Chapter 9

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You stared at the bite marks plastered on your neck and chest, practically there for everyone there to see.

"Damn it, " you mumbled, rubbing one of them as you looked at your body in the mirror in your quarters, now afraid to get fully clothed now that you were covered in blue, purple and yellow bruises. There were so many. At the moment you didn't know he would leave so many, but now, you were paying the price.

Your body felt sore and numb from everything that happened yesterday. Everything. From the painful visions, to the wrist grabbing, to being slammed down on to the metal flooring, from Anakin's teeth, then to him pounding himself into you--everything hurt.

You groaned and turned away from the mirror and decided to get dressed anyway.

You threw on your tunics, and your utility belt, getting fully clothed. You turned back around to the mirror and saw just about everything being covered. There were a few on your neck that we're visible, so you decided to throw on your cloak, hoping that the big brown mass would cover up your bruised sins.

Sure enough, the bruises were covered. The real challenge was, was going to be whether or not the cloak would stay put.

You decided that it was good enough and left your quarters, making your way down to the Jedi Archives, finally deciding to do some research yourself on whatever was happening to you. No one was giving you answers, not even Master Yoda, who you sought out once before, claiming he would, meditate on it. You knew that just meant that would be pushed to the bottom of his list until he had nothing else to do, then meditate about it, and then actually do nothing about it.

As you walked down the halls of the Jedi Temple, you kept your head low, and your arms crossed, praying the cloak wouldn't fall off of your shoulders to avoid stares from the other Jedi. You knew none of them were looking at you, but you couldn't help but feel paranoid that they were.

Finally, you arrived in the Archives, a big vast library filled with endless amounts of information. Columns of computer data filled the dim lighting of the room, as well as the morning light casting down from the big windows that hung above everything in the room, and the very few monitors that sat on the desks in the room.

You made your way over to one of the monitors and sat down in the chair in front of it, wondering where in the world you were supposed to start.

You wished Master Yoda would solve all of your problems for you, but unfortunately, the Jedi master is too busy for your small qualms.

You decided to start at the root of your problems, which came from unnecessary anger. Maybe if you looked up something based off of that, then you could get some answers.

You pulled up the data bank on the screen and started typing in things related to your problems, praying you would see something related to whatever was happening to you.

You looked up Force related anger, but all you could find were dark side related things. You also looked up dreams and visions, but you couldn't find anything that specifically was happening to you. You wanted to stay away from typing in anything explicit, simply because you were afraid someone would come up behind you and peek over your shoulder, and wonder why in the world you would look up something like, visions/seeing people naked in dreams.

"What are you looking up?"

You snap up away from the monitor and turn to your side, startled that Obi-Wan had come up behind you so suddenly.

"Oh, hi, " you greeted him, feeling a bit awkward that since you last spoke to him, you basically told him off. You turned back to the screen and stared at it blankly, trying to see what else you should lookup.

Obi-Wan sat down in the chair next to yours and peered over at your screen.

"What are you having trouble with?" He asked, stroking his auburn beard.

"Oh, I'm just trying to find information on what's happening to me. I'm tired of feeling like a... Like a ball of paranoid anger that's about to explode any minute, " you told him, truthfully. You missed talking to Obi-Wan. He was always nice to you, and thoughtful.

"Maybe I can help. Unfortunately, I won't be able to stay long, I've got a mission I've got to report to in about two hours, " he says, looking up from your monitor to look at you. "Besides, once I help I feel like you should be able to handle this on your own."

You shrug. "Yes, I suppose. "

"Alright, so what seems to be the issue?"

"Anakin, " you mumble, crossing your arms.

He laughs. "Well, maybe we might have trouble finding a solution to that, there's no solving a mess like that. "

You wanted to laugh at the sheer roast that Obi-Wan threw at him, but you couldn't. It was true. Anakin was giving you half the problems you weren't even asking for.

"Oh my, are you serious? What's he doing to you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at you."Tell me, what happened in that briefing room?"

Your eyes widened, not wanting to think back to what happened in that room. "Obi-Wan, I already told you-"

"No. Tell me what happened." His voice was stern, most likely tired of you telling him off, to mind his own business. Obviously, he couldn't even do that as he pried in your own personal affairs with Anakin.

"I..." You sighed, burying your head in your hands as you felt your heart rate speed up. You couldn't tell if it was from fear that Anakin might find out that you told Obi-Wan, or that Obi-Wan would tell the Jedi Council about your own personal affairs with Anakin Skywalker. "We just argued. Then we fought. I... I pulled my lightsaber out on him, then..." You wanted to tell Obi-Wan what actually happened, but for your sake, you couldn't bring yourself to telling the full truth. "Then Anakin pulled it out of my hands, and well, we fought. We beat each other up pretty much until he gained the upper hand and started beating the crap out of me." Shit. It was half true. He wasn't really beating you, just... well, he was.

Obi-Wan's eyebrows raised, either from surprise or fear, you weren't sure. It was most likely a mix of both. "Is that true?"

You nodded, even though deep down you knew it wasn't the full truth. "Yes."

"I had no clue it was that bad. I thought it was just petty arguing, but no, this is something different. I've never seen anything like this, in all of my thirty years of training, I've never encountered something like this. " Obi-Wan's jaw clenched, his eyebrows furrowed. He stroked his beard in thought, clearly concerned for your situation. "Also how bad did he hurt you?"

"Nothing too severe. Just a few bruises here and there, " you mumbled, feeling guilty that you were lying about Anakin as if he was the only bad candidate in this situation when in reality, it was the both of you.

"How bad did you hurt him?"

You shrugged. "I hope I beat him up pretty good, " you mumbled, now apparently fabricating lies here and there in order to keep your internal affairs a secret.

He chuckles, sucking in his breath, then huffed. "Well, I'll have to talk to Master Yoda about this. Has he told you anything yet?"

You shook your head. "No. No, he hasn't."

"Typical. Anyway, what are you actually having trouble with?" He scoots over to his own monitor, and puts his hands on the keyboard, preparing to search up something for you.

"Well, whenever I'm around him, I always feel angry. I can't do anything about it. Like it's not petty anger, it's like I want to stab him with my lightsaber, kind of anger, " you admit, watching him as he types something into the computer.

His eyes widen as he types it in, then comes to a halt as something pops up on the screen. "Well, the archives don't say anything specific about this certain kind of anger, but it does suggest that there is a knot in the Force, whenever you interact. Something that occurs when you're met with someone who doesn't match your synergy, which is the energy the Force gives off after interacting with this said person." He read off of the screen, pausing in speech, trying to gather up all of the information that was given to him. "This hatred can be solved, however. " He looks to you, smiling that there was assurance for your problems after all. "If the Force-sensitive person is experiencing hatred towards another person, this person usually will receive dreams or visions from the Force, telling the person how you can solve this anger. "

Your eyes widen, realizing what all of this meant. So you could either kill Anakin to solve your anger, or have sex with him? This only furthered your confusion--why were these the only two solutions?

"I can sense your confusion. Let me finish." You groan as you knew there was more information to be found out, that you could tell was only going to confuse you further. He continues, "Usually the Force-sensitive person will receive two different types of dreams. One, where they would want to kill the other person, whereas the other dream, there is a peaceful solution to this anger. "

He turns to you. "Are you experiencing any peaceful dreams?"

You buried your head into your hands, your face grew warm, thinking about the few previous, "peaceful" dreams. "Yes, I am, " you sigh, knowing that the only solution to this anger would be to literally wrestle it out with Anakin.

"Good! Now you know what you have to do in order to solve whatever this knot is in the Force." You could tell Obi-Wan was proud that he found out everything for you in a matter of seconds.

You nod, not wanting to look up and meet Obi-Wan's eyes. You couldn't. You couldn't tell him that the "peaceful" dreams you were having were dreams of fucking his former padawan. As much as you enjoyed that last session with Anakin, you couldn't keep doing this. It was draining. Your whole body felt sore, your mind was exhausted--you weren't sure if you could keep this up.

"Are you alright?" He asks, tilting your head up, now facing him. "You have your solution, what seems to be the issue?"

You looked at Obi-Wan, looking at his kind features--the features that have always been there for you. He always felt like a brother or a father to you. You didn't know what you would do without him. "I uh... Nothing, Obi-Wan. It's nothing. Thank you for helping me out."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'll figure this out on my own. Thank you for your help, " you say, sitting up straight. You had to find more information on this. There was no way that could be your only solution.

"Alright. Well, if you do decide that you need help with this... Whatever this anger is, you can come to me. I can train you if you need it."

Your eyes widened, surprised that Obi-Wan was willing to help you, even after you told him off. "Thank you, Obi-Wan. I will. "

He stood up, getting ready to leave. "Oh! And have you thought about that padawan proposition? I think it would be good to get your mind off of things."

You nodded. "Yes, I have thought about it. I'm still unsure, but I will let you know when I'm sure. "

He nods. "Well, then I suppose this is goodbye, for now. I'll see you when I return."

You smile, then felt a pang of guilt wash over you. You remembered you haven't apologized to him yet. "Obi-Wan... I'm sorry for snapping at you the other day. I was angry and confused, I didn't know how else to let my anger out."

Obi-Wan smiles, nodding. "I appreciate it, thank you. But it's quite alright, I've dealt with an angered padawan for half of my life, I know how it feels. "

"Thank you. "

"Now if you excuse me, I will be off. May the Force be with you." He bows his head, and you do the same.

"May the Force be with you, master."

He smiles kindly, before turning away, his brown cloak flowed behind him as he walked away.

You stood up from your chair and made your way over to Jocasta Nu, the protector and orderly of the Jedi Archives. You always admired her sense of knowledge and wisdom--ever since you were a youngling, the kind old lady had always been there for you, just as she was for everyone else. You didn't think there was a better person for the job.

"Madame?" You approached her, walking beside her as she punched in codes to the data terminals.

"Oh hello! What can I help you with dear?" She smiles, her kind features brought a warmness to your heart.

"Could you point me in the direction where I could find information about knots in the Force? Or just anything about the Force, really." You knew the Force was a broad subject, but you knew you couldn't just skip over everything. You needed another solution, even if you had to take Obi-Wan's training lessons.

She smiles. "Of course dear! It's funny, everyone seems to be asking the same question, " she laughs, as she turns around in another direction, walking you down the Jedi Archives.

You raise an eyebrow, walking with her. "About knots in the Force? Or just the Force in general?"

"Oh, just the Force. I haven't heard anyone ask about knots in the Force for a long time, until now. "

"Really? And who did you mean by 'everyone'?" There wasn't really much anyone else in this library, except for a few younglings with their Jedi masters.

"Anakin Skywalker approached me not too long ago, plus a few other younglings, " she said, taking you down a corridor--the terminals hummed quietly from their electronic drives.

Of course, Anakin was here too. He stood at the end of the corridor, examining a hologram of information that stood out of a terminal.

"Here you are. Everything down this corridor is everything you need to know."

"Thank you, Madame." You bow your head, smiling at her before she does the same, turning away from you.

You began punching in codes, keeping your focus on what you were doing, instead of worrying about Anakin Skywalker. You just had to remain silent, and avoid conversation with him.

You opened a hologram, this one was about anger, how to control it more thoroughly. You began to read it until you heard Anakin clear his throat.

You glanced at him, and of course, he was looking at you. You rolled your eyes and turned back to the hologram that you were looking at, trying to avoid him at all costs.

"I've already read that one, it doesn't help."

You glance back at him then look back at your hologram, deciding to ignore his comment.

Apparently, ignoring him didn't seem to help your cause as you heard his terminal close, along with the sound of his boots walking against the tiled flooring--making his way over to you.

"Anakin can I please--"

"So now you're ignoring me?" He asks, standing beside you, crossing his arms in a grim manner.

"I would like to, " you mumbled, keeping your focus on the hologram in front of you.

There was a short silence as you stood there, reading the information on the data file, you could feel Anakin's gaze on you--you could sense he was looking at you, recollecting thoughts about yesterday, as well as thoughts about you in general. As the silence continued, you couldn't help but feel the air growing tense--your heart began to beat faster, nervousness rose up in your body as he towered over you. The air between the both of you was growing smaller.

"What do you want Skywalker?" You finally admitted his presence, but still refused to take your focus off of the hologram in front of you.

"Why were you talking to Obi-Wan?"

You shrug. "He was just helping me out, that's all."

"With what?"

"With whatever's happening to us, " you mumbled, afraid if you spoke any louder the whole room would hear you.

"Us?" He whispered, leaning down to you, wondering if you had told him about any of the recent events.

"Don't worry, Skywalker. I didn't tell him about any of our... affairs." That was one way to put it.

"I thought I heard him ask about the briefing room, " he lowered his voice again as Jocasta Nu walked past you and Anakin.

"He did." You brought your voice down to a whisper as well.

"What did you tell him?"

You sighed and closed the file on the terminal, the blue hologram shut down, then turned to face Anakin. "I told him we fought. That's it. That's what you need to tell him too if he asks about it."

He nods. "Good. "

You nod, the feeling of tension began to rise between the both of you. The Jedi Archives was not a good place to whip out a lightsaber fight or punch him in the face for that matter.

There was another moment of silence. You wanted to turn back to your hologram, but you felt like Anakin was going to say something else as he continued to stand there.

"Is there anything else, Skywalker?" You ask, kind of annoyed.

"What else did he tell you? About the Force?" He inquired, genuinely curious. You could tell he wanted this to end too.

You sighed, then waited as Jocasta Nu walked past the both of you again, exiting the corridor. "The archives stated that what we have is something like a knot in the Force, where our energy refuses to align for some reason."

He nods. "That makes sense. What else?"

"And... There is a solution to this madness. "

He rose an eyebrow, wondering why you were hesitant to tell him. "Which is...?"

"The archives also claimed that if the Force-sensitive users are experiencing this, then we should be having dreams. You are still having dreams, correct?"

He nods.

"Well... There are two different types of dreams. One, is violent, while the other, is the peaceful solution. " You cringed as the words came out of your mouth, worried at what he might say.

He let out a laugh, looking away from you, shaking his head. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, his lips pursed together in thought. You could tell he didn't like this any more than you did. "I uh... That explains a lot."

You covered your face in your hands, rubbing your temples from the sudden stress that built up. "It explains why we always resort to... that after we fight, instead of just killing one another. We actually can't-"

"We can't resist it. " He groans, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "Well, that's nice."

You roll your eyes. "You could call it that."

He chuckles, crossing his arms again. "That's what you were calling it yesterday."

You felt heat rise to your cheeks, a pink rouge appeared on your skin. "Oh please. You should leave now Skywalker."

"Before what? Before I make you blush more?" He smirks, looking you up and down.

"I'm leaving, " you say, turning away--a boil coming to your stomach. There it was, that anger.

"Wait a minute, " he grabs your shoulder, spinning you back around. You wince as he unknowingly grabs on to one of your bruises.

"Yes?" You were very annoyed with him at this point.

He waits a minute, looking at you, his blue eyes searched your features as if he was looking for something.

"Did you get any sleep last night?"

You rose an eyebrow, wondering what in the world he was talking about. Was he trying to hold a conversation with you?

"Yes, of course I did... Why?"

He shrugs. "Just curious."

There was another silence. Your heart began beating fast again, your confusion only arose as the situation continued.

"How are they?" He inquires, lowering his voice.


"Let me see them."

You rolled your eyes as you realized what he was talking about. You pulled your collar to your shirt down, revealing different colored bruises that were spotted along your collarbone line.

He nods, a glint in his eye as he recalls the event in his mind. You moved your collar back up and cover yourself with your cloak once again.

"My apologies, " he smirks slyly, an amused expression adorned his face.

You nod, ignoring his innuendo remark. "How are the scratches?" You ask, remembering vividly about how you clawed his back up.

"I saw them in the mirror this morning, some of them have scarred up already. I believe you even drew blood, " he said casually, but this time his eyes couldn't stop wandering over your figure.

"Figures. Well, I'm going. Goodbye, Skywalker, " you let a smirk tug at your lips, flicking your eyes up and down at him, flashing him a flirty smile before you turn away, walking out of the corridor, and down the room.


"Goodbye, Skywalker."

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