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Hi, Reader here. This is the last chapter of this art book.

As you all know, I'm not very active on this account anymore, but I do try to log on once in a while.

You see, the reason I started being inactive was because I copied the art style of Toastz_zz. I apologize for that again. I felt so ashamed that I logged off and didn't draw for quite a while. I hated my own style, so I tried to copy Toast's. It was very wrong of me. I'm very sorry for that. I hope you all will forgive me.

After around half a year, I'm back to check in on things. I did draw a bit lately. I still took inspiration from Toast, however, and I hope you don't mind. It's because I've gotten used to drawing in a similar style as yours. However, I am trying to add a few quirks of mine to further disintiguish our styles. I hope that's okay with you.

For example, I don't ink the lines anymore. Instead I do a quick sketch and color it in another layer, so it looks a bit rougher round the edges. I kind of like it better this way. I also draw the eyes a bit differently, and I do circles for the paws instead of stubs.

As I said, my style is still similar to Toast's, and it is still noticeable. I can't really change it now because it's how I normally draw. Here is some art that, hopefully, you can tell apart from Toast's:

First I did a Noah redesign and a sort of reference sheet. As you can see, his little tuft has changed a bit because it is how I like to draw my cats now. My drawings look much rougher and less neat, but I like drawing this way because it's a way to relax while drawing casual stuff and make it look nice at the same time.

The eyes look a bit different as well. I do a circle inside the other one now, instead of a curve inside a circle.

Also, I added this frame that really gives it a cozy feel. This should also help you guys tell apart Toast and I's styles, should I draw more stuff in the future.

A redraw of my fursona wearing a Hexside uniform:

The original was a lot worse, if I do say so myself. Then again, my style has changed a bit, and I've gotten better at drawing.

I still love The Owl House, if you're wondering. I was looking for things to redraw the other day and since I'm still smitten with this wonderful show, I redrew this photo. I'm in the Oracle Coven if you forgot :)

I love this drawing. My fursona looks playful and snarky, yet I'm doing something supposedly mysterious, which is staring into a (blank) crystal ball. I thought the sparkles were a nice touch. I also spent way more time on the background by blending colors than necessary.

Some doodles of Amity and young Eda, also from The Owl House:

I didn't color these two in because I was too afraid of ruining my mildly successful human drawings. I've come a long way since I drew that disgusting Noah persona haha. Still haven't mastered the knack of drawing human bodies though.

Pizza and pizza cat, respectively:

Notice the green frame I did for Pizza Cat up there? Yeah, it should be easy to recognize now.

What can I say about these two drawings? I was bored, okay? This was supposed to be practice, to get me back into drawing again. And it sort of worked I guess.

I'm good at drawing furries now. At least better than I was in the past.

And a half-finished drawing of a new OC:

I call him Caramel, Cara for short. I didn't know what to put in the blank space, so I left it blank. Again, the eyes are different from how I did them when I was a disrespectful copycat :/

Finally, I wish you all the best. You were a wonderful community, and I felt so loved and accepted. That's why I talked in "furry language" and why I slipped in so many emojis - I was trying to fit in.

Now that I'm looking back on it, I feel so stupid for it. But I was in need of a place where I could escape from reality, and when I stumbled upon all you amazing people, I tried my best to be one of you. I was never a furry, and never loved cats or dogs to the point that I drew them every day. I just did it so I could feel at home and not be an outsider like I usually am.

This is how I normally write and I hope you can accept the real me. Of course, I'm not going to be online on this account much. I feel like I've outgrown my drawing phase, and I'm tired of pretending to be something I'm not. Even though I'll never be who I was pretending to be any longer, that doesn't mean you guys helped me a lot. Stay cool :')

- Reader

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