The world might be crazy but we've got small victories

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Hey y'all!! Finally got around to making a Pride Orchidspot drawing while my mom and her boyfriend argue about politics in the distance uwu

The bab is your local bi child <3
So what if pride month ended already I still did it!! And I had a ton of fun doing it too~

Just so y'all know, I have plans to start work on a BIG revamp of an older world of mine and I'm gonna be going all out for this project! Unfortunately you don't get any teasers, but I can tell you that if I manage to fully commit to this it's gonna be CRAZY cool!! Sooooo hopefully I don't lose motivation halfway through XD

Bean update: he sleep

Tucker loves you! (But he'd never show it... just trust me on this one ^^)
Anything happen in anyone's life they wanna share? Gimme the freshest tea I'd love to hear what y'all have been up to while I've been away~

Oh also DorkyNugget is heckin cool uwu

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