A bit of insight about hell and a new character

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It's almost midnight ._. (well, where I'm from at least) ((Also this is literally just me rambling, but there is a picture i drew, so feel free to skip ahead to that))

I think at least most of us are familiar with hell, also known as the Underworld, Land of the Dead, Hades, Abode of the Damned, Helheim- yada yada The list goes on. But usually they all are really where the dead go.

But of course, things are never simple! And there's more to hell then you may think! Hell has layers, literally! You see, hell (I feel like people are gonna made at me for saying hell so much, so imma just say hades instead) separates into 9 different layers, or rather circles. There are many version's of hades, but I'm using the version from 'Dante's Inferno' (written by Dante Alighieri) as it's probably the most common (but still put my own twist to it).

(I do not own the image above)

The first circle is limbo. I honestly don't know how to describe those who goes there, so im not.

Also quite a few of them are literally just being the seven deadly sins tHat PlAgUe HuMaNiTy- (im sorry-). The listing being Lust---

But hey I'm back now :)

Any ways!!

Circle number two is Lust. It's basically where all the horny people go (⓿_⓿)

Moving on.

Next up is Gluttony, serving as Circle number three. People who over eat/ drink without actually caring about the food, if I did define that right. ( if I ever go to hades I'm definitely gonna end here /(ㄒUㄒ)/~~ )

The layer after Gluttony is Avarice and Prodigality, which is fancy talk for Greed. The ones who inhabit here are those who hogged all the money and spent it all on useless junk.

Circle number five is Wrath and Sullenness. Basically all the angry folks who just never bothered to see the joy in life.

Number 6 is Sloth (I know it say's heresy but I really don't feel comfortable with it, and because I'm putting my own twist to things I'm gonna change it up a bit). Those who never pull their weight around and never participate in group projects at school and work, and forever doomed to live in their parents basement.

Circle number 7; Violence. All those people who committed violent acts from murder to abuse to killing a lady bug would end up here

Thieves and liars make up the majority of Circle number 8 which has forever earned the name 'Fraud'.

Last but certainly not the worst (well, okay the worst), Circle number 9, Treachery. The traitors of the word above, the ones who backstabbed and betray the fragile line that is trust find themselves here once they move on. It's a place that we all dread. This is where famous names such as Satan, and Lucifer dwell.

And now that I have spewed all my brain guts that contained the information of hades right onto here, I shall now show you the character.

(not the best quality drawing I know ;u;)

Fun fact I got lazy while drawing the shading on this dude and gave him a bluish hue instead ._.

Also this guy doesn't have a name yet. If you have a name suggestion then feel free to tell me in the comments :)

A bit of insight of this character. 

See, in hell, Satan rules everything, and he has a bunch of..... uh...... idk champions(?) who go up to the world above to do whatever he commands them to do. It can be from killing sinners to retrieving his spicy pepperoni pizza with a side of those weird curly fries. But usually killing sinners.

He has many of these 'champions' and, while Lucifer is his favorite, our dear character from above is also one of his champions.

His entire palette is grey to even his blood being a bit saturated. He comes from the circle greed, and he has bit of a thing for belts. Whenever he goes to the world above he usually comes back with a belt, which he later paints grey-ish silver to match his aesthetic, the only contrasting color on him being his red necklace charm... thing(?)His shoes have jagged soles to better grip the icy ground of hell as a number of it is actually under extremely cold conditions despite it's often description of being on fire.

He's not generally cheerful and bit of a mood, but that may be why he's such a heartless killer. Of course though, he does care about some things, not leaving him as a complete sociopath (because he's not one)

Now, being one of Satan's champions doesn't come without flaws. You see, when some one finds out their about to die, they for some odd reason react by fighting back with whatever they have. Leaving him with torn up clothes. Of course, instead of just going through all the trouble of getting new clothes, he instead uses the belts to hold together his clothes, giving him his bold fashion statement!

His weapon of choice is the scythe, although he will use other items that invoke death if used upon a mortal being.

960 words well damn!! Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed my extremely long explanation and if you do have a suggestion for a name than please tell me ^^ I hope you have a good day or night

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