Oh God Oh No Another Fandom?

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Yo yo! I'm back 😂

Sorry for the wait! College has been kicking my ass a bit, haha

I'm still drawing a lot though! I h actually have a lot of brainrot to offer XD

So! Let's get started, yeah? There are two chapters again, all full 😂

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So we left off on this page! The last doodle I talked about here was the one of Jack I'm pretty sure, so I'll carry on from there :)

Oh god, the first doodle is some Artvengers shenanigans again XD

I forgot the context, but one of my friends was just completely done with us, and another captioned it as "Breaking News: Local Man Has Had Enough" and we fucking cried 🤣 So I redrew it :>

Next I drew Hero bc he's a good boi 💕✨

And um

So new fandom, right? XD

I finished DRV3 and uh... I think I got really attached to DR again and I've been doodling them a lot so uhh... I guess I'm in now 😅

The characters are so fun! You can't blame me! 😭

So DR spoilers for all games ahead.. you've been warned XD

First I drew Shuichi because oh my god I love him he's a sweet babie boy and I just 💖

Then I drew Maki bc she's great too, then there's Kaede, a small Kokichi doodle (dude you don't understand he's such a little bitch but such a fun character aghhsdkg), and then I decided to draw the three protags :D

I love that both Shuichi and Hajime stood up for their emotions and endings, they both overcame so much :')) And ofc I had to draw Makoto next to them being proud because, y'know, Ultimate Hope and stuff 😂❤️

Unpopular opinion I think, I love Makoto :')) Yes he's a generic protag, but there's something about him I love ;^; I love all three protags so much aughhh

So warning, there will be a lot of DR doodles from now on XD

Alright, next page!

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Already, there's Kaede and Shuichi at the top XD I just game them different outfits and hairstyles bc I wanted to try it :D

Then of course we have our dose of Nina and Cole. That doodle is based off of a short story I wrote about them well after the story. Cole has nightmares and stuff about everything that happened, and Nina comforts him ;^;💕🙏🏻

Right under that is a doodle of me mentally prepping for college XD I uh, I'm already in college as I'm writing this lol

On the other side we have Hero, Jase, hand practice, and Hunter!

I also decided to draw Andrew so I can get a grasp of how to draw him (he's saying "Pathetic.." by the way—), Shuichi again bc babie (there's a flustered line he has that makes my heart melt sdsgkj), Luz, and then Cole 😂 right under him are eye doodles to fill the page 😅

Then I figured I'd draw Blaze again but in a different fit o.o I dunno, I just felt like getting a feel for how to draw Sonic characters again 😅

Oh! I was also thinking of redesigning Tidal a little bit, but only added those sleeve things and adding studs on her shoes. I just feel like I draw her too plainly 😂

Then we have another sad Cole, and there's a smol Omori ✨

Next page!

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First up there's GB Cole, aka Chloe 😂❤️

Then there's Silver, and then a shitty Shadow sketch along with an eye and gremlin me

And uhh... Shuichi again... 😅 are you guys catching on who one of my favorite characters is yet? XD

Next up is Rantaro!! I love him so much as well 💖 (just saying this now.. Shuichi and Rantaro are plaguing my sketches atm 😳)

OH it was Undertale's 7th anniversary that day, so I made a Frisk sketch!! I still adore the game ✨

There's also a random wing doodle, and eye, and a Sonic-like face for practice XD There's also a smol chibi Cole, and I tried whipping up a new version of my human Sans?? It's eh 😂

Oh there's also a doodle of a girl running bc I was listening to Rolling Girl and the image of her running towards the ledge was on my mind 😅

Then there's Blaze and a smol Nina, and then I finally drew Ezria again, a random doodle, Hajime bc I love him, and Omori :>

I have like two or three more pages of pencil doodles, but those will be continued in the next chapter ^^

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Before we get to digital stuff tho, I made this sketch during class (that I had to erase later bc I was taking notes), so I made sure to take a pic of it bc I kinda liked it 😂❤️

Shuichi and Kaede, but genderbent!

I imagine that Shuichi would still be like one inch taller than Kaede XD or maybe like just a smidge shorter since he's taller than Kaede in the original—

I love Saimatsu I'm sorry 😳

Now onto digital stuff XD

• • •

I'm gonna group all these together XD

Time for more Artvengers shenanigans!

So this first one needs context

We were kinda talking about a what if scenario, like if one of my friends was the Kevin Feige of DC and gave all the rest of us DC characters to write, who would each of us get and stuff

When they got to me, they had to think for a moment XD they were saying maybe Teen Titans since they're more up my alley style-wise, but then one friend wait "okay hold on, hear me out... Sweggy would write a great Jason Todd."

And uhh, y'know what? Considering my original story and stuff, I feel like I could if I did enough research 😂

So I decided to doodle him :)

Then another friend made a joke about Andrew and Jason being murder hobos so I doodled them off to the side 🤣

The next doodles are some Spider-Man designs from three of my friends since they have their own AUs/projects in the works XD

From right to left, we have Urban Legend Spider-Man from JusticeTalkz, Peter Parker's Spider-Man from TheArtsieGuy, and Marvel Redux Spider-Man from SpiderWitHyphen, all of them are on twitter ^^

I don't fully get the whole "this suit is good" and "this suit is bad" conversations they have but I'm just supporting them 😂

And uh next up

Another Artvengers moment—

Let's just say that Ma said something and so A and I decided to jokingly "beat him up" while Me watched 😅

So yeah jsdgkjh

There's that XD

Next... Justice made an alignment chart for the main Artvengers and it reminded me of the whole "draw your mutuals' pfps poorly" so I did that but with this 😂

These are all based on our Twitter pfps by the way!

They immediately put me as lawful good lmao

Vetto is neutral good, Mav is chaotic good, Nix is lawful neutral, Meel is the true neutral, Justice is chaotic neutral, and finally, Artsie is lawful evil, Hernán is neutral evil, and Yellow is chaotic evil 😂

Next there are a bunch of dumb doodles for inside joke purposes XD

I also hope you know that there's a self deprecation pattern in our group XD whenever one of them says something, I immediately send them virtual hugs, so that's what that first doodle is sjdhg

Then there's a besties graph because it's another joke that started XD 

At first, it was Y and me calling each other "bestie" and stuff because we found something in common that has to do with Olive Garden, so we are the Olive Garden duo lol

Then there was a joke where Y dumped me and A was like "You know what Sweggy, I'll be your new bestie" and we decided we'd be Blender Buddies bc there was a joke we kept quoting regarding Blender.. and then we decided we were also trauma buddies and another thing I can't remember, so A just went "Sweggy, I think we're BFFs." so there's that 🤣

anD THEN there was another fake falling out and A took J as his new bestie XD but as of now, it's established that Y and I are Olive Garden buddies, A and I are just BFFs, and A and J are besties XD there's a difference, yes

Next I drew myself with a Batman mask since we joke that I live in Gotham, and then I was having trouble with animation homework and I was slowly losing it jdksg so I drew that—

So that's enough of the Artvengers doodles for now XD


• • • 

These next doodles from when Mysti_Dreams and I were planning our collab XD (which you'll see later—)

There's just me being a gremlin and me testing out how Noi's (one of her characters I had to draw) eyes work

We also talked about how Noi and Deirdre, another character of hers, go on missions together, and Noi, who is male, can pull off being a woman better than Deirdre, who is female, can XD

And going off of the crossdressing jokes, I had Nina try to crossdress Cole 🤣

And then I had some random side studies—


I have a bunch of study sketches I didn't finish yet, so I'll post them next time XD

But yeah, next!

• • • 

So one of my instagram mutuals planned a collab with her mutuals, I think it's the Feels trend or something? 

She gave us all two lyrics each and we had to draw our sonas/OCs corresponding to those lyrics

So here are mine!

This one was supposed to be "As long as it shocks you" if I remember correctly

And this one was "Can I take it from you" I think? 😂 I dunno, she'll put it together XD

I obviously drew myself lmao

I don't really have a "sona," it's just me 😅

• • • 

I decided to draw my Sonic fan kids interacting with my mutuals' fan kids!!

I just saw some people drawing theirs and others' together so I wanted to ask my mutuals for theirs and see who they'd get along with XD

So, left to right from top to bottom...

Avery (my Silvamy daughter) and Lily (KirbyC00kie's Sonamy daughter)
Kuiper (DrStarline's Starline x OC son) and Coda (one of my Taiream sons)
Pearl (kaiiteaa's Knuxouge daughter) and Crystal (my Shadouge daughter)
Ryder (my Shadouge son) with Emeralda and Runic (QKora01's Knuxouge kids)
Rush (MinWabu's Sonaze daughter) and Kali (my Sonaze daughter)
Maple and Chipper (my other Taiream kids) talking to Null (SapphireScarletta's Infinite x OC kid)
and finally, Jase (my Sonaze son) and Pace (kaiiteaa's Sonamy daughter)

I just got the vibe that these groups would have some fun interactions based on what I knew about them XD

• • • 

Oh my god I remember this sitting in my Medibang drafts for so long and I finally finished it

Emerald Entrails!!! ❤️✨

I love this team so much ;^; <3

This was also good practice for drawing people from the back :>

• • • 

Okay, here's one of my older doodle sheets of Nina and Cole stuff

I will say though, the next chapter will have SO MUCH Nina and Cole brainrot, so be ready 😂😅

So yeah, obviously there's Cole, and I tried drawing Andrew again for practice.. but here it didn't go well and I had it in my drafts for forever soooo 😅

I wanted to draw Andrew being menacing since he's supposed to be scary too XD

I don't like the Nina doodle too much but... oh well, whatcha gonna do XD


• • • 

And now, the collab with Mysti that I teased earlier 👀

Here it is!!

From left to right, top to bottom!

I drew Cammie (Mysti's OC), Mysti drew Nina (my girl ✨), she also drew Cole (my son 🙏🏻❤️), and I drew Noi! 

We came up with fun character dynamics when coming up with the poses and stuff XD 

Even though my lineart changed a little soon after drawing this, I still really love this collab all together ^^💖

Here are closeups of the two I drew specifically!! 

Cammie was so fun to draw omg

Noi was also fun, I love drawing expressions like this in general :D 

Obviously we came up with outfits that fit our characters' personalities and stuff 😂 Mysti joked that the caption should be "Hot Topic vs Claire's" and honestly, that sums it up pretty well XD

Here are my concept sketches for Noi and Cammie's outfits, by the way! 

Just to get a feel for drawing them, yknow? ^^ 

• • • 

Last doodle for this chapter! ✨

It was an Omori artist's birthday recently, so I quickly doodled their OC/sona!

And of course I gave them the Omori plushie XD 

Their character is so lovely :')) 🙏🏻💕

• • • 

That's all for this chapter!! 

I'll see you guys in the next one, expect more brain dumps! (especially Nina/Cole and DR stuff—)👋🏻

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