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ok so i am thinking of making a group thingie.

anyone who has a dragonoid(kinda like humanoid but dragonoid so anything dragon-like)creature or an imp can join. mabye if you have some other species you can ask and i might allow them.

so... the group thingie is called...


i might make a roleplay or sometin for this but here is what i have so far.

dreamguard is built on dreams and imagination. creatures from all around the universe(and the alternate universes) come to visit dreamguard. it is the number one destination for vacation and it is a place where creatures accept thier differences and come together as one. it is a beautiful place with floating crystals, glowing ponds, lotsa fireflies, gigantic bioluminescent plants, and a floating capital called cegico. it has a floating crystal the size of three mountains combined. it is truly a beautifull place.

sadly, three years after being imagined, it got forgotten and, instead of being a beautiful vacation place, it was a black planet that consumed souls and tore them apart, but after awhile, a dragon re-imagined dreamguard and made it even more beautiful than it was.

but dreamguard now has more restrictions on who can enter and who cant.

btw, if you havent noticed, dreamguard is a planet.

i will be making a map soon.

i already planned it.

its gonna b cool.

so ya...

so first three to become an inhabitant of dreamguard can make thier own dreamguard continent you have to have a map thingie for it tho and it has to be your drawing of the continent.

they also get a drawing of thier dreamguard resident.

heres the form you gatta do.





age(dragonet, adult, baby, kit, etc...):


continent they live on:(continents coming soon. write this part when they come up on here. be sure to look out for them!)


weaknness(if any):


backstory and why they moved to dreamguard:

please try to fill out as much as the form as you can!

here are my first inhabitants.

name: Sola

species: doesnt have a species, but she looks like a dragon.

gender: likes t be called female. she doesnt really have a gender, but she feels female and acts female, so she calls herself female.

sexuality: gay(well, shes bisexual but her mate is female so ya.)

age: almost full grown. old enough to mate.

personality: the kinda has two sides. the good side of her is happy, calm, sweet,and proud f herself and who she is. the bad side of her is a worried mess that is messed up, unorganized, and a little ashamed of herself.

mate: Lyri

continent they live on: not yet....

abilities: she can move things with her mind, but not really heavy things. the is made of some sort of undiscovered metal, so she is really hard. her fingers can turn into sharp blades.

weaknesses: reallyreallyreallyreallyreallyreally hot fire.

appearance: she is a metal dragon with floating limbs that arent attatched to her body but can't fly away(unless she uses her telekenesis). she has floating wings, legs, horns, and a floating thing(well, things) on her tail.

backstory:she was originally an experiment(nobody knows what for), but escaped when she found her lost mind and decided to have a life. she tore down the building that made her and used to live in the ruins of it until she explored a bit more and found a jungle. all the dragons were mean to her and called her 'freak', but she stayed anyways in hopes of finding something she heard of called 'love'. the night before she was about to give up on her life and kill herself, she met Lyri, the hornless dragon. they fell in love and became proud of being freaks. they went to Dreamguard in search of a place where they could be accepted both as freaks and as girl-girl mates.




sexuality(optional): gay

age:same age as Sola

personality: sweet and caring. kind of shy around new creatures but its all good when she knows that they accept her deformity and sexuality. likes to me organized. somehow ok even though she has to convince Sola that it is ok to be a freak and she isnt just an experiment every day or so.

mate: Sola

continent they live on: ya know they arent out yet...

abilities: can breath fire. she is also very agile and stelthy

weaknness: normal dragon weaknesses. sctatches hurt. so does fire, ace breath, and all that junk, although somehow she can't drown unless you go down with her. nobody really knows how or why, but some say it is a curse.

appearance: she looks like a hornless rainwing, although she doesnt have the fangs or the cool abilities. she is normally pink with yellow frills and light blue spikes.

backstory and why they moved to dreamguard: she wat thrown out of her kingdom as a dragonet due to her deformity. stumbling around, she found a big tree. she climbed it and built a small sketchy hammock, cause shes a smart kid. she has lived there ever since she met Sola, building a better hammock along with a pully so she can pull up fruits, a roof, a table, and hunting supplies. when she met Sola, her life changed. before leaving dreamguard, she turned her home into an orphanage and a place where dragonets can accept each others differences. Lyri and Sola went to Dreamguard in search of a place where they could be accepted both as freaks and as girl-girl mates.

hope you guys join! i will not make a RP right away, but i am making a book on dreamguard and a chat page and some stuff!

remember, dreamguard is still being imagined(constructed) and the whole planet won't become paradise yet...

but come on over to dreamguard anyways! it needs citizens!

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