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Khushi and Arnav reached Shantivan, after spending the most beautiful evening together.

Their confession, their love, their marriage- everything was real.. and just this thought itself, made Khushi blush.

Like a perfect gentleman, as always, Arnav opened the passenger door for Khushi to get out of the car.

They were both completely drenched in the rain and both were shivering in cold.

Arnav quickly wrapped his arms around his wife, to make her feel comfortable and prevent her from the shivers.

They finally entered the mansion and realized that everybody had already retired to their respective rooms, after the busy evening at the religious gathering.

Everyone except Nani..

"Chotte, Khushi bitiya! Where were you both? I was so worried. Both of your phones were even out of reach!"

Exclaimed the old woman.

"Umm.. Actually nani, Khushi went to buaji's place as her father wanted to see her. So, I just went to pick her up from there," replied Arnav sounding confident to convince Nani.

Nani- You had dinner?

Khushi- Yes, Naniji. We did.

Nani- All right then. Please both of you go and get a shower or else you will fall sick. It's not good to stay in drenched clothes for long.

Both of them complied with Nani's orders and started to proceed towards their room.

That is when Nani summoned Arnav.


"Yes, nani?"

He answered.

"I want to talk to you for just a minute. When you are done taking shower, please come to my room," she stated.

"Is everything all right? Di is fine right?"

Asked a worried Arnav.

Khushi thought it was better, to leave the two people alone for their discussion.

She looked at Arnav, her eyes telling him that she was going to their room.

Arnav reciprocated the same way and assured her that he would be there soon.


Arnav went closer to Nani and asked her- "what's wrong?"

"Chotte, I'm worried about Anjali Bitiya. She is completely broken. I don't know how to bring her back to life. Do you think it is needed, to call Damadji..."

And before the woman could complete the sentence.. Arnav exclaimed in anger-


"No way, nani!! I can't let that person, who is the sole reason for Di's present condition to get the audacity to ruin her life once again."

He continued-

"I know di aint fine and she won't be fine for sometime. But, if I make the mistake of calling back that low life once again in her life, then the aftermath is certainly going to be more grave. So grave, that maybe then, it will be impossible for di to survive. Because, I know that man. He can never change. Such sickness never changes. And its far better to suffer temporarily, rather than lead a miserable life forever. Temporary satisfaction can never give permanent happiness."

Nani knew that Arnav was headstrong about his decisions and there was no way, anyone could change it.

Not that she wanted to change his decisions, but being a grandmother, she couldn't see her grandchild suffering this way.

Be it Anjali or Arnav.

And hence, she had attempted to make a slight change in Arnav's stringent judgements.

Arnav finally softened down and said-

"Don't worry nani. Di will be fine. We are here, right? I'll be there with her, come what may! And now, she will have her baby, who would bring back her happiness. Di will move on, and understand the ill deeds of Shyam Manohar Jha at the same time. Everything will be in its right place, Nani. Very Soon. I promise you."

Though not completely, but nani was convinced with Arnav's words.

She knew that he could not be wrong with this matter, and nothing in the world could judge his love for his only sister.

"I trust you chotte. I hope God makes everything all right, just the way it used to be."

Saying this, nani wished him "good night" and went to her room.

Arnav thought something to himself for a while, and then went for taking a shower.


Arnav took a shower and walked out of the washroom.

Wearing a purple shirt and his usual black track pants, he started walking towards Khushi, who was standing in the poolside of his room, with her back facing him, gazing at the beautiful night sky- which was completely dark due to the still prevailing clouds, after the heavy rainfall, sometime back.

The rains made the weather extremely cold and cool breezes were blowing in the pool side.

Arnav finally reached her and put his arms around her from the back.

She held his arms with both her hands and slowly turned, to face him.

The ripples of the pool water, drew a brilliant reflection on her face and her fair skin was glowing from that light.

Every time, Arnav saw her, he felt he couldn't get enough of her beauty, because every time he looked at her, it seemed as if it was the first time.

"You look beautiful," whispered Arnav, bringing her face close to his, so close.. that their lips were just an inch away.

Khushi blushed hearing his words, just like a newly wed bride and just to hide her shyness and embarrassment,she let go of his grip and tried to move away when he caught hold of her and pulled her with full force so that now, they weren't even an inch far, from each other.

Her breathing was uneven and he was definitely making her nervous.

"You can't run away, Mrs. Raizada. Not this time. I have held you captive in my life, forever."

Saying this, Arnav picked her up in his arms and carried her to their bed, not even for a second breaking their eye lock.


He gently placed her on the bed and sat beside her.

He slowly brought her close, holding her from her waist and put a soft peck on her cheek.

Her cheeks were flaming red and she knew it.

He softly caressed her and kissed her on her wet hair.

She held him, putting her arms around his neck, bringing him more close.

"I love you, Arnavji" - She slowly whispered into his ear.

".. I love you, more"

Came the reply from her handsome husband.

He drew her lips near and brushed his lips against hers.

She was an angel in his life.

A light in his dark world.

The laughter, in the ages of agony.

The happiness, in the times of sadness.


He was protective about her, possessive about her.

And tonight, he knew, that she was HIS.. Only HIS..

His most prized possession..

And she knew, that he was the only one for her.

There could be no one else in this world, who could make her heart beat faster.

He could give her jitters and most of all, he could make her feel complete..

Arnav deepened the kiss and she moaned in pleasure.

The flashes of the time when he saved her from falling.

The flashes of the time when he saved her from the approaching car in the parking lot.

The flashes of the time when he stopped her from suicide..

All of it played in her mind.

She couldn't ask for more from the almighty.

She had got it all.. in the form of this man..

Her Arnav..

And then..

The flashes of the time, when she saved him from the goons.

The flashes of the time when she put her hand above him, and took the cut herself,to save him.

The flashes of the time when she saved AR company from those frauds..

All of it played in his mind.

It was Khushi..

His crazy, mad, beautiful Khushi.

His wife, whom he hated once, but couldn't hate.

Whom he tortured once, but couldn't hate.

Whom he married out of rage, YET.. he couldn't hate.


LOVE- just love. This was HIS Khushi..

They kept kissing each other and time was still.

Nothing in the whole world seemed to matter.

Not anymore.

Losing the track of time, they were both lost in each other, not realizing when they both got undressed.

They were entwined in each other's arms and fell victim to this surreal feeling called Love..

..Tonight, everything was going to change..

They won't be just Khushi or Arnav anymore. But they were going to be one..

.. And in that beautiful dark night, under the witness of God's haven, they surrendered themselves to each other and consummated their marriage.

Finding their solace, they immortalized their love and became "One Soul" forever..

Time didn't matter and the world seemed to have ceased to exist.

Their fingers entwined, they knew that now the story wasn't just about Arnav Singh Raizada or Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada, as two different persons..

It was about "them"..

He kissed her on her forehead and whispered to her "I Love you.."

"I love you more.." This time, she stole his lines.

Hearing her say this, he had the evergreen smirk on his face and claimed her lips once again passionately.

He lay beside her taking her in his embrace, staring at her for moments that seemed like eternity.

She curled herself to him so that her head was on his chest and she could feel his heart beats.

His heart- that beat only for her.

..And they kept caressing each other, framing every second in their minds, which was their first day of forever.. till they both fell into deep slumber, in each other's arms..


The sun rose and its rays came through the long French windows of his room..

He wanted to put the curtains on to avoid the sunlight,disturbing their sleep and he opened his eyes, just to be amazed by the angel in his arms, sleeping peacefully in the embrace of her Prince Charming..

He kept staring at her for moments, that couldn't be counted..

A strand of her hair came on her face and he slowly put it aside, tracing his fingers on her creamy white skin.

She moved slightly in irritation, as the result of his tickling touch, and again rested back to her place.

He liked teasing her, this way.

It amused him..

He bent forward and placed a small kiss on her neck, making her tickle even more..

Enjoying her reactions, he finally whispered in her ears-

"Good Morning, Mrs. Arnav Singh Raizada"

..And she finally opened her eyes, witnessing the most beautiful sight in the world- The face of her husband, looking at her with full of love and the same smirk on his face, which was her favourite..

Arnav- So, You are late!

Khushi- You woke up early!

Arnav- Don't try to defend yourself!

Khushi hit him on his chest and moved back, now sitting on the bed, pretending to be angry.

"I can't wake up late, I know that.." She tried sounding convincing, when her eyes saw the clock on the wall..

8.30 am?????

"Hey Devi Maiyya! How can I be so late! Jiji and nani would scold me.." Stated a worried Khushi..

"Why didn't you wake me up when you woke up early?" She questioned Arnav, fidgeting while speaking.

"Was I supposed to?" Replied Arnav, who was enjoying this session, seeing his crazy Khushi behave as if waking up late meant the start of World War III!

Khushi- Of course! Everything is your fault..

Arnav- ..What The?

Khushi- Yes, if last night-

And she stopped midway

She couldn't help, hiding the blush, which took over her cheeks making them as bright as red apples.

She was pretending to be angry with him and fighting with him, just to save herself from this moment, of facing him.. after what happened last night and here she was, once again.. hitting the axe on her own feet- with her own words..

Arnav knew her too well..

His Khushi, she was after all.

But he enjoyed agitating her, this way..

So he continued teasing her..

Arnav- ... Last night...??? Umm.. What happened Last night?

..That ignited the spark of anger in Khushi and she knew that now, he was doing this on purpose, playing with her..

"Nothing happened last night!" She burst out with anger..

That wasn't really anger but just a feeling of defeat in front of the man, who always won.

Arnav knew that his wife was annoyed and he didn't want to worsen the situation by fuelling it more, for, he didn't want to go through all the toils of wooing her once again, because she really gave him a tough time doing so in the past few days.

Though, he loved every bit of doing things for wooing his wife, but he didn't want to do so at the risk of being a target of her anger once again.

Yes, this was the same ASR, whose anger scared the hell outta people.

Whose personality shook people from their grounds.

And here he was..

The same ASR, now, frightened even at the thought of making his wife angry on him.

He stepped forward..holding Khushi from the back.

His arms encircled around her stomach.

"Last night I made you mine forever, Mrs. Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada." He finally spoke in her ears.

His touch created a rhapsody of sensations inside her and she smiled and in a playful tone said-

"Go and get fresh fast Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. Or else, you would be late for office."

So, now she was teasing him..

ASR was surprised looking at this new mode of his unpredictable wife.

And he loved this part of hers..

"Hmm... So...?" Arnav said, caressing her hair.


Replied Khushi, getting away from his hold.

She quickly did her hair into a messy bun and said-

"I will go and make your breakfast Arnavji. Its quite late, everyone would be waiting for us in the dining table."

He knew that the game wasn't easy.

Now that Khushi was equally a tough contender.

He was ASR..and she?

She was ASR's wife!

How could the game be easy, anyway?

"All right, Mrs. Raizada! You win this time..But its not over yet. We shall see tonight," He winked at her, making her mouth open in a complete O shape, out of astonishment.

Enjoying this, Arnav went inside the washroom with his towel, shutting the bathroom door behind him.

Khushi stood there for a minute, smiling at herself. Rejoicing the flashes of last night-Of THEIR last night.

..And then, she walked out of the room, happy as never before, hurrying towards the kitchen to make breakfast for her beloved husband...


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