Omg they're actually alive

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(Yep my header is still the Black Lives Matter thing I edited; it's still a problem and it's not a trend, there are real issues that need to be addressed here. I'm not All Lives Matter because "all lives" are not at equal risk, and all lives CAN'T matter until black lives matter. We need some serious reform to the system.)

Now that I've addressed that (I've been meaning to believe me lmao) I have ✨content✨ and you can thank my art class! Before I get into that though, would any of you be interested in a How to Succeed on Wattpad book/chapter? It's an idea I've had for a while since I remember reading a book that really helped me build my audience, and I've learned a lot in my years on here even as things have changed!

Time to find out what I've actually done since the last time I updated JFNFKBEKEOR
And yeahhhhh, obviously OC takeover week didnt happen (I'm very sorry about that this is the first year I've missed it!! School got busy ;-; )

^was showing a friend how I do overlay shading on art

.....don't worry about it

Sandypaw in a suit doodle (she absolutely would and you can't tell me otherwise, plus she's mY BRAINCHILD NOT YOURS)

Halloween contest entry! Tbh the contest never really concluded formally-? I should check up on that but uhh yeah this was hella fun to make OWO

RWBY Volume 8 bingo (self-made, also shhhh I'm behind an episode okay-)

I had to.

Made a Tucker meme lmao (also this is literally Sandypaw after she dies)

New bean!!! He's highly inspired by animal jam since I was playing earlier the day I made them (unintentionally inspired actually, but I'm very happy with him!)

More Kaison! I was playing with different editing features on ibisPaint and it turned out hella cool

My mom wanted help figuring out a design for a shirt for her boyfriend (I'm pretty sure it's from the Eurovision film, I think that's the name), the front is going to say "Play Ja Ja Ding Dong" which is a joke the two make all the time and makes sense if you've seen it lmao

Another new gal for the Warriors universe! But she's not with Sandypaw and Orchidspot; I'm making a character alongside DorkyNugget  and they're gonna be disabled lesbians! (This was not the initial plan but it turned out that way, I'll leave it up to her if she wants to talk about her gal!)
Also this was an intentionally poorly done sketch to show Dorky how she should make the lineart for trying out colors lol I have a better reference for her

That's all my digital art, onto the traditional pieces!

Finished the character mashup of my gal Beetle and Dorky's fursona I designed! (Reference is last chapter if you wanna see the 'sona, art of Beetle in the chapter "2020 already?")

Another Halloween contest entry, this time for school! Originally I got this INCREDIBLE AWESOME idea that would take a LOT of time and anatomy studying, but I literally wasn't able to work on it for several days so I had to change plans and just drew my gal because she's fun to draw, good practice shading with only one pelt color, and drawing her mouth was HECKA fun! Also I need more blue colored pencils that are lighter colors smh

Quickly done book cover thing for my English class because I forgot about it and didnt start until the class before, comparing it to the first one is physically painful but at least it's done djbfksjdhwbka

Finally, the reference sheet for my new lesbian I made to be with Dorky's character! Her name isn't set yet but her design is; she's based on the Turkish Van breed and has partial deafness from when she was born due to genetics (white cats with blue eyes are much more prone to blindness and hearing problems, moreso blindness but she only has partial blue on one eye so I figured I'd give her slight deafness in the ear on that side). Later on in her life an accident causes her to fully lose hearing from that ear, though she can still hear fine with the other ear, so she's not exactly perfect for patrols unless it's hunting fish because she can't tell when she's being loud very well and, as balance is affected by ear damage, she isn't the most graceful/steady on her feet. When she was younger she managed okay because her partial deafness wasn't changing and she learned like Brightheart how to adapt to it, but with the further damage later in her life she can't adapt well to be as good as she was.

She's stuck mostly helping around camp doing apprentice tasks like feeding the queens and elders and cleaning their bedding, with the occasional fishing trip and playing with the kits. Some of her key personality traits are that she's very stubborn (she had to be to prove herself with her deafness), a bit prideful, and motherly. She has a mate before her accident who gives her kits, but after she becomes fully deaf in one ear her mate leaves her for another cat. Eventually she and Dorky's cat become close through the fact that they're both struggling and end up together! Kitty lesbians!

Alright, end of chapter life update! I'm on medication for ADHD symptoms now, my finals are almost done, Tucker and the guinea pigs are good (though Tucker unmuted me during class the other day and the whole class heard me ask him "why are you like this?" while unaware he had unmuted me, the teacher was fine with it and understood lmao), I'm struggling to take good care of myself but hopefully that can improve a little with winter break coming in literally a day, I have like NO plans made for Christmas gifts because I procrastinate just about everything, and I haven't seen friends in person in a while but hopefully we'll have a get together before Christmas to celebrate the holidays and one of them getting to go visit his girlfriend for the first time for the holiday! My emotional state is.... to be honest something I mostly ignore, the last thing I remember feeling strongly is stressed over catching up with messages in a Discord server and I've been having some kinda bad anxiety issues as well; I'm happy I'm finally updating again though! Don't expect me back on a regular schedule though lol

I've also been using the app Habitica a lot, it's a task organizer RPG style app that's really useful if you have trouble managing and motivating to get work done because you can get rewarded with coins, pets, potions, and food as well as experience for your avatar, which you can customize how you like! I'm not sponsored lmao, it's just helped me a lot with drinking enough water, eating the bare minimum, and getting things done like chores and homework! So if it's something you struggle with, or even something you don't and you're just curious, I highly recommend checking it out! I also have a self care/mindfulness focused app named Amaru that's in beta stage of development; you take care of this winged cat and have three daily goals: do something with the cat, meditate, and write in a gratitude journal! You can also play a few mini games (it's still in development so there's much more to come!) and pet the kitty!!

I'm going to do an OC QnA next chapter for any questions about/for them, I know no one asked for it but I figure it could be fun and I promise interacting with them is ALWAYS entertaining! Plus I feel bad for missing OC takeover week and want to still do something, so even if you think you're not super interested in asking anyone anything I hope you'll consider it so I get to practice a bit myself, explore them better, and still celebrate my brain kids! Might not be for a bit if I pass out though lol, I need a nap

I hope you're all taking good care of yourselves, and if you're not then it's okay! You can get there, take little steps at a time and try to appreciate something/someone that makes you happy today!

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