Part 11

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Arnav returns home after jogging and gets ready for the office. He sits for breakfast.

"You got late today Arnav," Mahendra said.

"Yeah baba was making changes in today's presentation, you know we have a meeting with Mehta's if we would grab the deal, it would be a huge profit for the company," Arnav replied munching his toast.

"Yes, but today you look a bit nervous, I mean you have given numerous such presentations and have grabbed them too, so any other other issues that are disturbing your thoughts?" Mahendra confirmed looking at his son's disoriented state.

He nodded in a no. His dad judged him well, yes he was nervous but not because of the presentation but because of the event that was soon to happen, the wedlock! and the first step towards it was to happen today the dates! were to be finalised and the soon to be groom and bride were not even in talking terms.

"Chote?" his mom's loud voice brought him back to the world.

"Yeah, Mom" he replied looking at her.

"I am observing you from the morning you are lost in some thoughts, I know your work pressure keeps you occupied, anyways if possible come early today, actually Pandit Ji and Khushi's family will be coming to finalise dates for engagement, marriage and other functions" she informed.

"And Khushi?"Arnav asked.

"What Khushi?" Nandini was confused.

"I mean is Khushi also coming?" he asked. He suddenly wanted to hear only a yes from his mother. Maybe it can be his chance to talk to her and make things better. All he wanted was just that she talks to him normally just like before.

"No, she is not coming, I had asked Garima Ji she told me that she had some urgent meeting in her office so she would be late. She is so much like you isn't a workaholic," she replied.

Arnav's face fell instantly, for unknown reasons he was feeling low, he felt as if he lost the battle before even fighting. But he was Arnav Singh Raizada he had never lost had he? So won't he now, he is the man who had never waited for opportunities but had created them for himself and that's what he is going to do now. Maybe not today itself but surely he will converse with her and that's for sure.

"Okay, I will take leave now, I am already running late," he said as he got up from the chair and picked up his car keys. But what he failed to notice was a pair of eyes which were continuously staring at him and judging him and his movements.




In Mehta's office

"So gentleman this sums up our today's meetings. Any questions?" Arnav asked. Since there were no questions from anyone he sat back on his seat. The other companies also presented their quotation and ideas in front of  Mehta's. But at last Arnav's company was able to grab the deal for themselves.

He shakes his hand with the Mehta's finalising other formalities and paperwork. He reached his office and informed his Dad and Shashi about the success of Mehta's deal.

He was sitting in his cabin. "Jenny send Aman in my cabin." He gave a call to the receptionist.

"May I come in Sir ?" asked  Aman knocking his cabin door.

"Aman, how many times I have to tell you that this formality is not required between us? " said Arnav a bit frustrated.

"Calm down dude what's making my lion so angry today?"Aman asked.

(Aman is P.A cum adviser cum best friend of  Arnav. Arnav was an introvert personality and hence it was very few of those people with whom he was open to, Aman being one of them. From the time Aman had joined his company he had felt this instant connection with him and hence they had been good friend's from then on.)

"You know don't you, well do I have any other appointments or meetings for the day," Arnav asks.

"Nope, it's done for the day, and you would be in hurry  too, afterall your marriage date is going to be fixed today." Aman teased.

"Aman, would you prefer to be hit by a shoe or the paperweight? Like, come on you know how things are between us and you think I would be even interested to go home?"Arnav said.

"When none of you will take an initiative what makes you believe that situation will get better? See, buddy I think you should talk to her and apologise, Oops sorry not your cup of tea, anyways she must be coming today, I think it is best to clear the things between you people today."

"No, she is not coming today, I know she is purposely avoiding any kind of meeting with me, Aman I have told her that  I didn't mean what  I had told her, What else is left to be cleared of?" Arnav questions.

"I really need to tell you, what  is to clarified?" Aman looks at him.

"In your dreams Mathur, I won't ask for apologies, I have already clarified from my side," Arnav said.

Aman knew Arnav well, he had somewhere realised that there was an invisible spark in between these two and wished that the two realises this for each other too. He had seen changes in Arnav after Khushi's entry in Arnav's life. But only if even one of them acts wisely, situations could then only change. But looks like Aman Mathur will have to do something to start their conversation.

"Hmm, I get your point should I talk to her?"Aman asked.

"What will you talk to her don't tell me you are going to apologise from my side it's not even required," he says.

"Really it is not required or you are not willing to show up to her that you are affected by her ignorance, "Aman asks.

"No, I have nothing to hide," he said.

"Dude, you are trying to lie in front of me, I know you better than you know yourself. You and your ego. Anyways you are going home?" he said.

"No, I will go later, Mr Panwar(Lawyer) gave me a call, the papers for the contract are ready, mine and Khushi's signature are required for forwarding proceedings, so I will study those papers and then you give it to Khushi," he says.

"Okay, but you can also get them signed, why aren't you going. Ahaan! is someone avoiding meetings." Arnav gave him a stern look.

"Whatever, (he rolls his eyes) pass me the papers once you study them, "Aman said. He moves out of Arnav's cabin.

"Great! I was looking for a chance to meet her and this seems to be the best opportunity. Aman Mathur, be ready you have to mend things for you intelligent yet idiot best friend."Aman thought to himself.

"It was about 9 o clock when Arnav came out of his cabin, he saw Aman's cabin's lights were still on."He hasn't gone home yet?"Arnav thought. He moves towards his cabin and enters in the cabin. Aman was watching something on Laptop pretty much concentrated to even acknowledge Arnav's presence.

"What makes you so indulged that you didn't go home yet?" he asked Aman.

Aman looks at him."Oh! well, nothing much, was searching for something and what do you mean by not home yet, how can I go home in office hours?"Aman said.

"Aman! dude, it's 9 o clock and the office hours have ended 2 hours back I suppose."Arnav said showing him the watch.

"Wait! what? Really! like 9? Sorry, man seems like I was too much lost in my work to see time. By the way, my lion isn't home yet? Scared of Dates?" he asked or actually teased only to earn a glare from Arnav.

"Okay, don't look at me like that let's go to your home. I need to have some sweets you know my best friend's Marriage date is fixed today. I don't know about you but Aunty must be waiting for me." Aman teased him again. But he ignored his teasing this time"Let's go" he said.

Both of them moves out of the cabin. "What are those paper in your hands?" Aman asked."

Arnav looks at his hand" Oh! ya, these are the contract papers get them signed by her."

"Aye aye, Captain," Aman said. Arnav smirked at his reply cause smile was a rare thing for Mr Raizada. Aman was chirpy, joyous and cool just an opposite of Arnav.

"Mad!" Arnav whispered moving towards the parking lot. They drove toward his home.

"Namastey Aunty" Aman greets Nandini.

"Aman!  it has been so long you came here." she hugs Aman.

"What to do Aunty? Your son he keeps me indulged in so much of work that I just don't get time" Aman looks at Arnav and sticks his tongue out. Arnav roles his eyes in response to his reasoning. 

"Anyways, Aunty let's come to the point. Iska band kab bajega? Oops! I mean when are we to hear the wedding bells." Aman asks.

"The engagement is fixed after 2 weeks from now and marriage after a month" informsNandini.

"Oh! my god aunty isn't is early? there is so much to be done, but Aunty Arnav doesn't look happy? You know why?" Aman says looking at Arnav. Arnav gives him an unbelievable look and slightly moves his head in denial.

"It's simple, for us 1 month is too less but for our soon to be a groom, it's a huge time," Aman said again teasing.

"I will tell you what is bothering me?" Arnav moves towards him. Aman starts to run and Arnav tries to catch him up.

The house was filled with laughter. Aman was hiding behind Nandini." Aunty, see your son is getting mad. Get him married soon," He sticks out his tongue.

"Ohho! you both stop it. Let's have dinner it's ready."Nandini says.

"I am so hungry, let's go" Aman moved with Nandini to the dining table Arnav follows.


Next day

Khushi's phone rang. She picks the phone it was from Aman.

"Hello, Aman Ji "

"Hey, Khushi how are you? Actually, the papers are ready, I need your signatures on them when you would be free?"Aman asked.

"I am fine, and how are you uhh! well, I would be free after 6 in the evening," she told him.

"I am good, it's your fiancee only who stays grumpy always. (He wanted to know if Khushi responds something when she gets to knows Arnav is sad). But she just hmmed. Anyways Okay, then can you come to Vidita's orphanage, I will be there then and no one will suspect also." he told her.

(Aman's wife Vidita runs an orphanage.)

"Yeah sure, Aman Ji, " she said.

"Alright bye, Khushi" with that Aman disconnected the call.

"Damn dude what you have done to this girl I never knew she could be so formal and quiet," Aman said to himself.

Aman and Khushi had been to the same college though they have never interacted in a person. But being in the same college and both being the most active participants of every kind of activities knew each other so does each other's nature.

Aman puts his thoughts aside and gets back to work.

Time passes soon and it is evening. 

Aman started a bit early from office today informing Arnav that he had to visit the orphanage. But he didn't tell him that he would be meeting Khushi also.

At orphanage

Aman was playing with kids in the garden when Khushi arrived.

"Aman Ji" she called his name to grab his attention.

Aman looks back at her.  "Hello, Khushi and please call me Aman, Aman Ji sounds too old, we were college mates after all. Have a seat, come." She sits on a chair. "I will bring the papers and what would you like to have tea, coffee or juice?" he asks her.

"Aman Ji, uhh well Aman no formalities are required, you just said we were college mates, you bring the papers I will sit here till then" she replies.

"Alright I will be back soon," he says and goes inside.


Hello, my beautiful and lovely readers. Thank you so much people for waiting. Hope this part is worthy of waiting. Do let me know how was it in the comments section.

Votes please if you find its deserving. Silent readers just a humble request don't be so silent vote, it takes a second.

With Love


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