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I left Sandy in charge for one day and she almost fought two people ,-v-,
I'M SORRY Swiftflight AND Ninjai356

ANYWHO!! Let's leave the past as the past and move on to our next OC, Birch!!! He should get along with everyone MUCH better; go ahead and introduce yourself Birchie!!

A-Ahh, umm... hi, I'm Birch! I uh, guess I'm in charge of this account for the next day or so... please be kind to me >-<
...I really don't want to be left in charge here Cavy!!!! What if I mess something up?!?! Plus it's Halloween!!!! I don't want to get tricked or scared!!!!

Oh, erm, sorry Birch; I didn't think about that. How about I stay in the same room so I can help you if you need it, okay? Everyone! Be nice to him; no spooks!! I will personally send Morning to annoy you tomorrow if you do!!! I'll leave you to it, Birch!

O-Oh, one thing before we go!! I j-just wanted to say thanks to Ninjai356 for drawing me full-body, even if it was a prize Cavy won. It was super nice of you a-and I bet it took a while too, so thank you very much!!!!

One last thing Cavy wanted to include! Her school is letting them dress up for Halloween tomorrow but she won't be wearing her mermaid costume because of the tail.... her school is two stories and she has dance, after all! So she'll be wearing this instead:

I-It's.... not my taste, but as long as she's happy and doesn't cause trouble I'm not going to try to stop her ^^

I guess I'll see everyone around Wattpad today, so.... bye for now?
-Birch (assisted by Cavy, poor innocent bean)
(10/31/17) (H-Hal-lowe-een!)

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