14. Hide

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Author's Note: 

I've not included Manorama's plot in this story before but if I've included it now, it was only because I've promised some of my readers to think about such a plot on which I've already written a story in my Drabble (Book 2). I'll be copying my own story's plot(not exactly, tho. I'm mixing it up) and a few dialogues from my other book in upcoming updates. Don't think you've read it somewhere and I have plagiarized it. They're my own stories! 

And I'm not going to reveal Drabble's title, you'll know in further updates. For now, enjoy reading!



Garima followed his gaze and took the burden to introduce him, "Arnav Bitwa, he's Aayush Mehrotra. Khushi's blood father's younger brother!"

Arnav was surprised at the information. He never met Khushi's family from her bloodline except for Garima. Nonetheless, he greets him, "Hello, Mr. Ayush Mehrotra!"

Ayush Mehrotra was a man in his late forties, to be precise, 47, and a businessman in the technology and engineering sector. Khushi is his niece, his elder brother — Karthik Mehrotra, and his brother's wife — Kavya Agarwal aka Kavya Mehrotra's only daughter. They were a happy family and Maya's presence in their life had added only more laughter. Only if he had known!

Ayush shook his hands with Arnav and patted his shoulders, "Hello, Arnav. Pleased to meet the man who stole my sweetie's heart. I am sure you've known how hard it is to make a place in my daughter's heart, don't you?"

He was being nostalgic, remembering his sweetie who would stubbornly sit in one place, with a pout on her face, and wouldn't mellow down until she gets what she wants. Like the cute chicks — she wished to play with one and they feared she the little birds would harm their sweetie and denied her the same. And the result was their daughter, who was three years old then, puffed cutely in anger, her chubby cheeks became more chubby and she sat down on one of the sofas in the hall, not talking to anybody, neither his mother and father nor him or anyone, glaring at the floor as if it did the biggest mistake in its life by just being there. Didn't let anyone even touch her and was too stubborn to eat anything, and he — being the loveliest Chacha, brought her the birds she wished for. It was worth it all as she jumped around in happiness and ran behind the little chicks with her little legs.

"Yes, she is one stubborn woman," Arnav slightly chuckles, remembering his wife who must have been throwing tantrums in front of Payal, to eat the Kichdi.

Oh, how true he was!

"Where's my sweetie? I mean Khushi?" Ayush was impatient to meet Khushi after 15 long years, too eager to meet his daughter-like-child! He was excited about how would she look like. Will she be the same chubby and bubbly Khushi who pounces on anyone if they teased her? Will she be the same angry bird who would pout and scream in anger if she was denied something? Would she be the same kid who would cry buckets if she saw tears in her loved one's eyes? Would she be the same naughty little girl who would prank someone for nothing? Would she be the same troublemaker who would occupy the whole bed while sleeping, kicking others away, or has she changed? He's able to imagine her child form and nothing else more than that. Not until he'd see the beautiful and naughty kid that she was.

"I'll call her but you be seated, please," Arnav senses the excitement in his voice. Although he had many questions raising, they could wait. The man in front of him who's almost as same as Shashi had a longing in his eyes for his wife. He had no doubt.

HP had arrived with drinks and snacks for them while Arnav went to his room for getting Khushi and to check on her if she had her lunch or not.


ArShi's room,

"Khushi, I'm not telling you to eat carrots, peanuts, and pieces of Aloo and mirchi here. Eat the rice too," Payal chided her sister who had almost completed eating half of the lunch and after which she started eating peanuts, mirchi, Aloo, and several other vegetables she added for nutrients leaving the rice abandoned.

Khushi was separating rice from the vegetables and was eating it. Payal stuffed some rice in the spoon and tried to feed it. Only that— Khushi turned her away. She doesn't want rice, she wanted carrots and peanuts.

Arnav entered the room at the same time, only to his wife sulking on the bed looking at half-eaten Kichdi and Payal trying several ways to feed her the rest. But Khushi being Khushi sat on the bed with a pillow in her lap, stubbornly, an angry pout on her face as she glared at Kichdi as if it was the worst thing she had ever eaten.

Well, she was denied eating just bits and pieces of Kichdi leaving the brown rice alone in the bowl lying abandoned in the bowl feeling sad that their Pyaare Khushi Di isn't tasting them.

Arnav sighed, walking into the bed, disturbing the women, "What's happening?"

Payal glared at her sister and turned towards her brother-in-law to complain, "Khushi is adamant about not eating the rest of the Kichdi I made for her, Arnav-ji!"

Arnav takes the bowl that was on resting on the bed and muttered, "I'll make her eat. Give it to me."

Payal was sure Arnav would anyhow make her complete the whole bowl and she gets up from the bed, in silence, smiling, and murmured, "Sure. I have some other work. I'll be going now. If there's anything needed, let me know!"

"Yeah, sure and Payal, your relatives are here. Tell them I and Khushi will come down soon." Arnav sat on the bed beside his wife and informed her about Ayush's visit. Even if Ayush wanted to meet Khushi, they'd be going down unless his wife completes her full lunch and has her medicines.

"Relatives? I'll go and meet them now," Khushi screamed, her eyes twinkling at meeting her relations from her father's side.

"Shut up, Khushi. You aren't going anywhere until you finish the bowl," he killed her excitement pointing towards the bowl and he heard a low laadgoverner in return. Arnav rolled his eyes, smiling a little. She is sulking with that angry pout again.

"Who's that, Arnav-ji?" Payal frowns in confusion. Who are their relatives that would visit them in Raizada Mansion? Her father's side relatives are the only ones who could visit but if it so, why would they come to Raizada Mansion instead of calling them to Gupta House? The last they were embarrassed in her marriage with Manorama's insult and they would never want to come if there was a choice and they do have a choice. They could call them to Gupta House. Her mother would have informed her even if they were coming here.

"You'll know once you go down," Arnav mutters, not disclosing the name increasing the curiosity of Khushi who narrowed her gaze at him.

Payal nods in understanding and smiling a little, walks out of the room, going down to meet her relatives.

Arnav turned towards his wife after she went out and put the bowl in front of her, eyeing her to eat it.

Khushi nodded a clear no and turned her face away. Arnav gripped her chin between his forefinger and thumb and turned her face towards him, glaring at her.

"Come on, Khushi. Eat it!"

"My answer isn't going to be special for you, Laadgoverner!" Khushi muttered, angrily. Her answer was the same for Payal — she won't eat the rest and her answer wouldn't be different for her husband.

Arnav was being patient as he groaned, not wanting to get angry at her for denying to eat food, "Khushi!"

"I won't eat even if you glare at me," Khushi retorted, noticing her husband glaring at her. His eyes are fire but she isn't going burn in them. She isn't a cube of ice either!

"Okay, so, if you don't eat this, you're not going to meet your Chacha-ji! But it's okay if you don't want to meet him. We'll be in the room itself." He used a weapon called emotional blackmail. She isn't a child that he'd force down the spoon her throat. 

As if she'd open her mouth happily, letting him force the spoon down her throat. He's damn sure she'd throw the spoon away. 

"Don't try these tricks with me, Laadgoverner!" Khushi replied, throwing the pillow away, and slowly got up, wanting to walk down. But her husband was fast enough to lock the door.

"I ain't kidding, Khushi!" He smirked, standing in her way, and when Khushi tried to push him away, he picked her in his arms, walked back to the bed, and made her sit in the same place.

Khushi had no choice but to complete the rest of the food when her husband fed her gripping her cheeks, tying her hands with her dupatta and that didn't let her move from her place or throw the spoon away till she completed it and had her medicines.

It isn't like her stomach was full. It was hungry, for Jalebi and not for Kichdi — a healthy meal she should eat, for, she had a nutrient deficiency.

Such a laad governor was her husband! Khushi muttered, not aloud gazing at her husband, furiously.



"We need some more time to track the car, sir. It's a rented one, give us 24 hours more," the police officials said to NK who was on the call with him about the recent attack Arav had on him. He walked towards Sneha who was lost in thoughts.

"Please, speed it up," NK instructed the police officer as he sat beside Sneha and passes her a pack of food. He had already informed them about Arav being kidnapped a few months ago and that Asha was arrested based on the same.

Sneha kept aside the food packet, not wanting to eat at the moment, and still had her hand on her head. So much had happened in recent days and the police are on the search for the kidnapper and Sheetal Kapoor.

NK inquired about Arav, cutting the call, "How is Arav?"

Sneha looked up at NK and remembers the doctor's words. He was being tested by Pyschiatist now, "Better than before."

Well, physically, he was better than before! And that's what she told NK.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine soon," NK consoled the agonized mother. Sneha was panicking and lost sleep over her son's health.

He was abandoned by her at birth and she was at fault. The guilt is still eating her. And then he was kidnapped, injected with steroids so dangerous, had been used by his father and Sheetal for selfish purposes, and now his mental health isn't normal anymore.

What more could an 8-year-old boy take? Another attempt of kidnap? That was already done due to her carelessness and it is killing her. It was because of NK, he's back. She feared thinking of the consequences otherwise.

"He has to!" Sneha muttered, tears rolling down her eyes.

"What did the psychiatrist say?" NK wasn't here when the psychiatrist talked about Arav. He didn't even know who was his doctor. He was late being stuck in the traffic.

"He iss diagnosing him yet to tell me what exactly his sickness is," Sneha passed the information. The doctor seemed kind and so much experienced that with his kind words, she found some positiveness. He informed her he'd analyze and test the kid, and would only tell her when he was sure of what Arav is suffering from, and from then on she waited outside when NK arrived talking on the phone.

Before they could talk more, the doctor came out after analyzing Aarav and his behavior, and his responses to the test he conducted based on his symptoms.

"Doctor?" Sneha stood up as soon as she heard the sound of the door opening.

"Can we talk in our cabin?" he muttered, releasing a breath, looking at the woman and man in front of him.

"Sure," Sneha agreed and the doctor's gaze lingers on NK's face. Sneha sensed that and murmurs lowly, "he will come too."

NK deserved to know what happened to Arav. He has always been the greatest support to her and is still the only support.

The doctor nods walking to his cabin and they follow him in silence.

Dr. Rohan Vyas, M.B.B.S., M.D., Sr. Pyschiayrist.

They read the board as they settle themselves on the chairs in front of him.

Rohan looks at the curious face of Sneha who had already informed him about Arav and whatever happened with him before he analyzed her.

"What exactly happened to him, doctor?" Sneha gulped, ready to face the worst and yet hoping it'd be positive in some way. Her son should be fine soon. NK nods his head in curiosity as the doctor starts, "After analyzing him, I could clearly say that he is having Bipolar Personality Disorder and he seemed to develop it for a few months. It isn't worse yet and before it could turn into it, we'd need to treat him."

He was straight to the point. He hoped they'd take it positively although there was nothing to take positive from whatever he said. But that's how a doctor works, don't they? Being positive and spreading positivity and hope to their patients and their family? Rohan was doing his duty.

"Bipolar Personality Disorder?" Sneha whispered, having little knowledge of the topic. NK was somewhere expecting that. He had studied psychology as one of his free electives at his University and topped the subject and advanced courses he had done on it. He was interested in that although his passion was wild Photography. His passion gave him more encouragement to study human and animal psychics. And he did. Maybe that's why he has the knack to observe every little behavior of anyone who comes across him and he knows very how to deal with people.

"Yes, Mania and Depression. As the name suggests, it had two poles. One is Maniac and One is Depression. Did he ever try to hurt anyone or himself all of a sudden other than the nurse or the other patient here in the hospital?" The doctor knows about the nurse and the patient who went missing. He isn't able to recall the name but knows Arav attacked both women. He wanted to know if there was anything he missed knowing.

"Yes, he did. Khushi-ji. He hit my brother's wife!" NK recalled his brother's words about Arav hitting Khushi and tells the same to the doctor.

Sneha was shocked at that. She didn't know her son hit Khushi even. And her heart broke more. Will he be ever fine?

"Well, he didn't even remember hurting them," he took a pause remembering his session with a weak Arav who was lying awake on the bed when he diagnosed and tested him. Looking at Sneha's curious and NK's little relieved face, he informed them, "While some people do remember what they did in the Maniacs episode, some people don't. Arav belongs to the second category. It is somewhat good at this stage that he doesn't remember it. He'd been having guilt and regret if he'd have remembered and that's good for now considering his condition."

The doctor's words consoled Sneha a little. NK already guessed that and that's why he was relieved before.

But that doesn't mean Arav isn't at risk!

Sneha wants to know the most important thing about her son, "Will he be fine?"

Rohan nodded his head, giving hope to her, "Yes, he'll be fine. I'll try my best to make him fine. Although Bipolar Personality Disorder can either never return or return a couple of times after the treatment. But let's not worry about that. I'll treat him for him to become better. All you have to do is have patience."

Sneha and NK nodded at Rohan's words hoping his disorder to never return. And that he should be fine soon.

Rohan continued his words, "I've also observed he's having bipolar episodes when he's triggered by something."

Now, this puts Sneha and NK in wonder. Sneha croaked slightly, "What's that?"

"You have told me before I could test him that he has no father, remember?" Rohan looked at Sneha and she nodded her head positively. Yes, she told him about her being his mother and that he had no father.

"And when I asked him for his father, he told some ASR's name," Rohan muttered, recalling the session with Arav.

"But your mother told me you've no father!" Rohan raised his question at Arav who had asked to take him to his father.

And Sneha did tell him he has no father.

"No. ASR is my father," Arav, even in his weak, had suddenly gained the voice as he gritted his teeth in anger, glaring at the doctor.

"No. ASR isn't your father. Who told you?" Rohan wanted to know what would happen if he insisted. He noticed the change of behavior in him all of a sudden and this could mean he thought what it could be — Arav is going to act aggressively.

"ASR is my father. ASR is my father. ASR is my father," Aarav mutters in an inaudible voice, removing the needle out of his hand and was about to attack him with the same when Rohan controls him by gripping his hands tight.

"Yeah. Yeah. Cool down, Aarav! ASR is your father, I agree." Rohan tried to feed positive words and see if that would lessen his Maniac episode but no, he was about to attack him with his legs when he calls for a nurse and injects him.

And he fells unconscious and when he woke up half an hour later as the dose was less, he remembered nothing and behaved as if he never attacked anyone. Neither the nurse and him nor Sheetal and Khushi.

It took him one more hour to analyze his condition and come to the conclusion that he was suffering from Bipolar Personality Disorder.

He comes out of the flashback, retelling the same to Sneha and NK, "It's something related to his father that's triggering his bipolar episodes. He was emotionally stressed beyond the limit when I denied him meeting his father or the fact that he isn't his father. And that eventually led to his maniac episodes."

"Even Khushi-ji told something along those lines when he hit her," NK again remembered Arnav's words. Khushi's words were something similar too. Did it trigger Arav?

Sneha recalled the nurse's words and whispered lost in memories, "And the nurse who was hit by Arav said something similar too."

"I said nothing except that he can't meet his father. He should rest. But he didn't listen and was about to remove his IV forcefully and I had to forcefully stop him from getting out of bed. He attacked me with scissors when I said he couldn't meet his father again!" The nurse said to Sneha and to the police.

Sneha nodded at the nurse who had deep cuts on her arms and hands and apologized to her again to which the nurse shrugs, kindly, understanding the kid's mental state.

"That could be his trigger but I doubt there could be more. Not that alone," Rohan shrugs, he needs to analyze him more during his treatment sessions. And he'd know what more could trigger Arav's maniac episodes.

"Will he be fine completely?" Sneha feared and know by now that Arav's case is complicated and doubted again if Arav will ever be fine. Mother's worry is a mother's worry and no one can blame her for being pessimistic.

"Yes, but I need to meet ASR once and analyze Arav's behavior in the presence of him," Rohan added, wanting to observe how he'd behave with ASR since ASR is his father in his words and any denial towards it is leading to his maniac side to get activated.

"I'll talk to him, doctor!" NK muttered. He anyhow would try to pursue Arnav and help the kid. Arav was nowhere at fault for whatever he was suffering from and in no way, one could blame him and deny help. He will talk to his brother. His brother isn't heartless. He'd agree, he knows!

"That's good. For now, let him heal physically. I'll be monitoring him from time to time and will start my treatment once he is better in a day or two," Rohan smiled at his patient's mother and NK. His treatment should be done when he's better in physical condition, otherwise, it would only weaken him more. If he'd have maniac episodes again, he's always there to calm him down. He'd monitor the kid as he promised.

"Thanks, doctor!" Sneha and NK got up thanking him in gratitude. They need to check on Arav once and wouldn't talk about anything that could trigger him.

Arav doesn't even know his mother is not Sheetal but Sneha yet! All of them hoped it wouldn't result in another maniac episode if he knows.

They could only hope and pray for better!



Manorama's Room,

"Hello Hi, Bye Bye, better I go down and eat some salad. I've to make sure my figure is fit," Manorama who had come out of Kavya's thoughts, concentrates back on her diet as she walks down the steps. All her attention turned towards food now as she walks in her usual style, muttering hello-hi-bye-bye after every line.

Only to halt in shock before she could take more steps. She stopped in the middle of the stairs in utter shock.

For, she saw Ayush Mehrotra. Brother-in-law of her. Kavya Mehrotra — someone she know and met once and hated to the core as a few years passed.

What if he sees her? Manorama gulped, getting afraid as the drops of sweat rolled down her forehead.

And she does what has to do, to save herself from Ayush not wanting to spoil her well-thought plan.


From Ayush Mehrotra!

Truth shouldn't spill out before her plan gets successful. 

To be continued..,

Let me know what you think about the update. 

Now, you know Ayush is Khushi's uncle. 

What do you think about why he's here all of a sudden? 

Why's Manorama hiding from him?

Any guesses are welcome!

More will be revealed in further updates.

Opinion on,







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