Part 20

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She chuckled at the way he designated her.
Can anyone here imagine the Arnav Singh Raizada could also address someone "ma'am" and help them too?

Well, but from the time miss Khushi has entered his life these things seem to be normal. Isn't it?

She picked up the sari chosen by Arnav. Just then Lavanya and NK came there too.

NK gave a mischievous smile to Khushi. For which she totally tried to ignore him but yet a little red hue appeared over her face.

" Oh! Thanks to god Nannav mere Bhai you are here, these two girls were eating my head. So confused not able to select even one dress for me" NK said dramatically.

Khushi gave no reaction knowing NK and his habit of teasing well but Lavanya made a face and hit NK lightly over his shoulder. " How could you even say that Mr Mehta, I cancelled one of my shoots just to be here with you people."

"Oh! My sweetheart, I was just joking," he didn't even remember that it was not just Khushi but Lavanya too who was typically too girly to take such things seriously.

"By the way, this reminded me you had a meeting today at this time Nannav with my company only, so how come you here, you too cancelled it to be here." NK raised his eyes.

"No, nothing like that I didn't cancel it but it was postponed, the presentation was prepared but it had faults so I had to postpone it. Then Mr Mehta didn't have time today. So that meeting is going to be conducted tomorrow." He explained.

"Such a lier Arnav Singh Raizada, the presentation was perfect but you intentionally pointed out mistakes into it. And you know the reason well isn't it?" His mind poked him.

But he just didn't give attention to this thought of his and looked back at them.

"Oh! That's cool, by the way, it would have been fine even if you haven't explained" NK said playfully. He was sure that Arnav was lying and he has purposely this meeting to be here. But for whom? It wasn't clear to him.

But to the writer and readers, it is, isn't it? 😉

The four shopped something or other according to their requirements and were finally out of the shop.

"So what now back home?" Arnav sounding pretty obvious.

"No" came in sync from NK and Khushi who looked at each other and laughed.

"We still have time like here a food court on the floor above so let's eat something, I feel really hungry," Khushi said.

"Haha, I know you are hungry for that Double cheese pizza, something you always choose. Am I right or Am I right?" He said looking at her.

Khushi just nodded in excitement.

"Oh! So she loves Pizza a lot. I never knew" Arnav said.

" We never discussed," Khushi said as a matter of fact.

"What that's not the first time we people are coming out to eat. I thought you three have also met before my entry to know each other's food choices at least. How do you order then?" NK was a little amazed.

"Uhh! Well, we order Mr Raizada's Favourite Manchurian balls along with rice as our first dish always and then white pasta for our very sweet Miss Kashyap. So it's kind of enough for three of us to order anything else." Khushi said a but sarcastically.

Arnav did felt bad. Actually he never asked anyone while ordering. Does he need to change this one? But his ego like always said a clear "No".

"Whatever if I order what I like I don't think it's a big deal. I never deny you to order what you want so not my problem. Don't point at me all right I am not at mistake." He replied arrogantly.


Thanks to Lavanya who interrupted in between otherwise. Here Mr Raizada and Miss Gupta were in full form to fight with each other.

"Can we find something healthy to eat upstairs too you know I am on my diet, so no junks" Lavanya informed in her all so girly tone.

" I guess we will have something of that sort too. Let's go Nannav and Khushi, I am also hungry" Nk said to avoid the fight.

"Yeah," said both Arnav and Khushi.

They moved to the food court. Lavanya ordered a Salad for herself and Khushi and NK a pizza for themselves and Arnav for a change his most second preferred choice "Red Pasta"

"No Khushi don't even look at it," NK said.

"Yaa! Obviously I won't just look at it I will eat it" with that she picked up the last slice of Pizza.

But before she could devour it. NK held her hand.

"No way, Khushi think," NK said.

"Like what?" She said looking at him she knew that's one of their never-ending fight of who would eat the last slice.

"See..." Nk was interrupted.

"I have to think or see, first make that clear to me," she said distracting him.

"Do both, think if you will eat this last slice how harmful it can be? You have already eaten enough according to your appetite and eating more means gaining more weight. And a fat bride won't look good. You understand?" NK said making a serious face.

"Oh! Is that so! Then your appetite is full too. You have shared Pasta with Arnav too, and think how bad it would be to see the bride's bestie fat. And you still need to mingle up. If you will become fat who will mingle up with you. T.H.I.N.K." she said mimicking him.

Arnav chuckled at their explanations to each other.

"You just don't laugh alright," Nk and Khushi said in sync.

"Okay fine, sor.. Uhh! continue" the never sorry Mr Raizada said.

"Ya, see I am still left with my appetite. So this should be mine. I have a heavier appetite than you and you don't know my appetite. So just don't think all this and handover me the last slice." NK said.

"As if you are very much aware of my appetite. And last time also you ate the last slice so turn wise it my chance to eat it. You have eaten enough" she replied back.

"See Khushi I am..."
"Guys I think this last slice is large enough that you guys can still split into too" Arnav suggested.

"No, Nannav you don't know her she does that always," NK said.

At the same time Khushi also. "See Arnav my point is valid, I didn't have the last bite last time so it's my turn," she said.

They both were speaking rather blabbering together making it impossible for Arnav to understand even a single word.

"Okay! Whatever I guess you guys should decide yourself. You don't need my advice" Arnav said a bit aloud.

"Damn these people are really crazy who fight like that for a slice of pizza they could have ordered one isn't it.?" He thought to himself.

And here Khushi and NK were fighting for the last slice like 10-year-old children.

Finally, Arnav's advice was taken and the pizza slice was split into two.

They both finished the slice and sat there satisfied and happy.

"See I told you such an easy solution existed you were wasting your energy for no reason," Arnav said a bit proudly.

"No Arnav it was no waste of energy for us. It's actually a fun thing for us. We both know we are not fighting in real. You know if this was a normal order there wouldn't have something rememberable about it. That's our way to make it a forever thing." Khushi explained.

"Oh!" Was all Arnav could whisper after her explanation. It was such a beautiful way to create memories.

"But, most of the people were looking at you two, what about your public image" Lavanya questions.

"First neither we know them nor do they know us. Even if they are judging us for those actions of us it doesn't matter because their opinion would never be heard by us. And even we find someone who knew us like maybe professionally here then obviously isn't this our personal time? What we do in our personal life need not be an issue for them. They judge us by how we treat them professionally. Isn't it." NK said.

"Yeah! I think this can be taken this way too" she smiled.

All of them got up and left back to home.

Two days later

The wedding ritual is starting from today. It's their Mehandi and Sangeet today.

Its almost afternoon and there is hustle-bustle around. The Mehandi function is organised at Gupta house. The house is decorated like a bride. Raizadas are about to arrive.

Simultaneously at Raizada Mansion

"No way, I am not coming there. That's a ladies function." Arnav said.

"But what is the problem, Mr ASR. You don't have any meetings to attend so why not join everyone. Maa will be happy if you will come with us." Aman tried explaining.

"So that's your mistake Mathur I told you to line up my meeting with Singhanias. Firstly you didn't listen to my order and now you are trying to convince me. No way my boy I am not coming." Arnav denied.

Aman came out with a disappointed face.

"Maa yeh to man ne ko hi taiyaar nahi ab kya kare?"Aman said. (Mom, he is not ready to come with us, what shall we do now?).

Nandini thinks for some time "I have a plan." She explains it to Aman.

"Maa you are so brilliant" Aman gives a thumbs up to her.

Nandini goes to the poolside and starts talking over the phone.

"Yes, Garima Ji so all preparation are done? Yeah, we will be arriving in half an hour. Oh! No Arnav is not coming. Oh, that's great I am so excited what NK and Khushi are dancing together?"

And this diverted Arnav's attention for his laptop to what his mother was talking.

"But they had never planned so? We never discussed this over the group. When did that happen? NK and Lavanya were dancing together isn't it?" Arnav thought to himself.

"Oh! It was suddenly planned? Yeah NK is such a nice boy. Khushi and he has such a deep bonding. Yeah, I agree if Arnav and Khushi were not getting married. They would have made such a great couple."

And our Mr Raizada for a known unknown reason was burning in jealousy which according to him was his anger for not informing him about this change.

"Okay, I will keep the call. We have to start from here now" Nandini hangs up the call.

She comes out of the poolside counting 5..4..3..2..1...

"Maa" she looks back to find Arnav standing.

"Yes beta" she replied.

" Umm, I was thinking I should join you people in Sangeet." He said showing no emotions.

"But Aman told me you are not coming?" Nandini asked acting confused.

"Well, umm... Ahh... Yeah, Aman told me that you wanted me to come with you so I am considering this." He said as if he was doing big favour"

Nandini gave a small cheeky smile to him and nodded her head. "Okay son, then come on time we will leave now. Okay?" She said.

"Yeah sure," he said and got back into his room.

Here Aman messaged Khushi, NK and Lavanya that Arnav was not coming so Nandini had come up with this lie so incase he asks any of them they should say that plan changed.

Raizada's started to Gupta house.

The Mehandi function started and all ladies were singing and dancing while Mehandi was applied to the hands of other women and of course the bride herself.

Sangeet is about to start and its almost evening. Aman, Vidita and Khushi are laughing over something Aman is telling them.

"Yeah, and you actually don't know how possessive he is. You know he has a restroom in his cabin but he never allows anyone into it." Aman said casually.

"I don't think so he must have allowed Lavanya at least," she said a bit confused about why did he allow her that day.

"No way I remember, Lavanya had just arrived from her shoot and was so tired and needed rest still she has to use the guest room that's downstairs. He is very stubborn Khushi" he said.

Now that was a new discovery why will Arnav allow her if he never allows anyone else? Maybe Aman has no idea about it. She went to Lavanya and NK who practising dance moves.

Lavanya was confused in a step so Khushi took her position to explain her the step and at the same moment, Arnav arrived.

Hello, my beautiful and lovely readers. Well, so this time I could draft in time.
Thank you so much people for waiting. Hope this part is worthy of waiting. Do let me know how was it in the comments section.

Votes please if you find its deserving. Silent readers just a humble request don't be so silent vote it takes a second.



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