next gen kids? maybe?

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Their names are Nisha And ossana

Nisha is child of Nicole And sasha And  ossana is child of  onnie And sasha

Ossana is the older And nisha is younger

Nisha is the girl with one Brown eye And one blue eye .

Ossana is the girl with half Green And half blue .

Some weird AU story ( weird Au story created by AquaAndMusic23 shout-out to her for her awsome arts :3) :

when ossana was like 3 F!sasha broke up with F!onnie since onnie cheated on sasha with F!Oxy. ..And it was on her's And onnie's relationship aniversary , she was so angry that sasha kicked onnie And  Oxy out And told onnie to never come back , that night onnie DiD came Back And desided to grabb  ossana, ran away with her And left her in adoption centre. .............. .....................

A few months passed And sasha was again in relationship but this time she was REALLY in love,  F!sasha And F!Nicole desided to have a child,  And that child was nisha, 

When nisha  was like 5 she wanted a Sister ,  ossana was 9 at that time And after sasha went to adoption centre she saw ossana And reconized her,  she adopted her And took her to her And nicole's home  And ossana became F!Nicole's daughter And Nisha's sister .

Why ossana has the blood on her you ask? She was bullied by other Kids in that adoption centre .

Ossana : - huggs nisha -

Nisha : -smiles - " sorry she's shy. ...


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