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I hope you all have been having a good day. If not, it's ok. You don't have to have a good day to be here, and I hope it gets better for you, or at very least, a bit easier.

This is just some characters of mine that I've been drawing lately. Not all of the sketches are very nice, apologies.

I haven't had too much time to sketch lately. I've had some other things I've been prioritizing.

This is Death. Yes, Death, you might see him later, might not. Though I really would like to sketch a better picture of him for you guys.

This is Star, he tucks the stars in for sleep during the day, and wakes them up at night. Just, takes care of them really. (Guess you could say he watches over you lot too.)

Not sure if anyone remembers these two. Shawni and Zachari are a couple of Naga characters of mine. I just like them.

This is Life. Yeah, just, Life. I could explain further but I don't want to bore you all.

These two are just some characters I've been lightly obsessing over for a little while. Their story is one I enjoy coming up with, but I don't have most of the plot, they are.

And this is my dnd character. She is very cute.

Here's another one of her.

Aaand here are some random sketches of characters I've already introduced.

I'm sorry if this book seems rather boring. I could try drawing some of the characters from my books if you all would like. But I can't guarantee they'll look perfect at all. Still, I suppose my skill has improved since I was last on here. I don't think it would hurt to try.

Oh, small update!

I'm going to try to avoid uploading too often, so once a week should be the most I do. This includes all of my books, so if I post on this book, that's all there will be that week.

I hope you guys understand, this is all just to avoid me stressing about posting a bunch of content all at once and then having nothing to post for months at a time. This way, I hope to be able to space it out properly and possibly give myself room to breath every once and a while.

That should be all, I hope you all have a wonderful evening,

G'Night Stars.

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