Chapter 3

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After that day of reoccurring appearances of Anakin, you hadn't seen him for a while. A few weeks had gone by without you having to see him or talk to him at all. You were living in pure bliss. You've been stress-free for weeks, as well as headache-free, and pain-free. You didn't want to get too used to the feeling, however, as you knew you were to return to the Jedi Temple within a matter of days.

At the moment you were on the planet of Callos, an extremely large jungle planet in need of Republic supplies. However, the Separatist army had come to blockade Republican supplies, so of course, they had to bring in the help of a Jedi, and that meant you.

"General, are we ready to move out?"

You look to Commander Rall as he held his blaster tight to his chest, ready for orders.

"Do we have our supply crate guarded, Commander?"

He nods. "Yes sir. "

You nod. "Alright, let's move out. I'll take a small battalion with me on speeder bikes to the nearest town, and you take a larger battalion when I knock out the first wave of droids, alright? We don't need-"

"Sorry to interrupt general, " you turned to another clone, Captain Stif had approached you. "But uh, I know you said that we were about to move out, but it seems the Jedi Order had contacted us with a message saying that General Skywalker was ordered to take this mission as well. He's been ordered to leave with a small battalion of the 501st, and he should arrive any minute now."

"Oh shit... Well, that changes up our plans doesn't it?" You mumble, looking around at the campsite your battalion set up. Where was he even going to land? There wasn't even enough cleared space other than the trees your battalion cleared up when you all landed.

You turned to your captain. "Captain, find out where he's supposed to be landing and bring him and his battalion safely here. Take a small squad if you have to. "

"Yes General. Right away." He saluted to you and quickly gathered up a small squadron to contact Skywalker.

You groan and turn to your planning tables in your tent, shaking your head. You knew it was too good to be true. You knew you were going to have to work with Anakin sometime. You didn't know that it would be this soon, though. You didn't want that feeling of hatred getting in the way of what needed to be done. You just hoped Anakin wouldn't act childish and instead act professionally on the field. You knew you were going to. It was just a matter of controlling that angry feeling.

"Commander, contact General Kenobi for me, " you said, looking up from your hologram table.

"Right away."

With that, he turned away and punched in a few buttons on the holographic table, and there stood before you, Obi-Wan Kenobi with a smirk on his face.

"You did this, didn't you?" You couldn't even believe the look on his face. He was clearly enjoying your suffering.

"What? What did I do?" He said innocently, scoffing.

"You ordered Anakin to come here so that way we could get a chance to know each other, didn't you?"

He shrugged. "Well, it seemed like the perfect time to do it. He wasn't doing anything, so he asked for a mission, and I told him to work with you and he was fine with it."

"Wait, " you couldn't believe your ears. "You told him that he was working with me and he was fine with that? He didn't argue?" So did he hate you, or not? Did he lie? If so, why would he even lie?

He shook his head. "He was perfectly fine with it. I know, it weirded me out too, knowing that he hates you as well. I suppose that he actually knows to put his personal feelings behind him and do his job when needed."

You felt a jab right in your heart when Obi-Wan mocked you. Whenever the proposition was brought up to work with Anakin, you always declined because you hated him, but Anakin seemed to act professionally in this matter. "Well thanks, " you mumbled sarcastically, appreciating the shady comment.

"Of course. I'm sure everything will work out fine. Remember, Anakin knows what he's doing. Make sure you're doing your part, so that way you both don't end up fighting each other, alright?"

You nod. "Fine. Thanks a lot, Obi-Wan, " you sass, now kind of mad at your friend.

"No problem, " he smiled, before you pushed the button to end the call, the blue hologram disappeared.

"So, you and Skywalker hate each other, huh?"

You snapped your attention to Commander Rall, who you completely forgot was standing there. "Oh, yeah. That's why I was kind of mad that he had joined this mission."

He walked over to your side. "May I ask why?"

"Long story, " you tell him, waving it off. You really didn't feel like explaining your weird feelings toward the other Jedi at the moment.

You exit the tent with Commander Rall at your side and see a mix of your squadron with the 501st talking amongst themselves, as well as Anakin talking to Captain Stif.

How in the world were you going to do this? There were more than enough men to do this mission on your own, and now that there's more, it seems you may have to ask Anakin to leave behind some of his men here at the campsite.

"Alright!" You announce, standing upon a metal crate of supplies. Quickly everyone turns to you in attention, well aware of your presence. "It seems that my plans have been changed since not too long ago we got the help with the 501st, and General Skywalker. " you pulled out your hologram projector and pushed a button, revealing the map of the city that was blockaded by the Separatist army. "The Separatist army is blockading the city, on every side, there are tanks and droids surrounding the city. I suppose with this many troops, we could take on the entire blockade head-on. Skywalker could take a battalion coming from the west, and I'll take one to the east. If everyone's good, let's move out."

You hopped down from the crate while swarms of clones gathered their supplies and hopped on to bikes and air transports and made their way towards the city. You originally planned on a stealth attack, but you figured this would work just as well.

You glanced over at Anakin who rounded up his troops while on his bike. He hasn't yet spoken to you, so maybe the Force would be nice and keep your thoughts clear of distractions while you worked on this assignment.

You hopped onto a speeder bike and grabbed the handlebars and pushed off with your feet.

In a matter of no time, you were speeding through the air through the thick forest jungle. As you ride, you could hear the whirring of overhead air transport engines speeding through the air, along with other speeder bikes behind you and beside you.

After what seemed like forever, you arrived at the city, surrounded by your army in aid.

The droids seemed surprised at your presence, as you flew off of the speeder bike and hopped on to a tank with your lightsaber in hand, cutting the droid operating the tank in half.

Soon enough, blaster shots of red and blue were flying through the air, the sound of war keeping you focused as you cut through droids, flying from one droid to another, separating them in half with ease. Whirlwinds of your lightsaber sliced through each droid like butter, leaving your opponents shocked, and soon enough on the ground.

You flew throughout the battle on the side of your men with such vitality and determination, that soon enough the droids had all been vanquished--your job finished easily.

You pulled out your comlink and pressed the button to contact Anakin.

"Skywalker here, " he said through the device. You could still hear laser shots in the background, clearly indicating that he wasn't done.

"We're finished here. Do you need any help?" You almost didn't want to offer any help to see how he would do, but you knew Obi-Wan wouldn't approve of that.

"I don't know, can I trust you?"

There it was.

You rolled your eyes and sighed. That seemed to be a repetitive pattern whenever you were talking to Anakin. "You can. I'm sending more troops your way. "


The battle had finished, with the Republic victorious. You expected nonetheless from your troops, however. 

You soon returned back to your base--well, the campsite--helping clones get to their medical aid and helped move the supplies on to the air transports to give to the city.

The campsite bustled with clones packing up and moving crates, driving back and forth between the city and the site, and the wildlife was more vibrant than ever now that it had reached nighttime. The peaceful sounds of the tree frogs chirping could probably lull you to sleep, but you knew you probably wouldn't be able to go to sleep for a while.

You felt exhausted. That's all you wanted to do right now, unfortunately. You needed sleep. You wanted to be at the Temple in your bed, but you knew you had to sleep the night here before you could get a comfortable sleeping place. Right now you just had to deal with a cot.

You went inside to your tent expecting some privacy, but unfortunately you found Anakin rummaging through crates while holding on to his shoulder. Was he hurt?

"What happened to you?"

His head snapped to you, startled by your sudden voice. "Oh uh... I slipped up and got blasted by a laser, " he mumbled, clearly not proud of his mistake.

Your eyes widened, wow, the poster boy of the Republic had slipped up. You smirked, remembering your remark to Obi-Wan about Anakin at the table the other day. You wanted to sit here and laugh at his pain, but you knew you had to be the better person, even if the growing anger in you was telling you otherwise.

"Why aren't you with a medical droid?" You asked him, watching him come to a still.

"I uh... I want the clones to get their help first. I can fix a laser shot on my own. Now if you could please leave, that'd be great, " he said, a slight hint of anger grew in his voice.

You ignored his remark as you watched his hand leave his shoulder, now returning to digging through supplies to find a medical bag. Apparently, the blaster bolt was perfect enough to cut through his clothes and hit his skin. His skin looked burned pretty bad, but for the most part, he was lucky to have his Jedi robes on him to protect him.

You went to your cot and pulled out a steel case from underneath it and dragged it along the grass. You set it down and unlocked the case, revealing a medical aid set. You pulled out a few bandages and a laser cauterizer from the kit before turning around to Anakin.

You stared at the man before you, really hesitant to do this, but you knew no one else would do it. You could just let him suffer--no, you had to do the right thing, right?

You sighed, not believing that you were going to ask him this. "Take off your robes, " you told him bluntly.

He turned around, eyebrows raised in complete shock. "What?"

"Take off your robes."

"I told you that I could do this-"

"Take off your robes."

He groaned, clearly not happy with you at the moment. "Fine." He turned away from you and pulled off his armor, letting it slip off to the floor, then followed by his Jedi robes, leaving his back bare, along with only his pants remaining.

You had to admit--that even though you hated him--he was really attractive. As he took his clothes off, you couldn't help but admire his toned back muscles glisten with his sweat in the dimly lit tent, only lit by the few lanterns scattered about. There was a feeling inside you, a feeling other than anger, that made you want to run your hands up and down his back--no. No. He was a colleague, a fellow Jedi. You wouldn't do that with him anyway.

You brushed those thoughts away as you went up to him and set down the bandages to the side.

"This may sting, " you tell him, switching on the laser cauterizer, the small handheld machine emits a blue laser.

As you slowly press the laser to the burned area, you saw him wince from the pain, his back muscles tightening. You bit your cheek, trying to keep those inappropriate thoughts to the side. You didn't think that you would ever think of Anakin like that, but you should've known better.

Slowly but surely the laser healed up his wound, the burnt mark now sealed shut. You turned off the laser and set it to the side, now grabbing the bandages, and ripped one-off and placed it over his wound and smoothed it down.

"Is there anything else?" You ask him, kind of hoping there was something else, but not at the same time as the wrenching gut feeling was now more powerful than ever. Part of you wanted to take out your lightsaber and end him right here, but another part of you wanted something quite different.

He breathed as if to say something--he was hesitant. "I uh... I slipped up... I slipped up twice. "

There was now a twist of butterflies in your stomach, your womanhood was now taking over the feeling of anger. "Where is it?

Slowly he turned around to face you, and right on his pectoral muscles was another laser mark. You glanced again at his build, as you figured this was the last time you would ever see him like this, so you took advantage of this opportunity. He was so well-toned and broader than you. It made you feel so much weaker, even though you knew you were capable of the same things he was.

You pulled out the cauterizer again and switched it on, getting the move on with this so your emotions wouldn't suffer any longer. As you moved the laser over the wound, you couldn't help but sense Anakin staring down at you as you pressed the laser over the wound. You glanced up at him and sure enough, he was watching you. His gaze sent shivers down your spine and allowed for your heart rate to speed up. Sure enough, you could feel Anakin's heart rate palpitating too.

You decided to be bold and put a hand on his shoulder for more control, and sure enough, he felt as good as you imagined.

Quickly you finished up and placed the bandage over his wound, the butterflies had finally settled down and soon were replaced by anger in a matter of seconds after the treatment.

"All done, " you mumbled, smoothing down the bandage before returning the tools back to the case.


"For the record, I just did this to be nice, even though I still hate you, " you replied, hoping that even if Anakin had read your thoughts earlier, you wanted to make sure that feeling of hatred was still relevant.

"Well according to your thoughts I would think differently, " he blatantly said, which made you think he had sinister intentions behind that.

You froze, unsure of how to respond. You couldn't just sit here and deny him. Well, you could, actually. "I don't know what in the world you thought I was thinking about, but you should leave before I make you."

"Sounds like you might actually enjoy that."

You snap your head towards him, the anger inside of you boiled. He knew exactly how to get under your skin, and his bare, vulnerable body wasn't helping the situation. "Get out before I tell Captain Rex that there's been a problem."

Anakin approached you slowly, the dim lighting in the room created a show on his facial features. His tall figure loomed over you, his hair drooped down in front of his face as he looked down at you while you were crouched down, closing the case. "Is that a threat?"

You stood up and kicked the case back under the cot. "It may just very well be." You weren't afraid of him.

He smirked and looked at you up and down before turning back around. "I'll leave for your sake. Goodnight." With that, he quickly threw his robes back on as quickly as he took them off, and exited the tent.

You relaxed and let out a heavy sigh, now worried more than ever. You couldn't let all of these mixed emotions get in the way of being a Jedi. You turned around and sat on your cot, confused as ever. You were sure you weren't going to sleep a wink that night.

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