Ink Covered Petunias

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(Florist/Tattoo Artist AU)


Seeing a flower shop across from a tattoo artist is quite a sight. But surprisingly, it works. The flowers have inspired people's tattoos, and afterwards they'll buy a bundle to remember that day. They both work well together - which is probably why two employees from each place fell for each other.

It started when one of the florists wanted a tattoo. In honor of his family, he was going to get a blue dragon that wove itself around his arm. His brother told him it'd hurt like hell, but he waved him off. "Please, Genji, it's just a needle."

"Down your whole left arm," his brother retorted. He turned around and pulled up his shirt, revealing the green dragon tattoo on his back. "This did not come without sacrifice, Hanzo."

"Was that sacrifice the two-hundred dollars you paid?" The ravenet asked. "Because mine's two hundred fifty."

"Yours is bigger and more time consuming," the younger said, letting his shirt go. "I'm telling you, it's gonna be painful."

"But it'll be worth it," Hanzo said, a sympathetic look in his eyes. "For Father."

Genji's eyes softened. He rested a hand on his brother shoulder. "For Father."

The next day, a Monday, he walked into his workplace and put in a notice that h was using his vacation time. He quickly crossed the street until he was standing in front of the tattoo shop. The neon sign reading "The Ink Blot" flashed repeatedly. Hanzo took a deep breath and pushed open the door.

The sound of buzzing and quiet hisses of pain surprised him. There was only one costumer there, getting a butterfly tattoo on her ankle. The florist bit his lip, starting to get worried.

"Hey, welcome to The Ink Blot. What can I do for you today, darlin'?"

The strong, country accent caught him off guard. With a start, he looked over and saw a man, presumably one of the tattoo artists. His brown hair went down to his shoulders, and his facial hair looked scraggly and rough. He couldn't help but notice the man had a tattoo of a revolver on his neck.

The brunet caught him staring at it and snickered. "Lookin' at ol' peacekeeper here?" He reached up and brushed the tattoo. "Got her when I was in college. She quite the round-up, if you catch my drift."

His face flushed red and the tattoo artist laughed. "I'm jus' messin' with ya. Name's Jesse. I'm guessin' you're here for a tattoo."

His voice finally came back. "Hanzo. And yes, I'm here for a tattoo."

Jesse immediately slipped behind the counter and popped open the cash register. "Whatcha aimin' for?"

He fished out the two hundred and fifty dollars. "A dragon, wrapped around the left arm."

The southerner gave him a surprised look. Well, aren't you a bold one," he said, taking the money. "Ever got a tattoo before?"

"No. Always wanted to, though."

He let out a whistle as he closed the register. "You really are bold." Afterwards, he slid a paper across the counter towards the other. The ravenet started to sign them. The artist rested his elbow on the counter, and his chin in his hand. "Say, you look familiar. Do we know each other?"

"I don't believe so," Hanzo answered, clicking the pen closed. He jabbed his thumb behind him. "But I work across the street. At Dainty Daisies."

"The flower shop?" Jesse asked, taking the form back. "Nice. I should pick up some petunias later, then."

He then motioned for Hanzo to follow him. He obeyed, and they walked towards the back, where the cowboy's workstation was. The multiple needles there worried him a bit. Cautiously, he sat down.

"Got any painkillers?" The Shimada asked. He watched the artist shake his head, a fearful look in his eyes. "No siree. Painkillers make you bleed faster. I wouldn't recommend it if ya don't wanna blood bag."

The Asian gulped and nodded, watching the other male gather his materials. "What colors, darlin'?"

The sudden "darling" made him blush and stutter. "Oh, just... Blues. A bit of gold, too."

"Any reference pics?"

"No... Well, just make it look like Japanese art."

Jesse raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. After a few more minutes, he was finally ready. "This may hurt a bit..." the brunet warned as the needle started to hum to life.

Hanzo held his breath as the needle dug into his skin. He hissed in pain, feeling the air fill his lungs painfully. After some time, he managed to relax and the pain subsided a bit. He watched the cowboy etch the design in his skin, but looked away when the blood was too much for him. He couldn't help but notice how focused the tattoo artist was. His expression was serious, to the point where it looked like he was about to kick someone's ass. The Shimada would never admit it, but it turned him on a little.

The tattoo took about four (almost five) hours to complete. When it was finished, both men were drained. Hanzo's whole arm felt numb, and the bloody washcloth beside him didn't make him feel any better. He was confused when he saw Jesse walking out of the shop. "Hey, where are you going?"

"Hm? It's my lunch break," the southerner answered, looking back at him with a small smile. "Care to join me?"

"I would, but..." He trailed off, hoping the other would get the hint. Thankfully, he did.

"S'alright," he murmured, reaching behind the counter. Hanzo watched as the tattoo artist pulled out a cowboy hat and put it on. It made him look much more attractive.

He tipped it towards the florist. "I'll stop by Dainty's tomorrow, ya hear? You'll be workin', right?"

The ravenet flashed him a smile and nodded. With that, Jesse walked out of the store, leaving a slightly dazed Hanzo behind.


The next day, Jesse did show up at Dainty Daisies. Hanzo was in the back fetching an arrangement when it happened, but he managed to catch him on his way back to the counter. The two locked eyes and grinned like idiots.

He quickly passed the arrangement to another employee and hurried around the counter, eager to see him. He heard his coworker grumble something about "stupid young lovers", but ignored it.

The cowboy quickly paid and walked up to Hanzo, a bouquet of blue petunias in his hand. "Told ya I'd come," he purred.

"That you did," the Asian said happily. "Glad to see you kept your promise."

"I always keep my promises, darlin'," the brunet said. "By the way..." He trusted the bouquet forward. "These are for you."

Hanzo flushed red as he received the flowers. He noticed there was a note attached to them, with a phone number scrawled on it. "For me?" he asked, dumbfounded.

"'Course. Always thought you were cute. Jus' didn't get the chance t' tell ya," the southerner said quietly, looking at the ground. "Nor the courage to..."

This only made him blush more. "Well... Thank you. Really. I'll definitely give you a call. And if the offer's still available, I'll go to lunch with you sometime."

Jesse laughed at the florist's flustered, disorganized speech. "The offer still stands, sugar. Lemme know when you're willin' to take it."

Hanzo watched the tattoo artist leave, starry-eyed. He couldn't help bit glance down at his new tattoo. He ran a hand over it with a sigh. "This just might be the start of something beautiful..."

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