OS A Journey To Remember

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One Shot: A Journey To Remember

Khushi's Pov:

Omg! omg I can't able to believe that I'm standing in front of a pool. If it was an ordinary pool, I wouldn't be this excited. I am standing in front of an Animal cell's pool, in which if swim in, I can see the parts of Animal cell.

This will be super cool right. Without wasting a second, i jumped in the pool and I started swimming towards the down. When my body hit the water, to say at first I didn't even felt it as water. I felt like some jelly like substance over me.

Then I remember that I'm inside a Animal cell and this substance, which looks like water may be "Cytoplasm". I'm not good at Biology but still studying about cell will take some interest of mine and I end up thinking about it. Well I can breathe inside it so that's a plus.

I ignore about this and continues to swim deeper. I don't know how but there is light source inside the pool and I wonder about it and this is when I bumped into something. As peoples says, I am attracted to Problems I turned my head and my eyes grew wider.

I end up bumping into my favorite cell which is none other than "Mitochondria" which is known as "The Power House Of the Cell". I look at it excited and for once I get a weird thought that, what if I get shock by touching it with my senses as Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell and power means electricity too. What if I get shock?

But, I remember my Biology mam's word once that mitochondria produces the molecule name "ATP" (Adenosine Tri Phospate) and so it has no affair with electricity I moved near it and place my palms at its surface. A smile crept in my face and I'm so happy...what happy that would be an understatement I was more than the word "Happy" after seeing my favorite cell.

But, I realize that the time is going on and I can't able to stand there for more time. I need to see every cells right. Meeting Nucleus will be interesting and I have hear that centrioles may be differ in shape in different different cells and I want to see it.

Without wasting a second, I resume my swimming and I kept my focus at only front and I'm swimming deeper. After few minutes of swimming, I saw "Golgi Apparatus". I swim towards it and when I reach it, I realized that it is larger than me. I remember sausages seeing it and it has three compartments and its start like the larger one will be in the bottom and the medium size one in the middle and the smallest one is in the top.

I swim towards it top and sits in it, as if like its a chair. Must say, it were soft to sit just like a cushion chair. When I sit there, I felt like I didn't look like a married women but like a small girl. I can get a clear view of cells from there.

But, I froze in that place when my gaze fell on the Lysosome. Animal cell contains a single Lysosome mostly and it will be large comparing to the one in Plant cell. Other cells look ordinary, but....Lysosome looks like a devil and like a cell which has life. It shows its Sharp teeth and I felt miserable seeing it. Lysosomes are suicidal bags of the cell and it is dangerous for cells in different way. But, seeing Lysosome with sharp teeth i get very scared.

The teeth was like the teeth of Pirana in Pirana movie and I can't able to control the fear which grip me as if like embracing me. I took a deep breath because this is what I done when I felt fear, nervous, happy, sad, etc..Some habits never change, even if we lost all hopes and be alone too.

One glance at the lysosome and the next second, I was not sitting in the Golgi compartment cum Cushion chair. I started swimming fast and the Lysosome spots me and follows me showing its sharp teeth.

After few minutes of swimming, I turned back and saw the lysosome still behind me and was following me. My muscles starts paining but, I don't care. I speed up a little and swam fast. That is when I saw few tubles there in the cell and I quickly hide behind one of it.

To my luck, that Lysosome didn't spot me and I let a sigh of relief. I catch my breath back. But, soon to my unfortunate that Lysosome find me when I start to move away from the tubles. Again the chase started and I swim as fast I could. After all I'm a good swimmer and had won many swimming competitions in my school and one of my favorite activity too, in school.

When I saw a rope or something there appear suddenly, I glanced back and sees the Lysosome and without a thought I just hold the rope and I was pulled with so much force from that piece of rope that I was thrown to the other side.

It happens in a nick of time that I didn't understand anything for few minutes and the place I land is like sitting in a cushion bed. I looks around and then it hit me that the rope I get hold of is nothing, but "Endoplasmic Reticulum" and the cell which I am sitting is nothing than the "Nucleus"

My eyes wide in excitement and I felt so good to see Nucleus, aah actually to sit in the Nucleus. I am so happy and I stood up and looks around. I notice that Lysosome is not there and I swim away from the Nucleus to get a better look at the Nucleus.

From little far, I get a good glance of Nucleus and I admire it. When I turn to go away from the Nucleus, I saw the same Lysosome and again the chase starts and I'm so done with it. I feel like shooting it with my favorite Riot gun (kind of Short Gun).

But, I was glad after few seconds because, in my swimming way I find Ribosomes there. They are small particles in large number floating there and I manage to swim through it. But, Lysosome can't and that's why I'm saved from it. I think the third time.

I swim forward, which I do from the time I spot Lysosome. So, until I reach Golgi Aparatus I'm swimming towards down and after I met Lysosome I started swimming forward or straight.

In few seconds of swimming, I saw Centrioles and to my surprise, it was small than I imagined and okay it may be vary from cell to cell and I get a chance to see a small centrioles which is rare. I feel so good being inside the cell and it was interesting being in it.

I saw few vacuoles which are larger in size and I was counting the types of cells I have totally met and that is when again to my annoyance not fear now, That stupid Demolition Squad or should I say that Lysosome again show up.

This time I swim upwards and I swim with anger and annoyance, not with fear. It can be said that if we do the thing which scares us often, then we stop fearing about it, Right. But, this time it reach near me, just 2 feet away and starts swimming with little more speedily and when it was so near to my leg.... Man I'm going to die .... It'll chew me ... Gross I'm not sure whether I'll be tasty... What if it .... Aahhhhhhhhhhh

~ * ~

"AAAAAAAAAaaaahhhhhh" Khushi fell down from the bed. Arnav, who is in deep sleep gets startled and wakes up. He finds Khushi is in the floor rubbing her butt. He immediately goes near her and looks at her, concerned.

She is looking super cute with her hazel eyes wide open, a cute shock look on her face adorning to the cuteness. He sits down in the floor with her and laughs at her. He can understand why she's in the situation. She rubs her eyes and looks at him with anger. He pulls her in his arms and she tried to wriggle off.

But, he grips her tight in his embrace and she give away and rests her head in his chest. After she calms down, he pulls her little away and cups her face and asks,

"Same dreams about cell, huh? " She nodded.

"And again it tried to bite you and kill you?" he asked with a little smile. She again nodded and says,

"Here after I will never see that Movie"

He laughs at her for her childishness and pulls her into his embrace again. This is what she always says whenever she gets this dream. She used to watch those educational movie series"Cell in the Hunt" (imagination one guys) to help their daughter Arshi with her biology projects and stuffs and ends up having a dream of exploring into the cell.

"Which theme and cell this time?" He asks in a teasing tone.

"In swimming pool and Animal cell" she said after giving him a smack at his shoulders and a bite at his cheeks. He kiss her in her cheeks return for her bite and she blushed and hugs him. 

"You are impossible, you know that?" He asked her teasing

Actually, first time when she watched that movie, she gets a dream in which she fly in the sky and the the sky is the Plant Cell and she shouted a lot that Anjali and Shyam, whose room is adjacent to their room comes running to see What happen.

Second time, it happen under the earth and that was only about Mitochondria cell. At first, Arnav was afraid seeing this but later it become like a habit and he is used to it now. He used to tease his wife, Khushi for this. Both stood up and lays in the bed in each other's embrace, feeling the warmth of each other, Arnav's arms around her, rubbing her back, consoling her and cooing her to sleep.

Arnav closes his eyes in satisfaction of having his love in his embrace whereas Khushi close her eyes and the image of Lysosome appear in front of her. She shot open her eyes and remember Arnav's words.

"Think about the beautiful moments of life, when you feel fear"

She turns her head and gives a pecks at the sleeping Arnav's forehead and smiles about her life. She can say her life is a "Bed Of Roses" After all her Arnav is there for her. With a smile playing in her lips and her mind and thoughts occupied by the beautiful moment of her and Arnav, Khushi closes her eyes in merry, Just like whenever she gets that Dream. The Dream of A Journey To Remember.

~ * ~


Nandhu ~

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