New Host (Velocity: Infinite Form)

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(Short Story because I got caught up with my imagination)

"I knew you were going to come to me. And here you are."

"Don't make me your enemy."


Ever since Zero was released from the Phantom Ruby's grasp, it had lay dormant for a few months.

It was waiting.

One day, an unlucky ex-Resistance member had stumbled upon it. They realized what the jewel was at that very second she discovered it in the sand. She knew what it was, what it had done, and the consequences of touching the gem could be.

Velocity transmitted her location, signalling for pickup. Once she gave her wordless broadcast, some force had pulled at her heart.

Her vision turned into a blur and there was a sharp pain in her chest. As Velocity fell on her knees in the sand, she could only hear these words in her head.

"I have been waiting. You now belong to me, and there is no going back."

Velocity could barely breath because of the pain she was in. She clawed at her chest, seeing the gem fusing to the center of her spine. Nothing worked, the Phantom inside the gem only punished her with more agony.

For the first time in years, Velocity screamed.


Their hearts were beating as one. Thumping with the pattern of the Ruby. Velocity never felt so aware, so alive. Yet Velocity felt a anger, fear and paranoia growing in the back of her mind.

This isn't right, she thinks.

Everything I do is right, the voice says inside her head. Velocity's eyes go wide and realize what Zero had been put through was about to happen to her. Velocity knew she wouldn't last, she knew she wasn't as strong as Zero was.

As long as I am here, I am your God.

Velocity tries desperately to pull the gem out of her chest, knowing that it wouldn't be long before it is completely bonded with her, and if that happens, it will likely kill her to remove the Phantom Ruby.

I am not going to give you as much freedom Infinite had. You have already aggravated me enough as it is. Phantom takes control of Velocity's body. He tampers with Velocity's emotions, memories, rewriting some of the events so that her mentality would be completely different from who she used to be.

When Velocity grew aware of everything once again, she was wearing Infinite's mask. Phantom had salvaged it and altered the metal cover. Velocity's appearance had completely changed. Her personality, her aura, it was a new person.

We must kill Shadow, was her first thought with control over her form.

That is correct, Amaranthine. Why must we do this?

Because he is a bad man. The wolf who used to be named Velocity takes a step forward in the abandoned Eggman laboratory, the desert she was in long gone.

And because he had taken your voice away. Shadow killed your friends in your platoon almost a year ago, and left you with the memories. Phantom kept feeding Amaranthine lies, building her fury, what Phantom wanted. He tried to end your life recently, but I found you and kept you alive. I have returned your voice. Now, I will aid you in the murder of Shadow, Zero, Sonic and all the other Resistance rabble who left you to die.

Amaranthine stares at her hands, they were shaking. Anger and utter hatred was filling her, but it slowly faded away, being eaten away by emotional numbness.

I can make these emotions go away, Phantom tells Velocity. All I ask in return is that you do what I say. Do we have an agreement?

Amaranthine looks up blankly ahead. She walks outside and looks out over the cliff side, down at the city which was under heavy construction for a reason Amaranthine didn't know.

Her hand raises slowly, a blood red beam escapes her palm, the colour matching the bandana tied neatly around her neck. The ray of energy shoots down into the city, setting a flame and explosion to an apartment building with several construction workers surrounding being blasted to bits.

Amaranthine's limb lowers to her side, a smile grows on her face. The thought of payback and karma for leaving her behind brought a slight joy. Or what she thought was joy, something didn't feel right about this happiness, it felt artificial.

"Agreed," she says, her body floating up and soaring away to search for her new enemy.


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