Last DTIYS Prizes, Collabs, and AP Studio... also some next gen :>

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I'm back XD

It's been a hot minute, so I'm gonna post three new chapters today :')) so sorry again for the dump! ;^;

Anyway, let's get to it XD

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So we left off on this page with miscellaneous things XD

New additions on this page are Tidal, a random girl I felt like drawing (idk XD), and Blaze...

There's also the Shadouge twins, and I wanted to slightly redesign the two :D Crystal got a whole wardrobe change, look at the model go <3 <3

And then we have a younger Cole :> Look at my boy 🙏🏻

I also just wanted to practice drawing his body proportions at the bottom left, he's a tall boi :>

• • •


I wanted to redesign Jase's shoes and gloves a little since I was redesigning the Shadouge kids XD I kinda just wanted to make them all look a little better :'))

So first we have Jase's actual redesign concept :D I wanted to make his gloves and shoes cooler and more different than Sonic's (unlike the previous ones XD)

While I was at it, I doodled Kali as well— I don't know how much I'm gonna change her design, tho 😅 maybe her shoe pattern at most.. and I needa actually design her sword 😩

Ooo and there's another Cole doodle XD

Then there's me panicking bc my group was presenting a project for mythology (we made it an animatic sort of presentation) but people actually laughed and enjoyed our presentation and the humor that was in it, so honestly, I was so fucking relieved afterwards and really happy with it 🤣 I was so scared we did it wrong but my teacher laughed, and she was like "Any brave soul willing to go after that presentation? Pretty hard to beat" XDD

Next there's an eye, and then I wanted to redesign Sonic and Blaze in my Next Gen story again 😅

I changed Blaze's gloves and shoes a little, not much changed about her bc I was already relatively happy with what her design was XD (I love her braid, damn it 😂)

As for Sonic, I gave him fluff/tuffs on his muzzle and chest and changed his scarf to a bandana XD I just figured it'd be more convenient for him 😅

I also changed his gloves and shoes a little, and I'm debating whether or not I should add some scars anywhere? At the same time, it's Sonic, he usually gets out of battles nearly unscratched XD I don't know what threat would really leave a scar on him.. unless I made something up, but my brain is too small for that right now 😂

So yeah, that's just me sketching out a bunch of ideas for Sonic and Blaze's designs XD

Also look at them being cute together on the couch 😌✨

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This whole page is full of Cole and Nina stuff XD

It contains spoilers for their story, but I've already shared a lot about them in this book, soooo 😂 I don't think that's an issue with many of you :>


Let's get to this then XD

The first doodle happens after a really uhh... extreme event 😅 It terrifies Nina and she's anxious, and when she sees Cole after he helped her, she just throws her arms around him and starts crying :')) he slowly embraces her as well (so it shows his character development! ^^). Then after a short moment of silence:

Nina: You give good hugs...
Cole: Do I?
Nina: Mhm...

They're my bbs 😭

Then I doodled an angry Andrew bc I always draw him grinning or like a psycho, so drawing him angry or hateful was fun XD

Next there's just a random doodle, I think it's of Nina? Her hair is extra flowy there 😂 another Cole doodle is next to that, and then there's a new character! :D

I don't know what her name will be. I think it's Ms. Marie as of right now, but she's a kind old lady that Cole helps out from time to time! I just created her when a friend and I were talking about my story and developing it, and I figured she would be very important to Cole's life after his escape from home.

What happens is that one day, Cole stumbles into town while looking for resources (he's been away from home for a few days now and the poor kid was starving and trying to survive), and he sees an old woman, Ms Marie, struggling with some groceries or something. Without a word, Cole picks up some of the goods and stands by her, waiting to see where he's supposed to put them. Ms Marie thanks him, of course, and together, they walk back to her place. She tries to strike a conversation with him, but she quickly notices that he's really not okay. She cooks up a meal for him as thanks and she tells him that she would appreciate more help from him from time to time, that he can come around whenever he wants and she can pay him for it. Of course, Cole needs money to sustain himself, so he immediately takes the offer, and he (shyly) says thank you. Ever since then, Cole has been helping out Ms Marie at least twice a week. He doesn't buy a lot of things other than food and possibly other clothes (which is rarely), so he doesn't need much money to keep himself alive XD

But yeah! ^^ I have something planned that I won't reveal, but I'm not sure if I'm going to go through with it 😅

Then there's Nina and Andrew! I want them to interact at some point before Andrew's reveal of him being the attacker and that he's Cole's brother XD Maybe they'd be in a shop or something, and they'd accidentally bump into each other 😂 Then I doodled Andrew tilting his sunglasses and saying, "It was a pleasure ma'am, have a nice day" to Nina after their short interaction :D

I'm also gonna note that Andrew is smart— he knows that the people around town know the attacker has bright eyes, so he hides his behind sunglasses or fake glasses (the lenses kind of hide them more ig XD). I was considering giving him contacts, but I don't think he'd just be able to find contacts anywhere, y'know? 😂

I have a side view doodle of Nina, and then Nina giving Cole a surprise smooch :> ❤️

I also felt like doodling them dancing in a ballroom setting, so there's that, another Nina doodle (but with her hair up this time 👀), and Cole with a tank top :D he showin off his muscle and where he wears his bandages on his arms XDD I don't know if he should have scars under those?? Maybe?? He might, I still don't know 😂

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Ughhh ew, I kind of hate this page XD

For a scholarship for a college I've been admitted to, I needed to put together a portfolio under my corresponding major. My major was undecided, so I just had to choose any one of the majors listed and make a portfolio for those :D I think I went with fine arts bc it lets me show of a variety of my work, so I figured, hey, I think showing the pencil sketches I do all the time would be cool to show— y'know, to let them see my process of ideas and stuff like I share them here :>

Looking back tho, I don't like all of these XD I have much better doodles in my school notebooks 😭

So first I doodled Cole in a few outfits and views. I doodled Avery as well bc my girly, I love her XD <3 There are a few miscellaneous sketches of random figures and outfits just for practice, and then I doodled a mermaid bc why tf not :D

There's a bunch of eyes (they be lookin— 👀), a random girl, a wing, Andrew (I hate this doodle, it looks like shit 😭), a crying girl (to show I can draw different emotions ig), a Sonk, a few hands here and there, Ezria my bb, and other random things XD

God I just realized how much I miss Ezria o.o I wish I could do more with her and that I was more motivated to :'))

Anyway, I'm gonna move onto digital drawings for this chapter! I have a bunch of more pencil sketches coming up in the next two, and I'm so ready to gush about them XDD

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The first group of digital drawings are the finished DTIYS prizes!! Agh, free at last 😌

I'm just glad I got them done and over with XD

So this first one was the other third place winner, my friend Dreamsiiickles! ^^ She wanted me to draw Scourge on a skateboard, so that's fun :D

This one was one of the second place prizes, which was for bluey.kat! I loved drawing it, their OC is so cute ❤️

The other second place prize was for my good friend Rechi_C on Twitter!! ✨ She wanted me to draw Charmy, she loves him— she's basically his CEO XDD

I like how it turned out for the most part 😂

And now for the first place winners! This one was for my friend Elira (sonic_comicsart) on Insta! ^^ I love his design so much 👀

She also hosted a contest for redesigning her Shadouge fankid for an alternate timeline comic I think! So I took part— It's not the best, but I just thought it would be fun :D I changed Maria's bangs a little, shortened her hair and I wrapped her jacket around her waist ✨

I didn't want to change too much of her design because it's an alternate timeline, not a whole different AU XD

And now, the last prize, also first place, for Shaye!! ^^ She had me draw Strypes (I hope I spelled his name right, I can't remember skdh), the bi boi :D

Bro I love his design 🤧

So that's it for the prizes! :D

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And now we have a few collabs with people XD

I got bored and felt like coloring some things, so I asked mutuals on Twitter if anyone wanted to collab or send sketches/line art for me to color 😂

And so I have like... six? 😅 and another one in progress 👀 (that mutual is still working on their line art, I'm not gonna rush them :>)

But yeah! Imma list these and talk about them :)

This first one was a collab with Meelwosh1. I let Meel take the reigns for the idea because I didn't really have any ideas, and I already planned other collabs with people 😂

I believe he drew a scene from Nazo Unleashed?? I know nothing about that series, but I tried my best with coloring it 😅 I'll be honest, it was hard to color bc he sent me the "line art"— line art as in with a black background and he inked Shadow in :'))

So I had to go over that line art and color Shadow in differently 😩

But here's the final product :>

Now for this one, I collabed with honeydew4u_! :D We decided to make it a trade— she offered to draw Tidal, so I thought it would be fair for me to draw Honeydew, her OC :D

So here's her line art of Tidal with my coloring (I LOVE HOW SHE DREW HER 😭❤️🙏🏻)

And here's Honeydew! :D She lined my sketch and colored it :>

Looking back, I feel like I could have done better 😂 But oh well.. her coloring's so pretty 👀

And here's a collab planned with Buckly20! ^^ We planned to draw Team Rose, but then they drew the main girlies instead.. which I'm completely fine with XD I loved coloring this 🙏🏻✨

Now the next two are already predone sketches that my friends offered :D gave me his sketch of Sonic to color, so there's this XD

And here, Crowbirddd gave me these sketches of Tails!! :D They're so cuteee 😭❤️

And that's it for the collabs! Again, there's one more in the works, so hopefully that'll come by soon! :D

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Aight, this is the last set of digital pieces for this chapter are my AP studio pieces! :D

So this first one— I'm pretty sure I didn't show it yet, but it's a revision of the Asgore piece. There were a lot of things I had to fix, and I figured I'd add more symbolism and stuff here and there considering what my teacher told me.

I put Asgore in tattered robes to remove his royal look, because then that makes him look like he's less. I changed the souls to children bc my teacher made a good point: "Why are hey in jars?" I told him, "Because that's how they are in the game." He told me, "Who said it has to be like it is in the game? Make it yours."

And so I went, yknow what, imma do that XD

But yeah, there's that revision XD

This one was an Omori piece!!

Also, just a heads up, I'm reaaaally into Omori now, my god I fucking love this game— it's so sad and depressing and it hits the feels so much, I cried 😭

So you're gonna be seeing some Omori art from now on o.o


This one :D 

God this game is depressing as f u c k 🤧

Anyway, I'm not gonna explain this piece in case you haven't played/seen it.. the game's only been around for a year 😂

I will say though, this game has serious topics nailed into it, and there are a shit ton of triggers/trigger warnings. It's psychological horror, but please give it a shot if you think you can handle it 🙏🏻 the story is worth it 😂


The next piece I did was for Deltarune, and my representative was Stanton XD

My god, I went nuts with this piece 😂

I used Spamton for this bc his story is actually kinda sad 😅 I figured he'd be good for my sustained investigation :> I changed his design a bunch by adding a lot more extra colors, giving him some puppet like features, stuff like that XD it kinda shows the chaos, y'know? 😂

Alrighty, and now, here's my most recent one, which was for Gravity Falls :D

I used Dipper and Mabel for this one considering their differing dreams and goals and such 😂

To kinda match their goals, I changed their designs to reflect them :D Dipper wants to do all the paranormal stuff his Grunkles do, and he's a lot more mature. He's ready to move towards the future, so I drew him as an adult, happy with where he's at in life.

Mabel, however, is a child because she wants to remain one and not move past her childhood. And she selfishly relies on Dipper, so she's trying to pull him back so he could be with her, not respecting that he's happy and that she might be happy too if she learns to move forward.

So uh, pretty deep pieces 😂😅

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But that's all I have for this chapter! I have two more coming up today!

See ya in those :D

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