Biggest Fandom Dump Ever

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Alrighty, I'm back, guys!

Did y'all read the previous chapter?

No? Go read it 🔫

Anyway! Let's finish today's drawing dump, shall we?

• • •

Oh my god this page alone is the reason for the title of this chapter— 😂😅

So many fandoms tackled on one page—

So first, I drew post "Thanks to Them" Hunter with his mullet tied back in a ponytail! I honestly think he'd slay :')

Though, now that I think about it, it would probably make him resemble Caleb a bit more— o.o

...Eh, he can make it work 😅

Next, I doodled Nina with a different fit based on her mood board (TLDR, two friends helped me make an entire board for my story so I can organize my thoughts and such (we use miro) and we made a mood/aesthetic board for each character XD), and then there's a doodle of Cole right after that 😂

Then I doodled Jack again because my poor boy needs some more love :')) I barely draw him—


As you can tell, that is when Cole reunites with him :'))

Next, I made another Cole doodle, but I was trying out a different shirt for him, idk 👀

Then there's Andrew with his mask, Silver above him, Shuichi, and then Hero.. then a small Ashley doodle with Chiaki next to her...

Oh my god how many fandoms did we tackle already? My own story, TOH, Sonic, Danganronpa, and Omori... and we're about to add two more 😳

The next doodle is a quick one I made for Cole's birthday, and next to that, we have a new fandom addition XD

My friend got me into Mob Psycho! I still haven't finished and I'm not obsessed with it, but I do enjoy the characters a lot :)) And oh my god my friend kept saying I'm a lot like Ritsu, and after watching a bunch of it... yeah... I can see it 😂😅

So I drew the Kageyama brothers! Ritsu and Shigeo— or Mob XD look at them :')) 💖

And then my dumbass drew the horny man himself, Denji from CSM XD

I like the art style of CSM a LOT... I might use it as a study one day 👀

Next, I made a doodle of Cole undercover... like with a different fit and either a wig or dyed hair..

I'm still seriously debating whether he should dye his hair at all at any point... because I like my dumb blonde boy :(( I'll see what I end up doing—

Then we have a crying Aubrey because ✨angst✨, and another doodle of Nina.. possibly older? like maybe 18 or 19?

And finally, I doodled Amy! :D 💕 look at her 😌✨

Next page!

• • •

Oh boy, another wild dump 😂

Here we gooooo

So I started coming up with more concepts for Cole's parents! I was doing some research and taking notes on characterization for them soooo... I figured I can actually picture them better now XD And I finally named the dad, too! Martin Johansen :> (My friend helped me name him XD)

One key thing to remember about Martin is that Cole looks exactly like him genetically. That's why I was also thinking about Cole dying his hair to look less like his father??? I dunno... Or maybe he'll grow to accept his appearance and that he can be himself?? Aghhhhhhh

Either way, Martin has facial hair, so that's also a reason why Cole tries to remain clean shaven 😅

As for Anna, his mom, I decided to straighten her hair.. meaning the boys get their wavy hair genes from their dad 😅

These designs aren't final, but they're definitely a place to start :) I had previous designs for them, but I didn't like them too much o.o

So we have a few more doodles of Anna— one of her smiling, and one with her hair pulled back :'))

Then I drew Cole to see if I could draw him and Martin and have them look like each other like I intended... AND GUESS WHAT IT KINDA WORKED??? Bc one of my professors knows I sketch, and when he was walking around and saw that and asked me about my doodles, he asked if Martin and Cole were the same character

I succeeded, guys

Then I doodled a random girl, idk... then there's Blaze, then Chiaki.. and then oh my god I decided to be angsty and draw Izuru because oh my god his hair is so fun to draw 😭 and of course Junko's behind him...

Guys Hajime/Izuru is such a tragic character I literally cannot

So much angst


Then we have Rantaro being the fine man he is 😌✨

Then there's Cole, my boy Jase, Nagito being himself, then I doodled Kel for his birthday (11/11), my lil girl Kali....

And ofc my boi Shuichi, and for some reason while I was sketching eyes all over the page, I wanted to try to nail how I draw Rantaro and Shuichi's eyes, so there's that 😂😅

Then I drew Hunter again because of course I did, and finally, Mari :')) ahh she's so graceful 😭

• • •

Next page!

This is the last one I have for now XD

So here we go!

I just wanted to draw Nina and Cole in different fits, soooooo

I drew Cole in Denji's fit with a chainsaw arm 😅

Then there's Nina with a summer camp kinda shirt.. I feel like she would totally be a counselor XD

And next up, I doodled Cole in Rantaro's fit, and then tried Denji's again but without the chanisaw arm 😂😅

Then I doodled Ashley again! She's lovely :'))

Now... ready more cringe hypotheticals/headcanons? For DRV3 this time?

Okay XD

So 👏🏻

First of all, I doodled Saimatsu because I wanted to :')) Look at them chilling ❤️

But I also love a bunch of other ships and dynamics

So I thought... in a perfect world where they aren't die and shit, how would their future lives look?

I already figured Shuichi and Kaede would only have one kid, and probably a daughter :')) They'd both be such nice parents ksjdhg

I gave her Shuichi's hair and eye color, but her eyes have a hint of purple from Kaede's eyes :> Personality-wise, she's more similar to Shuichi, but she has Kaede's playfulness.. so she's a calm playful 💖

(I also considered Amamatsu and Saiouma since I have a soft spot for those as well... I feel like Amamatsu would have two kids, and Saiouma wouldn't have any, they'd just frequently take care of the Amamatsu kids XD)

However, in the Saimatsu universe, I thought it'd be funny if Rantaro and Kokichi were both roommates and single XD Rantaro would come hang out with the kids a lot, he's the best uncle ✨

Oh my god another idea I had with Rantaro, he'd totally adopt a kid :')) of course... only after he finds all his sisters 😅

I also thought of Harukaito! I gave them three kids, but I only drew one of them XD Look at that dork :> the same energy as his dad 😂 he'd have dark purple hair, Maki's red eyes, and Kaito's skin tone 😌) I think he'd be the middle kid, maybe have an older brother and younger sister?? Don't know XD

I didn't draw the rest of these, but here are other headcanons!

Kiiruma would be a thing— either they adopt two kids, or they build their own XD

Tenko and Himiko would be those two lesbian aunts visiting everyone, they wouldn't really have kids of their own 😅

I also thought about Kirumi and Ryoma— I don't really ship them hardcore, but I feel like them as parents would be so interesting and lovely :')) They'd have a few, probably four kids.. maybe all boys? or 3 boys and 1 girl? Ryoma would be such a good dad, and Kirumi.. we already know she'd be fantastic XD

I feel like the Ryoma/Kirumi household would always host parties and big events since Kirumi can organize shit 😂

Korekiyo and Angie each have no kids, really.. they're both minding their own business (cough, being a cult leader and trying to appease a dead sister—)

Meanwhile, I think Gonta would adopt a lil girl! Maybe Tsumugi would help him take care of her :D I don't know if I see them as a couple or not, maybe roommates??? Or maybe they get together after Gonta already adopted the kid? I don't know... kinda like with Ryoma and Kirumi, I don't necessarily ship these two, but I can totally see this scenario

So now that I finished describing that—

The next doodle is of uncle Rantaro 😂 he's chillin, obviously talking to the kids XD

"Heheh, really now?"

He'd totally be the teasing kind of uncle ;^; ❤️

And the last two doodles are just Sonic, and I started doodling Cole in or after a fight... Don't know yet 😂

Anyway, onto digital shit!~

• • •

So one of my friends, Sikyu, has a server for her mutuals, and she hosted an aggie board that some of us drew on!

I can't remember everyone that was on, I know Sikyu was obviously there, Rechi, Spoiled... and someone else, I can't remember honestly (I don't know her mutuals too well other than the ones I'm also mutuals with XD)

My doodles are in the middle! ✨

First I drew Tidal while it was glitchy as fuck, and then I solved the glitchy issue XD

After that, I drew Hero, Hunter, Rantaro, and Cole :>

The next drawing also has to do with Sikyu's server!

We're doing an IDW cover collab, and I was tasked with drawing Sonic!

The collab isn't finished yet, but I got a head start on my part and finished it :>

So here's mine! :D

Silly hedgehog ✨

I haven't drawn Sonic digitally in a hot fuckin minute XD

So that was definitely something—

• • •

Oh god

Here's a fucked up Omori joke XD

So I was replaying it with someone who also went through it, we were kinda voicing over it

And instinctively I said some HEINOUS shit, which I made Sunny say here 😅

My god the person that was playing with me just fucking stopped and said my real name with such shock and disbelief 🤣

I instantly knew I had to draw it

So there's that XDD

• • •

Alrighty, this next one was a DTIYS I participated in on Instagram!

It was a Lumity drawing :D

Look at em ✨

The girlfriends 😌💕

• • •

And now uhh

We go from wholesome content to the angst

So possessed Hunter, right

God, his design was so cool, I had to draw it 🤧

I had a lot of fun rendering this, this was one of those pieces that I actually enjoyed doing, y'know? XD

It's a shame it did so poorly on insta compared to my other posts, but I had fun, and that's what matters I guess :'))

I wish I did a few things better now that I look back, but I still like it at the moment ;^;

• • •


Remember how a while ago I doodled Cole in a Spider-Man suit because my friends wanted to see that

We recently started joking about an AU in which Cole was Spider-Man

And, well

I may or may not have designed a suit

I definitely took a bunch of notes on what my friends were saying, because they all make and critique other suits.. I had a good footing to start at, I guess 😅

I haven't shown all of them, only four of them have seen the finished product so far, but I feel like they were all pleasantly surprised with what I whipped up XD Baby's first suit, guys 😂

Quick details I want to mention!

This was actually Yellow's idea—

I joked about Cole keeping his locket on him, but then Yellow was like "what if you had the spider legs reach around his neck as if the spider was the locket"

And immediately, I said, "Yellow you're a genius"

He also came up with the web shooters resembling a bow! Since Cole's an archer and all :)

I came up with the back logo completely on my own, and I was just doodling like a random idiot and Yellow was like "wait wait that kinda slaps" 🤣

But yeah, there he be :'))

While I was designing him, actually, Meel made a joke that his Peter would totally mistake Cole for his Ben Riley, so I doodled this XD

Look at the boys 😂

• • •

Alright, last drawing for today!!

So remember the "give me six characters that remind you of me and I'll draw them"?

I made another one... 😳

I asked a bunch of irl friends and online friends to suggest and vouch characters that were brought up XD

So these are the ones I received! (I had more written down, but these were the ones that got the most votes and such skjhg)

So as you can see, we have Hero from Omori, Tsuyu from MHA, Ritsu from MP100, Blaze from Sonic, Hajime from SDR2, and Hunter from TOH!

I seriously loved drawing all of them :'))

So first... Hero is a given. He's my favorite Omori character, I draw him a lot, and he is scarily a lot like me if I was just a smidge more responsible and put together XD Hero is me especially when I act more professional 😂 Kirby gave me this one, and of course this was vouched by other friends of mine :>

I don't know much about Tsuyu, but based on what I read in her wiki... yeah XDD This one was given to me by a Twitter mutual, which was then backed up by several of the Artvengers and some irl friends XD

Ritsu was given to me by one of my irl friends, and istg, he and Hunter had the most tally marks for vouches 🤣 One of my online friends instantly went "... Honestly, Ritsu is the most Sweggy-core character ever." 😂 From what I've seen of Mob Psycho so far, I can totally see why :'))

Then I got Blaze from another online friend, and the reason is not even related to personality XD It's because I was kinda seen as the Blaze artist on Twitter— I drew her often, I voiced her in a few lil thingies... yeah, people who know me in the Sonic community associate me with Blaze 😅

Next is Hajime! Funny story, I took one of those "which character are you" quizzes, and I kept getting him and Makoto XD so one of my irl friends instantly vouched for Hajime, and honestly... I see that a lot more 😂

Now... Hunter. I'm not complaining, as he is my favorite...

HOWEVER... the fact that I got so many tallies and vouches for Hunter... what does that say about me? 🤣 Mans is traumatized as fuck 😳 I assume it's the soft moments that he has that resemble me more XD That's what I've been told by one person, so—

But yeah! That's them!

I also decided to use Hunter's post S2 and pre S3 design :')) he was a little happier there at least—

• • •

That's all I got for today, guys!

Hope you all enjoyed my shit sdjhgk

Till next time!

Byeee! 👋🏻

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