Doodles and Studies

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Alright guys, I decided to post earlier this time!! Woohoo!

Welcome back, guys! ✨

I didn't wanna wait too long and have more art pile up, so I'm getting these sketches out of the way now! I had a lot of fun with them and I'm excited to share today's batch :)

There'll be two shorter chapters for today! (I couldn't fit everything into one unfortunately, but hey! Still something :>)

Here we go!

• • • 

Aight, I'm showing two pencil sketch pages in this chapter.. Starting from where we left off last time! 

So last time we ended on Cole as Spider-Man if I remember correctly—

I'm gonna start with the top right doodles since they're super tiny 😂

There's Aki, two eyes, a hand study, Makoto being adorable and with a casual hoodie, and a rando girl :> ✨

Then there's Kyoko from the future arc, just with a slightly different outfit— she's absolutely slaying 😌👌🏻✨ And of course after that is an obligatory Hero doodle, I literally love him 🤧💕

And then there's Nina with short hair!!💖 I just wanted to see how she'd look, I actually kinda dig it! 👀 I might have her chop her hair off at some point in the story, I dunno >:)) Only if there's a good reason XD

Next up is an inside joke from the Danganronpa group XD I think I mentioned in one of the chapters from the last batch that three friends and I are playing through all three main DR games (we recently finished the first one!! wooo!!!✨)

So one friend and I kept creating jokes and improv as Kyoko and Byakuya, and at one point, the friend that was Byakuya went, "Y'know what... if Kyoko and Byakuya played chess, who do you think would win?"

We came to the conclusion that Kyoko would, but it would be a tough game XD But as soon as he said it, I immediately went, "I am so doodling that." 

So there it is! 😂

Anyway, moving on—

I finally drew one of my fankids again oml 😭 Crystal's made an appearance XD And then there's a little rando (but I love how I drew her hair aughhshg), and then there's Cole in disguise... disguise Nina gave him, of course 😂😅

Cole: This is stupid, Nina.
Nina: But you look fine~!

I love these two idiots I love my children skdjhg ❤️

Then I doodled Andrew because why not I guess, and then I think that other guy was meant to be Nina and Cole's son?? I guess I wanted to draw him angry lol

Then my usual mood doodle.. bro I was so tired XD That was definitely either a Monday or a Thursday since I have early classes those days (also as a side note, my semester is nearly over, so I'll be done with my first year of college soon, mwehehe >:DD)

Wait, now that I see the date... yup, it was a Monday 😂 It was my sister's birthday and that was on a Monday :)


The next doodle is another rando, a kiddo this time. Pretty sure I based her off of someone, but I can't remember who at the moment 😅

Then I doodled Sunny because yes, and then Kel!! Which... when I shared it with a friend resulted in a funny interaction lmao (they sent "OH BABEY IS THE SUN HURTING YOU?" accompanied with an image of a gun shooting at the sun XDD)

Next is a weird one?? I decided to revisit an old goofy idea that lived in my head (it's NOT gonna happen in the story), but Nina wanted to have her and Cole try to crossdress. Because Nina loves to have fun like that and loves makeover/disguise shit 🤧

Cole: Why are we crossdressing—
Nina: Because why not lol

And finally, I decided to doodle a pretty bow :D My sister, friends, and I went to an outside mall some time ago and found a shop with really aesthetically pleasing clothing and adornments, and we found this beaUTIFUL silky bow— we were gonna buy it, but it was like $10 😳 We didn't wanna get it if it wasn't gonna be used often, so we left it 😅

But yeah I have a picture of that bow, so I decided to redraw it and using Nina as a model 😌💕

Alrighty, next page for this chapter! ✨

• • • 

We have three more pencil sketch pages in the next part, so here we go :>

Bro I love the top half of this page 🤧 What's this? Me liking my art? No wayyy 😳

But anyway!~

We have genderbent Nina and Cole, aka Nico and Chloe!! I like that pose for them :')) 💖

Next up is Sunny because I was practicing drawing him, and then Nina being best girl ✨ Then there's a chibi-ish doodle of an older Nina with her hair tied, and then rushed sketches of an eye and Shadow XD

The next row is all Omori related doodles... because I was super in the mood (and for good reason!) 

I won't disclose why for now, it's a surprise project!✨ But I'll share once it comes around.. it should be around late December if everything turns out right

Anyway, we have Omori walking, Sunny (I actually love this Sunny doodle aaaaa), Mari being Mari <3, Aubrey but with a long braid and different fit (I wanted to practice drawing from the back), and a biiIIG Snuuy :D It was good practice! 💖

Then there's a hand study, a lil Aubrey, Hunter, another hand study (I drew my own hand gripping my comically large eraser, it was good practice lol), Hero, and Andrew with his fuckin mask :')) 

The next one is... mm.. it's complicated now, but I won't get into it 😅 Just chillin on the couch, I guess

And of course, more little practice doodles surrounding the other ones XD

Next there's a young Cole, another fankid appearance made by Avery, human Shadow, human Blaze, Jack being angry, Blaze again, my design of older Aubrey, Nina from the back for practice, and Dark Pit because I missed him :)

But yeah! 

Those are the pencil sketches for this chapter, the rest will be in the next one for today's batch! 👌🏻✨

So onto digital shit >:D

• • • 

Funny enough, I would've added this to the last batch, but the chapters were already full and I already started writing at that point XD

But anyway

March 5th was Artsie's birthday, so I quickly whipped a doodle of his Peter Parker drinking coffee since his Peter is a coffee addict :)

It was really quick, I'm surprised it came out rather decent with the little amount of time I took on this o.O

Anyway, next one :D

• • • 


One night I was on call with friends and we were talking about dresses and shit

So I was like "yknow what now I'm in the mood to draw all the dresses I've worn for different events" (like..  big events XD)

So here are the few I doodled! ...also featuring me in flannel and a hoodie 😅

So let's start from left to right, top to bottom (like I do with the pencil sketches XD)

First was my prom dress!! I love that dress so much, iT HAD POCKETS 👀💖 Also I feel like I look good in red, I dunno :)

Then is my homecoming dress from senior year! I really liked that one too, it was the first dress I actually chose and bought for myself for an event :D The others are difficult to explain the situation of skdhg (though I did get to choose my prom dress as well 😌)

Next is my dress from Studniówka! Which, to translate: "stu" is "sto" but conjugated, and that means 100; "dniu" refers to "days"; "ówka" is just an ending sometimes used at the end of words! 

But to explain what Studniówka is: it's basically a prom for Polish schools, but it takes place in winter and around 100 days before the matura, the big exam to finish of high school :D The thing is, since I finished Polish school around COVID time, our dance was moved until after our matura was over (which honestly made it a lot more fun for us since we didn't have to worry about the exam anymore XD)

Oh! And the red accessory on my thigh is a Polish tradition— the girls would wear those since the red would mean luck and success on the exam :> or at least, that's what I was told XD And it's also a tradition for all the girls to wear black dresses, hence why our dresses were black lmao

APPARENTLY there was one year in which two twins wore white dresses because they wanted to stand out??? Everyone was pissed at them for that, and rightfully so 😅

Aight, next dress

I hated that one XD

I think after that dress I discovered that my style is halter necks with my hair up when it comes to elegance, but I didn't know that my sophomore year 😅 I borrowed a dress from my cousin that she wore to hoco her senior year, and um.. it looked better on her than it did on me 😂

The last dress is for when I was a bridesmaid for my family friend! Showing the back since that part was more decorative and exposed, the front literally looked like a purple T-shirt with gem-embedded sleeves 💀

But yeah, then we have me in casual wear lol

Next doodles! 

• • • 

So uh

My sister and I decided to doodle on our whiteboard

She said to me, "Draw something good."

So I literally wrote "something good" 

But then I actually drew Sunny and Something to make up for that terrible joke 😅 Which I called Snuuy and Smuthing (Mri)

...Here's what followed

My sister drew the rest of the crew XD

We have Shmel, Aubee, Here, and Baegl :'))

Truly incredible, absolute masterpieces ✨

Next one!

• • • 

The next doodles are just... they were just done on a whim, I felt like just doodling whatever 😂

So first I sketched Cole, then Hunter from the epilogue underneath (CAN I JUST QUICKLY SAY HOW MUCH I LOVE THE EPILOGUE DESIGNS???? FOR THE ENTIRE TOH CAST??? 😭💕), Hero, Nina above him, an epilogue Amity from memory, a lil Marinette, and then Denji because why not XD



• • • 

This next doodle was a joke that the same friend who made the Byakuya joke proposed... 

He saw this meme from MHA and said it had massive Nina and Cole energy, so I shittily sketched it XD

Them fr 

• • • 

Oh my god I love this next one

So I'm on a server with a bunch of Omori artists

And I can't remember exactly what prompted this, but we started talking about Hero's dynamic with the rest of the gang, and someone joked that Sunny would call him Dad and Hero would be like "I'm literally three years older—"

So I took it upon myself to redraw

And this is the product XD

Word for word 🤣

I like how I doodled Sunny here XD

Anyway, next one!

• • • 

So Rae, or zipsunz on Instagram/Twitter, held a DTIYS for them reaching 6k (they are well past that now), and it was Danganronpa related! They do a lot of Omori art now (which is what I knew them from) but it turns out I've seen their DR animatics before, I love them XD

But yeah, so I joined the DTIYS last minute 😂 

The prompt was Shuichi and Kaede assisting Himiko's magic show! XD We also had to follow the outfit refs lmao

But I won second!! ❤️


But yeah! Super cool person, hoping to get to talk to them more :> their art is so lovely 🤧

Anyway, last few drawings for this chapter before part 2 for today! 

• • • 


I think Shrimp started this redraw trend if I'm not mistaken?? 

But Shrimp has been redrawing a bunch of old Omocat's works for fun, and there was one in particular with Aubrey and Basil that they did that a bunch of other artists followed

So I decided to hop onto the bandwagon :) 

I have two versions XD

Here's the first one! 

It's a colder color palette than I usually have since the original image seemed to have a blue-ish hue, so I tried to replicate that on another layer!

But here's the drawing with my own usual color palette :)✨

Not my best work, but I think it turned out okay XD

• • • 

Alrighty, last one for this chapter >:)

Another Omori trend, actually!

There were two waves of this trend— I think mozzaremi started the first wave a while ago, redrawing the characters' portraits in their own style, and then a bunch of people took that template and did the same

And then Madnopost started the second wave since they finally got around to doing it after it was long over, which prompted other artists to come back to it

I've been meaning to do it since the first wave, but I never got the chance to 😂😅 But hey, I did it now!

Here is how I draw the main Omori cast, as if you didn't know already :D

This was really fun to see how my style differs and what I change from the original color palette to match mine 😂 I notice that I tend to pick lighter colors that are slightly less saturated since I use deep pink shading with strong gold lighting... so they appear lighter because of that, I think 😂

Also, personal headcanons!!

I have huge headcanons on eye color— I like the idea of Sunny and Mari having dark brown eyes and not fully black. Like they're still dark, but they have a nice chocolatey goodness :>

I LOVE the idea of Hero with hazel eyes so much. Just the mixture of brown and green works so well for him I love it so much 😭 I also do think he's relatively tan, but Kel is tanner than he is due to being outside more often.. speaking of Kel, I love making his eyes a really light brown, almost amber-ish once I apply shading :D❤️ the brothers have such pretty eyes istg

I definitely think Basil's eyes lean more towards blue, and a really bright blue— maybe with the slightest tint of green, but mostly blue >:))

And I think Aubrey's natural eye color is just a chocolate brown, a little lighter than Sunny's but darker than Kel's, and her eye contacts are straight up cyan, leaning a bit towards blue 😌

Also completely random but Basil with freckles >>>>>>>

As for ethnicities... 

I'm bringing Rae back up again because I love their headcanons for the cast as well as the last names they made up for them. I don't really agree with Sunny's name not actually being Sunny but instead a nickname, but it's still a neat idea! 

I do like the idea of Sunny and Mari being Japanese-American. Even before I saw the headcanon, I already hced them as of Asian descent, either half or 100%.. definitely from their dad's side if they're not 100%

For Kel and Hero, I headcanon them as hispanic descendants, I don't think they speak Spanish in their home.. maybe like 3rd generation like Rae headcannoned? I dunno, but I do think they're at least half of hispanic descent :D

I like the headcanon of Aubrey being half Korean— Rae's in particular is that she's also half French-Canadian, which I really dig! ✨

And finally, Basil's just a quirked up white boy 🤣 But no fr, I think he could have Irish or English ancestry :> just a silly guy 

My headcanons mostly line up with the fanon/Rae's ideas, but with my own slight spin... just very minor XD either that or just extra little details or nitpicks, I dunno 

But anyway, that's enough of that 😂 I just love these characters so much, they're so fun :')) 💕

• • • 

Alrighty, that's all for this chapter! 

I have the rest of today's batch in the next one, so I'll see you over there! 👋🏻

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