Part 29

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Khushi was looking at him flabbergasted. It felt as if he was reading her mind. Wasn't it the same situation? She was madly in love with this person here who has changed a lot more than her expectations and yet here after all those changes she loved him.

Arnav looks at her to find her mouth open. "Hey what happened? You look shocked."He questions.

"No I was just thinking, uhh our thoughts match so much, I believe same." She said.

"Khushi, can I ask you something?" He said.

"Yeah, sure" she said.

"You told me that there were many guys who used to flirt with you. I suppose some might have proposed you too? Then why never in a relationship with anyone or you were in a relationship and it's just that I am not aware of it." He questions.

"Well, Arnav I had no past relationships, ya some of the guys in my college did propose me but they were not the kind of person I was looking for." She tells him.

"What kind of guy you want?" He asked.

"I want someone who would understand me, sort me when I am tangled in the web of my thoughts. Who would know to respect me. Have fun with me. Adore even my imperfections and help me rise above my doubts." She said.

He gave her a serious look. She looks at him for a minute and says "Might be too much to ask for from a same guy but I believe that I want a guy like that for me." She said.

"No, I don't think it is too much but I am unsure if a such a person can be there who would understand you so well. You are kind of a closed book. You know, you speak a lot, you are kind of very intelligent but yet whenever I talk to you I feel like there is always something new I discover about you, your ambition, your dream, the way you speak, your thoughts. It feels like you are hiding something. Seriously, sometimes I feel like a person need more than one life to know inside and out of Ms Khushi Gupta...Well oops as of now, Mrs Arnav Raizada" he said.

"Mrs Khushi Arnav Raizada, that sounds better" she said and took a pause."Uhh, AS OF NOW" she said it slowly and focusing each and every word.

This as of now from her mouth didn't just sounded rude to him but it did also made him feel Sad. Looks like this was that integral part of his life that he was gonna miss a lot.

"Hey! Look there Arnav," she said excited.

"What?" He looked in the direction she was pointing.

"Wow, it sounds so cool, deep sea diving you know, I always have dreamt of Under water diving, that peace,that closeness to nature"the glint in her eyes wasn't unnoticed by Arnav.

"So have you done it then?" He questioned.

"No I haven't ever, but that's in my bucket list" she said.

They kept talking and talking and didn't even realise when it was already night. They both got up and went to restaurant and had food. The day went quite well without any fights.


Next day early morning

"Khushi?" Arnav comes in her room and wakes her up.

"What happened Arnav?" She got up trying to arjust with the room light it was early morning. She saw the time and was concerned if everything was fine. "Hey what happened? Why did you woke me up so early? Is Uncle Aunty fine?"

"Yeah they are fine" Arnav said.

"Then Maa Baba?" She asked

"They are good too Khushi. Listen..."

"Then did they get to know about us, I mean this marriage? Oh! My god Arnav when and how? Did you talk to lav and Nk... speak up something you are scaring me. How will we manage now? "

"Shhhh Khushi everyone and everything is absolutely fine. There is nothing to worry."

"What the? Why did you woke me up then?" She asked.

"If you would let me speak I will be able to tell then only. Would you do the honors maam of being quiet for sometime and listen?" He said a bit frustrated.

She realised that she was drawing her own conclusions and didn't even let him speak. She just nodded her head.

"Phew! Well I have planned a surprise for you so, get up and get ready." He disclosed.

"What surprise? Really what's that?" She was excited.

"That is actually Khushi..." He looks at her to find her looking at him intently to know about surprise.

"When you will go from here to the cupboard and ..."


"And, you would then get ready then..."

"Then what Arnav? Tell me."

"Then Khushi, I mean Sushi I will take you to...."


" the place of..."

"Of what Arnav where are we going"

"Of.... SURPRISEEEE" he shouted loudly. Khushi pouts and he chuckes seeing her face.

"Khushi, If I will tell you what is the Surprise how would it be a surprise? Come on be a sport get up get ready! You would know soon" he tells her to hurry.

She comes out wearing a simple top and jeans. "Would this outfit be fine Arnav? For the place of Surprise?" She asks in order to get some hint.

"Yeah anything would be fine don't worry, all that matters is you should be in some comfortable clothes, so if this jeans is tight you should change into something loose,I mean comfortable." He said.

"Comfortable? Loose where do we need such clothes?" She talks to herself but couldn't get any hint.

She comes out wearing one of her jaggings that were loose and comfortable.

"So shall we start?" He asks.

"Yeah" she replies yet thinking where they would be going. But not able to guess anything. They are standing in the hotel lobby.

"Sir your Car is ready and here are the keys." Manager tells Arnav.

"Thank you" Arnav greets the manager. Arnav holds Khushi and takes her towards the car. They both sit in the car.

"Khushi look there," she looks at the side he points to. And in that time Arnav ties a blind fold over her eyes. "Don't open it untill I tell you" he tells Khushi.

"Where are we going? You will make me go mad Arnav? Hint me something I really can't bear this suspense please" she requests.

"Khushi you are already a mental case so I can't do the honors of making you mar and well yes this surprise can make you go much more mad. But then we will get you treated by psychiatrist, don't worry."

"Arnav please"

"Shh Sushi or I will lose my focus and we would have an accident" Khushi knew he was stubborn and won't say anything so finally she stops  convincing him for telling her about surprise. Though she made a cute sad face. He chuckles at her expression.

"Pagal yet Cute" he whispers to himself.

The car comes at halt after sometime finally. "Have we reached Arnav?" Khushi's excitement is back.

"Yeah we have but don't you remove your blindfold" he says.

"What but why? This is so wrong. Now when we have reached the surprise location. It is my right to see surprise or I will see after it gets over? Are you listening Arnav? Arnav? Annav? Nannav??" She speaks but gets no response so she was about to remove the blindfold when she hears his voice.

"I  am here only, was just waiting so that you stop you blabbering and we can come out of car and I can take you closer to surprise." He says. With that he opens her side of door and helps her to step out.

He locks the car and holds her hand, they both begin to move."I won't talk to you Arnav if this a prank of yours by any chance" she warns. Arnav keeps guiding her till they reach somewhere ignoring her banters. "Okay Khushi now you can open your eyes, let me remove blindfold for you." He said.
Khushi opens her eyes slowly. After few moments her eyes are able to adjust with the light there."So?" Arnav asks.

"Annav...this place" and Khushi is absolutely lost in the beauty of the place. It was quite and calm,a big vast ocean. It all seemed magical and much more soothing to her soul body and eyes then ones imagination.

"Yeah! This place" he whispers in his husky voice in a low voice very close to her ears. A chill ran down her whole body hearing his voice.

"Well but this place is not the Surprise" Arnav says.

She looks at him amazed. "What does he mean by this is not the Surprise, can there be something more he could surprise her with?" she thinks.

"Wait" he claps two time and points in a direction for her to look. Two people were coming from other side.

"Hello Mr Raizada, everything is ready , she is your instructor Miss Saavi Kracy. Okay, so I shall leave, you have my contact number, in case you face any issues."  He tells Arnav. Arnav nodes his head they both shakes hand and the man leaves

"Hi, Miss Kracy, this is Khushi my wife," Arnav introduces her "and I am Arnav."

"Hello," she speaks.

"Hi, but what is going on I am still unclear what?.." she asks confused.

"DEEEP SEA DIIVING" speaks Arnav excitedly.

"Oh! Deep sea diving" she repeats normally and then it clicks her mind. Her eyes wide open she looks at Arnav "Wha..What..Deep deep seeeea Di...diving" she literally shouts in excitement. "Arnav pinch me am dreaming no?" She says and literally forces him to pinch her. He pinches her but with intensity.

"Ouch! Annav, who pinches with such an intensity." she massages lightly her arm to ease out the pain.

"You said, actually... forced so I did it." He says that with a bit of attitude.

"That's so mean of you." She says and she points at him.

"Oh! So I am mean, if I would have been mean why would I plan such a surprise" he retorts back.

"You..." They both look at each other and then at instructor and realise where they were standing.

"Sorry" they whisper in unison to the instructor who was standing quietly till now.

The instructor laughs looking at them. "You guys are truely a couple," Arnav khushi didn't get her and so gave her a confusing look.

"Oh! Well I mean couples fight a lot but newly married a much less but seems liks you know each for a long time. This is your honeymoon, so love marriage, if I may ask. " she questions.

"Umm, well not Love marriage" Khushi states a bit hesitant though.

"But we are childhood friends, so you know how they are, fighting like cats and dogs." Arnav says.

"Yeah, absolutely so should we begin or you guys wanna fight more?" She said jokingly.

"Ah! Nope not at all please let us begin" Arnav says

"Okay, so both of you know swimming?"

"Yeah, we both know" they answers.

"Good, Good, Okay now I would tell you some basic sign and signal which we would use under water." she says. They nod their head. The instructor explains them all the signs.

"Any doubts?" She questions.

"Miss Kracy all your instructions are clear to me but how many days would it take for us to go for an actual diving and explore this Ocean, " Khushi asks.

" Well, dear today and tomorrow we would just learn and day after tomorrow we will perform the sport. And may I please request you to call me just Saavi and not Miss Kracy" she explains sweetly.

"Okay! Saavi" she exclaimed. Arnav was all time looking at her. He was happy that he could do something to make her happy.

It was afternoon, they had their lunch with Saavi." Training is done for the day. I will take a leave now let's meet tomorrow Morning." She informs and leaves.

They were sitting there quietly and peacefully looking at the vast sea. "Arnav, thank you so much" she says looking at him. Her eyes were little misty and Arnav noticed that.

"Hey why are your eyes mistly? Didn't you like it Khushi?" He was concerned.

" I am more than happy, these are tears of happiness, I am feeling so many emotions right now. There is no greater surprise one can ever give me." She tells. " You know there is nothing that I can really do to tell what I feel right now. Every emotion, word feels so less. I wish I could do something to replay even a bit if it to you". Khushi says.

"Hey, I didn't do it to get something in return. It just clicked my mind and I was able to so arrangements. You did really hurt me Khushi by saying this. I didn't do it as a favour on you for which you have to repay." He felt bad and got up from his place his mood a bit spoiled.

But before he could leave Khushi catches hold of his wrist and gets up "I am sorry, I didn't mean to say you did a favor on me. Just that its so good that really wish to make you as happy as I am feeling today. Not to repay any favour but as a friend who wants to see you smile laugh and feel just the way I am feeling. But yet if you felt bad I am really very sorry." She says. He was still looking the other side indicating that he was still angry. " Annav please, sorry na" she tries to ease off his anger. She slowly comes close to him and hugs him from back.

"Sorry" she whispers and kisses lightly on  his shoulder  and then she turns him towards her and catches his face and kisses his one cheek and then another and whispers sorry everytime and the she kisses his forehead and chin saying sorry everytime. She finally reaches his lips. Their faces are an inch apart...


Hello, my beautiful and lovely readers. Thank you so much people for waiting. I know I have kept you waiting for long but all I could do is Apologise. Hope this part is worthy waiting. Do let me know how was it in the comments section.

Love you all and thank you very very much for waiting so long.

I know it's a cliffhanger but can't help. So what do you think would this kiss happen or not?

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