Meet Ren!

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So, this is Ren.
She's 17 and normally a very quiet person, but once she gets excited about something she acts super childish.
Her favorite color is the shade of baby blue that her stuffed bunny is.
She had that stuffed toy ever since she could remember and always took very good care of it, never letting anyone beside her touch it as she was afraid whoever touched it that wasn't her would break it somehow.
That's about it for Ren.

I wanted to try something new with the way I colored the eyes and hair, so I just tried doing it the way that it was made in Show by rock Mashumairesh.
The flowers in the background have no meaning. Just put them there 'cause when you look outside my window you can see a bunch of roses and they're going crazy right now. Only a few days ago there were 4 or 5 and now it's too many to count.

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