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"ASR. ASR. ASR." The fandom was crazy for him, as they screamed their lungs out showing their crazy love for him.

ASR continued to sing. The concert was going great for him. The stage was set on fire with his amazingly beautiful voice.

"One more."

"One more."

The crowd was cheering him to sing more when, unfortunately, the song had ended. He smiled at all of his fans and sang one more song for them, making them happy.

"I love you, ASR!" A few people from the crowd screamed. They were his die-hard fans.




They continued to applaud him when the song ended and Arnav walked to backstage. The media was ready to interview him and his fans were dying for selfies and autographs.


"Sir, one of the film producers wanted to have you as their music director. No matter how much time it takes." His Manager, Aman said, standing in front of him who was watching the movie to compose the songs for the film he was currently working on. He was already bored watching it over 20 times but he had no choice, for his music to be perfect, he needed to watch it no matter how many takes it'd take, he need to make the perfect music composition.

"You know, Aman, I am not available for the next six months," he murmured, stroking his head, and taking his gaze away from the screen.

"I told them the same, sir. He said he'd wait for you!" Aman explained. The producer wanted to have ASR compose for his film desperately.

Arnav shrugged, nodding. If they're willing to wait, how can he deny the offer? "Fine, get me a meeting with him. I need to discuss it with him."

Aman took his tab checking ASR's calendar and mumbled quickly, "Sure, ASR. You're free after five days. I'm fixing the appointment at 2 PM, is that okay?"

At Arnav's nod, Aman marks his date on the calendar for the meeting.

Arnav didn't ask the name of the producer yet and wanted to know who's he, "Who's the producer, btw?"

"Shekar Narayan." Aman looked up at his Boss.


"Is ASR a murderer?"

It was the headline everywhere, on all the news channels.

"We've seen ASR surrendering himself to the police after murdering a few people." A reporter's voice bloomed on the TV of so many people's houses.

"His fans are on fire." Another channel's reporter displayed the tweets and Facebook posts that were cursing ASR.

"Is this the end of his Career?" A headline in the other TV channel.

"Some fans of his are supporting him while some are firing at him, cursing him with all the names. We can see a few Twitter tweets here..." the woman continued to show all the positive and negative posts against him on the social media profiles.

"I never expected from my Ideal that he'd murder someone. #boycotthim"

"It's all a misunderstanding. I'm sure our ASR can never do anything. #ASRisinnocent"

Two particular tags among the several hashtags were trending everywhere, all over India and outer countries where his music was famous among Indian Immigrants and a few foreigners.


"Can't you understand? You are an orphan. You don't have a mother and father." The man pushed the little boy down, irritated by his constant tears and nagging.

"Come out of illusions, my son!" A kind woman had consoled the 8-year-old kid.

"No, I have a mother. I have my father. They're-" he was hiccupping saying that trying hard to make them believe but no one really let him complete his sentence. It was proved he was an orphan, why would they need words from the kid?

"I'll slap you if you say if you've your parents one more time," A man was furious at the kid who was irritating him from the time he came here. In the Orphanage.

"I think it's the time we should admit him to the mental hospital," the same man said to the kind woman, looking at the stubborn kid.

The woman, Sharada, bluntly refused the man taking the kid with her, wiping his tears away.


A caretaker had run into the warden's room, panting hard, he whispered, "Madam, Arnav ran away."

Sharada stood up in shock, not able to digest the news, and commanded him in an instant, "Search for him in all the places."




"We've not found him anywhere," they said, disappointed which worried Sharada. She filed a missing complaint at the police station and he was never found.




"Jesus, where the fuck is he?" A man was so furious that he kicked the vase away that was worth millions.

"Hey!" Another man condemned him, making the man look at him in wonder, as he mumbled, quite furiously, "What?"

"I thought you were a Catholic. What's that using Jesus and a cuss in the same line?" He didn't like him disrespecting the religion, taking the last drag from the never-a-last cigarette, and crushed under his shoe just after a moment.

"Don't irritate me, right now! I can even kill you." The first man warned, his nerves throbbing in fury. He was visibly vexed and touching him on the wrong nerve could really kill him. 

"Alright, I'm sorry." He raised his hands in surrender.





Their face was all blurry when Arnav woke up, sweating after another nightmare he had. Wiping his sweat, and sliding down the sheets, he got up to drink some water.


"Hey, it's okay. Don't cry. I believe you." A woman whispered kindly, wiping his tears with a little same age as his or a year younger might be, beside hers, sucking onto a Lollipop.

His chocolate brown eyes found it unbelievable that someone is willing to believe him, to listen to him, "Really?" His hopeful innocent gaze struck her heart hard.

"Yes," she nodded, taking him into a hug, and giving him warmth.

"Do I have my parents?" he whispered still in her eyes while the woman only nodded.





The little girl around 6 years old smiled at the 8-year-old boy, offering her small hand filled with a lot of chocolates, with her hopeful eyes, "Friends?"


"What do you want to become?" She asked him when he scored quite a good score in the subjects. She's also aware of his interest in music. All of it will be his choice on his interest and will.

"A killer."

His reply shocked her, "What?"

"I want to kill those who killed my parents and are trying to kill me," he gritted his teeth in anger, shocking the woman more.




"He's a mental case." A worker whispered to another one who could only nod, agreeing with him, "Mad man!"

"He has illusions, I'm sure," the first one commented.

"A serious ment-" he cut himself off looking at their boss, gulping in fear, worried for jobs.


"From wanting nothing from you to needing everything of you, life has its ways to show me the mirror, Khushi," he whispered, looking at her photo in his hands, leaning on his car, drenching in the heaving rain amidst the thundering sky and slippery roads.

"From giving my everything to you to wanting nothing from you, life had indeed had its way to show the mirror, Arnav," she drove the car, accelerating more on the lonely roads, wiping her tears away. 

Let me know what you think of the update.

It's a very complicated story with love, comedy(which I'll try my best to give), crime, and emotional sentiments. Along with a few other things you'd know soon and realize why I said it'd be a complicated one.  

Updates will be on every Saturday. 




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