chapter 10

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Nandini take out a box from manik .

Nandini- manik.

Manik- ha (happily said)

Nandini- this is for you.

Forward box to him..Manik got confused.

Manik- what is these.

Nandini- ur breakfast.

Manik- breakfast? But I had daily in college canteen.

Nandini- ya but not have this.

She open box and take one bite in her hand nd feed him ...Manik got tears to see this much care bcoz no one did...

Manik- waooo aloo parathas....who made this

Nandini- wohh...I was made all of you actually I see cabir bhai sadness in his eyes yesterday...same was all of you eyes you all r sad I thought gave to some care love to prepare this....even we made new friendship...nd I got obviously i should protect nd care them have it..

  then nandini feed him nd manik quietly have it...after finishing nandini clean her hand with handkerchief...nd take out water bottle gave water to manik...Manik drink it.

Nandini- ok now lets go canteen I had too gave all of them there lunch box too.

Manik- u made for all of us?(surprise nd happy)

Nandini- yes

Manik hug her tightly..after broke

Manik- ok let's go.

They left to canteen ...Nandini see fab4 there ...navya too came while running nd back hug nandini Suddenly....Nandini got scared...Manik got angry.

Navya- I m sry Nandu for late.

Nandini after realise it's navya got calm down but not manik...he forcefully separate navni...navya got confused.

Nandini- are meet him ...he is manik...I told u na yesterday.

Manik got smirked listen yesterday.

Navya- ohoooo toh he is manik.(teasing)   he is very hot nandu(whispered in nandini ears nandini blushing nd manik who listen this got smirked to see nandini blushing)

Nandini- shut up.

Navya to manik- hi.

Manik- hi.

Nandini- let's go i will meet u with my other friends..

She drag her to fab4 table nd manik behind them.

Nandini- hello guys.

Fab4 see her got happy.

Mukti- hi .

Cabir stand nd side hug nandini.

Cabir- hello behena.

Nandini- hello Bhai.

Dhruv alia- hi.

Nandini- hi.

Nandini take out box nd gave to cabir...just like manik before he too got confuse manik smile.

Cabir- what is this behena .

Manik- she gave you your breakfast idiot .

Cabir surprise nd tears came in his eyes nd immediately hug nandini.

Cabir- thank you behena.

Nandini broke hug nd wipe cabir tears .

Nandini- huh when Bhai says there sister thanks.

Cabir- no one do this for me.

Nandini- y... I will do everything for you.

Cabir- ok.

Cabir made her sit on table beside her nd sit with her nd put box on her hands.

Cabir- now feed me.

Manik- idiot she gave you it's not enough kya.

Cabir- oye chup she us my sister so I have right to gave order nd take too order nd pampering her...(turn to nandini) hai na

Nandini nodded nd start feed him cabir quietly eat .fab4 got so happy to see there bond they know cabir miss his sister so much.

Nandini- guys I also made for u guys too.

Nandini gave mukti alia dhruv there lunch box nd they have it happily.

Nandini didn't hear her how was it got upset...Manik see her sad face.

Manik- y r u sad nandu.

Fab4 too see her.

Nandini- no nothing.

Manik- tell me. (Move her to himself)

Nandini made her head down

Nandini- woh u guys didn't like it kya...u didn't said anything.

Cabir lighting hit her head

Cabir- buddu they r awsm behena.

Nandini- pakka.(cutely)

Fab3 exclaimed- pakka (nd chuckled)

Cabir- who made this ur mom...(while nandini feed him)

Nandini- no I made it.

Manik- ohh so u made...then ur mom ....some day take aunty hand made food (casually say)

Nandini eyes got tears


Everyone hear nd get sad but panicked to see her tears manik immediately turn her himself nd wipe her tears.

Manik- Shhhh it's ok we r with u na..nd ur dad too.

Nandini nodded no manik got confused.

Nandini- he is a...lso..not..with me.

Manik- y where is he.

Nandini raised her finger nd point toward sky..they understand her parents r not with her ...Manik hug her tightly nd made her calm after calming.cabir lighting to mood.

Cabir- are behena u didn't meet her with us (point to navya)

Nandini wipe her tears nd said smiling everyone got happy to see her smiling.

Nandini- she is navya I told u guys na my friend.

Manik- ohh yes.

Fab5 handshake with navya nd she too.

...787...words....ok do how was it... Nandini pamper manbir...Nandini caring nature for manbir...Nandini sadness without her parents....I hope u like aloo parathas...Waise toh I love aloo parathas that's y I add here....nd who would like nandini cuteness...who like cabir care to nandini..

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