Comics XD

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I literally didn't have time to draw
So I'm showin y'all some comics I had since maybe 2017? 2018??? Some of them are newer but eh XD
Let's do it I'll explain the context and type what it says below 😅

Ok so a bit of context before I say what it says
I dunno if I'll continue it or if I'll change the story (not the concept) entirely, maybe this part won't even be in the story
So a side story I haven't worked on in probably a year was one where Sans, Papyrus, Alphys, and Undyne all cross the barrier at the price of them taking the form of a human.
Why? Because after completing a pacifist-neutral run Frisk couldn't go back to finish the pacifist run. In a short amount of time Alphys advanced her technology so much that by using Asgore's dust she was able to bring him back. With the new technology and power she could use she found a way to pass through the barrier, but what she didn't know was that there were going to be side effects. Only four of them went so that they can act as "spies" in a way to figure out a) why Frisk didn't return and b) find a way to break the barrier for all monsters to come to the surface without having to kill anyone
In this story Frisk has an older sister named Clara (parents are gone)
Also the monsters don't want Frisk to know they're there so they don't accidentally spill the beans to the humans (racism be like...)
Anyway Sans's fake name is Ross (it was Luke originally but then I began to notice irl parallels and it began to freak me out so I'm like NO THAT'S NOT OKAY), Papyrus's is Max (I think? I really didn't look at that book in so long XD), Undyne's is Sydney (Scarlett would've been so much better lmao) and Alphys's is Emily
So Sans is blond and blue eyed and has some freckles, Paps has light brown hair and brown-orange eyes, Alph has yellow-blond hair chocolate brown eyes and freckles and undyne's still got red hair but her eye is green/Hazel XD all
Sans and Pap are pale and skinny (because they were skeletons despite Sans looking a little more fat... but he's a skeleton, so .....) Undyne's still muscular and fit, and Alph is still nice and plump and cute XD
Here's where a different plot comes in
Clara starts crushing on Sans and it makes him feel super awkward because she's meeting someone he's not XD

Both: ...

Sans: So how's Frisk holdin' up...?

Clara: Oh... I don't really know. They won't let go of those monsters, if that's what you mean.

Sans: *starts to sweat knowing he is a monster*

Sans: ... What monsters...?

Clara: They didn't tell you? They say they met some monsters in the "Underground" and wants to save them. I only pretend they're real. I'm pretty sure it was just a dream they had... but the impact it had in them...

Sans: *thinks of the time he stacked hot dogs on Frisk's head and becomes more anxious*

Clara: You don't believe them, do you..?

Sans: *hears Frisk calling his name and laughing excitedly in his head*

Sans: ... I... I do believe them.

Clara: Ross, what are you saying?! You're believing a child's imagination?!

Sans: *ignores*

Clara: Ross?!

Sans: They're not crazy. It's all real. There really are monsters at the bottom of Mt. Ebott.

Clara: ROSS!

Sans: Those skeletons? Dreemurrs? Ghosts? Dinosaurs and fish? It's all there, Clara!

Clara: Listen to yourself! Why do you believe them?!

Sans: ... *eye glows blue* My name's not Ross. I'm one of them. I'm one of those monsters. I'm the skeleton who killed Frisk on multiple occasions, multiple Genocide Routes. I'm Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Now, don't tell the kid Pap, Alph, Undyne and I are here, or, heh, there'll be a bad time. It's secret.

Clara: ...... *has tears of shock* I have to go....

It was kinda cringy but eh
That's probably not gonna happen in the story tho XD I'm probably gonna make so many revisions and possibly never even publish it bc I'm working on other stories that will be mentioned soon XD
Onto the next one!
(Also if you guys have any questions about any of these I'll answer them)

OH WOW! This is a part from Twisted before the design change!! XD (so all of them are wearing ugly leather jackets lmao)
It's the part where they go to save Blaze XD
So! It's not the exact words from the actual book, but it's got the same idea:

[hiding in an abandoned shed]

Tails: We're hidden, but we can't be noticed...

Sonic: We have to save her, but yeah, we can't. He knows what we look like.

Silver: Maybe a disguise of some sort?

Shadow: If we were to have a disguise, we'd need an advanced one. So not even Blaze can recognize us.

Tails: I prepared for that. I made a device that can entirely change our looks and voices for a week. Even gender. We can renew if needed.

Sonic: You're always prepared!

Silver: But we need to create entirely new characters.

Shadow: Easy. Tails is the kid, Silver's the mother, Sonic's the father, and I'm Sonic's brother.

Silver: No! Can it be something else?!

Shadow: It's out best bet! You got a better idea?

Silver: Ugh, fine!

Sonic: Oh god, but young adults, okay? Not old...

Tails: Sure.

[after designs made] (ok wtf)

Tails: Alright, you guys ready?

Silver: Physically? Yes. Mentally? NO.

Sonic: We have to do this, Silver. It'll wear off, don't worry. This is Blaze's life we're talking about.

Silver: ... okay... let's do it...

Tails: Okay... here we go... *presses button*


Sonic: ...huh? Woah... *examines himself* it actually worked...


Shadow: Holy fuck... Tails, how the he'll do you even do this?!

Tails: I don't know, but being a hedgehog is weird!

Sonic: Holy crap. Tails! Silver! Shadow! That's really you guys?!

Silver: Sonic?!

Sonic: SILVER?! *thinking* This just got so real... *speaking* Holy shit, your voices! Not to mention Silver's genderbend and Tails is now a hedgehog!


Sonic + Silver: ...

Sonic: Shadow, that's racist.

Silver: Yeah...

Tails: Alright guys, all that matters now is that we're disguised. We come up with stories, get jobs in the castle... and save Blaze.

There we go XD
Fun fact, Blaze's Twisted design is the only one out of the entire cast to not change XD
Onto the next one!

Another Twisted one! (God these are old... this is when I was writing like chapter 5 or something and coming up with the future plot points! XD
So this is when Sonic is disguised (fake name Spruce) and talks to Blaze in the cell
Again, no exact words in the book XD only the concept lmao

Blaze: *thinking* How do I get out of here?

Sonic: *walks in*

Blaze: I see. My idiot father wants me guarded so I can't escape!

Sonic: *thinking* Sonic... come on... pretend to be as brutal as possible... no suspicions are allowed... he can't know. She can't know.

Sonic: And who are you to insult the king like that? He is your father, and you should obey authority!

Blaze: Well then tell him this: My friends from the Chaos Dimension will come here and kick your asses! They're probably planning it already!

Sonic: *thinking* I wish I can tell you... I wish I can... I really do...

Sonic: No they won't. Your father will stop them. Heel end them, and then you.

Blaze: Oh really? He's never met them! He won't win. Especially against Sonic. He loves me, I love him. He's a determined guy! He won't give up!

Sonic: *smirks* Oh really? And with what? *thinking* God, I'm nailing this!

Blaze: Oh nothing, he's just the fastest thing alive! He's faster than me, dammit!

Sonic: Very funny, 'cause you're slow. Anyway, we stared off bad. How about a formal introduction?

Blaze: After that?! Hah! Not in my dreams! (Should've been "your" but that was younger me XD)

Sonic: I'll start. I'm Spruce, Spruce the Hedgehog. Not a pleasure.

Blaze: You call that a formal intro? Don't make me laugh. Take off your helmet then!

Sonic: *thinking* Oh shit... my eyes... No... I can't make her suspicious...

Sonic: Heh, fine. Don't know why ya want that. *takes off helmet* Starting over. I'm Spruce, and I'm gonna be your guard for your dad. Better?

Blaze: *thinking* Those eyes... but... no... he's too mean, it's just my heartbreak...

Sonic: Something wrong? Pfft, of course. Heh, you're scared our boyfriend won't rescue you?


Sonic: Alright, fine. You're stubborn, aren't you? Heh, just like my... wife... but she's better than you. Pure rude. Pfft, I'm surprised that Sonic guy likes you... Or does he? *thinking* I do, I really do, I'm sorry...

There we go XD

Not a comic but there's are little doodles I drew during my first semester finals last year XD
I think that's the best Sans I drew lmao I usually never stay consistent with drawing him XD
There's an unfinished Silver lmao I'm sorry buddy
And there's just a doodle of a pony
I was still a pegasister back then XD
Just realized the comic after it is humanized forms of my OCs having Christmas together in the Undertale dimension (also humans there I guess) but it's so long so I'll just take pics of it

I really don't feel like typing everything out XD
I got another stupid comic with humanized sonic characters
It's Sonaze but it's so stupid because I was just bored and didn't care AU just wanted some Sonaze so I'm like "ah fuck it"
I'm also just gonna show the pic and not type it out XD

I blurred it for a reason XD
Also I really didn't try
In the beginning it looked okay but it got so sloppy XD

SONIC AS STRANGER THINGS!!! (Humanized in this comic lmao)
I guess I was practicing drawing humans lmao
The yellow splits up the scenes XD they're not in order lmao
This was before season 3 😅
Try to guess which character is who! I'll reveal it after this, but still XD


Gadget: You know what? You are a freak.

Tails: W-what?

Gadget: Yeah. What, you wanna be normal like everyone else? Being a freak is the best! I'm a freak!

Tails: Is... that why you don't have any friends?

Gadget: ... *chuckles* I-I have friends, Tails...


Sonic: So, did you do a lot of studying last night?

Amy: Actually yeah, yeah I did.

Sonic: *smirks* What was your test on again? Human anatomy?

Amy: *glares*


*a cute scene when in this case Blaze, Sonic, and Silver hug uwu*


Knuckles: How do you know it's not a lizard?

Silver: How do I know it's not a lizard?

Knuckles: Yeah, how do you know this isn't just some random lizard?!


Knuckles: .... *thinking* Okay that makes sense...


Blaze: *destroying the Demogorgan but "destroying" herself in the process*

Sonic: BLAZE, STOP! .... please...!

Blaze: Goodbye, Sonic... *dusted*

Sonic: BLAZE!

Silver: oh my god...

Shadow: Blaze...?



Silver: You know what? When I'm rich and famous one day, don't come back to me saying, *mocking voice* "Oh my god, Silver, I'm so sorry for being mean to you back in 8th grade, oh my god."


Sonic: I called you every night! Every night for—

Blaze: 353 days? (Is it that or a different number? Correct me if I'm wrong) *smiles* ... I heard...


Sonic: Then, well... If we both go crazy, we'll be crazy together, right?

Tails: Y-yeah... crazy together.


Bark (for now): So... Gadget... how was the pullout?

Gadget: *chokes as he was drinking milk*

Amy: *looks up*

Gadget: I'm sorry?


Aleena: Sonic? Where are you going?

Sonic: If anyone asks, I left the country! *sprints off*

Aleena: WHAT...?


There you go XD
So in this comic in particular...
Gadget = Jonathan Byers
Tails = Will Byers
Sonic = Mike Wheeler
Amy = Nancy Wheeler
Blaze = Eleven/Jane Hopper
Silver = Dustin Henderson
Knuckles = Steve Harrington
Shadow = Lucas Sinclair
Sally (she didn't say anything but she was here) = Max Mayfield
Bark (for now, still deciding on that) = Murray Bauman
Aleena = Karen Wheeler
You guys wanna see my list of trying to cast everyone? XD


CONCEPT FOR SSB SWAP STORY is the title of the page XD
Sonic <-> Pit
Mario <-> Link
Fox <-> Samus
Kirby <-> Snake
Yes, this is a side story I'm barely working on XD
In the bubble stuff I jotted down ideas:
• Bayo vs Sonic since Sonic is Pit now XD
• time limit bc Smash and their own games
• item needed form each franchise +smash ball (for cure)
• activated by fake smash ball from •••••— Mario broke it XD

Now for the comic parts XD


Samus (as Fox): Oh my god... I'm a furry...

Fox (as Samus): I'm a HUMAN WOMAN! I HAVE TITS!

Samus: ... Fox... calm down...

*Pit.exe has stopped working*


Sonic (as Pit): What's with all this hair...?! .... WHY AM I A HUMAN WITH WINGS?!

Off to the side it says:
• Link is silent but a savage
• Fox constantly freaks out (lmao might not actually be his character but it's kinda funny XD)
• Samus judges everything
• Snake hates everything
• Sonic uses common sense and cracks jokes
• Pit believes everyone is good
• Mario is kinda stupid...

What I should've added was:

• Mario is kinda stupid... but acts as a good leader XD (it's his company deal with it)
• Kirby's just adorable

Anyway, next!

Mario (as Link): Uh... Link...? How do you-a use a sword...? And a shield...?

Link (as Mario): *thinking* I swear to god

And finally my favorite one XD

Samus: Pit, you don't know what you're up against!

Sonic: If you kill my body, Pit, I have no idea what I'm gonna do.

Pit: I'll be fine, guys! It's just Ridley! We've beat him in Smash matches before!

Sonic: .... I'm worried for him...

Samus: *nods*

Pit: Hey! Ridley!

Ridley: *looks over*

Pit: Kinda have a favor to ask! Do you mind if we use... uh... one of your teeth...?

Ridley: *roars*

Pit: *freaks out and retreats* Okay, maybe that wasn't a good idea...

Sonic: Yeah, no kidding.

Here's the next one from the same concept XD

More training shit...
I'm just gonna say my favorite one which is with Sonic and Pit XD

Pit: Alright Sonic! You've got this!

Sonic: *focuses and shoots arrows*

Snake: *barely dodges* WATCH IT! I CAN BARELY MOVE!

Sonic: ...Pit... I almost killed Snake...


This was actually the first comic I drew— this is just a redraw of it because my art back then form the original was so bad XD
This is when Ezria was created! Tidal and Iris already existed as my two OCs, Iris being the first, and this is what happens when Ezria falls into the land of my imagination XD (literally all three of them are different sides of my personality)

Ez: *falling* AHHHHH! *splat*

Tidal + Iris: ....

Tidal: Introduction?

Iris: Yeah, just don't mess up.

Tidal: *walks over to help*

Ez: *looks up at Tide*

Tide: Here, get up *helps her up*

Ez: Um, thanks...!

Tide: Don't mention it!

Ez: I'm Ezria.

Tide: Tidal the Hedgehog.

Iris: ... wow... she's actually not screwing up...

Ez: So... what exactly is this—

Tide: *pulls Ez under her arm*

Ez: GAH!


Iris: *stared and hoof-palms* I jinxed it... Tidal, when will you learn?

So that's what my OCs are like lmao

Sonic as vines XD


Rouge: And why do you wanna be a librarian?

Amy: Shh! *sticks out tongue*



Shadow: Hey what's up girl, you like potato chips? 'Cause if you do you're out of luck, 'cause I'm not sharin' mine. THESE ARE BARBECUE—


Sonic: *holding a tiger puppet and moves its arm* Now watch me whip... *moves the entire puppet* Now watch me nae nae XD

Knuckles + Sonic: *laughing*


Amy: Sonic?

Sonic: Yeah?

Amy: Do... you... wanna go to the dance with me?

Sonic: No!


Sonic: *recording*

Blaze: *pushes Silver on a mattress onto the lake*

Silver: *wakes up* AGHHHHHHHHH!

Sonic + Blaze: *laughing*

Silver: *falls off mattress into water*

*more laughter*


Rouge: They're sayin' I look like a muppet.

Blaze: *trying to keep a straight face*

Rouge: People say it so much *now somehow looks like a muppet* Do I look like a muppet?

Amy: *covers her face and laughs* oh my god...


Sonic: You ever wanna talk about your emotions, Shadow?

Shadow: No.

Silver: I do!

Sonic: I know, Silver.

Silver: I'm sad!

Sonic: I know, Silver.

Also form the SSB swap story 😅
Too long to say everything again lmao
Try your best reading it if u wanna read it lmao

Stranger Things with Sonic again XD
This is a season 3 moment! I showed this in my Random Book 2 already but you know what whatever
(also it's colored!!!)

Amy: Blaze's not stupid! She knows her abilities better than any of us!

Sal: Exactly, thank you!

Amy: And she is her own person—

Sal: Exactly!

Amy: With her own free will!

Sal: EXACTLY! Blaze has saved the world twice, and Sonic still doesn't trust her!

Sonic: YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT TRUST?! REALLY?! After you made Blaze spy on us?!

Shadow: Wait, what?

Sonic: Oh, she didn't tell you any of this?!

Shadow: No!

Sonic: Your girlfriend used Blaze's powers to spy on us!

Sal: No, no, no, I did not make her, it was her idea! And why are we even talking about this, seriously?!

Tails: Yeah, who cares?!

Shadow: I CARE!

Sonic: I guess girlfriends don't lie, THEY SPY!

Sal: We were just joking around!


Sal: You weren't!

Sonic: But what if I was?!

Sal: Then gross!

Amy: Seriously, Sonic?

Sonic: I'm just trying to demonstrate how careless Sally is with Blaze's powers. In fact, how careless all of you are! You're treating her like some kind of machine when she's NOT a machine, and I don't want her to die looking for the Flayed when they've obviously vanished off the face of the Earth. So can we please come up with a new plan, because I love her and so can't lose her again!


Everyone: *staring at Sonic*

Sonic: *glaring at everyone*

*the door creaks open and Blaze comes out*

Blaze: ... What's wrong...?

And there's that XD
This is of course gonna be a part of the Sonaze/Sonic as Stranger Things book I'll be writing in the future right after my Kid Icarus fanfic (almost done!)
I did have some comics for that one too but they're so bad and do not happen in the story at all XD
I was gonna make a Jase and Avery comic but I didn't know what to do and I really didn't have the time for it XD If I do it I'll make sure to show y'all

But that's all for today!
Hope you enjoyed! Sorry for no actual drawings lately, school drains everything from me XD

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