Bubby, Forces Sequel Concepts (WARNING), and More Crap

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Yo guys

I'm back

So umm...

I have some art projects planned that I have not done yet, but hopefully I'll have them done by the time I post next time

So I guess you all get some generic shit for now 😂

Here's the crap—


I'll start off with this first

Remember how I sketched out Azura and some of Elise?

Well, I finished Elise, and I added Camilla and Hinoka into the mix

There they are XD

They don't look great, but eh, those were just sketched during my drivers ed lessons 😂



This page is just a random mix, so I'll explain as we go


The Hooligans (this was mostly the doing of me and Julia) put ourselves in family roles... like what we would be if we were all a family

So... I'll list probably the most relevant ones.

Lindsay is our single mom. She has seven kids, and I will go in order from oldest to youngest:
- Rose (18)
- Tina (16)
- Me and Wilson (twins; 15)
- Izzy (11)
- Megan (7?)
- Julia (5)

Alex is our gay grandpa. Don't question it. He made it a requirement that even he as a grandpa is gay, so that's there 😂

Everyone else is either a cousin, aunt, uncle, or grandparent. So that's fun.

So the first part is a little scenario Julia came up with if the Hooligans was a family sitcom:

Grandpa Alex: Hello, today on the Hooligans family, we have—

Brother Wilson: uH, grandpa, Olivia is drowning—

Alex: This ain't about her.

I loved it, so I had to sketch it out 😂

Next I drew Sonika being all like "Okay, you asked for it"

Then, another drawing from my new AU (which I still don't know the name of—), we have Tanner and Whisper. I thought it would be cute if Whisper just fell asleep on Tanner without knowing, and he was all chill about it and kept her comfortable.

Tannisper, everybody 🤣

Then we've got Shadow in the AU...

"Don't even dare hurt her."

The question is, shippers, who is he referring to? Is it Sonika or is it Rouge? :3

I'm leaving that up to you guys XD I didn't really have context set up behind it 😂

Next, I drew the Sonics of my three AUs! We've got Twisted!Sonic, (unnamed AU)!/GB!Sonic, aka Sonika, and then we've got ILYT!Sonic.

I was debating whether I should add my Forces Sequel Sonic, since he also has some differences in character, but I never came up with full designs for them yet. Also, I don't even know what the title for that story will be yet.

And yes, yes I am planning to write my own sequel to Forces. I thought of the concept before the IDW comics came out, so I still wanna write it.

And finally, we have our strong fish lady, Undyne :D



This page, wouldn't you know it, is also filled with random scattered doodles 😂

To be fair, school has me just doodling whatever comes to mind, no organization needed XD

So here's the shit once more

First, I drew my close internet friends' OCs (including my own obviously 😂)

I don't wanna refer to us as the QLS anymore because, well, drama, so until we come up with something better, I'm gonna call this Yesn 2.0, starring the original Yesn Squad plus Usako 😂

Alright.. so first I just drew Tidal, but then I drew headshots of Breeze, Velocity, Dusty, and Scarlet ^^


His name is Gren and I love him ;^;

I fucking love him so much istg

For some reason I love Soren just a little more, but Gren is definitely the sweetest and most optimistic cinnamon roll

Wait, I think I know why I like Soren more— I actually felt bad for him with what he had to go through. He has a pretty good redemption arc 👌🏻

Next I drew some human doodles of Sonic characters I don't draw too often 😂 We've got Shadow— but his hair is less floofy—, Amy, Rouge, and Tails ^^

And then I drew human Sans, because I haven't drawn him in a while... I wanna make his hair look messier for it to be more in character with Sans's laziness 😂

Then I've got a doodle of the unnamed AU again. I have decided that Infinite would also be changed— Infinity is now in the equation 🤣

So I drew Infinity angrily remembering her defeat and her hatred towards Shadow 👀

... wait I just realized this also might spark shipping 🤣👏🏻

And finally I drew an actually proper drawing of Eggman XDD I've never really drawn him before, so I'm kinda glad with how he came out...? I really needa learn to draw his proportions better 😂



So first, I drew Tide and Velocity from the AU. Shaye and I talked about how the two's relationship would differ from the "canon universe", and in the words of Shaye, "She [Vel] would be a low key tsundere" 😂😂

So I drew them 😂

We also just recently (except after drawing this—) established how the two would act towards each other in both the canon verse and my AU. The only difference really is that in the AU, with Tide being a guy, he flirts, but he does so by giving genuine compliments and by winking and smiling a lot. So it's not like the jerk type of flirting like "mmm baby urrrr hawtttt" 😂


Then under that I drew Jase and another hedgehog. This is also related to the AU.

Obviously Jase becomes the child since Blitzika will prevail, but I kinda wanted to see what idea I'd have for a Shadika kid. I decided that if they were to end up together in some circumstance, they'd have a daughter, and she'd probably be named Spectra. She has similar quills to Jase but more curvy, and she's black with blue stripes and green eyes. On the personality side, she's a lot more like Shadow 😂

So even though Jase will be the ultimate child (ironic since Shadow is the ultimate life form—), I decided to create Spectra for fun 😂 I like creating characters, it's fun XD

Then I drew Tidal's head, front and back just to show how her quills look 😂

And finishing the top row, I doodled concept art for GB Scarlet for the AU. Of course, it's all up to Usako how he ends up looking because it's her OC, but I just wanted to doodle him for fun 😂

Next row, I finally drew the best bromance Cassria 🤣 So there are the girls, Cascade and Ezria XD

Then I drew them again with Undyne since they were the top guards, but this time Ez has her hoodie on 😂

Shaye, I hope you like my miserable attempts at Cass XD

Then I drew a split drawing of Claudia and Soren from the Dragon Prince. They're a great sibling duo, but season 3 really had me upset to say the least 😅

No, it's not because of choice in character, because they're very well written in my opinion. I just feel bad about their paths, especially the one Claudia took. I'm not gonna reveal any more >:3

Then I finally paid some more tribute to Kid Icarus by drawing best gurl Viridi and best boi Pit 😂



This might get dark.

So if you are sensitive to depressing topics, please do be weary of what's coming.

The first doodle is on the funnier side, but hen the rest of them are concept art for the Forces Sequel.

Again, you have been warned.

So like I said, the first one is on the funnier side. It's of the unnamed AU— Eggman stays male— and he just so happened to be in Sonika's house, and she notices.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house."

And this is where things go downhill.

This is an AT, not an AU, because it's not necessarily an alternate universe, but rather an alternate timeline. Everything that happened in the Sonic canon up until the end of Forces happened. So instead of the IDW issues taking place, this sequel comes in instead.

I'm positive the IDW issues are definitely written far better than anything I will ever write, but my good ol' friend Shaye helped me make compelling arcs for all the characters.

Let's just say in this timeline— this story—, a more severe Infinity War outcome takes place. 90% of the population is gone.

Obviously this will have an effect on the characters that "survived", but in different ways.

I want to make designs for them, but I obviously don't want to make the designs too different than the original since, well, this is still a part of the original universe.

I felt like Knuckles was the easiest to come up with concept for. I won't say what he's going through exactly, but he's been "venting physically," trying to take his anger out to no avail. He barely sleeps and rests in this timeline. So I decided to give him a shit ton of bandages on his hands and wrists (and some on his legs I guess), large bags under his eyes, and a more lanky/tired posture. I should've made his quills messier, too.

Remember, these designs aren't official yet. I still wanna see if I could come up with anything for these guys.

Next is Blaze. I gave her some tips in her clothes since she had to travel a long way. I'm not sure if it's gonna stay like that or not, but that's what I drew there.

In this story, she's probably the most calm. She's of course affected by the situation, but seeing everyone in despair makes her feel like she needs to take her role as a princess into her friendships as well, and she wants to use her listening skills to take in vents from others so they can let their emotions out.

Then we've got Sonic. The biggest thing about him is that he has private mental breakdowns. He holds in his tears until he couldn't, excuses himself, and leaves somewhere to cry alone. He does this so that no one has to worry about him, so he can try to bring positivity into the group of survivors despite he himself not being okay.

Next is Cream, who is snuggled up in the drawing. She wants to be optimistic, but it's hard for her to be. I'm not gonna get too much into her details since hers are kind of complex. Of course everyone else's are complex as well, but hers is hard to explain in only a few words 😅

The next ones I drew are Shadow, Sally, and Espio. I'm gonna go through Shadow in a bit.

Sally lost all the composure she had. She used to be a good leader, but once the event took place and lost the majority of her kingdom, she was distraught. When she found Sonic, she kind of clung to him specifically since he's the only true familiar face she knows. But this leads her to act bitchy from time to time, and she's one of the only people who isn't afraid to speak her mind and just vent out of nowhere.

As for Espio, he's basically IDW Espio during the Metal Virus saga. He's trying to keep his composure but couldn't. His meditating doesn't work anymore. That's all I'm going to say.

The next image we have is Knuckles screaming at Sonic, claiming he's "fine".

The poor boi ;-;

And finally...

This is probably the darkest of all.

Time to talk about Shadow.

He's the most depressed. He's lost Maria in the past, and he's lost his best friends again. He barely speaks, and if he does, it's vague and snappy. He usually comes off as rude.

One trait that Shaye an I gave him while she was helping me is... that he was suicidal. He felt like the whole event was his fault because he's the one who pissed off the person who caused it, and he just can't feel shit anymore. We decided that something pulls him out of suicide, though we never discussed what it will be.

So if he was supposed to be that way, I drew him inflicting self harm.

Of course, I censored it. I didn't want to draw it.

And then I drew a vision of Rouge that Shadow would most likely have..

"Shadow... you know better... why would you do that..?"

I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep the cutting as a trait of his... it's just something that crossed my mind. If that were the case, I'd have to come up with something to bring him out of his depression bit by bit. I think seeing visions of Rouge and Omega can help, but it could also fuel his grief more. I gotta think of something 😅

Next page—


So this one is also pretty randomized

It has some happy shit and some depressing shit again 😅

So first I drew Tide. What a fine lookin' boi 😂

Then I drew bubby (baby) Tidal 😆 I designed her younger self just recently, and I'll show the design and explain choices I made soon XDD

I also drew bubby Vel ^^ Shaye also drew a younger version of her OC, and I thought she was fuckin adorable as shit, so I drew her XD

Then I drew Breeze. I don't know what her child design would be, and I don't know if Claudia is planning on drawing a younger version of Breeze, but oh well 😂

I'm just trying to draw more of Breeze's new design to make up for all the ones with the old design XD

Then there's a bad side doodle of Blaze—

Then I drew Hanamika from the webtoon "My Deepest Secret." I love the webtoon so much, and I love Hana 😆

Istg I love her, Yohan, and Emma so much, I just need Emma to open up her fucking eyes so she could see that her boyfriend is a fucking serial killer—

Then I decided to draw a Dreemurr other than Ez for once 😂 I drew Asriel ^^

Well, and then I drew an angry Ezria underneath, but oh well 😂

Then I drew Blaze, ya girl

Next I drew human Sans again. I feel like this time I gave his hair some more messiness to it, so I feel like he looks a little more like he could actually be a human version of the lazy skellie XD

Then there's FS human Shadow (I'm gonna day FS for Forces Sequel until I come up with an actual title—)... if you look closely, he has some... you know... on his forearms.

I kind of like how his hair came out in this one though. It's more floofy and resembles his quills more...

Next, I drew FS Sonic with a censored mask. I guess it represents that he's hiding his true emotions under his smile. He knows that once he shows any sign of suffering, that everyone else will lose hope. He doesn't want to lose that smile, but the more he forces it, the more he loses it.

Then I drew angry FS Knuckles again. The bags under his eyes are intense..

And then finally, I drew FS Espio. I'm also giving him bags under his eyes. In this drawing, he's giving off a cold stare, just like he gave to Sonic in the IDW comics when he suggested killing Eggman would've prevented the metal virus.




I've got some pen doodles

They're older than some of the pencil sketches— you can notice by looking at be date. But yeah, here they are

First I drew Blaze. Simple.

Then I drew a pretty decent doodle of Ezria, so that's fun

Then I started doodling a random girl for practice. I noticed she kinda looks like Nita from Not Even Bones, so you know what, yeah, I drew Nita 😂

Then there's a really bad sketch of Azula ;-; I tried to draw her from memory. Didn't work.

Next there's a Sonic head XD he angy—

And next up is a human Blaze doodle.

After that we have Soren, my precious bb ^^

And I guess I finally drew one of the fan kids (other than Jase) again 😂 I kinda like how the doodle of Crys came out. I love my girl ^^

Then I drew ILYT!Silver. He's angry at the verge of tears :((

And I'm just gonna quickly list off the next doodles: Blitz, Sonika, human Iris Blaze, Toriel, Amy, a failed sketch of Rosalina, and a rough/bad sketch of Asgore.

N e x t



Cuteness alert

Remember bubby Tidal?

She's a cutie 😂

So the only differences between her and modern Tidal is that her quills are slightly shorter, her fringe is not as long, and her clothes are a little different.

Her bandana is the same, though. She got it when she was young, and it was a bit oversized on her when she was a kid. Now, as a fifteen year old, the bandana fits her better since she grew 😂

Her shirt is striped horizontally, and instead of navy blue and white, it's sky blue and white 👍🏻

Then I gave her wide navy blue short shorts with short black leggings underneath.

And then her shoes are similar to her modern ones, they're just made into, well, shoes rather than boots 😂


Time for digital shit



Guess what bandwagon I hopped onto? 😂

I decided to finally draw Miku Amy XD

I kinda like how she came out? 😅

There's one bit that really bothers me, but I'm not gonna point it out so that none of you get annoyed as well XD

I hope you guys like my addition to the trend 😂



The Hooligans

My irl friend group that consists of nineteen people including myself

We have a discord server of course XD that's where we all talk


Bella and I, while really tired, found a draw the squad to label.

The template itself had seventeen people, so I just had to add two more figures.

Oh my god we're we so relieved when we finished it.

Some people were coming in and out of the call so they kinda knew what was going on. I know Izzy, Wilson, and Megan witnessed the most other than Bella and me...

So I sent the labeled template to the server, and a lot of them were pretty happy with it and thought it was funny and accurate XD

But I told them, "listen. I'm planning on drawing this, this isn't even the final product"

So I drew it

And man, did this make them happy

I'm kind of surprised they liked this messy shit 😂 I'm glad they did though, because it was super fun

Of course I had to stalk some instagrams to get a look at their fashion tastes, and for those who didn't have Instagram, I just asked what they wanted to wear XD

I'm just glad this was positively received from them 😂 I was so worried I drew them incorrectly, and I feel bad for Aya because I drew her hijab all wrong and shskksks

Oh well 😅


I hope you all enjoyed the trash I had provided for you children today 😂

Hopefully I'll update again very soon since I have a few projects planned ;)

See ya guys ^^ 👋🏻

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