Supernatural Superstition

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Hearing the ominous squealing of a train going by while standing in an abandoned church parking lot is a little chilling to say the least.

It's even more terrifying when you harmlessly go to record it and your camera decides to add a random, greenish filter over it so that the concrete below you looks even more dead than it already is.

That's what happened to Jesse one night. It was the middle of October, and he had just gotten off the phone with his boss. He remembered the conversation clearly, and he was still fuming over it.

"We've been chasing this demon for months, McCree. No one can keep track of him except for you."

"What's yer point?"

"My point is that you're the only one who can keep an eye on him. You've studied him for months, you should know how to capture him."

"What if I don't wanna capture him?"

"Then it's back to the Job Placement Agency for you."


"No exceptions. Get it done, or you're fired."

He growled in frustrated and turned on his camera. The green filter was already a good sign. Slowly, he surveyed the area with it. He'd done this many times before, but he still jumped when the demon appeared on his monitor. "Hanzo. What a coincidence."

"Do not act innocent, McCree. I heard your conversation."

He snickered, turning the camera off. He wasn't surprised when he moved it to see Hanzo standing in front of him. "I reckon you're not lettin' me condemn you that easily, are ya?"

"That is correct," the Oni murmured. He rolled his neck, and it cracked a few times. "Besides, you wouldn't do it anyway."

"Oh?" the demon hunter leaned against a nearby lamppost. "And why's that?"

"Don't play dumb with me. You wouldn't have examined me for so long if you hadn't felt something."

"What're you implyin'?" Jesse narrowed his eyes, trying to keep calm. He had learned a long time ago that Hanzo could read human emotions. His attempt was probably futile, but he would still try.

As predicted, the demon saw through him. He chuckled darkly, a wicked grin starting to form. "You know what I'm talking about. Your 'mutual' feelings for me."

He bristled, struggling to keep his voice steady. "What about them?"

"Oh, you know..." Hanzo murmured, casually walking towards him. "The fact it's dangerous, your boss and the world would ridicule you, and that I return them."

"I know that it's - wait," McCree looked up, surprised to see the demon wasn't there. "You..."

"That's right," the Oni purred from behind him. He spun around, coming face-to-face with the handsome devil. It dawned on him that he was cornered and the blood rushed to his face. The demon smirked, leaning dangerously close to him. "I like you, too."

The brunet licked his lips, trying to think his next move. This could be a trap for all he knew. One wrong move, and Hanzo could tear his throat out. Carefully, he murmured. "Good to hear..."

Quickly, he grabbed the ravenet by the back of his neck and aggressively tugged him forward. Hanzo stumbled and gasped, the color rising to his usually pale cheeks. It was then that Jesse realized he wasn't deceiving him - the dark creature actually did return his feelings.

He let go with a huff. "Thank God you're not lyin'," he sighed. The Oni glared at him, white eyes gleaming. He ignored the harsh stare and continued.

"You're right, I'm not gonna damn ya to hell. We just gotta figure out an alternative that makes my boss think you're a goner."

Hanzo cocked his head, an unreadable look on his face. "I could just possess you."

"That's not happenin'."

"Of course not," the demon said with a sigh. He looked to the side, staring off in the distance. McCree mentally noted he was looking in the direction of the train tracks. "But I could possess something..."

The hunter suddenly got an idea. "You could possess my camera."

He looked over at Jesse, an eyebrow raised. "Explain."

"You could possess my demon findin' camera. It wouldn't be suspicious since it always acts up due to demons. Ya could also help me figure out what kinda demon it is and if it's dangerous or not."

Hanzo hummed in response, glancing over at him. "And what do I get out of this exchange?"

"You'll live, for one," the cowboy said. "Plus, you could live with me. And we could... Y'know..."

The Oni chuckled darkly as McCree started turning shy on him. "I suppose this ordeal isn't the worst scenario I could agree to..." He locked eyes with the human. "I accept your offer."

The brunet's eyes flashed with joy and he snickered. "But first..."

He watched in surprise as Hanzo started to mold and transform into something else. He wasn't aware the demon had this ability. When his vision cleared, there was a man in front of him. He looked exactly like the demon, but shorter and human.
He cleared his throat, staring at the ground.

"I feel it's important to know that I was, in fact, human. And this is a form I will use often, especially when we, as you put it, 'Y'know...'"

Jesse's face flushed and he coughed. "Alrighty then..." he murmured, fumbling with his camera. "Glad t' know you were cute as a human."

"Don't flatter me," he muttered, grabbing onto the southerner's shirt. "Besides, that's my job..." He hesitated for a moment, then gave him a quick peck on the lips.

While McCree was dazed from the kiss, Hanzo pushed him away. "Alright, now get it over with."

He pulled the camera up, waiting for it to focus. "How do I know it worked?"

"Trust me," the ravenet said as it focused. "You'll know."

Taking a deep breath, he took the picture. As soon as it had finished, it powered off. Confused, the hunter lowered the camera, seeing Hanzo was no longer there. He looked back down at the camera, puzzled. "Did it...?"

Suddenly, the screen flashed white. A message slowly appeared on screen, in horrific red letters. Jesse couldn't help but grin as it did so.

"I made it, you fool."


Ok but I really like this concept and I just H A V E to add some bonus scenes based on this AU now sksnfjkskxk

So that's what the next chapter's gonna be

Also, Happy Early Halloween! I'm still planning on a Halloween oneshot, but I just wanted to go ahead and start writing some spooky stuff. Hope you enjoy it/them!


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