoever to get eaten alive by a giant spider or a man-eating unicorn.

"State your name," Called a voice, their shadow peeking out from a tree. Albus jumped at first, but immediately sighed as he straightened himself with recognition of the voice.

"Scorp, it's me, Alby."

"Never can be so sure," Scorpius smiled, walking out from behind the trees and giving his boyfriend a kiss.

Albus stepped back, looking around, "You never know who's watching."

"Don't worry, no one's around," Scorpius smiled, he had already done a sweep throughout the area.

Albus smiled, almost cynically as he stated, "Then we've got to go where everyone else is. I'm not losing this bloody game this year, James will never let me hear the end of it."

"Gryffindor wins, like always," Scorpius mocked, attempting to sound like Albus' brother. Albus laughed and grabbed Scorpius' wrist as they ran through the trees to where they heard the sound of splashing.

       By a small crick, Rose and Louise sat in boredom, skipping rocks in the water. They had already been taken out, they didn't care too much about it, neither did Lucy as she had brought herself a book to read once she was taken out. That was sort of a a lie, actually, Rose was a tad pissed with herself, she didn't even want to play the ruddy game! Though, each year she was always wrangled it, whether it's her brother dragging her in or her very persistent cousins. She was normally the first one to get taken out, though this year she was the second taken out—Lucy being first.

        Causing the brown-haired girl to jump, someone ran out from behind a bush—Hugo, her brother. He looked fearful, his arm raised with a yellow balloon. Rose stood up, yelling for him to stop before he threw it at them—who were already out of the game with green paint splattered on themselves.

      "Hugo, stop!" Rose screeched, jumping onto her feet. Lucy, beside her, placed her book down before also standing up, moving behind Louise, using him as a shield, he already had a large splash of green paint on his chest.

       "Oh, are you guys already out?" Hugo asked, dropping his arm with disappointment.

      "Obviously!" Rose exclaimed, pointing to her leg that was painted in Slytherin green.

    "Sorry," he meekly stated, bowing his head as he walked towards his sister. "this ruddy game has me all paranoid. Have you seen any of the others?"

       "I haven't," James heard Rose day as he hid behind a tree.

       "Neither have we," added Louise, motioning towards himself and Lucy.

        Fred gave James a look and the brown-haired boy nodded in agreement, they then both circled around the tree with their arms raised. Seeing this movement, Rose looked behind her brother and saw the two boys ready to attack. Her eyes widened and she grabbed her brother, putting him in front of her as a red balloon came their way; striking Hugo right in the chest.

       "Dirty, Rose," James yelled, throwing another balloon at her. "dirty!"

        Rose squealed and ran towards her bucket, throwing them at the boy to get him off her back. Coming from another area, Lily Luna ran out and began throwing balloons at her brother and cousin, crying a war cry. After a few throws, James got pegged in the leg. He turned to see his brother standing with a smirk, he felt defeated but did not stop fighting. Despite the rules.

      Hugo sat down next to a log, bringing his knees to his chest and rocking back and forth. "Merlin, save us." He begged, looking towards the sky as the mayhem went on around him.

       Albus ran behind Louise for cover who then ran behind Albus, a balloon was thrown at him but it was intercepted by another. The Slytherin looked over to see Scorpius, a proud smile on his pale face.

      "Nice aim!" Albus called out.

       "Tha—" Cutting him off, Scorpius was hit in the face with a balloon. He crashed towards the ground, sliding through the paint-mixed mud.

      "Stop the game!" Albus called, "Who hit Scorp in the face? That's against the rules!"

      "Wasn't me!" Lily immediately stated, dropping her bucket and raising her hands in surrender.

      "Wasn't me, either," James said, imitating his sister who glared at him.

       "I think it was me," Fred said in embarrassment, his nose scrunched as he looked at the boy. Scorpius was being helped up by Albus, the boys face was covered in red paint—a paint that wouldn't come off for a month.

      "You know what that means, Freddie," Lily stated, a smirk growing on her face. The boy nodded and fell to his knees, he took off his shirt and covered his face with it. Next thing he knew, he was being pelted with balloons by everyone. After all, it was against the rules to hit the face.

        As she hid behind a tree, she watched as her brother got pelted. She only had a few balloons left, all the others tipped out after she accidentally tripped over a rock—which turned out to not be a rock but, instead, an incredibly large dungbeetle. She sucked in a deep breath and came out from behind the trees.

       "Gryffindor," she shouted, throwing a balloon at an unsuspecting Albus—striking him in the back. "wins!" she finished, now hitting Lily on the arse—splattering red all over the girls jeans.

       "Bloody damn it!" Lily shouted, throwing her balloons on the ground.

      "Language," her brother tutted, helping Fred up before celebrating with Rose and Roxanne.

        Lily growled and went to attack but got held back by Hugo, Lucy frowned, "Why can't you guys ever let anyone else win?"

       "My dear cousin," Roxanne started, walking up to her younger cousin and placing a hand on her shoulder. "that's now how The Game works, you see? If you want to win, don't get yourself disqualified five minutes in."

       Lucy glared at the girl and sat down, grabbing her book that she managed to cover with a giant leaf before it got stained by the paint. With a fume-dazed Scorpius by his side, Albus scrunched his eyebrows as he noticed something shining from the ground. He let go of his boyfriend and walked over to where Scorpius skid, kicking up the mud and dirt. James watched him suspiciously, careful that his brother wasn't going to surprise him with a balloon. But instead, Albus lifted up something with a golden chain, a trinket, of sorts.

      "What's that?" Louise asked, interested by the shiny thing.

        Albus looked it over, despite being in the dirt, it was completely clean, no scratch in sight. "I have no idea."

     "Let me see," Rose asked, walking up and holding a hand out. Albus handed it over and she examined it, her eyes widening when she realized what it was.

       "What is it?" Lucy asked.

      "A time turner," Rose breathed out, moving her hand away from the turning rods so she didn't accidentally twist herself back in time.

        "Bollocks!" James said, every ounce of himself in disbelief. He walked up, grabbing it from his cousin.

      "Be careful, James!" Rose said, trying to snatch it away from the boy.

      "That can't be a time turner," Fred stated, looking at the thing in his cousins hands. "There hasn't been one since the one Aunt Hermione and Uncle Harry used back in the nineties!"

       "And after the rest were all destroyed by the Ministry," Albus added thoughtfully.

       "Yes, you're both right," Rose stated in annoyance, giving up after her third time jumping for it. "but Fred, where did my mum throw it after they were finished with the blasted thing?"

      "I-In the Forbidden Forest." Fred said, his eyes widening in realization.

       "Do you think it still works?" Lily asked, interest in her eyes as she moved towards her brother to look at it.

      "Most likely," Rose stated, "but it may not work properly. It's been here, surrounded by magical creatures and eroded by nature for what . . almost thirty years?"

      "We should try it out," James said, dangling it in front of his face. "how does the blasted thing work?"

        Rose quickly snatched it from him, "We are not using it, we should get it back to Headmistress McGonagall before one of us accidentally travels back to the stone ages."

       "And what do we say, hm?" James asked as Rose started to walk away, her brother by her side. "We didn't find it in the Forbidden Forest after we didn't sneak in to play The Game—which, may I remind you, she banned when Teddy was in his fourth year!" Rose turned, her mouth opening and closing like a gaping goldfish. He was right, after all, there was no way saying how they found it without them getting into trouble. She couldn't afford getting in trouble, she's already had two detentions in her seven years of Hogwarts. She couldn't afford any more. But at the same time, she couldn't leave it—James would surely find it and do something rash. "See?" James said, looking at Fred with a smirk, "Why don't you just give it to us, hm? We'll keep it safe, won't we Fred?"

       "Of course," Fred said in fake reassurance, "Roxy will even help us, won't you, Roxy?"

        Unsure, Roxanne nodded as she stepped beside her twin. Rose shook her head, "Like I'd give it to any of you." she said, "I'd even trust Scorpius with it before you guys."

       "Hey!" Scorpius said in offense, remembering the time he accidentally shared her first kiss secret. "That was one time!"

       Rose glared at him and raised the necklace so she could wrap the chain around it and put it in her pocket. Though, before she had the chance, James snatched the chain and the two were in a tug-of-war. "James, you'll break it!" Rose said in a panic, already imagining themselves traveling back to the Salem Witch Trials.

       "No, you will!" James stated breathlessly, "Let go of it, Rose!"

       "No, you let go of it!" Rose stated, panic now all over her face. Roxanne cringed at herself as she grabbed James to pull him back, in hopes he'd let go of the chain. Though, it did not go that way as he clutched harder onto it—to the point that it broke. The time turner itself then shattered, the two simultaneously dropped it as it started to vibrate.

      "Look what you've done, James!" Rose scolded, pushing her brother protectively back from it.

      "Me?" James asked, "Look what you did!"

       "Look what you've both done!" Lily fearfully stated as the time turner began to glow. The group huddled around it and watched as wisps of light started to erupt out of it, circling them all.

      Rose gasped as each one of them disappeared disappear with a crack, one by one. "Bloody he—"


        It was morning time in the Grimmauld Place, everyone had already eaten breakfast but Ron was still famished. He sat at the long nearly empty table, a bowl of cereal in front of him. He ate it like he hadn't eaten in days, milk dribbling from his mouth. Hermione stared at him in disgust as he ate while reading the Daily Prophet, she nearly screamed when a crack was heard beside her.

        Following those cracks, several more came and Hermione ran around the table to where Ron was. She held out her wand and watched as it seemed to be bodies piled up on the floor where she was stood.

       "Merlin's beard James, get your leg off of me!"

      "That's not my leg! Hey Lily, would you please SHOVE OFF!"

     A smack was heard.

    "Damn you, woman!"

     Another smack was heard.

        "Would you please stop slapping him? He jumps back whenever you do it and his bloody elbow goes right into my crotch!"

     "Sorry, Alby!"

       "James Potter, I am going to murder you!"

       "Rose, I don't think we're in 2022 anymore . . ."

        Hermione and Ron stared in disbelief as ten teenagers, all looking like people they know, stood up out of the tangled mess they were in. Ron sat with his spoon at his chin, his mouth agape as milk dropped onto his trousers. Wiping the dust off her legs, Lily turned around. Her eyes widened at the sight of her aunt and uncle, they're so young! She patted Albus on the shoulder, he was still untangling himself from James.

       "Hold on a minute, Lils," Albus stated in annoyance, shoving his brother off of him. causing him to slam into a wall.

       "Ouch!" James yelled.

        Albus turned around and his expression turned similar to Lily's. Rose from beside then gulped, she opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. Lily cautiously looked around, spotting the cereal she stated, "Er, good morning?"

Authors Note —

The ending was a tad crappy but other then that I think this went pretty okay! Lily Luna isn't how she's normally portrayed, I see her more as a fighter then a trembler (like how I normally see her in fan fics.) Also, did youse see my reference to The Game? Speaking of The Game, you've been reminded ;).

April 24, 2019

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