Barllex request

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So for every request that's with a ship, it will be like the last one didn't happen, so Barb and Trollex didn't kiss in this one. 

Riff watched Barb pace back and forth. He was very confused on why she was doing this. "Barb what's wrong?" She looked at him then sat on the couch behind her and stated " Riff, I'm just lost in my thoughts that's all. " she went to leave but bumped into something, " Hey! What do you think AHHH! Trace! Stop sneaking up on us!" 

Trace had a small smile on his face before apologizing. "I have a request, it's for you and Trollex to go on a date. You got that. "Trace said holding a clip board with the request on it. Barb was in shock about this. Going on a date with Trollex, it was the craziest thing she ever thought of. 

Riff then said "Well that should be easy for you Barb. It will be like the like 1000 dates you've had. Plus all of those you never had any feelings for so this should be a sinch. Especially if it's with Trollex, king of the fish trolls." He was very meh today, but that simple thing infuriated Barb. 

"He's not a fish troll! He's a Techno troll,  and it's not easy, and it's not like those ones. This date would be different." Barb slammed her hands on her mouth before whe spilt anything personal. Trace smiled. "So do you like him?" He asked her. Barb started to stutter as she thought about it. She realized that she did have feelings for him, and lots of them too. She realized why she always thought about him, and why she always liked being with him.

"Uh . . . .  no. N N N no. I don't have I mean I do, I mean I. Oh i don't know. It's complicated, like I don't want to but I do." She went onto the ground in a ball. She was trying not to get emotional but she help it. 

Trace smiled while Riff was speechless, he had never seen his Queen so emotional. 

With Trollex. 

Beat was watching Trollex draw Barb again in his secret notebook . "Cute Barb drawing dude." Trollex looked at his green brother and smiled. "Man I just wish I could just tell her how I feel, and just stay with her forever. Man I've never felt this way about a troll before."

Beat giggled before saying  "it's not the first time. Remember , Mariah. " he smiled forgetting why Trollex never talks about her. Beat watched Trollex's face go from googoo eyes to sad, sorrow filled eyes. He felt his eyes start to dwell with tears.

"She was different Beat. And plus I didn't have that big of a crush on her." He said rubbing the back of his head, having flashbacks of a very horrible accident. Beat laughed contradicting him "dude you had a crush on her for three years before you asked her to dance and explained your feelings for her.  " he talked remembering that night at the dance, before remembering what happened to her. " oh, sorry dude. I forgot what happened. "  and then he realized something. "Ooh, that's why your protective about Barb. Because you don't want what happened to her to Barb, don't you." Trollex shook his head yes feeling tears pushing at the back of his eyes begging to come out. 

"Trollex that will never happen to her. Come on, I know you have horrible luck. But what happened to Mariah can't happen to Barb. Ok?" Trollex looked at his friend and smiled wiping the tears that snuck on to his face.

Then they heard a knocking on their door, they both looked at each other confused before Trollex got up and opened the door to a very big surprise.

"Barb. What's up?" He tried to make it look like he wasn't crying and since Barb is a rock troll she can't tell stuff like this. 

She stumbled across her words " hiii Trollbex, I mean Trollex! I wanted to go I mean know if you wanted to go out to brunch, or lunch? " she face palmed because she thought that she had messed up badly. Trollex tilted his head at her strange behavior, but told her "sure. I'd love to have brunch with you, as long as Beat can come." He gave her a smile which she thought was adorable. 

When they got in front of the cafe, Barb saw Trollex's hand and longed to hold it, she reached out to hold it but Trollex gave her a confused look. He asked her what she was doing, "Uh um. . . I was . . . I was getting the leaf off of your hand.  Let's get a table." She changed the subject quickly. When they sat down, they were greeted by a waiter. 

"Hello you two, oh I mean you three. Oh Barbie, I'm surprised your here with Trollex. " Barb growled at who the waiter was.

But Trollex was the opposite " Hi Cloud Guy, how are you?" He gave him a smile then saw Barb's experience and got worried. Cloud guy gave them their menus. 

Barb noticed that Trollex was making a cute thinking face and smiled, then asked him " Do you want me to pick your meal?" He nodded his head, and Beat nudged his shoulder, and whispered "are you going to tell her?" He told Beat no.

Barb then asked " You like pancakes right? Because I see some pretty good ones." She said licking her lips. He told her that he loves pancakes. Then Cloud Guy came back.

"Hello, you three know what you want? " He asked with a cheeky smile. Barb growled but told him that they wanted the chocolate sprinkle pancakes. And that she wanted a pumpkin spice mocha latte too, and Trollex wanted a apple juice. 

Trollex heard what she ordered for and smiled and told her thank you. 

"No problem dude. It was nothing." she said trying not to let Val and Poppy see her being sweet, kind, and caring.  Trollex grinned, then he saw Poppy, Val, Dawn, and Essence at the table across from them. "Oh no . . ." He whispered. Cloud Guy came back with their orders and winked at Barb. She growled digging her fork into the table. Trollex saw this and said "um Barb, you know your digging into the wrong thing right?" She realized what she was doing and giggled nervously taking her fork out of the table and into her pancakes. 

Trollex cut his up and gave some to Beat Drop, and then when Beat was full ( which was only after 10 bites ) he started to eat it. Barb took a sip of her drink but got greeted by cold apple juice. She saw that Trollex was going to take a sip and she tried to warn him but was too late.

"Ahh! Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot! ( gulps down the hot coffees ) Barb I think this is yours." He said as his mouth was burning. Barb switched there drinks and made sure that Trollex had apple juice. 

Barb wanted to know Trollex a little better so she started to ask him some questions. "So have you ever had a crush before?" Trollex was drinking his apple juice but when he heard the question he split it right out almost choking on it. "( coughing to get the apple juice out ) what! Have I ever had a crush! Um . . . mabey. . ." He answered shyly, Barb then asked who was it. Trollex thought about it before taking a breath and starting his story.

" Her name was Mariah. She had blonde hair, blue skin, and bright pink eyes. She was my first crush. I had a crush on her for 3 years before I finally told her how i felt. But she said that she didn't feel that way for me, but we were still friends. And she said friends, and not best friends. Then about 5 or 6 years later we were getting shells and coral buds to make mother's day gifts. ( Trollex felt the tears and the horror come back to him as he recalled the memory ) I was about only like 3 or 4 inches away from her and she suddenly got pale, and collapsed. I caught her and saw a baby box jelly fish and realized that she got stung by it. I raced her to the hospital but when I got there ( starting to cry  ) it was too late. . ." He finished crying all over and Barb was shocked at his story. 

Essence, Dawn, Poppy, and Val heard his story and heard him crying. Essence was about to go and comfort him but stopped when Barb got up and put her hand on his shoulder. He froze sitting up straight, and Beat Drop whispered to Barb that you cant touch him like that. 

" Hey, it's ok. I'm sorry I asked that, and I'm sorry that happened dude. " Beat Drop saw her empathy for Trollex and cleared his throat. "That's why he's over protective of you Barb. He has a crush on you too, and is scared that the same thing that happened to Mariah will happen to you." Barb was stunned to learn that he had a crush on her, but then asked " is that true Trollex?" 

He sniffled before saying " yes, its true. I am terrified of that happening to you, and I am over protective but that's only because I wasn't protective at the time with Mariah. But the only reason why I never told you was because I thought you would yell or laugh at me. " he admitted starting to cry harder. Barb couldn't believe what she was hearing, but she felt something inside of her that was telling her to do something.

She wrapped her arms around him and tried to comfort him. "Trollex I will never laugh at you, well unless you do something funny. But i would never yell at you for telling me how you feel. Because I know how hard it is, I can barely talk to you without stuttering. And don't be scared of that happening, because I can promise you that will never happen to me. And I love you" she held him close to her not noticing that Poppy was sqweeling with joy about Barb hugging and explaining her feelings.

Trollex looked at her " you ( sniffle ) you love me? Even though I'm weird and strange?" He couldn't see why she would love him. Barb then said " of course I love you, I love everything about you. From your rainbow arms to your Techno heart, I love every little thing about you." She suddenly felt big warm arms wrap around her. 

Trollex was now happy crying and  hugging her then said " well I love you too Barb. Even when you get blistering mad, or when your doing a rocking guitar solo, I love you. I love you just the way you are." He grabbed Beat and brought him into the hug too. 

Poppy then took a picture of them hugging, while Val and Riff were star struck.

Trace smiled  then went into the kitchen and found Cloud Guy. "Well, I would call  that a success. Now Cloud Guy can you help me with the next one. It's a double date with Barllex and Wanllio, from @seaturtles4ever, the same person who asked for this one too. " Cloud Guy  finger gunned Trace and said " I've got you covered Ballan wannabe. " Trace raised his unibrow and crossed off the Barllex date. 

1974 words. I was not expecting it to be this long. Please tell me what you think, and thank you @seaturtles4ever for requesting this. I will be back with either A. More troll art, or B. With the double date. Bye🧡💜❤💙💚💛💗💖💕💓🖤🧡💜💙💚💛💘❤🧡💜🖤💝💞💟💘❤💓💓💕💖💗💙💚💛💙💙💙💙

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