It Gave Me Chills Chp 19

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Mansoor ran away to the store room and stood on a chair and got down a small bottle and drank from it. He turned to leave and saw Mukku standing behind him. He got tensed. She folded her arms on her torso. "What's the matter? Did I give you poison that you ran away after eating one bite? And what did you just drink?" she asked getting suspicious about him. "Mukku, it's just that I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to have ice cream at that time, and then I came here to have my cough syrup just in case," he said.

"I don't sense truth in all this Mansoor, since you returned, you act very suspicious, I never saw you normal, I never saw you eat or drink anything. If you don't want to tell it's okay but at least don't lie to me, it hurts, and by the way who starts coughing immediately after having just one spoon of ice-cream? Seriously Mansoor? Since when did you begin to lie? " she asked with tears in her eyes. He stepped forward and hugged her but this time she didn't hug him back. "Mukku it's not that I'm lying, I am just talking in code words, that's it," he said.

"What's the need to talk in code words? I don't understand," she said. "This is half truth, I mean close to truth, Mukku trust me please and give me some time, I will tell each and everything to you, even Palwasha bhabhi and Kabir bhai is also very suspicious about me and I have asked them to give me 24 hours to make up my mind to tell the truth, about you also and myself too, you too please give me time, it's not easy, right now I don't have courage to tell you the truth," he said and she finally hugged him back. "Take your time," she said. He smiled.


Alia went towards Khushi and Arnav's rooms and knocked frantically on their doors. "Arnav ji! Khushi ji! Arnav ji! Khushi ji! Please open the door please!" she said. They opened their rooms. "What happen Alia? Why are you so tensed? Is everything alright?" Khushi asked. "Shiv is nowhere to be seen, don't know where he went," Alia replied panting heavily. "How can he go anywhere? He can't even climb down the bed, he can only crawl and walk with help," Khushi said.

"I don't know, but m sorry I didn't inform you before that I did feel that there's something wrong with him," she said. "How did you feel?" Khushi asked. "Last time when I was bathing him, my nail hit him mistakenly, and he touched the cut with other hand. The next moment, there was no blood and no cut as well, he's magical, he can heal his own wounds within seconds. Something is off about him, he doesn't seems normal, that's why his parents left him in the snow to die," Alia said, Khushi sighed and looked at Arnav.

"Khushi, whatever is it, take one of his recent photo, we will ask people around about him," he said, Khushi took one of his framed photograph. The trio rushed out of the house and asked people around about him but got no information. Then they heard some people gossiping. "There is this little boy wandering on the seaside, he doesn't seems normal," said the man. "Yes, there were so many waves around him, still he didn't get affected and saved himself," said another man. "Yes, he was sitting there so bravely," said the man. Arnav went forward.

"How old was he?" he asked. "Not more than six months or so," answered the man. "Where can we find him?" he asked. "Seaside," told the man. "Was it him?" he asked. "Yes," said the man. "Thank you," Arnav said and returned. "Let's go, he's at the seaside," he said and the trio took a lift and went to the seaside. As they reached, they got down and rushed to the seaside and went near the waves and looked around. Khushi's gaze went on the waves and Shiv lying on the sand. "Shiv!" she called diverting their attention and rushed to him.

She picked him up immediately and hugged him. "How might he have ended up here?" Khushi asked standing up with him in her arms. "He can't crawl so much, someone might have brought him here," Arnav said. "But who?" Alia asked. "Let's take him home," Khushi said and the trio went home. "This is impossible, Shiv can't go on his own," Khushi said as she sat with Arnav, Shiv was with Alia who was putting him to sleep. "Like you got to know what was wrong with Kabir's baby, you will get to know this as well," Arnav said.

"I m so tensed for him, who are his parents? Who must be so cruel to leave him in snow?" Khushi asked. "Khushi, we will get to know it somehow, his parents wouldn't be knowing he's still alive and you've taken him in," he said, she nodded and hugged him. He hugged her back. He could still sense tension in her. "Khushi, nothing seems to make you better, right?" he asked and she broke the hug and looked in his eyes. "I take that as a yes," he said and sofly pecked her cheek, she closed her eyes in anticipation.

He kissed her forehead and she kept her eyes closed, he kissed her other cheek and she placed her hands on his shoulders. As he went towards her lips, she opened her eyes and palmed his mouth. "Arnav...," she was cut in between as he moved her hand. "You were so relaxed Khushi," he said and she ran her fingers in his hair and kissed his forehead and hugged him. He hugged her back. "Yes, I did feel relaxed, but lip kisses can proceed in so much more, this isn't the right time," she said and broke the hug. "Okay, I won't force you anyways for what you don't want," he said and smiled at her, she smiled back.

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